Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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It is good to be back. Yes, that is a good idea..I will have one, and really enjoy it! Did you get your wedding shower tape? I gave it to your hubby last night.

Yes, though I think I already have abut 8 of them downstairs!

So, when's our next girl night?
Can someone please tell me how to finish all that I need to do without getting on Dis every 30 minutes to see if anyone there now has posted anything, review menus again, check out the DVC boards, etc.??????:tiptoe: Walking away again...

Okay, so I couldn't stay away, but this thread caught my eye, and went along with the QOTD about healthy food at WDW
I'll go back and catch up did I get so many pages behind?!

I just have to send a shoutout to JenAnderson! I received my COW prize today and it was just what I needed! I could not be happier with it (not sure if we're keeping it a secret!), and I know everyone who is lucky enough to be a winner will be thrilled! :woohoo:

Maria :upsidedow
COW Part 2 Week 3 --

I wasn't at all surprised by the article. I know that when I write down what I eat I do better, for some reason it is harder to make myself do that than to get up at 4:30 am and run...I think it's the accountability. At some level, I don't really want to be responsible for my poor choices. If I don't write it down, I can forget it or minimize it. I also don't know how many WW pts it really was, so I can convince myself I'm still on track...:sad1:

Maria :upsidedow
Here's is today's QOTD:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

The obvious answer to this is fruit, but who wants to eat fruit on a vacation? ;) I like to get the "Make Your Own Pasta" at the POR food court. You can add in all the veggies you want and leave out all the not so good for you stuff. The amount they give you is at least 2 servings, so I like to share mine, and eat only half the breadstick. I call it a "modified treat" meal.

When I was at WDW for Marathon weekend this year, I met Corinna in the POR food court, and she showed me an awesome trick --she ordered a kids pasta with apples and milk. Now, I don't know why I couldn't think of this on my own, but that's why she's a maintainer! ::yes::

Maria :upsidedow
Here is tomorrow's QOTD:
In last week's episode of Losing It with Jillian, Jillian mentioned that exercise can be fun and family time. How do you get in exercise that meets either or both?

I usually only get to do this once a year, but I love to get dh and ds to go for a long walk with me. It's usually on Mother's Day, since this is when they are feeling like they should do something with me. We didn't have time this year, so they owe me a walk around the Charles River on the Esplanade. I am looking forward to it! :lovestruc

And in catch up mode:

Someone asked what we eat for breakfast -- I have a light yogurt, apple, and vitamuffin, for a total of 4 WW pts. It seems like a lot of food to me, but I need to eat more earlier so I'm less hungry later...

Kathy -- I am so proud of you and I knew you could do it! Great RR (Race Report), and you did a fantastic job! :dance3: :yay:

There are some very cute pets out there -- Congratulations to all our owners and the people who serve them ;)

N&B'sMom -- I love to do laps around my office. Whenever I'm the only one there it definitely doesn't hurt! I usually think about my next upcoming trip while I do it. I actually get irritated when other people show up for work and I have to stop. I know, not really the best "worker bee" attitude, but as in other areas of my life, I'm putting my health (mental and physical) first! It allows me to destress and re-evaluate, which makes me more productive in the end. :thumbsup2

Pamela -- :bday: Hope it's an awesome one! :woohoo:

Unfortunately, I am way too tired to stay up for the whole Celtics :shamrock: may not be such a bad thing because that should help me get up at 4:30 for my run tomorrow. I have 4M on tap, I didn't get any mileage in today because my fruit loop SIL (you know you have one!) was sleeping in my workout area. She took ds and a cousin to FL this morning to visit my awesome SIL for a few days. It's just long enough for dh and I to relax a bit and also miss him, he'll be back Sunday. Anyway, I am so worn from work, I don't have a run in me now. I have been totally flat out since I stayed home with ds Monday and Tuesday, and haven't had any DIS time -- I was only able to listen to the DIS podcast while I ate lunch. For anyone who listens and hasn't caught this week's show yet, Kevin's restaurant review is a classic hoot!

I'd better see about eating dinner so I can get to sleep :cloud9:

Maria :upsidedow
Thanks for the Cow reminder part two, Maria and enjoy your weekend alone with your hubby.


