Would you be proud of your son or daughter if they Joined the Army?

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I haven't been able to read much of this thread, because it just makes me SO MAD. :headache: :headache: :headache: I would be banned from the DIS if I told some of you what I really think right now.

However, because of people like my DH, you have freedom of speech. Enjoy your freaking freedom!!!! :mad:

25+ years & still counting. Joined the Army for money for college & decided to stay. It has been a GREAT experience & a success for him. Very proud of what he does for a living. It would be an enviable civilian job in the IT field.

However, I suppose some of you just consider him a dumbxxx because he does it for the MA Army National Guard full time & part time.

Same here! He has had two tours to the middle east and expects a third. He has lead troops to El Salvador on a humanitarian mission where the village elder drew the first clean water from a well that the Army dug. The old man cried. One of the biggest contributions to that village was an outhouse and a well. Before, there was no outhouse and the water was gathered from streams that had the run off of where outhouses should have been.

There are certainly people in the country, especially the well to do, that leave it for others to serve. Even though I am not well to do, I will follow their example.:)

I would say that we are "fairly well to do" and DH has been serving for 27 years and willl continue to serve.
My son just graduated from high school last week, he will be 18 at the end of the month. If he came up to me and said he joined the military, I would not be happy, but I would be proud of him.

Now my husband is a cop, and everyday I pray that I won't get a knock at my door and someone will tell me that I have to go visit him in a body bag.
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

Hey, just to join in... DH has done three AF "tours" (two months) serving in OIF. Two to OEF, which apparently is OK because it's meaningful. One that was split between the two because of the location. He left today for his third in OEF.

When he's home, he:
Flies missions to refuel the jets protecting America (and yes, there's ALWAYS jets in the air)
Flies missions to refuel planes in training (specifically, he refuels Red Flag quite often)
Flies missions to refuel planes heading various places in the world
Flies medevac missions
Flies missions to refuel presidential planes
Flies other people to training classes in the US (he just took a group of those "dumb" enlisted booms to a further education program)
Flies mechanics to various places to fix planes

When he's not in a plane, he works as an executive officer in the squadron, organizing just about everything and making things run smoothly.

Pretty much, a hell of a lot more than fighting meaningless wars. And guess what? I never sit around waiting by the phone in case he's killed. (Though, for the record, his mom did call him the day of the tsunami.)
Gotta jump in! I have not read every response, so please forgive me if this has already been said.

A few months ago there was a similar thread. And a lady who was affected by Hurricane Katrina was saying how she could not EVER encourage or approve of her family joining the military. Well this got me so mad, because I am SURE when our National Guard came in to help she didn't turn away their assistance. Take the help, and then dog them once you get what you want? It's messed up.

People bash the military all the time, yet have no problems taking the assistance, help, and freedoms our men and women in uniform provide for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!

We (as a family) do not necessarily agree with all aspects of this current war. But what I do know is my husband is doing his DUTY and his JOB to the very best of his ability. They are living in pathetic conditions, away from their families for TWO years, and yet, they still do it! People may not support the war, but they should have at least a little bit of respect for the men and women over their doing their jobs and protecting YOUR RIGHT to disagree. Maybe if more people did join the military, we, as a nation would have a greater sense of unity and patriotism.
Whatever my kids decide to do with their lives, so long as they love it and do their best at it, I'll be proud. But I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be even prouder if they chose to join the military, because there are few things in life more noble than being willing to die for others.

Does that mean that I want them to go off to war somewhere? Of course not, what parent would? But how could any parent not be proud of a child that is willing to put his or her life on the line for others, if called to do so?

The notion that recruits are brainwashed is ludicrous, and it's insulting to every person that has or ever will voluntarily don the uniform of their country.

Every person that is currently in the military came in voluntarily - there is no draft, and no one is being forced into the armed services. Military members don't get to choose their wars, and anyone not willing to serve wherever and whenever they're told, regardless of their personal feelings about any particular war or engagement should simply not join in the first place. It really is that simple.
fyi about Harry...

Prince Harry in Canada for pre-Afghanistan training: reports
Sun Jun 3, 12:10 PM

LONDON (AFP) - Prince Harry is in training at a military base in Canada to prepare for a possible British Army deployment to Afghanistan, newspapers reported Sunday.

The 22-year-old officer, third-in-line to the throne, is at the British Army Training Unit Suffield, about 100 miles (160 kilometres) southeast of Calgary in Alberta.

The casually-dressed prince flew to Calgary from London Heathrow Airport on Wednesday, newspapers said.

"They got him in and out of there very quickly," a witness was quoted as saying in The Mail on Sunday, News of the World and the Sunday Mirror.

Army top brass stopped Harry from joining his regiment's recent deployment to Basra in southern Iraq over fears he would be headhunted by insurgents.

Reports have said he is being lined up for a posting to Afghanistan instead, where it would be harder for Taliban rebels to pinpoint his location. British troops are taking on insurgents in the restive southern Helmand province.

Harry is a second lieutenant in the elite Blues and Royals regiment of the British Army's Household Cavalry, responsible for 11 soldiers and four Scimitar reconnaissance vehicles.

Harry, known as Cornet Wales in the Army, is expected to practice "fire and manoeuvre" operations at Suffield, the largest training area available for British armoured vehicles, according to the Sunday Mirror.

"All the armoured live firing training is done at Suffield. It points towards a posting in Helmand. That kind of role is less in demand now in Iraq," a military source told the tabloid.

The British Army's website says: "This area is one of the largest our army trains on and it provides a highly realistic environment."

