Would you upgrade to Concierge for these reasons?


Believer In Big Dreams!
May 23, 2011
Hi, I'm a DL and WDW parks veteran who just booked my first Disney cruise on the Wish (July 1-5!) and I could really use some expert DIS help! We are currently booked in a Deluxe Family Oceanview with Verandah- but being that it's our family's first cruise, and we're going during the summer, I figure our only chance at getting a Castaway Cay cabana and Palo brunch would be if we upgrade to Concierge. Also, since we booked today and the cruise is only 4 months away, we're currently stuck with the second dinner seating and waitlisted for the main dining time--which is a definite problem considering my kids will be 7 and 2 by the time of our cruise. I would almost consider cancelling the whole thing rather than try to pull off 8:15 PM dinners with a toddler if the waitlist doesn't come through for us before our pay-in-full date. However, I assume upgrading to Concierge would put us at the top of the waitlist for early dining?

So my big question for all of you who have sailed before: is the $5K upgrade to Concierge worth it for the earlier dinner seating, cabanas on Castaway, Palo brunch, early boarding, and the more convenient embarkation/disembarkation with young kids? AND is it worth giving up our midship Deck 6 location for the only available concierge room, which is at the very front of the ship on Deck 12? The reason I bring that one up is because I have no idea how any of us will feel in terms of motion sickness. My kids do get nauseous from long drives (particularly in traffic) and from turbulent plane rides, so if that means they'd be more prone to motion sickness on the cruise, is it better to skip all those concierge perks and stay in our midship location? I am definitely willing to spend the extra to make it a magical first cruise, and the trip is also a birthday present to myself! :) But I wouldn't want to do that big of an upgrade if it leads to one of us having a tough time with motion sickness in that room location and if we'd be likely to get the earlier dining through the regular waitlist anyway. What would you choose in this situation?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!!
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If I'm doing the math right, you're less than 130 days before your sail date. Though concierge booking for activities/cabanas/etc technically opens at 120 days out, they start accepting requests at 130 days out, and at least claim that the requests are honored in the order in which they are received. This means if you were to switch now, you'd be at the back of the line for concierge requests, and given how many concierge cabins there are on the Wish, I'd put your chances of getting a cabana at low even with concierge (at least in the initial round). We were waitlisted even as concierge sending the email right at midnight when it opened; we did eventually get off the waitlist FWIW but since you mention this as a major reason for the upgrade, I just want to set the right expectations.

I can't speak to the likelihood of getting early dining off the waitlist if you stay non-concierge. I would expect that you would get main dining no problem as concierge (we've definitely gotten it off waitlist as concierge before when we've booked a cruise late).

I'm not that convinced that cabin location makes a big difference on the seasickness front but I am no expert. I think you should plan for bonine regardless of your cabin location if you're worried about it, and as long as you do that I don't think the cabin location will matter much.

So...trying to get back to your original question. There are a lot of threads on this board about whether concierge is worth it or not. We always sail concierge because we love going to the lounge, having the personalized service from the people who staff it, and the extra conveniences. There are plenty of people who have found it not to be worth it though, and if you'll feel like you wasted your money if you don't get a cabana, don't do it.

I'd suggest watching a youtube video or two of the Wish concierge experience. See if that looks like it would be worth the upgrade charge for your family or not. Keep in mind that once you swap, your reservation will shortly be due in full since the deadline is earlier for concierge (and your deposit will become nonrefundable). Just things to be aware of.

Good luck and I hope you have an amazing cruise no matter what you decide!
From a monetary POV, I don’t see the value in paying 5K more for the advantages you want. Were it me, I’d consider another later cruise to get the edge or spend a lot of time rationalizing the expenditure.

Full disclosure: I have cruised at concierge level but not on DCL; never done DVC but have CL on land. Sometimes concierge level is worth the funds spent, other times not.
Well, only you can determine if it is worth it. As stated, there are many threads about this on here. Our Wish cruise was concierge. We booked later. There was no chance of a cabana, really. They are in very high demand on a Wish sailing, so I wouldn't book in hopes of getting one. The rest of your requests- Palo, early dining, would most likely be possible, but there is no guarantee. Our cabin was about as far forward as you can get. There was almost no motion, but that was just how our sailing was. The seas were quiet. But you can't predict that on any cruise, so you would have to be prepared for motion sickness no matter where your cabin is located. You would be required to pay in full when you make the switch. The deposit is non-refundable, so even if you moved your cruise or decided to go back to a regular room, you would not be able to get that money back. To me, concierge is about a level of service, the lounge etc. I would not book it for the things you want- cabana etc. Good luck with your decision!
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My family and I our also on this cruise and our booking window has already opened. If a cabana is a priority, I can tell you that they are already sold out and probably already have a waitlist. As for the motion sickness, I can only tell you that my wife is also very prone to it. We've cruised both in the middle of the ship and forward, and she can't really tell a difference. She always gets a little nauseous the first night but is fine after that for the rest of the cruise.
Hi, I'm a DL and WDW parks veteran who just booked my first Disney cruise on the Wish (July 1-5!) ..................................................

