All You Need is Love: an offsite, non-Disney PTR (counting down to May 2018)

I just stumbled onto your PTR and so glad to see you posting again.
Our family just returned from our 15 day Orlando trip with 10 of those days at Disney. After 10 days on the DDP, we used your recommendation and ate at Sweet Tomatoes. My wife Loves this place. Our next trip will see plenty of off site restaurants as the DDP has lost its appeal with the constant changes and price increase. We also rode the "Eye" and visited SeaWorld for the first time. Looking forward to your May trip report and learning some new recommendations

So sorry to hear of your bad news. They always say that everything happens for a reason.....but it does not make it any easier. As you said, it hurts so much to see your children in pain. Stay Well
So sorry to hear about Jake and Brittany :( maybe it’s just a case of cold feet and they’ll be able to work through it? I can’t imagine how tough it must be for you and Steve too, being so far away.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Is it perhaps that it was overwhelming for Brittany? They are both very young and maybe she just got scared.
Thank you, everyone, for your virtual hugs and kind words. All appreciated in this otherwise stinky week.

@dancin Disney style , you are likely correct in your assumption. However (and please forgive me for being blunt, but I'm going to give you my brutally honest thoughts)......she's an adult. She's graduated from college, has a career in her chosen field (in human services, no less), and has lived away from home for more than a year. She's purchased a car, paid bills, and traveled outside of Canada. She has had formal educational training in relationships, human interaction, and other related courses. She might be young, but she handled this unbelievably poorly. It is wrong to accept a marriage proposal one day, and 10 days later walk out with no explanation whatsoever. I'm not just saying this because it happened to Jake; I would hold him (and myself) to the EXACT same standard. It's a matter of human decency. She was absolutely free to break off the engagement (and a part of me is thankful she did NOW, rather than after an expensive wedding was planned), but she owed him, at the VERY least, the courtesy of a "why". Of forewarning. Of something. Especially when she was well aware that he'd be facing the fallout completely alone. She, of ANY other person besides Steve and I, knew how hard it was for him to be just starting out in life and so far away from his parents.

Of course, I'm also of the mindset that we set the bar much too low for many of young people. I think too many bad behaviors are swept under the rug and brushed away with "well, they're just kids". She handled it wrong and in a way that caused a great deal of emotional damage to another person, and if she were MY daughter, she'd be facing the wrath of her momma. But, I hold myself to a high standard, too.

I'd like to feel some sympathy for her, but as of this point, I can't.

Rant over. My apologies if I offended anyone with my opinions. I do appreciate that others will feel quite differently from me.
Getting back to more trip-related updates.......

I called Discovery Cove today, and completely dismantled our reservation. I deleted Jake and Brittney from the reservation, changed Steve and I to the day resort package (no dolphin swim), and changed our Elite package to a cabana only. I also removed the passmember discount, and went with normal DC tickets (which include 14 days admission to Seaworld and Discovery Cove). Both Steve and I were thinking that October might be a good time for the full-on "resort vacation" that we've always talked about doing......a week of relaxation and enjoying all the amenities that the Vistana has to offer. We can always buy AP's in the fall if we change our minds.

It was a real bummer of a phone call to have to make, let me tell ya :(.

$589 is being refunded to our credit card.

Since we had such a substantial refund of monies that I had already paid off, I decided to cover another large trip expenditure, and paid our Pet Nanny in advance for our that week. One more thing crossed off the list. Oh, those babies of mine are expensive.....but their care and comfort is still somehow worth that $350 (including gratuity).

I also pre-purchased all day dining for both of us for one day at SeaWorld. I tentatively have two days for SeaWorld set aside on the itinerary, but I didn't want to over-commit with the dining in case its super hot and we choose to do 2 Aquatica days instead.

I have been toying with picking up Gatorland passes for the Sunday of our vacation. We haven't been there in years.....since 2012, I think.....and I'd love to go in the spring. On our only other visit there, it was a chilly Christmas (chilly for the south, that is) and much of the foliage had fallen from all those wonderful trees. I bet its lovely and lush in May, and will give the park a whole new feel. I also read that they now have Florida bobcats and panthers, which my cat-loving side would LOVE to see. I haven't placed the order for those just yet, but I think I may do so before the week is out. Prices are best on Undercover Tourist....around $26 each, including tax, which will save us around $5 per person versus ordering directly from Gatorland.

114 days to go.
Thank you, everyone, for your virtual hugs and kind words. All appreciated in this otherwise stinky week.

