Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Just wanted to thank you all for your sympathy about our sweet little hamster. The vet just called to check on him so it brought all the sadness back to me. :sad1: But we are trying to move on and boy does this worry me about how I will respond when our 13 year old dog goes! It's not going to be pretty!!

I have to tell you I painted my nails a seriously bright fuschia/hot pink last night. Trying to be perky and summery!!!

Oh and even though I don't think I've lost anything, I can notice a difference! I just put on an outfit I wore last week and my tummy is smaller! WOO HOO!!

Shelby :hug: and congrats on the changes in your body! :banana:

Jen - woo hoo - GOAL!!!:cheer2:
:banana: I have to start by saying how EXCITED I am...went to WW tonight and had lost 2.2 pounds this week and this puts me at goal! :banana:

Bree - this TOTALLY counts! I think it is great that you are getting the mani/pedi! I love having someone else take care of my feet especially and think I should skip doing my own and use one of my spa gift cards to go get one!
Great job Jen :woohoo:! Congrats and how exciting :cheer2:!

Super, I love mani/pedis, especially pedis! You should totally treat yourself to one as a reward for all your hard work :idea:!

::yes:: I miss those smilies in my RL!
I actually use some of those smilies IRL - I have a very expressive face :rolleyes:! My Mr. Yuck face is really good :crazy2:.

SarahMay – Great job :thumbsup2! We knew you could do it!

Congrats to everyone this week, especially Ltl Mermaid :cheer2:! And of course thanks to Shannon and Jen A.!

Lisa – Have an awesome trip!

DaniB – I agree with Jen A. – swimsuits are evil :headache:!

I get to go to Ikea later to pick up some things for my mom and me. I love Ikea :love:! Unfortunately, it kind of screws up our dinner plans. My mom will feed DS while I'm at the store, but I may just end up making myself a sandwich when I get home since it will be late. Maybe egg salad - I love egg salad too - hey, it'll be a night of things I love :love: :goodvibes!

I hope to check in later before I leave work. Have a great day everyone!

Wow! I am so excited :cheer2: and surpised that I was the BL for the week, though I guess the weight comes off easier the first week of healthy diet/exercise!

:cool1: Congrats to everyone else, especially those who have the willpower to stick with it month after month! My willpower isn't the strongest and I hope to try and stick to this as best I can!

I have been doing really good the past few days and am noticing a difference in terms of how clothes are fitting and also how I am feeling! I hope this long vacation weekend doesn't derail all my work! ;)

I just bought some 3 pound weights to use while walking and also at work. I have a desk job so it is nice to have something productive to do (in terms of my goals) while at work! I know 3 pounds isn't much but I hope to upgrade to 5 pounds soon. Since my arms are so weak I wanted to start small!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!!!
Shelby -- I am so sorry about your sweet furbaby hamster. I am sure there is a hole in your family where Stuart is missed. Sending you a :hug:

jenanderson -- WOW! I can't wait to hear about your job search in Florida, though I am sorry to think of you leaving your beautiful neighborhood. Woohooo!! I just read you reached your WW goal. WOohoo!!! SO happy for you!! :woohoo: :banana:

Congratulations to all the WISH BL participants this week!! Shannon, thank you so much for listing the top "11" spots of losers this week and not just the top 10. :lmao: It made me feel so special! :hug: Major, major kudos to Ltl Mermaid!!! :woohoo::yay::cheer2::flower3:

Thank you again to Shannon for being the weight keeper :flower3: and to JenA for keeping track of the COW. :flower3: You guys are awesome! :worship:

Dinner tonight will probably be Cheesecake Factory for DH's birthday. I am pretty sure I'll order my favorite dish and then bring leftovers home and split them between lunch and dinner tomorrow. I am being a perfect angel until dinner so that I can save my points for the splurge. :)

QOTD2 ~ Tuesday: Name one thing that not many people know about you.

I was born blind.
Jen - woo hoo - GOAL!!!:cheer2:

Great job Jen :woohoo:! Congrats and how exciting :cheer2:!

Thanks guys! Even though I do not think I am where I really want to be at in the end, it is exciting to reach my goal for WW. I am looking forward to staying at or below goal for 6 weeks and then not paying to go to the meetings any more! :cool1:

:cool1: Congrats to everyone else, especially those who have the willpower to stick with it month after month! My willpower isn't the strongest and I hope to try and stick to this as best I can!

