Your thoughts on this...

For previous poster...yes she is an only child.

This evening my husband told me he is afraid if we go to Disneyland again this summer we might get "burned out"?!?!?! Can such a thing happen?
This made me chuckle. My parents left me and my brother home when I was about that age for (I believe) their 20th anniversary trip to WDW.

Was I disappointed at the time? Sure, though we had fun with the friend of the family who babysat. Do I occasionally bring it up as 'the time you abaaaandoned us' (imagine a Scarlett O'Hara tone in abandoned there)? Yes - and it's usually responded to with something along the lines of 'Remember you owe us a new kitchen table for the one you broke when you were 5'. :rotfl:

But do I resent them for going alone or think they should have felt guilty? Absolutely not. Even at the time I think I was only really upset for a couple of days; it's not like I thought we were never gonna go again.

Go, have fun just the two of ya. There'll be other family trips. She'll understand. :thumbsup2
The best thing parents can do for their kids is have a great relationship. This kind of stuff is key. You can send her pics and buy her gifts - make it fun somehow, but enjoy your time away. Is she an only child?

Thats what I was going to say. You need marriage time too... and if Disney is where you want to go, then go :thumbsup2 I would say that if you weren't going to WDW in March too. It is so important for your marriage!
For previous poster...yes she is an only child.

This evening my husband told me he is afraid if we go to Disneyland again this summer we might get "burned out"?!?!?! Can such a thing happen?

Been going every 6 mos for 5 years... nope no burn out!


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