@dancin Disney style , you are likely correct in your assumption. However (and please forgive me for being blunt, but I'm going to give you my brutally honest thoughts)......she's an adult. She's graduated from college, has a career in her chosen field (in human services, no less), and has lived away from home for more than a year. She's purchased a car, paid bills, and traveled outside of Canada. She has had formal educational training in relationships, human interaction, and other related courses. She might be young, but she handled this unbelievably poorly. It is wrong to accept a marriage proposal one day, and 10 days later walk out with no explanation whatsoever. I'm not just saying this because it happened to Jake; I would hold him (and myself) to the EXACT same standard. It's a matter of human decency. She was absolutely free to break off the engagement (and a part of me is thankful she did NOW, rather than after an expensive wedding was planned), but she owed him, at the VERY least, the courtesy of a "why". Of forewarning. Of something. Especially when she was well aware that he'd be facing the fallout completely alone. She, of ANY other person besides Steve and I, knew how hard it was for him to be just starting out in life and so far away from his parents.

Of course, I'm also of the mindset that we set the bar much too low for many of young people. I think too many bad behaviors are swept under the rug and brushed away with "well, they're just kids". She handled it wrong and in a way that caused a great deal of emotional damage to another person, and if she were MY daughter, she'd be facing the wrath of her momma. But, I hold myself to a high standard, too.

I'd like to feel some sympathy for her, but as of this point, I can't.

Rant over. My apologies if I offended anyone with my opinions. I do appreciate that others will feel quite differently from me.


I realize I am a complete stranger to you and yours, but I am so sorry to hear about your sons broken engagement. I too have a son close to his age and cannot imagine how I would feel if a girl did that to my boy. Her age is not an excuse for poor behavior.
I am happy to see you are still going forward with your trip plans and making the best of things. I notice you are doing Discovery Cove and renting a cabana. Is it possible to tell me what the cabana cost is? I tried to find it on the internet but didn't have any luck.

I realize I am a complete stranger to you and yours, but I am so sorry to hear about your sons broken engagement. I too have a son close to his age and cannot imagine how I would feel if a girl did that to my boy. Her age is not an excuse for poor behavior.
I am happy to see you are still going forward with your trip plans and making the best of things. I notice you are doing Discovery Cove and renting a cabana. Is it possible to tell me what the cabana cost is? I tried to find it on the internet but didn't have any luck.

Thank you :hug:. It is doubly tough because his birthday is tomorrow. I know he won't feel like celebrating under the circumstances, but his friends are doing a good job of rallying around him. He's learning some tough lessons early, that's for sure.

The cabana-only price (outside of a celebration package) at Discovery Cove is as well guarded as the secret of how they get the caramel inside the Caramilk bar! :crazy2: I looked for it online as well, and never did find much that I could say was reliable. So I don't mind sharing the cost at all. It was $225 plus tax. It seems like a silly splurge for just the two of us, but what the heck. YOLO ;).

And for the record....complete strangers or long-time friends, everyone is welcome here :goodvibes. And I appreciate and value every single post, opinion, and contribution to my threads. Good to have you along!
Thank you, everyone, for your virtual hugs and kind words. All appreciated in this otherwise stinky week.

@dancin Disney style , you are likely correct in your assumption. However (and please forgive me for being blunt, but I'm going to give you my brutally honest thoughts)......she's an adult. She's graduated from college, has a career in her chosen field (in human services, no less), and has lived away from home for more than a year. She's purchased a car, paid bills, and traveled outside of Canada. She has had formal educational training in relationships, human interaction, and other related courses. She might be young, but she handled this unbelievably poorly. It is wrong to accept a marriage proposal one day, and 10 days later walk out with no explanation whatsoever. I'm not just saying this because it happened to Jake; I would hold him (and myself) to the EXACT same standard. It's a matter of human decency. She was absolutely free to break off the engagement (and a part of me is thankful she did NOW, rather than after an expensive wedding was planned), but she owed him, at the VERY least, the courtesy of a "why". Of forewarning. Of something. Especially when she was well aware that he'd be facing the fallout completely alone. She, of ANY other person besides Steve and I, knew how hard it was for him to be just starting out in life and so far away from his parents.

Of course, I'm also of the mindset that we set the bar much too low for many of young people. I think too many bad behaviors are swept under the rug and brushed away with "well, they're just kids". She handled it wrong and in a way that caused a great deal of emotional damage to another person, and if she were MY daughter, she'd be facing the wrath of her momma. But, I hold myself to a high standard, too.

I'd like to feel some sympathy for her, but as of this point, I can't.

Rant over. My apologies if I offended anyone with my opinions. I do appreciate that others will feel quite differently from me.
I completely agree.

Do not apologize for your opinion. It’s yours and you’re entitled to it. This is happening to you and your one else.

Would it be too soon to start digging out the shed?
Would it be too soon to start digging out the shed?