I have been doing really good the past few days and am noticing a difference in terms of how clothes are fitting and also how I am feeling! I hope this long vacation weekend doesn't derail all my work! ;)

Sounds like you are doing all the right things so congratulations again on your loss this week! I have found that my will power comes and goes. There are times that it is great and other times that I still struggle and feel like I am fighting a battle with myself. The most important thing is to remember all the good parts and that you are doing this to make a lifestyle change. When I think about that, it makes it easier to get back on track again.

Well, DH and I ran 3.6 miles already. I am at my SIL's pool - haven't gone in yet because it is COLD! :scared1: I have turned the heater on and hope to be swimming laps soon. We have done a lot of work cleaning the pool and around it all (BIL and SIL are out of town for 4 weeks and said we can use the pool if we help keep it clean).

Hope everyone has a healthy and happy day!
I'll take cold. We are about to go to our outdoor graduation and it is already 88. We are in a shaded amphitheater but it is still too darn hot out there.

Talk to you tonight
I was so on track yesterday :cool1: Hope to stay that way the rest of this week :cool1: I am certainly inspired by all of the losers here. We leave on vacation 3 weeks from today so I need to really put in the extra effort now.
Well, we ate "dinner" at lunch time again since we were all here and DD has swim tonight. It was grilled marinated chicken thighs, couscous salad (I finally tweaked the recipe and it is similar to the moroccan restaurant in WS!), and purple cauliflower.

One thing that people might not know about me...

DS was born on the side of the road. I guess I waited around at home a bit too long! But thankfully everything went fine and all was well in the end.

I'm sitting down to do my menu planning for the next few weeks. I hate doing it, but I love not having that moment every day of "oh crap, what's for dinner?".


That is exciting!! Did your DH help deliver him?

QOTD1 ~ Tuesday:

What is for dinner tonight?

chicken on the grill with squash and zucchini and maybe some sweet potatoes... notice a trend, we cook on our grill at least 3 times a week maybe more esp during the summer

QOTD2 ~ Tuesday:

Name one thing that not many people know about you.

... I got nothing, I'm a bad secret keeper lol

Yummm... your dinner sounds fantastic!

Sorry to hear about stuart. I had a hampster when I was in middle school and she was the friendliest hampster ever. The day she died I was so heart broken I cried for hours. I hope you and your family are doing ok. :hug:

Wow thats quite a move. I would love to move if we didnt have our family so close. Good luck I hope it works out for you.

Ok I think you win....that is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of.:eek:

QOTD-dinner? Eating at my parents tonight. Most likely we will throw chicken breasts on the grill and I think I will eat a homegrown sliced tomotoe as a side.

QOTD- My secret???? I have a disorder called trichotrillomania. Its a form of OCD/anxiety. As a kid I would pull out my hair for no reason and I had bald spots all over. They sent me to the school nurse and called my parents. My mom recently had gone back to work and they thought it was the stress of the change. My mom told me to stop and I did. Then last summer shortly before my disney trip I noticed a bald spot forming in the front of my hairline. I realized I was rubbing at my head all the time when I was thinking or even talking. I did this so obsessively that I had small bald areas all over my head. I made a point to stop myself from doing this and now my hair is growing back. Its a very embarrassing topic so I dont talk about it to many people. Im sure some people wonder why I have pieces of hair that are different lengths but only a few spots are noticable. I try to cover it well. There is no treatment for this so I just try to remind myself to stop when I feel myself going to rub at my head. Sorry for the long explanation!!!

One of my best friends has trichotrillomania. :hug:
:eek: Okay, I first read this as "you ate your daughter for breakfast." :scared1:

I figured that was wrong, but then it took 3 more reads of your post before I figured out you meant Dunkin Donuts. :rolleyes: :lmao:

I thought the same thing! :rotfl:

I don't know how to swim.It's embarrassing, but I get very panicky in water over my head. I don't know how Michael has become such a fish. He did swimming lessons and at age 2 was jumping off the deck into my brothers pool. I guess that's how he's such a fish, but I've never been comfortable in deep water. I've talked of taking lessons, but never get around to it.

My mom doesn't know how to swim either... and she is terrified of water. She grew up in Florida and went to the beach every weekend with friends and was terrified to go near the water. WHen I was a teenager, my dad bought a boat and my mom refused to go on it.

