Anyone sailing on the 5/31/03 Magic?


Mar 22, 2002
We have booked our first cruise and we're really excited!
We have two children a 15yr old dd and a 7yr old ds. We are wondering if there is any one else their ages going on this cruise that they could meet. We are from Colorado so if there is any one from here or anywhere :) we would love to meet you aboard.

:D :D :cool: :bounce:
We are going on that cruise & we are so excited!! I have 2 daughters - one will be 12 and the other will be close to 2 years old when we go. This will be our first Disney cruise, actually our first cruise as a family. I think it is going to be wonderful!!
Thanks Bahama for replying. We were beginning to wonder if we were the only ones going. LOL This is our first Disney cruise. We took a carnival cruise on our honeymoon - a long time ago. :)

:D :) :cool: :bounce:
Hi there! I went through all the pages to get any hints for the cruise that I could find. That's when I found your post. :-) I've been reading so much about the cruise & all the fun stuff that is available to do. I know it will be a blast! I've been on one other cruise - back in 97. A friend and I went to the Bahamas. This will be our first family cruise. I think I'm more excited than anyone else in our family about it. LOL I definitely want to sign up for a spa treatment. I've heard those are heaven! I also read that they do parasailing on Castaway Cay - do you know anything about that. The anticipation of it all - Is it May yet?
Wow, looks like you have gotten off to a real head start on knowing what all to do on the cruise. Yes, I think my wife would love the spa treatment and my dd and I the parasailing. We are also looking forward to getting on a beach and snorkling or just playing in the water. It's gong to be great!

:D :) :cool: :bounce:
Snorkeling sounds like a bunch of fun! Have you ever done it before? I've done it a couple of times, but never in the Caribbean - only at some parks. I always have a hard time getting used to breathing under water. LOL I wonder where the best place is to go snorkeling??? I am so ready to go on this cruise - I can be packed & ready in 20 minutes LOL I've already been buying things to take. Will you & your family being flying in? We are planning on driving. It's about 12 hours for us. On the way there we usually drive about 3/4 way & stop for the night. Then we only have a little bit of driving left for the next day. I want to be in town the day before the cruise leaves. My biggest worry is that something will delay us & we'll miss the boat. I hope that won't happen to either of us! :D
Hey Bahama,

Thanks for keeping this post alive. I added my name to the unoficial list at the beginning of the thread and see that there are three others mentioned for this cruise.
We are flying into MCO the night before and driving or taking Yourride to the Radision at the Port that evening and then... the cruise!!! Yippee,
After, we have that day and night to spend at the parks as we fly back late Sunday afternoon. We have one day left on a park hopper ticket from Christmas time.
I'm still investigating the activites that we are going to do on the cruise - I hear trunk bay is a good family place to snorkel. I've got some reading up to do.

:) ;) :cool: :bounce:
Yay! Another person on the cruise!

I definitely have a lot of reading up to do too. I have read that Passporter's in coming out with a guide to the Disney Cruise - I think it comes out in February. I'm definitely going to get a copy.

I hope we are able to spend a day at the parks (maybe just Magic Kingdom) either before or after the cruise. Dh is already saying that with my excitement level, I'll have us leaving for Florida two weeks before the actual cruise date LOL. The last time we were there was April 2002, but I'd still like to see any new parades, etc that they might be having.

SraRaton - any tips for us newbie cruisers?
Welcome SraRaton!

We are looking forward to the cruise.

I'm checking out options for my 15 year old DD and my 7 year old DS. I'm liking the options for them to have fun doing some of their own stuff. Then mom and dad could just soak up the sun.

:D :cool: ;) :bounce:
That is definitely a good idea! As soon as we get on the boat, I want to sign up both my dd's for their clubs. I hope they both will **love** it there so we'll be able to dine at Palo's. I think that is adults only. Gosh, it's been so long since dh & I actually went out to dinner by ourselves - that would definitely be a treat!


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