Heck, no! :rotfl:

Happy birthday to Jake! I know this is a painful season, but hopefully one day he will be able to look back on this and understand why it happened. Continued hugs and prayers to you!
Gina- so very sorry to hear the news- poor Jake. I feel your pain- we as moms wish that we could make the pain go away! It hurts so much to see our kids hurting! Sending:grouphug: to all of you! I feel I know Jake from your reports and he is such a sweet boy! We just have to believe that everything happens for a reason and that the right one is out there just waiting for him!
Hi Gina. I've been generally off-the-grid this week, but I wanted to let you know how sorry I was to read about what happened with Jake. I hope he is doing okay.
Oy! Poor Jake. Sorry for the bad news! Playing devil's adovcate though (and not knowing all the details), (and coming from someone who ended a 7 year realtionship in the not so distant past), I am sure she was doing the best she could. And when (for whatever reason) she decided this isn't what she wanted, she knew earlier was better. Ending relationships isn't easy for either side, and Jake (funny story, autocorrect just corrected Jake's name to "kale") certainly deserves an answer to why. But she's probably also feeling pretty crappy about it too. Breakups suck short term, but speaking from expirence, it does get better. Even when it seems like it won't.

I was about to get on here and ask if you'd considered a few different options that I don't think you've done. Perhaps I should message you on the Facebook....
Gina- she totally could have/should have handled it better. I completely feel your anger toward her. After my BIL broke off his engagement( a week before the wedding) he couldn't function. I wanted to scream at him that he did it to himself so snap out of it. I didn't. We'll see if his current engagement holds up. I won't believe it until we're at the reception.

You really should go to Gatorland. You'll have to say hi to the bobcats for us. Gatorland makes the rounds to all the time share resorts in the area. One year they mentioned they had bobcats and Duncan was so upset when they didn't actually bring one to the resort with them. He thought he was going to be able to pet one. haha We had to make a special trip to Gatorland so he could see them. Madeline held the giant yellow python last time we were there and there is an opportunity to feed a giant tortoise.
Hope the week started to end on a better note. No apologies needed-completely agree with everything you've said. I too hold my daughters and son to a higher standard (not to go off on a tangent but it's why it's difficult right now with the current occupant of the White House. I don't let my 11 year old get away with that immature behavior and language!)

Gatorland- we were hoping to get there last week but it was soooo cold we didn't. There was a Groupon for the zip line that included the admission. We really wanted to do the zip line but decided to hold off til June trip. Gatorland is the place that came to the resort in November and brought the baby gator that we got to hold...
Hey everyone, just a quick note to check in and reassure you that all is well. We have an appointment this afternoon that we soon have to head out the door to make, but I wanted to at least drop in quickly and thank you for all the wonderful posts of support and encouragement. On an otherwise tough week, you have been a very bright spot in my life! Though I haven't had a chance yet to respond to each of you (hopefully that will happen later tonight), I've been reading each of your messages and even had a few folks reach out to me via Facebook messenger. I am reminded yet again of how many great friends I have here on the Dis! (and why I'm so glad to be back posting)

I am also happy to report that Gatorland will definitely be a go for May :thumbsup2 . If the addition of the Big Cats since our visit in 2012 combined with your wholehearted endorsement of that its still a worthy attraction to spend time at weren't convincing enough (which they were!), Steve forwarded me his monthly e-newsletter from Perks at Work yesterday and.......guess what ticket offer was on there? Yep, it was Gatorland :banana:. Admission at the gate is $29.99 each plus tax, admission through Undercover tourist is $26.65 each including tax, and Perks at Work is only $22.35 each, tax how can we say no? :confused3

It's nice to have something go right in the planning this week. Because while we had Jake's devastating news to absorb, I got a message a couple of days ago from our friends, Robin & Wayne, who were going to be joining us for our celebratory week in the sunny south:

They're not going :(. Our original party of 6 is now a party of 2.

The short reason: they can't afford to stay at the Vistana, and were unhappy that they'd be sleeping at one resort while we would be somewhere else. They also wanted to do two days at Disney, two days at Universal, a day at SeaWorld, etc. etc. and Steve and I wouldn't agree to join them at the other parks [it has always been our belief that for budgetary purposes, PICK YOUR PARK FAMILY and get a multi-day ticket to maximize your savings since the price-per-day goes down substantially the longer you are there]. They didn't feel it was worth it to spend the money to go if they weren't going to get as much time with us as they expected they would. I understand, of course, but it was just another slap on a week where it felt like nothing was going right.

Oh! And while on the topic of my crappy week, I topped it off this morning with a trip to the urgent care clinic......after 2 full months of battling this sinus infection/cold/whatever-the-heck-it-is, I finally caved and sought medical help: I could not stand the incessant coughing and mucous production for another day longer. I now have a big ol' box of steroids, a very expensive inhaler, and some over-the-counter accompaniments which a very kind doctor assures me will have me back to normal (whatever "normal" is at this point :rolleyes:) in just a few short days.


This coming week will be better. Right? It's gotta be. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts :rolleyes1.

Anyhoo, I've got to run for now.....but hope to be back to answer all your posts later on this evening. Have a happy Saturday, y'all!


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