AmyM's Quest for a Better Bikini Body!

Hey Amy!

Congrats on your WI, and hope you feel better! :hug: Take it easy, rest a little, and have a :hug:.
:hug: Hi Amy
Try not to get too down if wi on friday is not as good as you hoped, remember it will all come off again when TOM leaves.

Let us know if the vacum is as good as you heard :)

Take things easy & look after yourself :hug:
Amy, I am so sorry your homones/cycle are doing this to you. I can relate, I never had PMS, spotting, weird cyles or long periods until I hit about 38. It can really wreak havoc on your life since you know that just around the corner its gonna get you! You will have a good weigh in, weighing in once a week like you are now is so helpful and such a huge achievement. And all of these symptoms, tight rings, sore "girls" etc., are par for the course. Just remember if you have a gain or stay the same, its not your fault, you are doing great! If your ring is still tight by Friday maybe don't weigh for a few more days. You don't want to get discouraged by it especially since its nothing you did or can do to change! Hang in there, being a woman is no fair! Down with ovaries!!!:mad:

And your dh with his trailmix sounds like mine with his corn chips. The man cannot live without them and since he no longer can have his almonds, candy, Dr. Pepper or any other of the things he likes to eat (and does in moderation its me that can't) I allowe them. But they can really get me sometimes!

Totals: 1684cal, 65g fat, 160g carbs, 128g protein, 25g fiber

Ya, I know! :confused3 I was fine until I had the 2 tbsp of peanut butter, 3 large bites of ice cream (still some leftover from DS's tooth extraction, usually there isn't any in the house) and 1 handful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch at 7:30pm... But I stopped myself there and it could have been WAY worse!!! I hope I got the BLTs out of my system. I really thought the damage was going to be way worse when I plugged my "extras" into FitDay...

I am still BEAT and I don't know if I will make it to the gym or not. I have my gym bag, I just need to see how I am feeling by the end of the day. I feel like I could sleep for 20 hours and still not be rested. Being extra busy at work doesn't help matters any either!!! No one has any activities after school today, so maybe I will get some much needed down time.
Tracy, thanks. Usually the energy-zapped feeling lasts a couple days, then I'm fine. This is Day #3 so it should be gone soon!

Jen, welcome back! As you can see, I haven't made too much progress in the 20 months I've been on WISH, but I haven't given up either!

Tracey, you are right, I am going to take Friday's weight with a grain of salt. I can't let it get to me, I know what the cause is (of course I might have actually earned a gain with last night's behavior!!)

Amy, yes, being a woman sometimes is the pits and it is DEFINITELY not fair! And DH just doesn't get it. I've talked to 3 different Drs about it and they all say the same thing - deal with it. He thinks I should talk to my new Dr (I need to go for my annual exam this summer). I'll mention it to him, but I already know what his answer will be...
Hi Amy,

Sorry to hear that your body is not treating you all that great right now...hang in there and make sure you get lots of rest.

I did read that you broke the 140's!! Congrats on that. That is awesome. That trend will continue I know it will.

Germany huh, that sounds like fun. Even if it is for work!!!!

Hope you feel better soon.
Keep up the good work!!!!
Okay, WISH is a good thing! I read your journal, saw your entry about leftover ice cream and suddenly remembered the leftover ice cream from dh's bday celebration. Even though I feel like crap, I went down and put some in two bowls for the kids and threw the rest out. I know when I feel better that ice cream will taste good! So you saved me from future trouble. ;)

I think your snacking last night wasn't bad at all. . At least it was nutrionally dense stuff. And you are so right, it could have been WAY worse. You put it in your daily totals and moved on. Way to go! I hope you are feeling better. You have been doing incredibly well in 2007, keep it up, you can do it!:banana:
WORKOUT: None (still not 100%, although not quite as exhausted as the previous couple days!)