Read the information on this page:

Post a comment or two about the article or other information you have found that supports the ideas of how journaling promotes weight loss!
I definitely lose more weight when I am tracking my food. Even if I go over my weight watchers points, I can still see a loss, but if I am not writing it down, that small bowl of ice cream may turn into two, a handful of chips for 2-3 points would definitely be more like 8-10 if I'm not tracking. I know for me, keeping track is key, and having done ww many times, the times I'm faithful with the tracking are the times I lost weight.

Here is tomorrow's QOTD:
In last week's episode of Losing It with Jillian, Jillian mentioned that exercise can be fun and family time. How do you get in exercise that meets either or both?
When I run on the weekends, my son will scooter along with me. We also go to the park and play tennis sometimes, which pretty good exercise since neither of us is very good, so if noone else is there, we tend to play across all 3 courts.:rotfl: We ride bikes occassionally, but should do that more. I just asked Michael what else we do that's fun and exercise, and now he wants to go play tennis, so I will. He really is a good role model for me.

Happy Birthday Pamela!!!!! Hope you're having an awesome day!!!

Have a nice evening.
Boy if I dont check in during the day I really miss alot on these boards. I dont have a lot of time since I need to get my run in before it storms.

Just want to send a big shout out to Kathy for completing your first race and for loving every minute of it.:yay::woohoo::dance3:I knew you would and Im so glad your ready to do another one.:)

:bday: to all of you celebrating birthdays! Hope you have or have had wonderful days.

:cheer2:Great job to those who are eating well and getting in the workouts. Keep up the good work:thumbsup2

:flower3:For those who are having a difficult week or who are not feeling well, keep your head up! Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to do better, continue to make great choices and keep moving.:)

Those of you who are getting ready to head on vacation. Be safe and enjoy yourselves!:cool1:

Those of you who shared pics of your :dog: they are so cute. I have a chocolate lab named donovan (after the eagles quarterback donovan mcnabb...who now plays for the redskins:sad2: He is the greatest dog ever!

I think that sums up everything I wanted to say.:)

I however am having some will power issues. I got my old breakfast today at mcdonalds:headache: #3 which is a bacon egg and cheese biscuit and hashbrown. I take off the egg. It was 11 points. then I had a 6" turkey sandwich from subway for 6pts for lunch. Then I was starving when I left work at 430 so I stopped at McD's and got a hamburger and sm fry for 11pts.:eek: Then my family wanted tacos so I ate 2 with a small amount of meat for 8pts. Ok total points for today=36:scared1: I mean I went totally out of control. I have no idea what happened. So thats 12 flex points. I am going for my 4 mile run so I get some back but still I am disgusted with myself. Well I will follow my own advice....Tomorrow's a new day.

QOTD- I actually enjoy running alone. It is 1 hour out of the day where I am alone and can just unwind. I do enjoy other activities with my family....taking walks, playing tag, throwing baseball, swimming, and walking along while the kids ride their bikes.

I am off from work tomorrow and monday so i am really looking forward to getting my house together and just spending time with my kiddo's.
Connie – Great race picture! You make running look so effortless there.

Thanks, Bree. :goodvibes It really was a good day for me. I was high on that run for hours after I finished and that had never happened to me before.

Gotta go change so I can hit the road again. Looks like it's clouding up so maybe it won't be as insanely hot as I was anticipating.
Good evening all!

Not sure if I will have a loss and if I do it will be a small one but I'm ok with that. I've walked everyday this week and feel good! Was good for the most part today. Had the meatloaf for dinner with a few potatoes and 3 low fat crescent rolls. Mom wanted ice cream again so we went to Kimball's and picked up some. I ordered a kiddie choc mint oreo but they were out so I got Kahlua crunch. I am proud to say that I only ate a little bit of it. I have at least 2 more servings to go of it. I'll have more tomorrow unless the Celtics really stress me out tonight! Going to have some more water in a few.

Going to enjoy tomorrow with the family at a friend's house for the last day of school cookout and swim party. Going to be really hot here.