So my big question for all of you who have sailed before: is the $5K upgrade to Concierge worth it .........................................................
......................Thank you so much in advance for your help!!
In response to the bold I am throwing out an idea that could be plausible if you are flexible.

1st - If I researched correctly, your cruise 7/1 is around $8,470 with 283sq/ft including Verandah or 2nd - Concierge around $13,510 with 296sq/ft including Verandah

With a change in plans, you and family could likely have a pre or post cruise WDW stay for a few days with cruising from Port Canaveral being a 4 Day Cruise at a Concierge Level that is Higher than DCL with a cabin size + verandah of at least 355sq/ft (p.s. - cruise price is only approximately $5,500) The Lounge includes at no additional charge the FULL Service of all refreshments from (bottled water, tea, specialty coffee, soda, juice, beer, wine, spirits, snacks from 6:30am to Midnight, a top deck that has same Counter/Bar service plus a Grill and food area that offers a small Buffet plus made to order breakfast and lunch, a Private Restaurant serving Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner that you and Family decide the time to eat, an OVERNIGHT STAY at the Island with a private Beach and Restaurant for lunch on the Island + more.

There are options if flexible. As for us and a DCL Concierge Cruise - been there - done that - and no longer will do

Enjoy your eventual cruise :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
I feel like people make it seem like if you don't do certain things (like the fancy dining or have a cabana) your trip will be ruined. I've never done fancy dining and I still coming back trip after trip. In fact, I've never paid extra for anything onboard (except shore excursions). I've never been on the Wish, I prefer the smaller ships, but I've never had issues moving to main dining (part of why I enjoy the smaller ships). Honestly, I'd sooner eat deck food and room service before paying that much to change my dining.

$5000 for dinner and a place to sit when there are plenty of other free places to sit?

Nope, I'd put that money toward another basic cruise.
I booked my first cruise on the Wish (concierge level).

Everyone will have different reasons, but for me what made it worth it was the bigger room (we are a family of 5 and are getting the 1BR suite), the open bar, priority embarkation and disembarkation, ease of getting reservations for Palo, Enchante, and the Royal Gathering, access to the lounge and sundeck to get away from the crowded buffet and pools, private character meet in the concierge lounge, and early admission to the theaters. I don't think I am going to pay for a cabana because I just don't see the appeal. It's so much money, and comes with almost nothing, on top of an already ridiculous cruise fare. To each his own. Many people seem to love them.

If your primary motivation is to get a cabana, don't do it. Personally I wouldn't pay that huge upcharge to stay in a room that's more or less the same as the non concierge cabins. I know the shower is more detailed and you get a few extra square feet.

I bet you would get earlier dinner, but I'm not sure that's worth that price. I would probably just switch cruises and go on another sailing where early dining had availability. I wouldn't count on getting moved if you aren't concierge. I've read about families in a similar situation who did get off the waitlist, and others who did not.

From what I've read, the rooms all over the ship, including the forward concierge rooms, are fine. It's when the seas are rough that there is motion felt everywhere. I think most of the time the forward location wouldn't be an issue at all, and when it is bad enough for it to be an issue, it's probably bad everywhere.
I wouldn't do it and here's why. A cabana is not going to be the be all and end all of your Castaway day and paying the extra for concierge won't guarantee you one anyway. Palo brunch isn;'t the be all and end all either and actually, with it being your first cruise, with younger children and a short Wish cruise I would actually recommend not doing Palo. There is a tendency to want to do it all and end up feeling very rushed.

Especially on a shorter sailing with only a single sea day you really aren't getting the full benefit of concierge.
In response to the bold I am throwing out an idea that could be plausible if you are flexible.

