AmyM's Quest for a Better Bikini Body!

WORKOUT: None :sad2:

TOTALS: No idea, but it wasn't pretty! :scared:

The party at my mom's was really fun! We all had a blast, but went through 6 bottles of wine between 5 of us... That explains my sour stomach this morning... :confused3

OK, I am REALLY ticked off today! :mad: They postponed my Germany trip! THE DAY BEFORE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!! :furious: I guess that is why my company spends the big bucks on the fully refundable plane tickets... They want to postpone it until next week, but DH and I are flying out to Hot Springs Village, Arkansas for my uncle's 80th b-day party, so that won't work for me. And the week after that we have important meetings all week, so they are just going to have to wait until the week of March 12. That'll teach 'em! The thing that really stinks is the woman going with me is in Vegas and doesn't get back until 10pm tonight. And of course she isn't coming into work tomorrow, so I am going to have to get in touch with her to let her know it's been cancelled... What a mess! :headache:

I guess the good thing is that DD doesn't have to miss tap tomorrow and next time we will schedule it so we are not flying back on a Saturday! And I get to eat healthy and work out all week!!! :banana: :yay: :cool1: I'm glad to not have to step on the scale until Friday, I know I did some damage last night...
Anna, if Cheesecake Factory was closer, believe me, I would have gotten a piece!

Tracy, I LOVE their cheesecake, but I'm not thrilled with the rest of their menu. But whenever we do go, I just get an appetizer and cheesecake. Why would I want to fill myself up with dinner??? :rolleyes1
Hi Amy, glad you had fun at your mom's and at Outback! You sound like you did very well this weekend, even with all of those special meals. Wine is good for your heart so thats a good thing! That is a bummer about the Germany trip, what a hassle! But at least that gives you this week to hit things hard before you go to your Uncle's bday. I am also sure your mom and my mom would both be sorry to see their daughter's always finding ways to fit those drinks into their diet plans!
:hug: Amy,

Sorry to hear about the company's last minute decision on Germany. :( At least you'll get to be home this week!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great Tuesday!:goodvibes
WORKOUT: Treadmill @ 4.7mph (45min)

TOTALS: 1374cal, 44g fat, 140g carb, 105g protein, 19g fiber

I really need to get the fiber back up there (have to head to Trader Joe's to get more fiber cakes!). I was doing great last night until I had the last of the All Bran crackers. 10 measly crackers cost me 70 calories! They are good, but I'm glad they are gone, I have no control over them... :sad2:

I need to get to the grocery store since I didn't buy anything for my lunches this week (I was supposed to be gone!). I will be taking DD to tap for a while, DS's baseball schedule starts this week. He has practice on Tue, Wed, Thu and Sat this week! And he has 3 practices next week, then his games start. I can't wait, I love watching his games (except when he is up to bat, I get too nervous!).

I should be able to stay on track this week and I hope to erase any damage from Sunday night by the time weigh-in comes around Friday (I'm still pretty bloated, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!)
Amy, I don't think I did my heart any good with the amount of wine I drank! I know I didn't do my stomach any good! DH said he had a sour stomach too... My mom thinks it's funny. After nights like that, I think her decision not to drink is a pretty smart one!

Tracy, it's not my company that is causing all the problems, it is a company in the UK (this was supposed to be a 3-way meeting between us, the UK company and the German company). Looks like it is going to be rescheduled for the week of 3/12. I'd rather be home anyway!!
Hi Amy
Glad you dont have to come over to the rainy side!!!
Sounds like you had a fab night out ;)
Ahhh cheesecake factory i remember it well...we dont get them over here :sad2: its proberbly a good job though!!!
Heres a pic of my wedding cheesecake (;)) that i had at the Hilton in Clearwater on our wedding day - just to tease hee hee

Hi Amy
Glad you dont have to come over to the rainy side!!!
Sounds like you had a fab night out ;)
Ahhh cheesecake factory i remember it well...we dont get them over here :sad2: its proberbly a good job though!!!
Heres a pic of my wedding cheesecake (;)) that i had at the Hilton in Clearwater on our wedding day - just to tease hee hee


:eek: Do they have a salivating smilie here?;) That cheesecake looks so yummy that I am speechless!:eek: Well, not exactly speechless since I am sort of talking here, but let's just say that if that cheesecake was in front of me right now, I would be speechless because I would be stuffing my face!:thumbsup2 In a dignified manner of course. ;) :lmao:

Sorry to take over your journal, Amy.:blush: Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:cool1:
That is an incredible pace to do for 45 minutes on the treadmill. You are one in shape lady! Hope you get to Trader Joes, its hard when you were not supposed to be here this week to have planned according to what really ended up happening! Keep up your hard work, you are doing great! Daisy says hi to Buckley! Is he being better today?