I hope to increase my walking next week since I won't have to get the girls ready for school. Our schedule is getting busier for next week but I'll deal with it. Just need to focus on what I should and shouldn't eat.

Really tired tonight but I want to watch the Celtics game. Planning on another walk in the morning with my neighbor and my mom though I really don't think Mom can keep up with us. I was having to stop and wait a lot this morning with my mom. Hopefully I can also get some walking in during the weekend but we will just have to see how that goes. I'll have to get up early Saturday since it will be so hot and Sunday is going to be crazy in the morning getting the girls ready for the recital. Hoping I can get time in before I get the girls dressed and made up.

Signing off for the night.

:wizard: Anyone else going to Disney during Dec. 1-9? We should try and meet at some point. PM me so I can keep track. I know there were at least 2 people from the last challenge but I didn't write it down.:wizard:

Last year I purchased a season pass to the CT state parks. The family liked to go to a different one whenever we could to hike and explore. We will definitely do that again this summer.
Feeling a little better tonight, spent a little while doing some gardening, and went for a short walk. But I ate kinda crappy. I can't seem to eat well and exercise in the same day, but overall doing better this week than I have in a long time. As of this morning I was down 2.5lbs since last Friday.
Almost forgot! Happy Birthday pjilla!!! :bday:

pjilla - HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! In case you missed are one of the winners of the COW for last week!!! If you PM me your address, I will mail you fantastic prize!


Happy Birthday, pjlla!

:flower3: I hope that you have a wonderful, wonderful day!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PJILLA!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

And... :bday: pjlla!! Have a great one!

Thank you everyone!!

I was just sitting here at work a little while ago (after I posted above) thinking how I wish I had time to exercise. So, we have a VERY long hall here at work. I'm here pretty much alone all the time. So, I measured it and calculated to see how many times back and forth would equal a mile. I just got done so at least I have 1 mile under my belt for the day!!! This is something I can do each day that I'm here!! :cheer2:

pjilla - Happy Birthday! :cheer2:


Happy Birthday pjlla!!!!

Pamela -- :bday: Hope it's an awesome one! :woohoo:

Maria :upsidedow

Happy Birthday Pamela!!!!! Hope you're having an awesome day!!!

And more thanks!!!

THANK YOU to everyone for the great birthday thoughts!!

Today was just kind of an "average" big birthday celebration will be tomorrow, when we go out to eat and see Toy Story 3!!

I stayed on plan today, but I splurged just a bit on dinner and had the new Orchard Chicken salad from Subway. It was just 1 point more than the usual turkey breast I have... and it was delicious. Very lightly dressed chicken with grapes, apple, and raisins!

Hopefully yesterday's weight will still be there tomorrow. I will sure be disappointed if it is not.... I have eaten well on plan since yesterday morning and done at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, so no reason I can see why it wouldn't "stick".

I headed to Macy's to pick out my Fiestaware colors. Unfortunately, of the 6 colors I wanted, one doesn't seem to be available any longer. I wanted lemongrass, turquoise, peacock, tangerine, sunflower, and heather. But the heather seems to be discontinued and even though they show the color on their website, they don't seem to have it any more. I might end up with cobalt instead... but I was really trying to stick with lighter colors. Maybe I'll check craigslist or ebay to find the heather.... or splurge on a retired color.... I really love the sea mist green!

I finally spent about an hour at my scrapping table today. It felt good to get back to it. Plus DH helped me hang the new cabinet I've been painting. It looks good and holds plenty of "stuff"!

I found a delicious new frozen yogurt for those of you who like lemon. About three years ago Friendly's (New England ice cream/restaurant chain) came out with a lemon meringue pie ice cream.... it was FABULOUS and I think that DD and I ate it about once a week for most of the summer!! Anyhow, I bought some lemon frozen yogurt today from Turkey Hill that tastes remarkably similar.... and it has 0 grams of fat!! Lemon yogurt with bits of shortbread (pie crust-ish) and sort of a marshmallow-y swirl (meringue- like).... it will be hard to resist it tonight.... but I HAD to taste it when I got it home from the store today!!

Well, I'm having a bit of a hot flash here, so time to get into my jammies!