Do you ever have one of those days when you can't stop eating!!!!!!popcorn::
This is my 3rd one in a row! Starting tp get into a funk:mad:
Weigh in is on Friday and i need to become a little more determined!!:rolleyes:

Today is another day!! :hug:

:banana: I have to start by saying how EXCITED I am...went to WW tonight and had lost 2.2 pounds this week and this puts me at goal! :banana:

Whooo hooo!!!! That is awesome!!

I am horribly afraid of flying objects. I played varsity badminton (and have 2 state championship titles) and I was afraid of the birdie. :rotfl:

This made me giggle. :hug:

Since January, I have lost 27 lbs (as of last Thursday).

I thought, really thought, that would be enough to go down a size.

Not according to my swimsuit. I just tried it on tonight, realizing that if I was lucky enough, I would need a new one for Sunday.

(sigh)... not so lucky... :sad1:

And yet I'm sure I lost a size when it comes to wearing my shorts/jeans/pants. They are all loose. My jeans, so much that I won't wear them. I just don't want to purchase another pair until I lose more weight.

Congrats on your 27 pound loss!! That is amazing! :)
I had half a chicken breast (teriyaki) with a small portion of mashed potato, a boiled egg and a bit of cottage cheese.


Hey all, sorry I have been mia the past week or so...been busy with work, kids,! I am pleased to say though that it has been a good week health wise! As you may remember I went to Wenatchee a couple weekends ago and brought 7.8 lbs home with me to my weigh in last tuesday at WW. Well, I am pleased to say that at todays meeting I lost all of that weight plus 1 lb! Also, I only have 1 day left of the C25K! It is hard to believe! When I started it I had no idea I could do so much! I am so glad I stuck with it! I feel a lot more confident and even though I haven't lost a bunch of weight since I started it I have been getting tons of compliments from people and have lost a bunch of inches which I am sure I can attribute to the program!

Hope everyone is well and having a great summer so far!


Oh, and my son tied his shoe all by himself for the first time today! Also, my baby girl is turning 2 tomorrow! Oh, and my son caught his first fish at a fishing derby last saturday! Soooooo fun!

Congrats on your loss!! That is really fantastic!! Happy b-day to you little one tomorrow! :)

Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

#11- TIE at 1.25% - keenercam & DaniB
#10- 1.36% - aamomma
#9- 1.43% - pjlla
#8- 1.53% - Piglet18
#7- 1.56% - Worfiedoodles
#6- 1.67% - mommyarewegoingback
#5- 2.04% - JOANNEL
#4- 2.08% - MJonesMBA2001
#3- 2.57% - Craftydawn
#2- 2.72% - njcarita

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 3 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.88% - Ltl Mermaid

Congrats to ALL our losers!! :cool1:

Have a great day all! It's 4:15 am here -- plane leaves in 3 hours! :dance3:

Have a wonderful trip, Lisa! You will be missed!!
Shelby -- I am so sorry about your sweet furbaby hamster. I am sure there is a hole in your family where Stuart is missed. Sending you a :hug:

jenanderson -- WOW! I can't wait to hear about your job search in Florida, though I am sorry to think of you leaving your beautiful neighborhood. Woohooo!! I just read you reached your WW goal. WOohoo!!! SO happy for you!! :woohoo: :banana:

Congratulations to all the WISH BL participants this week!! Shannon, thank you so much for listing the top "11" spots of losers this week and not just the top 10. :lmao: It made me feel so special! :hug: Major, major kudos to Ltl Mermaid!!! :woohoo::yay::cheer2::flower3:

Thank you again to Shannon for being the weight keeper :flower3: and to JenA for keeping track of the COW. :flower3: You guys are awesome! :worship:

Dinner tonight will probably be Cheesecake Factory for DH's birthday. I am pretty sure I'll order my favorite dish and then bring leftovers home and split them between lunch and dinner tomorrow. I am being a perfect angel until dinner so that I can save my points for the splurge. :)

QOTD2 ~ Tuesday: Name one thing that not many people know about you.

I was born blind.

I love Cheesecake Factory. I haven't eaten there since my "lifestyle change".... :cloud9:

I'm running behind today because I had to have an ultrasound this morning and it took longer than I thought.

I have Orange Crush polish on my toes. It's orange-y and shiny! I think it is from Mary Kay.

QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:

What is for dinner tonight?