1st - If I researched correctly, your cruise 7/1 is around $8,470 with 283sq/ft including Verandah or 2nd - Concierge around $13,510 with 296sq/ft including Verandah

With a change in plans, you and family could likely have a pre or post cruise WDW stay for a few days with cruising from Port Canaveral being a 4 Day Cruise at a Concierge Level that is Higher than DCL with a cabin size + verandah of at least 355sq/ft (p.s. - cruise price is only approximately $5,500) The Lounge includes at no additional charge the FULL Service of all refreshments from (bottled water, tea, specialty coffee, soda, juice, beer, wine, spirits, snacks from 6:30am to Midnight, a top deck that has same Counter/Bar service plus a Grill and food area that offers a small Buffet plus made to order breakfast and lunch, a Private Restaurant serving Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner that you and Family decide the time to eat, an OVERNIGHT STAY at the Island with a private Beach and Restaurant for lunch on the Island + more.

There are options if flexible. As for us and a DCL Concierge Cruise - been there - done that - and no longer will do

Enjoy your eventual cruise :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Thank you soo much for taking the time to do that research!! We are locked into the July 1-5 dates since this is an add-on to an existing east coast trip and we wouldn’t have enough vacation days to add on WDW. But that does sound like a great option!
For those reasons, no.
If you haven't been moved to first seating by the time your cruise rolls around, you can ask for it on the ship. Don't remember where, but I think it's guest services. Just make sure to get it done right away. only one of the adults needs to go take care of it..
For 5k more I personally don’t think it’s worth it. Actually it’s more than 5k because you have to pay for the cabana as well which isn’t cheap, There are more concierge rooms than cabanas, so it doesn’t guarantee you one. And would you explore as much of Castaway if you had a cabana or would you feel like you need to sit in the cabana all day because you spent so much money on it (that would be me!)? There is enough to do with the kids without having a cabana—Pelicans plunge, do the stingray excursion, look in the shops, have the kids go to Scuttles Cove, take a bike ride, etc.

As far as Palos, we got brunch last year on the Wish in July once on the ship. But if it’s your first cruise you may want to skip Palo because there’s so much to do on the ship itself. Get on the waitlist for main dining and also once on the ship you can go to dining services and request as well—we always due late dining with our kid so haven’t ever tried main. One thing about main dining is you need to start getting ready for dinner earlier so that cuts into your day some. So at 330-4 when families are leaving to get ready for main dining, you can have more space at the pool or kids club or wherever you are!
I booked my first cruise on the Wish (concierge level).

Everyone will have different reasons, but for me what made it worth it was the bigger room (we are a family of 5 and are getting the 1BR suite), the open bar, priority embarkation and disembarkation, ease of getting reservations for Palo, Enchante, and the Royal Gathering, access to the lounge and sundeck to get away from the crowded buffet and pools, private character meet in the concierge lounge, and early admission to the theaters. I don't think I am going to pay for a cabana because I just don't see the appeal. It's so much money, and comes with almost nothing, on top of an already ridiculous cruise fare. To each his own. Many people seem to love them.

If your primary motivation is to get a cabana, don't do it. Personally I wouldn't pay that huge upcharge to stay in a room that's more or less the same as the non concierge cabins. I know the shower is more detailed and you get a few extra square feet.

I bet you would get earlier dinner, but I'm not sure that's worth that price. I would probably just switch cruises and go on another sailing where early dining had availability. I wouldn't count on getting moved if you aren't concierge. I've read about families in a similar situation who did get off the waitlist, and others who did not.

From what I've read, the rooms all over the ship, including the forward concierge rooms, are fine. It's when the seas are rough that there is motion felt everywhere. I think most of the time the forward location wouldn't be an issue at all, and when it is bad enough for it to be an issue, it's probably bad everywhere.

Well, @westie55, you convinced me--to upgrade to Concierge! 😅 Hearing your description about all the other perks I hadn't thought of made me realize it could be more valuable to us than I thought. Having 2-3 extra hours for embarkation and letting the kids enjoy the pools and water slides without a wait + the priority disembarkation on a day when we'll have a fairly long trip home ahead of us back to CA could make a big difference. And my OBC credit went up to $600 with the upgrade, so if we do end up getting off the waitlist for Castaway (I was told we're pretty high up on the waitlist right now) that would cover a big chunk of it. Also, since it'll be a belated birthday present for me, my husband and son (we're all Geminis!) and our first family cruise, I figure let's go big, LOL. Now I am even more wildly excited!!!
Well, @westie55, you convinced me--to upgrade to Concierge! 😅 Hearing your description about all the other perks I hadn't thought of made me realize it could be more valuable to us than I thought. Having 2-3 extra hours for embarkation and letting the kids enjoy the pools and water slides without a wait + the priority disembarkation on a day when we'll have a fairly long trip home ahead of us back to CA could make a big difference. And my OBC credit went up to $600 with the upgrade, so if we do end up getting off the waitlist for Castaway (I was told we're pretty high up on the waitlist right now) that would cover a big chunk of it. Also, since it'll be a belated birthday present for me, my husband and son (we're all Geminis!) and our first family cruise, I figure let's go big, LOL. Now I am even more wildly excited!!!

