Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Hoping all of my Minnesota losers are ok! Please post!

Gorgeous day here! Gonna be hot later. Swimming and cookout later today. Walked once this morning and walking again after putting DD1 on the bus. Then I'll do my weigh in!
:rotfl::hug::hug:YOu crack me up. Hope you got a good nights sleep to tackle the rest of all you need to do today. 2 more days and all this will be behind you and you'll be in that wonderful magical place with your loving family making new memories. :cloud9:

Well, I am happy to be down .6 again this week. All those little losses will add up. I am also at a new low for 2010 at 209.2!! The last challenge, I went up and down from 212-209.8-216, so I"m happy to be at a new low, and in a new decade, with plans not to see the two-teens again!!! Gotta keep tracking and I'll get to ONE-derland!!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Whooo hooo!!!!! You will be in one-derland very soon, I feel it. Tracking and 5K's? You are soooo almost there!!!! Congrats on a new low for 2010!

I :rotfl2: reading what I posted last night. I honestly don't remember doing it! I do have bunches to do today, but thanks to that run that I didn't skip, feel mentally ready for it. Right now, anyway!

I just found out my schedule for next year has changed yet again and it is freaking me out. I found out that someone else from the department may be leaving. She has been teaching calc with me for the last couple of years. I am going to miss having someone to bounce ideas off. With her possibly leaving I am going to be having 2 new preps and teaching 4 different preps. The other two I have taught before but they are all honor courses so these are courses you really need to be on your toes for.

Whew!!!! I can't imagine! Math is soooo not my strong suit. I told a principal one time that I couldn't ever teach over 1st grade, b/c that's the limit of my math skills! Don't think about it right now, just enjoy the end of school and the summer ahead!

Hoping all of my Minnesota losers are ok! Please post!

When I first read that, I was trying to think of what Minnesota teams were playing last night. Then I happened to remember a little blip when I was looking up the weather for Orlando. Isn't JenA from MN? I know they are at the cabin already. Who else? Corinna maybe?

I AM DOWN 1LB!!! :woohoo: I am actually thrilled with that, after the week I've had. Yeah, I would have loved to hit "normal" BMI before WDW, but I'll take not having a gain. That will be next week's. Actually, I guess I need to ask for an excused absence next weekend, don't know if I will be able to get to a scale. I have been putting my weight into spark, and it gives you a little graph if you set a goal. I :ssst: set a goal of 146 by my birthday on Sept. 5. I wasn't going to share that, but the cat's out of the bag now. Shucks, now SOMEONE's going to hold me accountable. Not really sure why I picked that number?? Anyway. I am under the goal line by a few pounds, so I have a tiny bit of wiggle room for next week.

Gotta get busy! Good luck to everyone on the scale today!
I tried running this morning because my ankle was feeling better so now I'm elevating/icing it....I just really want the sprain to heal its really frustrating becuase once again I maintained my weight because I can't excersize. I seriously just want to give up



Just thought I'd share my massive gain this week to make everyone who didn't lose or had a slight gain feel better. ;)

Hi, all. I haven't been around this week. I've been on a road trip and brought part of the road home with me. I left with a plan to exercise without my trusty treadmill. Bought cute new workout clothes, a water bottle holder, made sure my mp3 was charged and full of tunes. But the 100-degree southern heat beat the crap out of me. Spending just an hour outside wiped us out for hours. You can't drive more than a block or two in my Ohio town without seeing walkers and joggers. In Arkansas it was dead. How do you southerners do it?

I also gave up on my diet after 2 days. Grandma kept trying to feed me, and succeeded. By the last leg home yesterday, I was eating Hershey's bars and coconut cream pie. And feeling like crap. Wish I could say it was worth it. Most of it definitely wasn't.

Will have to work like heck this week to get some of it off. Hoping a little will also come off when my stomach relaxes and I get back to a regular, ahem, "routine." :rolleyes:

So there ya go. If you're not happy with your numbers this morning, you can still say "at least I didn't suck as bad as THAT chick." :teeth:
we'll I'm down 5 lbs...... amazing..... diet and exercize really does work:rotfl2:....