I have worked out 10 of the last 12 days and have kept my calories on most days between 1,000 and 1,400. (My birthday was last week :flower3: and food is a big love language in our house! :blush: )

I started out dropping steadily but now, not so much and it's making me crazy. I think I need to push harder and eat more protein - maybe my metabolism is not liking me?
I feel so much better now. I just completed a 1hr run. Made it 4.75 miles. Longest run yet.:cool1:
That's awesome:cool1: It will just get easier from now on......keep it up!

Tomorrow is weigh in....I was just thinking that while I finished a big bowl of cereal (raisin bran):confused3! Bad idea. Let's hope it doesn't stick around.
Still have my staples in my foor, I won't be running for a few weeks and my ponch is growing :headache:
Crashing. It's been a loong time since 3:30 when I woke up. Got a lot done today, but not enough!!!! Not sure how I can get it all done, but I will. I might have to "gasp" skip my run tomorrow. I hope not. Professor finally emailed me suggestions on how to fix something, and I have to get it done by 4pm. Having my hair highlighted tomorrow, taking kids to my mom's during that appt, then to MIL & FIL to spend the night, then I HAVE to pack. My clothes are in a basket, girls' are bagged, DH's are all over the back of the couch.

There is no way that I can think to do anything now, I hope some of that made sense. OK. I will run tomorrow. I have to. I can't skip it. If I have to, I can take my laptop and work on my class while my hair is processing. Or something.

I will be brutally honest. I grabbed 3 pretzel pieces (dime sized) about 5 times today. I don't care. I didn't have the emotional energy to worry about it, with everything else I have on tap. I should have at least a maintain for this week, my rings are loose again! Drank lots of water, and literally a gallon of unsweet mint iced tea, and the caffeine buzz is going away. I am just typing and rambling now. I think words are coming out. I could make this a game to see how long I can type nonsense. You know that mode when you are typing but not really sure what you are saying? Yeah, I think I am there. Night night.
Hello Everyone,

I have until 11 PM and then I must go to bed. I really need more than 6 hours of sleep, but I can sleep in on Saturday morning. I am going to catch up as much as I possibly can. Please don't be offended if I do not respond to you.

QOTD: For my healthy choices at WDW it's the in-room meals..a healthy breakfast or sandwich for lunch usually, some fruit for snacks.

I love to bring my own food too!

Drive by post:

Crazy day today!! It was awards day at school.

DS13 got 2 bowling trophies and a physical fitness award - 8th grade and DS9 got 1 bowling trophy and physical fitness award - 4th grade!!

Tomorrow - Last day of school and graduation!!!!! I'm going to be a blubbering mess all day!!!!!

I'm feeling much better, although I get weak and tired quickly but I'm on the right track!

I've been dying for watermelon and that's all I've eaten the last 2 days. But man was it good! That and green and red grapes, yum!

Congrats to your children!

Good evening everyone!

Well, I was really good all day, well, apparently too good. I had a bad headache. We ordered pizza and I had 3 pieces of BBQ pizza and a piece of Hawaiian. I'll be walking in the morning.

I got a lot done today: mowed the lawn, went shopping, etc. Watching Hotel For Dogs with my parents and the girls. Still got a headache. DH just headed off to guynight. I'll probably head to bed early. DD2 has preschool graduation tomorrow. She has had a great year and was very sad this afternoon. She's going to wear her Easter dress so she'll look very sweet.

DD1 wants to watch Fantasia so I'll have to help her find it! My head is pounding so I'm going to get off the computer now. Hopefully I'll drop by again later!

What a busy day you had!

I got a great comment today from one of the other moms too. Her DS was in a lot of trouble this year, like big HUGE trouble and he told his mom that through it all I never gave him a hard time or judged him on his mistakes. I almost lost it right there! He was a kid I didn't think I could reach, but I always acknowledged him and tried to draw him in.
I told his mom that it takes 30 seconds to do something that alters the course of your life but I wouldn't judge him on those 30 seconds. I judge him on the merits of how he's acted the last 8 years I've known him and he's always been respectful and kind to me and DS13. He's a good kid, he just got a little off course.

What a great compliment!