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?
LISA- I NEED TO BE WITH YOU!!!!!! My kids are already driving me crazy and it's only day 3 of vacation! Of course PMSing isnt' helping!

I'm going to break my rule and have a drink tonight! It's so hot and i'm grumpy!

Heading to our library in a few to sign up for the summer reading program and pick up a few books. Dad wants a specific book and want to get some beginner reader books for my 5 year old. DD1 will probably get a couple of books as well. They are both going to bed early tonight as they whined and wouldn't take no for an answer while shopping so that's what happens!

I hope to do the elliptical when I return from the library if I can stand the heat! Had McD's for lunch as we needed something quick while shopping!
QOTD: Dinner tonight is spaghetti, either a jar sauce or I'll make one with some canned crushed tomatoes that I have!

My last healthy meal would be a big grilled chicken caesar salad from Mara that I would share with my DH as it's huge!

My last unhealthy meal would be fried scallops and clams with a large order of onion rings!
QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?

You are warped!:lmao: I don't think I have an answer to this...I can honestly say this is one time I wouldn't have an appetite!
QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:
What is for dinner tonight?
Probably an egg salad sandwich, but it depends on what time I get back from Ikea :love: !

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:
You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?
Oh, another hard one. If I did something bad enough to be there I wouldn’t have an appetite… my guilty conscience would have done me in a long time before the justice system would have had a chance! So, if I did end up at that point, it would mean I was really innocent, but apparently had a horrendous lawyer… then I’d choose Morton’s or something super expensive and make the bad lawyer pay for it - at that point it wouldn't matter what the food was, as long as it was the most expensive thing I could find :rolleyes1 !

QOTD1 ~ Wednesday: What is for dinner tonight?

Running day again, so... sandwich. I'd do something different, but this seems to work pretty well.

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday: You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?

I have to agree with Jennz that this is a little demented, but... If I was going to have a "last meal", I really think it would be BREAKFAST. Bacon, eggs, sausage, homemade biscuits, gravy, hash browns, grits, pancakes. Yes, THE WORKS. I love all kinds of breakfast food. Oh... and chocolate filled donuts from Shipley's. On second thought - I'm enjoying this a bit too much - maybe *I* am the demented one. :rotfl:

I have an extreme emotional attachment to breakfast. When I was a growing up, my dad worked shift work, so his work and sleep schedule changed every 3 or 4 days. When he worked the "graveyard" shift, he would get home while we were getting ready for school. Occasionally he would get home just a bit earlier and he would make us a big breakfast and we'd all sit down to eat together. To this day, he makes the very best buttermilk biscuits EVER. Those were great mornings. :cloud9:

And, as for the donuts... when we were kids, my sisters and I would spend a week or so with my grandparents each summer. Of course we had good, cooked breakfasts there too, but what I remember most is that on at least one morning of our week, Papa would go pick up Shipley's chocolate-filled donuts and have them there waiting for us when we woke up. We didn't have Shipley's were we lived so this was a once-a-year treat for us and we LOVED it. :lovestruc

I just looked over my shoulder and a picture of Granny and Papa caught my eye - our last Christmas with both of them in 2000. I really do miss them so much. :sad1:
QOTD1 ~ Wednesday:

What is for dinner tonight?
I'm going to have the rest of the salad from yesterday with some ham and cheese in it before we go to a minor league baseball game. Michael and my nephew will eat at the game. I will have one treat at the game, either a big ice coffee or a soft serve ice cream. I will not eat a hotdog, fries or anyother junk I don't need. then when I get home, for being so good at the game, I will have a small ice cream cone. I have some light coffee.

QOTD2 ~ Wednesday:

You are making a trip down the green mile... what is your last unhealthy meal? Healthy meal?
I'd go with my mom's baked macaroni and cheese with chopped ham in it and buttered ritz crackers on top. That's if I'm not too anxious to eat.

LISA- I NEED TO BE WITH YOU!!!!!! My kids are already driving me crazy and it's only day 3 of vacation! Of course PMSing isnt' helping!
:hug: Ah, summer vacation. Michael goes to camp most of it, but wishes he could stay home, his friends that stay home, wish they could go to camp. I wish I could stay home and go to camp. Hang in there, tracey. September will be here before you know it.

