Are you surprised by the actual cost of your DVC vacations?

We've been looking at DVC for many years and finally took the plunge and bought a resale contract a couple of months ago. I love vacations! I love the planning, the anticipation. We always like to have something on the calendar. Disney is not cheap. We have 6 in our family and airfare, tickets and food add up. But the memories are priceless. I have 4 boys and the memories we are making are priceless. We went this past Feb. before we joined. We went with other family. The first day there we went to HS. At first, we almost felt like been there, done that (we went to WDW 15 mo before that). But then we became so comfortable with the familiarilty. We became picky about what rides we hit. We had fun exploring other resorts and having so much fun at OKW. Cooked a big dinner (love gardengrocer), played games at night. DH and I are going alone in October. The boys have already requested a pin for their collection and disney pennies for their other collection. We're all going next Spring. I can't tell you how fun it is to hear them debate about what the best ride, food, resort is. Disney is expensive - but then again we wanted to stay in IL this summer and a room for all of us at a state park was $330 a night. I am grateful that we can afford vacations and know that we've already shared so many memories and get to share so many more together. :goodvibes

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