It must be headache night...I've got a doozie brewing on the right side.... probably my post-period headache coming in a few days late. I'm still sitting here on the computer loading some new music to my phone for my run tomorrow, but if my head still feels like this I might not make it.

How are you feeling?

Take measurements, and see if they change, even if the scale doesn't

Great idea! Enjoy your trip!

QOTD- I never paid attention to what was healthy at WDW I just eat what sounds good. Maybe this time I will look for more healthy options but I am enjoying reading what you all have found.

This week has been pretty good overall. I am feeling very exhausted today and I actually slept through my alarm this morning and was 1/2 hour late to a 630am meeting.:scared1: I was so embarressed. Hopefully that never happens again but I guess it tells me I should get to be alot earlier tonight. I have one more day of work and then Im off for a long weekend. :yay:

Hope the QOTD whas helpful for you! Enjoy your long weekend!

Thanks, everyone. Headache is gone. I definitely needed food.

Glad to hear you are feeling better!

I did it!!! I ran my first 5K!!!!!!
It was really so amazing. A friend of mine did it too, and we met a few other women we knew, so when we got to the park it was nice to chat with them. My sister came with her two kids and watched Michael for me. This was a womans run for a scholarship fund for this woman Louise Rossetti who's daughter was brutally killed in 1981 at the age of 26. Louise started running to deal with her loss, so on the way up to the starting line, I met her and said hello, and then I started to cry (for the first time). Of note, I am a cry-er. The death of my mom is a year ago the 26th, and I've really tried to focus on the running to help keep me from turning to food, so I got it together, and we laughed because my sister and friend are also cry-ers, and Karen my friend said, oh, you must be irish.

We went to the back of the starting line, and the race began, and we ran by Michael and gang, and I was going a little faster than I should, and getting very short of breath, so I slowed down, and walked for a bit, and thought, what was I thinking to even attempt this, but I plugged away, walking and jogging, and when I hit one mile there was a man there telling us our times, and I was at 13.30 seconds, which is faster than I usually go, so that really pumped me up to keep at it, and mile 2 I was at 28 something. My goal was to finish, but I really wanted to finish below 45 minutes since I usually average 15-16 minutes per mile, so when I had one mile left and it was only 28 min gone, I was so excited, and thought I was going to make it in less than 45.

The last 100 yards or so, is down the driveway of the park and to the finish line, and I could hear everyone cheering, and I started to get teary again before I even got down there, but I kept it together, and ran the rest through the crowd, and saw Michael and the others who had finished, but once I went past them, I saw 43 min on the time clock, and was psyched. I went through and got some water, and composed myself, and went caught up with them. My time was 43:19 with a pace of 13.57 min/miles. I came in 357th out of probably 367 runners, but I don't care. I finished what I set out to do, did better than I thought I could, and am so proud of myself. I went faster than I have ever gone. I set my first PR, and am so excited.

Now, that feeling in the first mile of "what was I thinking?" is now completely gone and replaced with, "when can I do another race?"

I guess I rambled, but want to thank all of you here for all the support, encouragement, and inspiration you have given me. :hug:

Congratulations! Way to go!

Well, I am back from a new potential client for photographing their daughters Bar Mitzvah in November. This will help pay for half of our new puppy that is coming in early September. I am so excited! I can't wait to get back to the love of walking again. I have to say that doing push-ups every night/weights and watching my calorie intake has been doing the trick, even though I haven't been power walking like I use to. Lots of garden and yard work as well. I hope everyone is having a good day, and wakes with to a fantastic tomorrow!

I am so sorry everyone. I am trying to post a reply and the post keeps deleting. I am assuming I am do something to have this problem, but I cannot figure out what it is.

I really enjoyed being your coach for the week! Please believe me when I say I wrote out responses to many of you and just had to copy and paste them into the reply box. I have read through all the posts and want to say a few things:

:hug: to all of us (me included) who are struggling!

:goodvibes for good numbers on the scale tomorrow!

Taryn, enjoy your trip to WDW! To all those leaving soon for anywhere, enjoy!

Happy Birthday pjlla!

I want to welcome maiziezoe as our new coach and thank her for what I know will be a wonderful job!