I tried running this morning because my ankle was feeling better so now I'm elevating/icing it....I just really want the sprain to heal its really frustrating becuase once again I maintained my weight because I can't excersize. I seriously just want to give up

DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! If you push the running, it won't heal, hon! Take it easy, and think of things you can do that won't make you use your ankle, crunches, arm work, etc. You'll tone. Is swimming an option? I loved to swim when I had an ankle injury. Drink lots of water, maybe cut your calories back a bit to make of for the loss of cardio, BUT DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

Just thought I'd share my massive gain this week to make everyone who didn't lose or had a slight gain feel better. ;)

How do you southerners do it?

Will have to work like heck this week to get some of it off. Hoping a little will also come off when my stomach relaxes and I get back to a regular, ahem, "routine." :rolleyes:

So there ya go. If you're not happy with your numbers this morning, you can still say "at least I didn't suck as bad as THAT chick." :teeth:

I am sorry. But you didn't get to be last the challenge winner by having this as a habit! It was a blip in the road, and you'll get it off soon! Lots of water, extra fiber, exercise, you know what to do! As for southerners, I'm not as southern as Arkansas, but I can tell you, 5:45 am. That's the only way I get it done! I may be posting the same thing next week! As for the last part, at least you've still got your sense of humor. ;)
Happy Birthday pjlla!

Happy Birthday Pamela

Thank you!!

Well, I am happy to be down .6 again this week. All those little losses will add up. I am also at a new low for 2010 at 209.2!! The last challenge, I went up and down from 212-209.8-216, so I"m happy to be at a new low, and in a new decade, with plans not to see the two-teens again!!! Gotta keep tracking and I'll get to ONE-derland!!!

I'll be back, gotta go fight the boy into the shower now.:scared1:

Have a great day everyone!!

WOOHOO!!! :cheer2: You are doing it! Congratulations on the NEW LOW!! It must feel wonderful!

we'll I'm down 5 lbs...... amazing..... diet and exercize really does work:rotfl2:....

Funny how that works, huh? GREAT JOB! ...............P



Just thought I'd share my massive gain this week to make everyone who didn't lose or had a slight gain feel better. ;)

Hi, all. I haven't been around this week. I've been on a road trip and brought part of the road home with me. I left with a plan to exercise without my trusty treadmill. Bought cute new workout clothes, a water bottle holder, made sure my mp3 was charged and full of tunes. But the 100-degree southern heat beat the crap out of me. Spending just an hour outside wiped us out for hours. You can't drive more than a block or two in my Ohio town without seeing walkers and joggers. In Arkansas it was dead. How do you southerners do it?

I also gave up on my diet after 2 days. Grandma kept trying to feed me, and succeeded. By the last leg home yesterday, I was eating Hershey's bars and coconut cream pie. And feeling like crap. Wish I could say it was worth it. Most of it definitely wasn't.

Will have to work like heck this week to get some of it off. Hoping a little will also come off when my stomach relaxes and I get back to a regular, ahem, "routine." :rolleyes:

So there ya go. If you're not happy with your numbers this morning, you can still say "at least I didn't suck as bad as THAT chick." :teeth:

But think about this..... you did several things RIGHT..... first of all, you got on the scale to evaluate the damage. You didn't keep putting it off until tomorrow (and tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow).

Second of all, you came back here with us and put on your big girl panties, acknowledged the problem, and talked about how you are going to deal with it.

You're right.... getting back into the "routine"will definitely help. I think you might be amazed at how much of that 8.6 will disappear this week if you are DILIGENT about staying on plan... including food tracking, water, and exercise.

You ALSO have an opportunity to write up a solid plan about how you are going to deal with this situation when it comes up again. Spend some time today thinking about what you would do if you could go back and have a "re-do" of this week. Would you bring your own food to Grandma's? Bring an exercise DVD along so you could exercise inside with the air conditioning? Bring a cooler full of healthy snacks for eating in the car? How would you change it?

Also add how you are feeling TODAY... bloated? guilty? out of control? Express that feeling of "it wasn't worth it".

NOW... pull out a pad of paper (or sit at your computer) and WRITE THIS PLAN DOWN. And next time you are faced with this same situation (or even something similar), pull it out.... and FOLLOW IT!!