TOTALS: Shockingly high, FitDay probably would have exploded if I had input everything... :scared1:

I am definitely not doing myself any favors this week! :confused3 Although we usually avoid the crowded restaurant scene on V-Day, DH insisted we went out to eat with the kids. So we went to a local Baja Mexican place. I decided to not worry about what I ate. Before we went, I had 2 pieces of chocolate. At the restaurant I had a pomegranate margarita, chips-n-salsa, a shrimp taco w/pineapple salsa (corn tortilla) and a salmon taco w/mango salsa (also corn tortilla). Then we went to Baskin Robbins! :cloud9: I got a single scoop of Pumpkin Pie on a sugar cone. Came back and had 2 more chocolates (DH had gotten me a 4-pk of truffles). And I was STUFFED!!!!!!! Not painfully stuffed like on Superbowl Sunday, but stuffed enough to go to bed with a full tummy (and we were back from everything by 6:45pm...)

I ALMOST jumped on the scale this morning, but decided I could wait a day. So when (not if) I have a gain tomorrow, I have no one to blame but myself. And I am surprisingly OK with it (for now, hopefully I still will be tomorrow when I see that nasty high number on the scale! :rolleyes: )

I actually feel human today (except for extremely painful "girls", even Advil doesn't take the edge off). The plan du jour is to BEHAVE, BEHAVE, BEHAVE! That means eating 1200-1300 calories, drinking at least 100oz of water/green tea and getting to the gym for 45min of cardio.

I am having a debate with myself about weighing before I leave on Tuesday. If I do, I will weigh on Tue and again on Sun. If I don't, I will weigh this Friday and not again until Fri 3/2. The only reason I'd want to weigh is to see if I can actually take a biz trip without gaining. I've done it once before, but I need to know it isn't a fluke. But on the other hand, I really shouldn't care, right?? What do you all think???
Amy, I'm glad I could help! I was looking for goodies to eat while I was in "don't care" mode, but I was actually too stuffed. That is a shocker! I have a really tough weekend coming up. DH wants to go out with friends on Sat and my mom is having a mystery dinner party on Sun (she is making up some crazy, gibberish menus and you have to order (without knowing what you are ordering). It's regular food, you just have no idea what you will be getting. It should be interesting and fun, but my mom is one who slathers her veggies and everything else in butter, so it won't be a healthy dinner!
I am having a debate with myself about weighing before I leave on Tuesday. If I do, I will weigh on Tue and again on Sun. If I don't, I will weigh this Friday and not again until Fri 3/2. The only reason I'd want to weigh is to see if I can actually take a biz trip without gaining. I've done it once before, but I need to know it isn't a fluke. But on the other hand, I really shouldn't care, right?? What do you all think???

:confused3 sorry i'm confused!!!! :rotfl:

Whether yo WI or not - have a safe trip & enjoy yourself :goodvibes
Hi Amy,

Sounds like your Valentine's Day was a good one!:thumbsup2 Don't worry too much about the food. It was a holiday and you celebrated and had a great time. Plus, you had some fruit (pomegranate (fruit?),pineapple, mango) in there too. ;) No worries, my friend.:goodvibes

Good luck at weigh in tomorrow. Maybe you'll want to weigh in on Tuesday so you can see how your progressed over the weekend and then compare it to when you get back home too.

Have a great weekend!:cool1:
Hi Amy, that was nice that you took the whole family to valentine's dinner. It does sound yummy! I was going to say you should WI on Tuesday before your trip, but after reading about your weekend plans, I've changed my mind. If you have a high number from the weekend and TOM you might be mad and take a "Don't care" attitude on your trip. You know you can behave on the trip. You've done it before. Then you have the following week to get the number back down where you want it. JMHO
Hi Amy, actually as far as special occasion type dinners, I'd say you did pretty well. It was sweet of dh to get you a box of only four truffles, a treat without going overboard. What a guy! Your mom's dinner sounds fun and her veggies sound like my mom used to cook. We were actually all proud of her when she stopped using Crisco shortening in every meal, butter was actually an improvement! But that was good eating I must say ;) . I think you should weigh when your heart desires. If tomorrow feels right, climb on, if not that scale will be waiting for you. I know you can do well on this business trip. Just remember that flying makes your retain water so don't climb on the scale the first day you are back! You are doing great, you deserved a Valentine's splurge and deserved to enjoy it!
WORKOUT: Treadmill @ 4mph for 45min, varying high inclines (the sore "girls" could not take jogging or the elliptical!)

