Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

Thanks for all the nice words everyone. Yesterday really wasn't any better but hopefully it will start to look up soon. The best part of the day was when the underwire in my bra broke and poked me for 3 hours. FUN! I have a full blown cold and am miserable. Right now I'm drinking my OJ and taking some cold medication - yes I am at work.

Get this! So today is what we call State of the Business where we all go to a big audiotorium and the big wigs in management tell us what a great year we had, how our profits for shareholders has increased, and how we are still not getting a rasie. Fun huh? This year they have decided to bus us 1 hour to the audiotorium - we leave at 10a.m. on the ride they will give us lunch which will consist of a Turkey Sandwich. Then when we get to the place we get to sit around anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for it to start. It goes from 12pm to 2pm and they "think" we will be back by 3pm. Also we don't get to have a lunch hour when we get back. Isn't that nice of them? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So plan for today:
B: 4 servings of OJ and egg, ham, and cheese on bottom half of English Muffin
L: Turkey Sandwich :guilty:
D: Hot wings

I didn't make it to Curves last night - I went home and slept for an hour. It is suppose to be beautiful here on Saturday so my plan is Curves Friday after dinner and then a nice long walk on Saturday.

:eek: Gosh, Amanda, that sucks! Your company is busing you that far away for an announcement?!? That's awful! Really!! Where are earth could they be taking you? Certainly you would think they could find something closer - or they could just used some closed-circuit tvs to make their announcements. Corporate America - you gotta love it. :crazy2: I hope they provide you with more that a plain turkey sandwich. Sorry for your bad day. :hug:

I am holding out for some good weather this weekend as well! Take care of yourself and get some extra snuggle time in with your kitty.
Hi Amanda!

Hang in there, girl! The week is almost over! Have a wonderful day tomorrow! Hope you feel much better soon. :grouphug:
I hope you are feeling better Amanda!!! I am sorry that work is stressing you out and that you feel yucky... That is why I am sending you :wizard: for a better day! Take good care of yourself and try to get lots of rest! :grouphug:
Girlfriend, you sound like you NEED a Friday party, so I'm here to get it started!!

:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:
"The long and winding road....." ACH!!! Wait, that song is slow & depressing!
:thewave: :thewave: :thewave:
Let's try again.....
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
"We are family! I got all my sisters with me!"
YAY! A WISH party!! :grouphug: :cloud9:

I hope today finds your world looking brighter. :hug: and :sunny:
:grouphug: Amanda,

I hope the meeting wasn't as horrible as expected and that you are feeling better today. I think a long walk in the fresh air tomorrow sounds like a fabulous idea. Drink some extra OJ and take extra good care of yourself, sweetie.

have a good weekend,
Hang in there girlie. I hope your meeting wasn't so bad and that you're feeling better soon. :grouphug:
The meeting was SO BAD! LOL! But I am feeling more positive today. I am going to Curves after work to be weighed and measured. I have a feeling that weight wise nothing has changed but I am hoping I am losing inches. I checked myself on the scale this morning and I am still in the 160's - in the morning even! So I'm not sure what is going on there.

Plan for today:
B: low carb blueberry muffin
L: Shrimp Alfredo
D: Polish Sausage and Veggies.
S: ???
Exercise: Curves
Water: 6 glasses
Vitamins - taking them now.

You sound better today, the meeting couldn't have been all too bad :rolleyes: Drinking Oj all day is what I do when I have a cold too, I worry about the carbs but have found it works for me. Hope to hear you lost some inches, funny how that works.

LC muffin - made or bought? I couldn't even find a no sugar tomato sauce at the market yesterday, what brand do you use? I'm planning for the meatloaf recipe on sunday. From the low carb crock pot recipe book - made steak bomb casserole - ok needs something added though I forgot to put a sl of provolone on the top of it when I served it but still think something should be added, let me know your thoughts. Recipe calls for sliced steak, sliced red, green peppers and an onion, mushrooms & sliced pepperoni.

Happy to hear Susan's adoption process is moving positively ahead :cheer2: will you please ask her if she would like a copy of the picture someone took of us at the finish line, we look happy & exhausted ;)

Have a wonderful walk tomorrow - hit that 4 miler! Here it is just too cold for me :cold:
Well I did get some good news fromCurves yesterday I've lost a total of 8.25 inches on my body. 1.60 pounds and .91 of that was fat.

Waist 36 to 35
Abs 42.50 - 42.00
Hips 43.25 to 42.50
Thighs 26.50 - 25.50
Calves 15.00 - 14.00
Arms 13.50 - 12.50
Bust - 41.75 - 41.75
Body Fat 36.60% - 36.10%
Weight 166.80/165.20/140

So that pretty much explains why I haven't been losing the pounds - my body has been to busy shedding inches! :earboy2:

Today's plan:
B: eggs and cheese
L: Probably my leftover Shrimp Alfredo
D: Low carb Meatloaf
S: Low Carb Ice Cream
Exercise: 2 to 4 mile walk
Water - striving for 6 glasses

Tonight we are baby-sitting my little niece Sydney for a couple of hours so that will be fun. Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon so that I don't get her sick either. My nose is still driving me crazy.

Way to go Amanda! Those numbers are great!!! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great time with your niece today!
Well yesterday nothing went as planned. We ended up being lazy and in our pj's until after noon! :flower: We had a houseful yesterday and are planning on having another housefull today. I'm dealing with a major lack of sleep from last night - I just couldn't seem to get to sleep and stay asleep - so I am planning on napping later in the day.

No plan for today - we are just going to wing it. We are suppose to go out to eat for V-day tonight but I'm not 100% sure we will make it with the way I am feeling. It is an awful dreary day outside - a perfect one for laying around and doing NOTHING!

Valentine's Day :hug:s and :flower3:s for you Dear princess: Amanda. I appreciated your post to my journal. You're always in my thoughts as you work to stay healthy! Congratulations on losing those inches! That's amazing!

Have a good Monday--
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I am so tired this morning - of course I am also up a bit earlier then usual. We are dog sitting today and tomorrow and I had to let the puppy out. I like dogs - but I am most definately a cat person. Meanwhile my cats are having minor strokes every time the dog moves. :cat:

My weekend was completely off program and I am feeling the effects from that decision. I need to get back on program in a big way.

B: Turkey roll ups
L: Tuna Salad
S: Celery and ranch dressing
D: Either Italian Chicken or Pork Chops - I haven't decided which yet.

I have to leave work early today so I will not be going to Curves today. My plan is to go Tues, Wens, Thurs.

Water I am going to strive for 8 glasses today - I really need to flush my system.

:love: Happy Valentine's Day! :love:

I hope you and and your DH find some time to celebrate your love today. You are a wonderful couple! Together, you can work to make your dreams come true - the sky's the limit!

:cheer2: All those lost inches!! Congratulations!! :cheer2: Curves seems to be just what you needed in the way of exercise - I'm so glad you're seeing such fabulous results! :cloud9: Even if your food isn't perfect, the exercise will help keep you on track.

I hope you have a wonderful day today! :sunny:
You are doing so awesome Amanda!!! Those numbers from Curves are absolutely amazing!!!!!!!! WTG!!!! :banana: I told you if you stick with it, that place really can work. The most important thing to me is to loose inches - who cares about pounds if our waists and hips are shrinking!!!!! :earseek:

Get back OP with your food and keep on going to Curves - your gonna look amazing on the cruise! :cheer2:

Hope you have a beautiful Valentines Day!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:


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