Happy Friday morning all! I'm a bit sad that my Wednesday weight didn't stick around..... and I can't imagine why not. But I'm still down a bit from last week and that is a good thing. Today will be a big splurge day with dinner and the movie, but I've been planning for it and I'm okay with it. And I am taking the day off from exercise.

I have to laugh about my change of attitude about exercise. I used to have to talk myself INTO exercising.... and it took some work!! Now I have to talk myself OUT of exercising. I kept telling myself to get up and get moving this morning, even though I had planned the day off. I KNOW that I need the occasional day of rest from exercise and that it will help me be stronger in the long run. But I'm always afraid that I am one step away from going back to that point where I NEVER exercise. But a planned day off is OKAY!! I just have to keep reminding myself of that!

I'm off to enjoy my super fun relaxing day of celebration. I hope everyone has a super weekend.............P
Back from my 2nd walk of the morning. Going to go take a shower and get ready for my day. I'll do my weigh in and post again later. I should be ok. I'm going to keep walking.
I'm up .8 this week. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still don't want to see a plus there. I hope I can turn things around this weekend.
I was shocked when I got on the scale this am!! I am down 5 lbs. I did do a lot of sweating yesterday, between mowing and walking on the beach, so I hope it doesn't come back as soon as I drink water!!

Today is our anniversary 27 years. My romantic husband wants to go to Five Guys burgers & fries!!! There is nothing low cal on that menu!!! It's brand new to our area so I won't argue with him!!
I was shocked when I got on the scale this am!! I am down 5 lbs. I did do a lot of sweating yesterday, between mowing and walking on the beach, so I hope it doesn't come back as soon as I drink water!!

Today is our anniversary 27 years. My romantic husband wants to go to Five Guys burgers & fries!!! There is nothing low cal on that menu!!! It's brand new to our area so I won't argue with him!!

Happy Anniversary! party:

It's our 16th today too. We have no plans tonight, but will go somewhere tomorrow to celebrate.
Good morning all!

Thank you again, cclovesdis, for being our coach last week and :welcome: to our new coach this week, maiziezoe! You guys rock! :rockband:

Please be sure and PM those weight numbers to LuvBaloo and COW numbers to jenanderson today. :flower3:

I was up .5 but managed to hang on to my 40 pound clippie. The big challenge will be hanging on to it through my DLR vacation next week. I think I need to make a plan.

Thanks Lisa (when I type your name I say "Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeesaaaaaaaaaaaa" to myself because that's what I call my favorite neighbor. lol)

I am excited to be the coach next week. I have some fun questions... and every day I am going to ask "what's for dinner?" I am hoping it will help others in the group think of new things to eat when the dreaded meal time is approaching.

:rotfl2: That's a lot nicer than some people call me! ;)

I'll be looking forward to the dinner answers. Why is it so hard to figure this out? Maybe it is the night after night thing? :confused3

:hug: Awww, thank you! He's 13 now and I know our time with him is limited. :sad1: He brings us so much joy!!!!

I thought it was funny that he obviously had dirt on his nose but was looking like "no, not me, haven't been doing anything but sitting in the ivy here." :cutie:

:flower3:For those who are having a difficult week or who are not feeling well, keep your head up! Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to do better, continue to make great choices and keep moving.:)

I however am having some will power issues. I got my old breakfast today at mcdonalds:headache: #3 which is a bacon egg and cheese biscuit and hashbrown. I take off the egg. It was 11 points. then I had a 6" turkey sandwich from subway for 6pts for lunch. Then I was starving when I left work at 430 so I stopped at McD's and got a hamburger and sm fry for 11pts.:eek: Then my family wanted tacos so I ate 2 with a small amount of meat for 8pts. Ok total points for today=36:scared1: I mean I went totally out of control. I have no idea what happened. So thats 12 flex points. I am going for my 4 mile run so I get some back but still I am disgusted with myself. Well I will follow my own advice....Tomorrow's a new day.