TOTALS: 1268cal, 42g fat, 122g carb, 114g protein, 22g fiber :cheer2:


I was hoping I'd never see that awful number again, but looking back on my week of poor food choices (combined with TOM) I am glad it's not higher than that!!!! It's a 2lb gain from last week. I'm guessing it's 1lb from TOM, 1lb from being naughty and I bet it'll be gone soon. ::yes::

I actually felt human yesterday (except the soreness). :woohoo: I had energy ALL DAY!!! :banana: :yay: :cool1: I already told DH we are NOT going out tonight. I am going to go to the gym for cardio after my ex picks up the kids (so is DH, so that helps me get going) and I am going to make lemon chicken and we are going to watch a movie. Tomorrow we are going to get our new vacuum cleaner, then meet friends at Outback for Happy Hour. I'm already planning on 4 martinis and grilled shrimp to eat. I am extra motivated to be good this weekend, I've gotten all the "badness" out of my system for a while!

I haven't decided what to do about the weigh-in (before trip vs stay w/regular schedule). I guess I'll see how I feel about it on Tue and take it from there...

I got these new All Bran Multigrain crackers and they are really good! It's 130cal and 5g fiber per serving, but I've noticed when I eat them with lunch instead of my usual soy crisps that I crave snacks more than usual. So even though I love them, I'm not going to buy them anymore. I don't need any help in the craving department!
Tracey, I am confused too, welcome to a little preview of the mental torture I constantly put myself through!!! :rolleyes:

Tracy, you are right, I ate practically nothing but fruit! Don't forget the pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin is a veggie, right? :laughing:

Anna, you hit it right on the head with the "getting ticked off then blowing it on the trip" scenario! I can totally see myself doing that. :rolleyes: One good thing about traveling with others is that I am SUPER self-conscious about eating like a pig in front of colleagues so I can usually behave. But on the plane, when it's just me and the flight attendant, WATCH OUT!! I think I single-handedly ate a whole wheel of brie on one flight... :rolleyes1

Amy, DH knows he would have been in some serious trouble if he'd gotten me a whole box of chocolate! He actually ate 2 of them, I had the other 2, plus DD's coconut one (she hates coconut) and one the skinny minny from work gave me... I like your idea of playing it by ear with the scale. I actually have to be good this weekend because my dressy black pants (that I only wear when I travel to Europe) didn't fit too well last time I went and I don't want a repeat performance!!!
Hi Amy
Glad your not stressing about the small gain, like you say i'm sure it will dissapear with TOM :)
Your evening in sounds great :)
Happy hoovering tomorrow ;)
WORKOUT: None (just didn't feel like going!)

TOTALS: 1280cal, 30g fat, 144g carb, 116g protein, 27g fiber

Did not go to the gym even though DH did. I watched my TiVo'd ER instead!! I plan on going today, tomorrow, Mon and Tue. Then I won't be able to go again until next Sunday. It's only 4 days off, so hopefully I won't lose too much momentum!

I really struggled to stay with my plan yesterday. I planned to have 3 little squares of SF dark chocolate (55cal) and I had 1.5 of them gone by dinner. But I didn't get more, I just told myself that I had to stick with the plan I had already laid out on FitDay and kept myself busy so I woudn't start obsessing about it.