That's awesome!! I have 3 kids: ages 9, 7, and 2 when we cruise. The idea of not having to worry about the Royal Gathering for my daughter, getting front row seats at the shows (and I heard they give concierge guests the best tables at dinner, like next to the stage for Arendelle!), and getting Enchante and Palo reservations was enough for us even though this is a HUGE splurge financially. A lot of the reason we are going on the cruise is to do the nice adult dining and have childcare taken care of! Also, I read that concierge can request kids size robes as well to wear back and forth from the pool deck, so make sure to do that also :)

Is it worth the price from a dollar point of view: probably not. But if it improves our experience, makes our first cruise super special, and I don't have to worry about not being able to book stuff, now that's priceless!
That's awesome!! I have 3 kids: ages 9, 7, and 2 when we cruise. The idea of not having to worry about the Royal Gathering for my daughter, getting front row seats at the shows (and I heard they give concierge guests the best tables at dinner, like next to the stage for Arendelle!), and getting Enchante and Palo reservations was enough for us even though this is a HUGE splurge financially. A lot of the reason we are going on the cruise is to do the nice adult dining and have childcare taken care of! Also, I read that concierge can request kids size robes as well to wear back and forth from the pool deck, so make sure to do that also :)

Is it worth the price from a dollar point of view: probably not. But if it improves our experience, makes our first cruise super special, and I don't have to worry about not being able to book stuff, now that's priceless!

YES to all of this!! Thank you so much for convincing me while there was still a concierge room available! 😍 So far I've booked Palo brunch, the nursery during brunch, and Royal Gathering before.

When is your sailing date? I'm so excited for us both!! Also, are you planning to use the nursery for your 2-year-old? That's the only part I'm a bit nervous about, since she and her big brother are super close and won't want to be separated. But I booked Palo/nursery for the last day of our cruise, so hopefully at this point they'll both be comfortable in the ship and we'll have visited the kids' clubs by then for open house at least.

Wishing you an amazing first cruise!
You decided and sound happy. 🥳

To the question, I say no. I am not willing to bet $5K on getting brunch or a Cabana.

I have enjoyed having a cabana, but I routinely go to a beach and just need somewhere to put my bag/towel.

When I pay extra for a special place, I feel the need to spend more time there. For a first-time visit, I want to get out and see things.

You sound as though this will matter to you and you will enjoy it. I would rather just take an additional cruise (I guess I have proven that with 7 months of my life on cruises 🤭).

Also, I was going to respond with, next birthday, when 2 yo might be able to do kids’ clubs while you have brunch.

Bon Voyage and have a great cruise.
YES to all of this!! Thank you so much for convincing me while there was still a concierge room available! 😍 So far I've booked Palo brunch, the nursery during brunch, and Royal Gathering before.

When is your sailing date? I'm so excited for us both!! Also, are you planning to use the nursery for your 2-year-old? That's the only part I'm a bit nervous about, since she and her big brother are super close and won't want to be separated. But I booked Palo/nursery for the last day of our cruise, so hopefully at this point they'll both be comfortable in the ship and we'll have visited the kids' clubs by then for open house at least.

Wishing you an amazing first cruise!

I go in November. I wish it were sooner!

Yes, we are planning on using the nursery for my daughter while we go to Palo and Enchante. I will also probably use it other times as well. I want to take the older two snorkeling and a 2yo can't do that. Hopefully she handles the nursery well but she goes to daycare so I'm hopeful. I'm sure the staff is used to some degree of separation anxiety at drop off and many kids calm down once parents leave. Fingers crossed.

Super excited for you. When you return, post about your trip! I would love to read about your experience!
I've never done fancy dining and I still coming back trip after trip. In fact, I've never paid extra for anything onboard (except shore excursions).

Same with us! Would we enjoy them, maybe, probably. Do we need them, no. Do we feel like we're missing out, absolutely not.

We haven't paid for anything extra other than excurusions, of which we do few. We've always loved our time on board and have cruises 8-11 already booked in the coming 18 months.

That being said, everyone is different and has different wants. I'd rather save the money for another cruise!


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