Have a great night everyone!
Just a short post.

Happy Birthday Pamela

Have a great trup Taryn

Condolences to all Celtic fans

I had no time yesterday to post. Lots of errands to run before the Eagle Court of HOnor I had to go to.

I just found out my schedule for next year has changed yet again and it is freaking me out. I found out that someone else from the department may be leaving. She has been teaching calc with me for the last couple of years. I am going to miss having someone to bounce ideas off. With her possibly leaving I am going to be having 2 new preps and teaching 4 different preps. The other two I have taught before but they are all honor courses so these are courses you really need to be on your toes for.

Have to go. I have veggies to cut for our math department lunch today.

Have a great day everyone
I feel so much better now. I just completed a 1hr run. Made it 4.75 miles. Longest run yet.:cool1:
Whoo hoo, nice job on the run!! And forget about yesterday, today is a new day to start fresh and on track!!! Glad you're already feeling better.

Still have my staples in my foor, I won't be running for a few weeks and my ponch is growing :headache:
:hug:Hope your food is feeling better. Are you able to do any other exercise, or are you strictly off the feet. I tried some comcast on demand exercise videos last week, and there were lots of strength training ones that you're on the floor on a mat for. I know it won't replace the running, but maybe it would make you feel better to do something else.

Crashing. It's been a loong time since 3:30 when I woke up. Got a lot done today, but not enough!!!! Not sure how I can get it all done, but I will. I might have to "gasp" skip my run tomorrow. I hope not. Professor finally emailed me suggestions on how to fix something, and I have to get it done by 4pm. Having my hair highlighted tomorrow, taking kids to my mom's during that appt, then to MIL & FIL to spend the night, then I HAVE to pack. My clothes are in a basket, girls' are bagged, DH's are all over the back of the couch.

There is no way that I can think to do anything now, I hope some of that made sense. OK. I will run tomorrow. I have to. I can't skip it. If I have to, I can take my laptop and work on my class while my hair is processing. Or something.

I will be brutally honest. I grabbed 3 pretzel pieces (dime sized) about 5 times today. I don't care. I didn't have the emotional energy to worry about it, with everything else I have on tap. I should have at least a maintain for this week, my rings are loose again! Drank lots of water, and literally a gallon of unsweet mint iced tea, and the caffeine buzz is going away. I am just typing and rambling now. I think words are coming out. I could make this a game to see how long I can type nonsense. You know that mode when you are typing but not really sure what you are saying? Yeah, I think I am there. Night night.
:rotfl::hug::hug:YOu crack me up. Hope you got a good nights sleep to tackle the rest of all you need to do today. 2 more days and all this will be behind you and you'll be in that wonderful magical place with your loving family making new memories. :cloud9:

I really enjoyed being your coach for the week! Please believe me when I say I wrote out responses to many of you and just had to copy and paste them into the reply box. I have read through all the posts and want to say a few things:

:hug: to all of us (me included) who are struggling!

:goodvibes for good numbers on the scale tomorrow!

I want to welcome maiziezoe as our new coach and thank her for what I know will be a wonderful job!
Thank you CC for coaching this week. You really did an awesome job.

Welcome Maiziezoe as coach this week!! I know you'll do a great job and we'll probably have lots of laughs!! Thank you!!

I just found out my schedule for next year has changed yet again and it is freaking me out. I found out that someone else from the department may be leaving. She has been teaching calc with me for the last couple of years. I am going to miss having someone to bounce ideas off. With her possibly leaving I am going to be having 2 new preps and teaching 4 different preps. The other two I have taught before but they are all honor courses so these are courses you really need to be on your toes for.
:hug:Sorry about your changes at the school. Hang in there.

Well, I am happy to be down .6 again this week. All those little losses will add up. I am also at a new low for 2010 at 209.2!! The last challenge, I went up and down from 212-209.8-216, so I"m happy to be at a new low, and in a new decade, with plans not to see the two-teens again!!! Gotta keep tracking and I'll get to ONE-derland!!!

I'll be back, gotta go fight the boy into the shower now.:scared1:

Have a great day everyone!!
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