:hug: We all have days that are better than others. You've got the right attitude and idea and will be right back on track! :thumbsup2

Last year I purchased a season pass to the CT state parks. The family liked to go to a different one whenever we could to hike and explore. We will definitely do that again this summer.
Feeling a little better tonight, spent a little while doing some gardening, and went for a short walk. But I ate kinda crappy. I can't seem to eat well and exercise in the same day, but overall doing better this week than I have in a long time. As of this morning I was down 2.5lbs since last Friday.

Baby steps, baby steps! You will still be moving forward. Glad that you are feeling better. :flower3:

I headed to Macy's to pick out my Fiestaware colors. Unfortunately, of the 6 colors I wanted, one doesn't seem to be available any longer. I wanted lemongrass, turquoise, peacock, tangerine, sunflower, and heather. But the heather seems to be discontinued and even though they show the color on their website, they don't seem to have it any more. I might end up with cobalt instead... but I was really trying to stick with lighter colors. Maybe I'll check craigslist or ebay to find the heather.... or splurge on a retired color.... I really love the sea mist green!

pjlla, a word of warning about light colors on the Fiestaware. I have white and it is covered in marks from the utensils. I wish I would have picked darker colors every time I use them. They do wear like iron though -- I'll have them forever no doubt! :rotfl:

Enjoy Toy Story 3 tonight!

I have worked out 10 of the last 12 days and have kept my calories on most days between 1,000 and 1,400. (My birthday was last week :flower3: and food is a big love language in our house! :blush: )

I started out dropping steadily but now, not so much and it's making me crazy. I think I need to push harder and eat more protein - maybe my metabolism is not liking me?

Happy Belated Birthday! Some weeks you lose and some weeks things adjust. But if you keep on doing what you should it will move in the right direction again.

Had to break my reply into two parts so I don't anger the smilie gods!
I was shocked when I got on the scale this am!! I am down 5 lbs. I did do a lot of sweating yesterday, between mowing and walking on the beach, so I hope it doesn't come back as soon as I drink water!!

Today is our anniversary 27 years. My romantic husband wants to go to Five Guys burgers & fries!!! There is nothing low cal on that menu!!! It's brand new to our area so I won't argue with him!!

:woohoo: 5 pounds! :yay: Great loss!

Happy Anniversary to you! Some times we have to make sacrifices for true love. :love:

Happy Anniversary! party:

It's our 16th today too. We have no plans tonight, but will go somewhere tomorrow to celebrate.

Happy Anniversary to you, too, Marcia!

Crashing. It's been a loong time since 3:30 when I woke up. Got a lot done today, but not enough!!!! Not sure how I can get it all done, but I will. I might have to "gasp" skip my run tomorrow. I hope not. Professor finally emailed me suggestions on how to fix something, and I have to get it done by 4pm. Having my hair highlighted tomorrow, taking kids to my mom's during that appt, then to MIL & FIL to spend the night, then I HAVE to pack. My clothes are in a basket, girls' are bagged, DH's are all over the back of the couch.

There is no way that I can think to do anything now, I hope some of that made sense. OK. I will run tomorrow. I have to. I can't skip it. If I have to, I can take my laptop and work on my class while my hair is processing. Or something.

I will be brutally honest. I grabbed 3 pretzel pieces (dime sized) about 5 times today. I don't care. I didn't have the emotional energy to worry about it, with everything else I have on tap. I should have at least a maintain for this week, my rings are loose again! Drank lots of water, and literally a gallon of unsweet mint iced tea, and the caffeine buzz is going away. I am just typing and rambling now. I think words are coming out. I could make this a game to see how long I can type nonsense. You know that mode when you are typing but not really sure what you are saying? Yeah, I think I am there. Night night.

:laughing: You are pretty entertaining when you are tired, Taryn. Don't wear yourself out. Take some deep breaths, it will some how get done and you will be on your way to BLT before you know it! :hug:

I just found out my schedule for next year has changed yet again and it is freaking me out. I found out that someone else from the department may be leaving. She has been teaching calc with me for the last couple of years. I am going to miss having someone to bounce ideas off. With her possibly leaving I am going to be having 2 new preps and teaching 4 different preps. The other two I have taught before but they are all honor courses so these are courses you really need to be on your toes for.

Sorry about the schedule changes for next year. Are there other AP math teachers in your district that you could bounce things off of?

