09/28/2002 Cruise

Originally posted by papa (Actually Kathy)
Rosemary, Mike was grinning like the cat that ate the canary after he talked with you last night. "Same ole Rosemary" he said. He was jumping for joy when he found out how close we were to you and Rich and Art and Cathy. ............ Kathy
"Same ole Rosemary"!!!! "Same OLE Rosemary" !!! WHAT'S THAT suppose to mean?!?!?! :confused: ;) :jester:
Hello all!

Just got back from visiting Riker at the hospital. They have now determined that he had a heart attack--not sure exactly when. He is recovering slowly. He looked a lot better to us tonight. They will probably keep him a few more days to be sure that he can be stable for awhile before they send him home.

Thanks to all for your concern. Keep the prayers coming.

Hello Everyone,

Well we are getting back into the normal routine (whatever that is). I got a bad cold when I got home and felt lousy for a week, but it is better now. Hope Riker gets to feeling better. I know we were glad to see our Beagle (Buster) when we got home.

Again we want to tell all the Cruisears what a great time we had on the cruise and meeting everyone. It is neat to put faces with everyones handles on the Disboard.

We hope someday that we can see all of you again. At least for now we can keep in touch on the boards.:tongue:

I hope that Riker continues to improve. So was the surgery on his one eye successful?

LEXSUP--We have two beagles that were glad to see us when we got home. I am always the bad guy I take them to the kennel and then Norm picks them up.

Papa--- I couldn't find that community board link for us so in answer to your question, I am still busy with hockey. My Thanksgiving tournament is now filled and moving onto Christmas. With all the stuff that has been going on in DC area, I am having alot of teams from down there coming up to Hershey for our tournament. Can't say I blame them. Pretty scarey. When we were sitting in the airport the Monday after the cruise, they came on the TV with the shooting of the 13 year old boy at the school. Here we all are waiting to get on a plan to Baltimore (BWI). The airport is not far from where some of the shooting have been. We got our luggage got to our van and hurried North out of Maryland. I hope they soon catch the crazy people who are doing that.

Geezzzz, its great to see all of you still communicating on this board. I just figured it would die!!! Boy was I wrong. Dennis and I did have a great time on the cruise. The best part was getting to be with my honey and the next was meeting all of you. It really is wonderful to put faces with the names.

Who was it that wanted the discruisears logo already digitized?? I have it done. Pretty Pretty. I will try to figure out how to post a picture of it later.

I will be doing the guard thing this weekend and then for four days next week. Trying to get Nov and Dec done, that way I don't have to worry about what weekend it is. I will be going to Colorado to see two of my sisters. One of them I will take back to Texas when the visit is over. Bonnie is cancer free!!!! Hooray. We are still skeptical about that, but her doctor says she is. Her doctor said he has never seen anyone recover from lung, and cancer in the spinal and brain fluid before. But she has done it for the moment. So Linda gets to go back to Texas with me. We are hoping to get all this traveling done without snow and in time to spend Thanksgiving with the Texas bunch.

Ave - did you seriously think Dennis was going to go see George without me coming to see you and the kids??? NOT!!!!:p

We are planning on Disney World for Christmas - a whole 9 days. Lets hope President Bush can hold off jumping on Iraq till after the first of the year. Would certainly please me!!!

Take care all - see ya around the boards!!!:D :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
HI Crystina,

It was me that wanted the logo already digitized. Also I think it was you who had some sites that I could go to for some other digitized art work. Russia? I would appreciate it very much.

Glad to hear your sis is doing well.

I loved the story about the dinner rolls.:p That brings back the memories of the adult beach at CC and Art and Cathy and You and Dennis, Mike and Me and some others and the sting ray that Art chased back into the shallow water so we could all see it. Please don't forget us, we are now posting on Viking's thread too.

Art, Cathy, Mike and I saw the Atlantis take off on Monday. We drove over to Titisville to a state park and watched. It was breathtaking! Then Mike and I had to drive home because I had to work on Tuesday night.

Hope to see you two again. Take care of yourselves. Kathy
Nancy, the eye that was worked on looks clear, but we can't be sure yet if he can see. We have our fingers crossed.

We weren't able to visit him last night. They tell you to call to check how busy they are. When we called, they were packed with animals needing emergency care. They said they would call if it slowed down--it never slowed down. The waiting room there is quite an experience. It's wonderful that there is a place to go when your pet is really sick or hurt at any time of night or weekend. The vet is going to call us this morning with a report. I sure hope we can get him home today.

Thanks again for everyone's concern. Riker would be happy to show you how grateful he is.

Hope all is well with all of you.

Ddin't think this thread would still be up and running. Still think about the cruise lots! Just printed out all our pictures.

We miss disney so much we are taking a short trip on the 31st. Going down to disneyland to stay at Grand Californian. Lots of pin trading to do for the boys!
We have a new addition to our family. I must be nuts! Got a new puppy. A little long haired daschound. (sp) He is so sweet. The "big" dogs love him too, Continually wipe him around the floor with their noses!
Were planning on disney at Christmas. but some things have come up so not sure about that now.

We are looking forward to our next cruise in October 2003.

Kathy, glad to hear you are into the pin trading. William says he wants to send you some pins. He says send your address (if you are son inclined) and he will send you some. :D :D
Cathy, the game is in the mail.
Once again, we enjoyed meeting you all. William wears his Alaska hat all over. HOpe to see you all in the future. Elaine, William and bill
Hi, all--

I'm amazed that this thread is still here. We finally brought Riker home on Sunday. Don't even think about asking what the bill was--I'll never reveal it to anyone. We are treating him like someone (human or not) who has suffered a heart attack. He sleeps a lot, takes a whole lot of different meds, gets carried everywhere. We aren't sure about whether he'll be able to see--funny how that isn't very important anymore.

We are so thankful that he is alive and home. If any of you are speaking to the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS, please ask Him to continue to watch over Riker and thank Him for getting all of us through this.

I'll be keeping an eye on the board for next year's cruise.

You guys are the best!

Karen ... Glad to hear that Riker is home with you. Now just keep us posted (E-mail if you have to). Give him a belly rub and ear scratch for us .... Dog people know what I mean! Take Care.

Cathy & Art.

(If you want to check in on us, go to the 10-11-03 Cruise thread that Viking has going.)
Glad that your puppy is back were he belongs. ( I know he's not a puppy) I hope he has a speedy recovery now that he's back home. Please keep us posted. Ave'
Karen--- Glad that Riker is home with you. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

I sent George and email,but haven't heard back if he found his luggage. I do have pictures to give him if he doesn't get his film back. I really enjoy looking at all the wonderful pictures I took. Now to get them in my scrapebook.

Nancy, would you send me a picture of Gabor and Stipe? I didn't take my camera that evening. Also one of you and Norm and George and Barbara. Are they digital? I think if you emial them to me I can print them out, can't I? If not, I will be happy to pay for the reprints. I will email you our snail mail address. Thanks Elaine

I sent you an email. Pictures will need to come snail mail.

Had email from George, still didn't find his bag, but did find one roll of film.

Hope all the rest of my fellow cruisers are doing fine along with all the DIS dogs.

I just got off of 7 nights in a row with only 1 night off and I am tired! Karen, hope Riker is doing better.

Katie and her mama (DD2) and SIL are spending last night in Little Rock Ark. on their way home from 11 days in Texas!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc It feels like they have been gone a lot longer. :p We are keeping Katie this weekend for her Mama.

Take care everyone, will see you on the Viking thread.

Hot dog, less than a year till we see you all again.



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