Hey all, sorry I have been mia the past week or so...been busy with work, kids,! I am pleased to say though that it has been a good week health wise! As you may remember I went to Wenatchee a couple weekends ago and brought 7.8 lbs home with me to my weigh in last tuesday at WW. Well, I am pleased to say that at todays meeting I lost all of that weight plus 1 lb! Also, I only have 1 day left of the C25K! It is hard to believe! When I started it I had no idea I could do so much! I am so glad I stuck with it! I feel a lot more confident and even though I haven't lost a bunch of weight since I started it I have been getting tons of compliments from people and have lost a bunch of inches which I am sure I can attribute to the program!

Hope everyone is well and having a great summer so far!


Oh, and my son tied his shoe all by himself for the first time today! Also, my baby girl is turning 2 tomorrow! Oh, and my son caught his first fish at a fishing derby last saturday! Soooooo fun!
:yay: Nice job on the c25k and getting back on track and losing that vaca weight!!! My son learned to tie his shoes last fall, at the beginning of second grade. We had tried several times earlier without success. Congrats to your ds!!

You can make changes! Here's some of my favourite quotes about this:
If I go off plan, immediately get myself right back on track and don't worry about what I didn't do, but concentrate on what I can do, each and every day!
By lisah0711

the very next bite is a chance to do it right
by keenercam

I think I can believe in myself today and it will help me continue to meet my goals. In the past I have always given up thinking Im too far gone and cant be helped. I have now realized with every food decision and every choice to run/workout if I just believe that I can really do this it will help me to continue to make the right choices. Even when I slip and make a bad choice, if I still tell myself its ok....the next choice will be better it will help me to keep going on the right path.
by mommyof2Pirates
Thanks for these. I need these today. I ate two small pieces of chocolate cake at work today, and I know the baseball game will be challenging too, but I'm determined to get back in control.

Here are the top numbers for the COW

26 points

27 points

28 points

A big congratulations to everyone on the list and thanks to everyone who sent in their numbers!

New to the COW….PRIZES!
Now, I printed out all the names of those who participated and drew one name from Part 1 (reporting your points) and one name from Part 2 (chatting about your new exercise). If your name is selected as the winner for one of our prizes, please send me a PM with your address information so I can send your prize!

PART 1 WINNER = mikamah
PART 2 WINNER = sherry

Congrats to all who did the cow, and to me and sherry for being the lucky winners of the prizes!! I'm so excited. Thank you so much, Jen.

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 3 Superstars!!
#11- TIE at 1.25% - keenercam & DaniB
#10- 1.36% - aamomma
#9- 1.43% - pjlla
#8- 1.53% - Piglet18
#7- 1.56% - Worfiedoodles
#6- 1.67% - mommyarewegoingback
#5- 2.04% - JOANNEL
#4- 2.08% - MJonesMBA2001
#3- 2.57% - Craftydawn
#2- 2.72% - njcarita

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 3 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.88% - Ltl Mermaid
Whoo hoo!!! Congratulations ltl mermaid and all the top losers!! Also a big thank you to Shannon, our fabulous weightkeeper for all your hard work.

And, as for the donuts... when we were kids, my sisters and I would spend a week or so with my grandparents each summer. Of course we had good, cooked breakfasts there too, but what I remember most is that on at least one morning of our week, Papa would go pick up Shipley's chocolate-filled donuts and have them there waiting for us when we woke up. We didn't have Shipley's were we lived so this was a once-a-year treat for us and we LOVED it. :lovestruc

I just looked over my shoulder and a picture of Granny and Papa caught my eye - our last Christmas with both of them in 2000. I really do miss them so much. :sad1:
:hug:It is so hard to lose our loved ones, but it is so nice to have good memories that bring them back into our thoughts often.

Well, not great on the food today, but not giving up either. I have tomorrow off since Michael has a half day and it's his last day of school. I am planning to go for a run when he gets on the bus and start the day right. I need to go clean up the kitchen now and throw some laundry in, and may do a little scrapping before the game tonight.

Have a nice evening.:)
Back from the library where the girls and I signed up for the summer reading program. Going to be fun!

Girls got lots of books and DD1 has already started reading to DD2. Doesn't start until Monday officially but at least they are excited about it!

Did anyone feel the Quebec earthquake this afternoon? Didn't feel it here but they felt it at the MoS in Boston.

Guess I should start thinking about starting supper!Seriously thinking about doing the taco salad tonight! It's quick and easy and the house is so hot right now and I get my veggies in when having it!
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