TOTALS: 1317cal, 47g fat, 102g carb, 123g protein, 13g fiber

My fiber is really slacking!!! I'd also like to get my fat back down into the 30's... I bought some Soy Nuts last night and almost ripped them open and ate some while walking around the grocery store, but I resisted! :banana: And 1 serving has 7g fiber, so I am having some with my lunch today... I am having egg salad on my flourless bread. I like the bread WAY better when it's toasted, so I'll save that lunch for the weekends from now on and stick with the spinach salads at work!!

I have been running around like a crazy person at work this morning, I am totally stressed out. :scared: I am going to take it out on the elliptical this afternoon, that's for sure! They rescheduled the Germany meeting for next Friday! I already had vacation plans and family definitely comes before work, so luckily I was able to find someone to cover for me. And the people that are going have to fly out Wed night, get in Thu afternoon, have a meeting on Fri and fly back Sat. YUCK!!! I am glad I'm not going now!!!

I am starting to feel the bloating from this weekend's festivities go away, so I am crossing my fingers for a good (as in lower than 140) weigh-in on Friday!
Tracey, that is just WRONG that you put that picture in my journal! You should be ashamed of yourself for torturing me like that! I probably gained 2lbs just thinking about it...

Tracy, don't encourage her!

Amy, I put the treadmill on varying inclines. The last hill is tough, but my goal is to get up to 5mph on that program. I know I am in way better shape than I used to be, I just wished I looked like it!!! Buckley has been wearing his shock collar the last couple days (we don't even have to shock him, just put the collar on and pick up the remote and he behaves!).
Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that Germany trip! That sounds like a very grueling trip schedule. Good job not eating the soy nuts at the store. I have been known to do that and its way too easy to eat a whole bag of this or that while you shop! Your food looks good, if you up your fiber that might help with the bloating thing. Its amazing how long it takes to flush out some weekend naughtiness on the bloating end! Keep up your hard work, you are our WISH Goddess! I havent' gotten a shock collar for Daisy yet but can see that day coming! Benjamin certainly could have benefitted from one. I am amazed at how much better Daisy is than he was. God rest his little soul but he was a pill his whole life! Beagles are their own little unique breed thats for sure. As I write this I just heard ds announce that Daisy took a dump in the living room. Dh will now do his yelling "you are a bad girl" routine while she runs around basically laughing her behind off at him. ;)
WORKOUT: Elliptical (45min)

TOTALS: 1126cal, 37g fat, 107g carb, 90g protein, 23g fiber

I can't believe my totals were so low! I even added some pretzels and Laughing Cow... That egg salad sandwich is not very high in calories, I'm used to my loaded spinach salads...

DS threw his retainer away at school yesterday. :mad: I kinda knew it was going to happen eventually, but I was still ticked off about it. Not only does it cost $150, but we have to take off work TWICE to take him to the orthodontist (once to get an imprint and once to pick it up and make sure it fits). With such short notice, there were no after school/work appointments available... I called some friends and they are going to hire him to do some work so he can earn some money to pay us back. It's not that we can't afford it, we just want to teach him a lesson about responsibility...

Speaking of DS, he was selected as a potential pitcher on his b-ball team. That just really stresses me out, I don't know if I'll be able to watch any of his games! I'm always so nervous he is going to hit someone or walk a bunch of batters. I need professional help, I know!!

I can't wait for tomorrow's weigh-in, I will be shocked if it is over 139. I feel pretty good, no more bloating, so we'll see! No matter what is says, I won't get mad, it is what it is!
Amy, I can't believe it but now the UK company said that they will consider the meeting for next Friday. Make up your minds!!!! I am trying to stay out of it, but they keep sucking me in. I can't wait for our weekend getaway next weekend, I really need it! I bet Daisy is better because she is a girl!!
Sorry the whole Germany trip thing is so chaotic. Hopefully it will work itself out soon. Great job using the elliptical workout to de-stress!

I can so relate to the retainer scene! DD11 has nearly lost her retainer twice so far. The first time it was in the pocket of her jacket. DH had taken the kids out to a fish place on the beach for dinner. DD left said jacket at the beach. Several hours later she and I went back to the beach (in the dark!) to find the jacket (and the retainer). Luckily, both were still there. Then, DD was at the food court with DH last December. DD left her retainer in a napkin on the tray. It got thrown away. DH and DD11 realized it within a few minutes and DH made her dig through the trash to find the napkin wrapped retainer!!!! (Can I just say ewwwww!!) Several food court people asked what they were doing. When DH explained, they took DH and DD11 to a "behind the scenes" area and dumped the trash can onto the floor. The workers found the thing still wrapped in the stupid napkin. I left that baby soaking in straight listerine for about three days, I think. Notice she has been with DH both times she lost the retainer ....