Today I plan on eating a small breakfast (already did), my usual Egg Beaters w/red pepper and a fiber cake. For lunch I'll have egg salad (1 whole egg, 1 egg white, 1 stalk celery, 2tbsp FF mayo, mustard) on a piece of TJ's flourless sprouted bread. It is really low in calories but fills me up big time! Then before we head to Outback I will have a celery w/LF Laughing Cow. That puts me at 567 cal. Adding in 633 cal for 4 martinis, it doesn't leave me any wiggle room for food... I'll probably split the grilled shrimp appetizer with DH, avoid the bread and call it a day. That's the PLAN anyway!!!
Tracey, the evening was very relaxing, it was nice! And I couldn't resist jumping on the scale this morning, and I was back down to 139. :thumbsup2 No more scale cheats, I just wanted to make sure that I was only temporarily visiting those blasted 140's. I really don't want to see that number again!
Yikes woman! a celery stick, 1/2 a shrimp appetizer, and 4 martini's?!:rotfl2:

Glad to see the 140's are gone too! :banana: Have a great weekend and I'm sure you will do great on your trip!

As for the brie, I think there is definitely a "calories don't count" rule :rotfl2: . You are trapped in a flying tube with nothing else to do but eat the brie that is just right there calling you... :rolleyes1
Thats what I love about you Amy, using your calories for martinis, not food. You are my kind of gal!!! I am glad to see you are not letting TOM gain get you down. As you continue to lose more weight, even when you do have a small gain it will not put you into that dreaded decade. You have a good plan in place with your upcoming pre trip days, that will serve you well. I hope you have fun at Outback tonight, have one for me!
Hi Amy
How did your visit to the outback go?
Hope your plan worked & your not too hung over ;)
WORKOUT: Muscle class (60min)

TOTALS: 1737cal, 51g fat, 93g carb, 70g protein, 18g fiber

WEIGHT: 139 (I know I cheated, but I just wanted to make sure the 140's weren't back!!)

I did pretty well at Outback. I could have done better, but I could have done WAY, WAY worse! I think I overestimated on FitDay, I put in .65 serving for the grilled shrimp appetizer (I ate all of the shrimp, not even half the sauce, and only about 1/4 of the bread). I did have a fun size bag of M&Ms and split a bag of microwave popcorn with DH after we got back, but that paled in comparison to what I really wanted to do, which was drive 15 miles to the Cheesecake Factory!! :confused3

I did not go to Total Body Conditioning today, my shoulders and back are really sore from Muscle. Plus my favorite instructor wasn't teaching (2 of them alternate weeks). I will probably go do some cardio, but if I don't, I'm not going to worry about it. I know I'll be going both tomorrow and Tuesday.

The mystery dinner at my mom's is tonight. I just plan on eating light all day then watching portion sizes for dinner. That's all I can do, I have no idea what she will be serving!
Anna, I know my priorities are a little out of whack, but hey, at least I'm being realistic!!! I LOVE brie and when I saw it on the menu, I couldn't resist. Hopefully it won't be one of the choices this week!

Amy, I'm sure my poor mother, who doesn't drink, would be so proud to know that I plan on having 4 martinis and minimal food!! :rolleyes: You are so right, I can't wait to get down to 134 or so, that way when TOM hits I will not even get close to the 140's when I gain the couple inevitable pounds.

Tracey, the 4 martinis were as good as always! The one good thing about Happy Hour is that is is over at 6pm, so we are usually out of there by 6:30 or so. That leaves plenty of time to "sober up" before going to bed, therefore no hangover!!! :cool1:
Glad you had a good time at Outback. Sounds like you did great! Great job resisting cheesecake factory :banana: :banana: .:banana: Have fun at the mystery dinner! As for calorie allocation ...there are some things mom just never needs to know. :rotfl2:
Sounds like you had a good time at Outback. :goodvibes That is one of my many favorite restaurants!:thumbsup2 Good job resisting the Cheesecake Factory too. I was reading the other day that the Cheesecake Factory is based on Disney's dream, believe, dare, and do philosophy. They are one of the company's spotlighted in a book called The Disney Way. I've never been to one yet, but I love cheesecake so I know I will end up there someday.:goodvibes

I hope you have a great week ahead! Have a safe flight!:hug:


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