$49 for real?


Earning My Ears
Jun 6, 2000
I have seen posts for $49 at the all star how do you get the number to call about it?
I just called 1-407-W-DISNEY and asked for the fall special at the All stars. The Cm was very nice - she took the time to look it up for me and when she found it she said there was no postcard needed and I didn't need to live in any certain state.

I just received my confirmation, and it just says $49 Fall Special on it. Nothing about needing proof of residency or anything!

Good luck!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
Hi Pooh ,
Asking for the Fall Rate has worked for alot of folks if for some reason it doesn't for you email me and I will be happy to help you out with a link that has helped others!(Actually not a link cuz I'm not computer literate but an address!!)

Good Luck!

Does this rate extend to Nov. 6 - 11, which is when we're planning to go? Anyone get it for this time frame?

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy


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