Not that you need it but, here's pixiedust: for a great WI tomorrow!
Hi Amy
I'm glad you dont have to cancel your plans for the Germany trip:cool1:

I hope WI goes well today :goodvibes
Sorry about the cheesecake pic, i cant find a smilie thats begging for forgiveness - pretend this smilie is me being tortured by you
as punishment!! - :rotfl2: ''arghhh no stop, i'm sorry i wont do it again''
Hi Amy,
I just read most of your journal looking for some motivation for myself. I'm trying to get down to the 120's but can't seem to break 140 lbs.:guilty: . hoping to get back to my bikini wearing weight too. It's hard after 2 kids though and even harder to find time for yourself when all of us moms have to take them to their dance classes and the like. Good luck weighing in. Also wanted to ask you what kind of Eliiptical trainer you have or do you use the one at the gym? Dh says he will buy me one for home but I don't know if he will go for the price of the one I want.

TOTALS: 1205cal, 38g fat, 134g carb, 109g protein, 38g fiber

WEIGHT: 138 :cheer2: :cool1: :thumbsup2

OK, I am now back to where I was before TOM and a bad weekend intervened! I would REALLY like to see 137 next Friday!!! The only way I'll get there is to behave, which is always the case, isn't it??

Yesterday was interesting... I got a call from DS's teacher and of course he is misbehaving even worse than usual. Then DD forgot her backpack at the afterschool program. I had to go to Trader Joe's and stop by Target to exchange DD's new socks (they were the right size for her shoe size according to the package, but they were way too small!). The poor thing had to wear mismatched socks yesterday (they were both white, but the ruffles were different) because most of her socks somehow disappeared... Anyway, the school was having a silent auction so when we picked up her backpack, I bid on a bunch of stuff, thinking they'd just call and I'd come get anything I won today. NOPE, you had to pick it up at the end, which was 8pm!

So I went home to make dinner, etc before DH and DS got home from b-ball practice. As I was unpacking my 6 (yes, 6!) packs of fiber cakes, I ate one. Then I put them all into freezer bags and there was 1 that wouldn't fit, so I ate it too... :confused3 Luckily it was before dinner, so I skipped the burrito I was going to have and just had 1/4c of ground turkey. And when I went back to the auction to get my stuff, they had free ice cream, but I managed to only have 1/4c serving, if that. DD was devastated, she bid on a picnic (4 students) with her teacher (who would serve root beer floats). I told her maybe one of her friends won and they would pick her to go. DS won a lazer tag game with a friend and his teacher. Maybe it'll be some much needed bonding since she is about ready to wring his neck!! :lmao:

B: Chocolate Oatmeal
L: Spinach Salad (w/chicken, cheese, LF dressing); Soy Crisps (1 serving)
S: Apple, String Cheese
D: 2 Fiber Cakes; Ground Turkey Taco Meat (1/4c); Ice Cream (1/4c)
Anna, at least your DD just ALMOST lost her retainer! DS goes today to get his imprint taken (again). I had the sesame almonds in my hand at TJ's then I put them back. I knew when I saw them that there would be no way I could control myself with them. If they came in the single serving packs, I would have gotten them for sure!

Tracey, I would really like to cancel the plans for Germany, I am sick of this run around! They should have kept it for this week as originally planned, they are making it very frustrating for everyone involved, that's for sure!

kaysmommie, thanks for stopping by! It took me FOREVER to get back out of the 140's. Now that I am out, I hope to stay out for good! I use the elliptical and treadmill at the gym. I always think about buying one for home, but then I decide to let the gym take care of the maintenance, etc...
Gee, Amy, what a mixup on the Germany trip! I hope it works out in the best way for you.

Glad the weight is moving where you want it to.

I'm going to have to get to Trader Joes to try those Fiber Cakes. They actually sound good!

Have a great weekend, and a Healthy one!
Congrats on the weigh in!! And I am sorry your Germany trip is still an issue. What a nightmare, that would drive my anal self nuts! I hope dd gets to go the picnic at least, that made me sad for her! And ds will have fun laser tagging his beloved teacher I am sure ;) ! I remember my mom making me dig through a dumpster for my retainer, I had thrown it away in my lunch bag! I also remember thinking what a witch she was, now I know better since I am the paying ortho mom! Have a great weekend, keep up your good work, its really paying off!
Hi Amy
Congrats on losing the TOM weight & the bad weekend :)
What is it about missing socks?!!!
Hope DS get some successful bonding time with his teacher ;)


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