Well, I am happy to be down .6 again this week. All those little losses will add up. I am also at a new low for 2010 at 209.2!! The last challenge, I went up and down from 212-209.8-216, so I"m happy to be at a new low, and in a new decade, with plans not to see the two-teens again!!! Gotta keep tracking and I'll get to ONE-derland!!!

I'll be back, gotta go fight the boy into the shower now.:scared1:

:woohoo: You'll be in ONE-derland in no time! :thumbsup2

Good luck on that shower things -- what the heck did we do wrong there?!? :confused3

Hoping all of my Minnesota losers are ok! Please post!

::yes:: Hope our Minnesota folks are all okay! :hug:

we'll I'm down 5 lbs...... amazing..... diet and exercize really does work:rotfl2:....

Woo! Hoo! :woohoo: :yay:

I tried running this morning because my ankle was feeling better so now I'm elevating/icing it....I just really want the sprain to heal its really frustrating becuase once again I maintained my weight because I can't excersize. I seriously just want to give up

:hug: Don't give up. But do give yourself time to heal properly. I like Taryn's idea of swimming.




Just thought I'd share my massive gain this week to make everyone who didn't lose or had a slight gain feel better. ;)

:hug: I know exactly how you feel because I had a similar gain on my last Disney trip. It's a bummer but those vacation pounds do go away fairly quickly when you get right back on track.

I'm off to enjoy my super fun relaxing day of celebration. I hope everyone has a super weekend.............P

Enjoy your day, pjlla!

I am in full on Disney trip mode. I am so excited and giddy I have no idea how I will manage to hang on until Wednesday! :rotfl: Guess I will start with some housecleaning and laundry today. Tomorrow we are going to Star Wars in Concert so that will be a fun distraction.

Have a great day all!
I was shocked when I got on the scale this am!! I am down 5 lbs. I did do a lot of sweating yesterday, between mowing and walking on the beach, so I hope it doesn't come back as soon as I drink water!!

Today is our anniversary 27 years. My romantic husband wants to go to Five Guys burgers & fries!!! There is nothing low cal on that menu!!! It's brand new to our area so I won't argue with him!!

Yeah! Congratulations on both fronts!
Happy Belated Birthday to Pamela and tiki23!!!! I hope you both had wonderful, fun-filled days and that your family and friends spoiled you with love! party:

Joanne and MushyMushy -- Happy Anniversary to both of you!!! Joanne, I LOVE 5Guys but agree there is NOTHING diet-friendly there. I become compulsive about their peanuts and fries when we go. Thank God I can usually persuade Howard to take Andrew for a guys' meal and leave me behind. LOL! Have fun! :love:

Happy Birthday, acename! :bday:

mikamah -- Congratulations on your first 5k! WOW! You totally ROCKED the timeclock! :woohoo: You should be so proud of yourself. How is the recovery?

Taryn -- Have fun in Disney!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!! Say "hi" to Mickey for me, okay?

Thank you so much, CC, for coaching. You were awesome! :worship:

Lisa0711 -- The countdown is on!! You must be so excited! I hope you can get some sleep between now and then. ;)

Kathy -- Congratulations on your new low!!! :yay: Can't wait to see you get to ONEderland.

donac -- first of all, I am so stinkin' impressed with anyone who is good at math, even more so anyone who can teach calculus (my favorite math subject of all time). :worship: I'm sorry about the schedule changes. I hope it isn't overwhelming in reality.

carmiedog - I know you'll see those pounds drop away as you get back into your normal routine. Wouldn't it be so nice if vacation pounds were left behind when we got home? LOL! Sending you some pixiedust: for getting right back on track and watching the scale numbers drop.

I just have to send a shoutout to JenAnderson! I received my COW prize today and it was just what I needed! I could not be happier with it (not sure if we're keeping it a secret!), and I know everyone who is lucky enough to be a winner will be thrilled! :woohoo:

Maria :upsidedow

Thank you so much, JenAnderson!! :hug: I LOVE my prize package! What fun stuff. Cannot wait to use it all. Thank you for making the time to do this. Getting it in the mail that I was reading last night in the car prevented me from blowing the day by asking DH to stop for junk food. :rolleyes1
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