WOW this makes me think of DVC!!!


I have this DIS-ease
Jul 27, 2006
Okay, this is a little off the main track, but after our last stay we brought home the half used bottle of Palmolive dish soap... figured they were going to toss it anyway...

Last night I squirted some onto dishes to clean and woah... the smell just took me to DVC... I guess I have smelled that smell so many times at DVC that it just takes me there.

Anybody else experience something like this? It just instantly took me there without thinking about it. Man, I love that smell.
:rotfl: :rotfl:

ok are you sure your not just experiencing a case of "I need a Disney trip"?:goodvibes
It's amazing what the sense of smell can do --
Certain flowers do it for me--bring back all sorts of memories.
Hugs Mel
and use that soap sparingly;)
Anybody else experience something like this? It just instantly took me there without thinking about it. Man, I love that smell.
Yes, but not with Palmolive dish soap!! I drank some once (long story) and ever since the smell of it makes me gag. I wish DVC would use any other brand of dish soap but Palmolive!!!

For me it's the fragrance of a particular soap from Basin in DTD. We had a bar of it in the bathroom on our first stay at OKW. Didn't use much of it so I brought the rest of the bar home. One whiff of the fragrance of that soap and in my mind I'm in the jacuzzi in that huge 1BR villa at OKW... :cloud9:
Yes, but not with Palmolive dish soap!! I drank some once (long story) and ever since the smell of it makes me gag. I wish DVC would use any other brand of dish soap but Palmolive!!!

Okay... I NEED to hear this story. Come-on Lisa give it up. You "DRANK SOME ONCE"?

Long story or not...
:rotfl: :rotfl:

ok are you sure your not just experiencing a case of "I need a Disney trip"?:goodvibes
It's amazing what the sense of smell can do --
Certain flowers do it for me--bring back all sorts of memories.
Hugs Mel
and use that soap sparingly;)

No, this was just a few days after we got back, so I don't think it was desire, but rather memory.... man that smells good...
Had the same thing happen with the soap. I ran out of soap a couple of weeks ago and I was in the shower. I new I had one of the Mickey soaps in my drawer some where. As SOON AS I opened it up I was back at Disney. Needless to say for about a week and half I used that soap until it was gone. ;)
Okay... I NEED to hear this story. Come-on Lisa give it up. You "DRANK SOME ONCE"?

Long story or not...
OK... here goes. In college I lived in an apartment-style dormitory unit with a few other students. We took turns cooking dinner and doing dishes. One roommate was a lousy dishwasher. She just rinsed the dishes off, never used any dish soap or even touched them with a sponge, leaving the plates greasy and the glasses with dried OJ pulp stuck inside them. So we had a little intervention and asked her to please wash the dishes properly and use some soap. She agreed to do so and that night I saw her do the following: pick up a dirty glass, put a big squirt of dish soap inside, give the glass a quick rinse, and set it in the dish drainer. Now I should have realized that that quick rinse had removed only a fraction of the amount of soap she had squirted into each of those glasses but they were made of colored plastic so it wasn't easy to see that the insides of them were still green from the Palmolive soap.

Later that evening, I took a glass out of the dish drainer, opened a bottle of Coke and poured some into the glass. It didn't seem odd that the Coke was really foaming up inside that glass because it was a newly opened bottle. I took a sip and got a mouthful of Palmolive flavored Coke!

That happened a very long time ago and the smell of Palmolive dish soap still makes me nauseous. So unfortunately, the memories awakened by certain smells are not always pleasant ones!
Had the same thing happen with the soap. I ran out of soap a couple of weeks ago and I was in the shower. I new I had one of the Mickey soaps in my drawer some where. As SOON AS I opened it up I was back at Disney. Needless to say for about a week and half I used that soap until it was gone. ;)
Was it one of the new soaps? I really like those! For the first time ever, I brought home all the leftover Disney soaps. In retrospect, I was sorry that on trash and towel day I told mousekeeping we didn't need more soap. I won't make that mistake again!!
Okay, this is a little off the main track, but after our last stay we brought home the half used bottle of Palmolive dish soap... figured they were going to toss it anyway...

Last night I squirted some onto dishes to clean and woah... the smell just took me to DVC... I guess I have smelled that smell so many times at DVC that it just takes me there.

Anybody else experience something like this? It just instantly took me there without thinking about it. Man, I love that smell.

I was thinking of selling our DVC soap on ebay. I can make you a good deal. Our next trip I'm saving the drink coasters for ebay. Hey, I've got to do something to raise money for more points. :lmao:
Okay, this is a little off the main track, but after our last stay we brought home the half used bottle of Palmolive dish soap... figured they were going to toss it anyway...

Last night I squirted some onto dishes to clean and woah... the smell just took me to DVC... I guess I have smelled that smell so many times at DVC that it just takes me there.

Anybody else experience something like this? It just instantly took me there without thinking about it. Man, I love that smell.

Well, I confess! I do the same thing! Except in my situation, we were furnishing our camper and needed dish soap. I had an empty dispenser, so I filled it with the Palmolive. Now at camp, I think of DVC! (The camper has several Mickey and Minnie items, as well as some Adirondack/bear-themed things, reminiscent of VWL.)

I ran out of the little bottles, so I replaced them with a large bottle of Palmolive--I need that DVC fix! ;)
OK... here goes. In college I lived in an apartment-style dormitory unit with a few other students. We took turns cooking dinner and doing dishes. One roommate was a lousy dishwasher. She just rinsed the dishes off, never used any dish soap or even touched them with a sponge, leaving the plates greasy and the glasses with dried OJ pulp stuck inside them. So we had a little intervention and asked her to please wash the dishes properly and use some soap. She agreed to do so and that night I saw her do the following: pick up a dirty glass, put a big squirt of dish soap inside, give the glass a quick rinse, and set it in the dish drainer. Now I should have realized that that quick rinse had removed only a fraction of the amount of soap she had squirted into each of those glasses but they were made of colored plastic so it wasn't easy to see that the insides of them were still green from the Palmolive soap.

Later that evening, I took a glass out of the dish drainer, opened a bottle of Coke and poured some into the glass. It didn't seem odd that the Coke was really foaming up inside that glass because it was a newly opened bottle. I took a sip and got a mouthful of Palmolive flavored Coke!

That happened a very long time ago and the smell of Palmolive dish soap still makes me nauseous. So unfortunately, the memories awakened by certain smells are not always pleasant ones!

I was hoping for a juicier story, but I understand now. :)
I have tons of Mickey soup in my bathroom drawer. Time to break it out and start using it.

Some of it is so old, it may turn into dust. :)
Rob, I understand - Disney definitely does too.

each resort smells a little different - especially in the lobby areas.

this seems to be true even at the value resort - I have no ideal what they use.

which I knew for Wl/VWL - I love the smell of that place!
Hey spicey! I was about the post the same thing. What IS the smell in the VWL/WL lobby? I get it heavier in the VWL lobby. It's like the smell of lumber or something.......

Denice T.
Olathe, KS
Really bad coffee always takes me back to Disney........

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