The British Army and Britain's Ministry of Defence refused to comment.
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

How unfair is that comment! As a parent it is your job to teach your children to make decisions independently of what your comfort level is. We are not discussing allowing your 10 year old to ride a dirt bike in competition. We are discussing young adults determining that they want to serve their country for whatever reason is their driving force. To say that a parent would be fine losing their beloved child to a profession that carries risk is not only cruel, it is ignorant.

You sit there typing away in a country whose freedoms and services are ensured by dedicated people who place your freedoms and safety above their own, and who are doing this because there are parents who have given their children wings. How dare you imply that the love for their family is any less than your own.

My Dh was a volunteer fire fighter for over 30 years, as was my brother. He used to wonder how people would fell if the volunteers did not show up, if the police officers said "Sorry too risky for me." Or if the people who man medivac helicopters decide to stay grounded. Add how would you feel if the protection you take for granted was no longer there because brave men and women decided that their own safety was not worth risking over the likes of you.

You don't have to want this life for your child, but never disparage those who go sleepless while their son or daughter or spouse is risking their lives to keep you safe. The choice is never yours, BTW. Once your child is an adult all bets are off. The best you can do is hope that you instilled all of the right lessons so that the decisions that they make keep them safe and do not risk the lives of others.
I haven't been able to read much of this thread, because it just makes me SO MAD. :headache: :headache: :headache: I would be banned from the DIS if I told some of you what I really think right now.

However, because of people like my DH, you have freedom of speech. Enjoy your freaking freedom!!!! :mad:

25+ years & still counting. Joined the Army for money for college & decided to stay. It has been a GREAT experience & a success for him. Very proud of what he does for a living. It would be an enviable civilian job in the IT field.

However, I suppose some of you just consider him a dumbxxx because he does it for the MA Army National Guard full time & part time.
The people who look down their noses at your DH and all the other service men and women are the only dumb***es.

Thank you to all the past and present service people for giving me the wonderful freedom that I enjoy everyday.
In April 2001 our son came home from high school one day and announced totally out of the blue that he had joined the National Guard. Neither DW or I had any military experience nor had we discussed it with him so needless to say we were taken completely by surprise. His military experience has taken him to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan for a year. He served in a forward quick response unit through two hurricanes, including being in Waveland, Ms when Katrina struck. The fear we felt for him during these times was immense.

I've tried, but I can't put into words how proud I am of my son!!
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

I am glad that all the mother's did not feel this way when WWI started. What a sad nation we would live in today.
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

Never ever let your kids drive a car or go in a car with any other driver than you!!! Cars are more dangerous than the military. As a matter of fact don't lwt them out of your sight.
Let me clarify: I don't think YOU were nasty to me (yet! lol, j/k!), but I expect others WILL BE. I know it's very hard for people who support the military to understand why others of us don't. No amount of explanation seems to do the trick. They just can't wrap their minds around it. Anyway, I do think the men and women in the military are largely honorable folks who are very brave and honestly feel they are defending my (and your, and their) freedom. I don't feel the same way, but I can respect them for wanting to help. !

I think this is the first time I've seen anyone actually admit this. Regardless, they will still defend us all when we need them.

I wonder how you feel about the police. :confused3
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

Maybe you should ask whether or not we would be disappointed, rather than proud. Like another poster said, whats to not be proud of? Its an honorable profession.

I personally would not choose it for my sons. Especially if they were to volunteer to serve in this war. But I can't see how I would be "appalled" or "ashamed". Just disappointed they didn't choose the path I had in mind for them. I'd get over it, though, because they are my children and I love them and support them no matter what they do. I just think asking the question, "would you be proud?" really is a little silly. Again, whats not to be proud of?
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !


Men and women do not join the military to become heros. The same goes for police, firefighters, teachers, etc. They are entering these occupations because they care about others and are willing to give unselfishly. In many cases, the monetary rewards are less than they would receive in the private sector, but the wealth that comes from doing something for others is unmatched.

I take my hat off to all those in the military for the work they do and because their families had cofidence in their children's abilities and loved, supported, and showed pride in their decisions.
How unfair is that comment! As a parent it is your job to teach your children to make decisions independently of what your comfort level is. We are not discussing allowing your 10 year old to ride a dirt bike in competition. We are discussing young adults determining that they want to serve their country for whatever reason is their driving force. To say that a parent would be fine losing their beloved child to a profession that carries risk is not only cruel, it is ignorant.

You sit there typing away in a country whose freedoms and services are ensured by dedicated people who place your freedoms and safety above their own, and who are doing this because there are parents who have given their children wings. How dare you imply that the love for their family is any less than your own.

My Dh was a volunteer fire fighter for over 30 years, as was my brother. He used to wonder how people would fell if the volunteers did not show up, if the police officers said "Sorry too risky for me." Or if the people who man medivac helicopters decide to stay grounded. Add how would you feel if the protection you take for granted was no longer there because brave men and women decided that their own safety was not worth risking over the likes of you.

You don't have to want this life for your child, but never disparage those who go sleepless while their son or daughter or spouse is risking their lives to keep you safe. The choice is never yours, BTW. Once your child is an adult all bets are off. The best you can do is hope that you instilled all of the right lessons so that the decisions that they make keep them safe and do not risk the lives of others.

Originally Posted by TinkerbellMama
Let me clarify: I don't think YOU were nasty to me (yet! lol, j/k!), but I expect others WILL BE. I know it's very hard for people who support the military to understand why others of us don't. No amount of explanation seems to do the trick. They just can't wrap their minds around it. Anyway, I do think the men and women in the military are largely honorable folks who are very brave and honestly feel they are defending my (and your, and their) freedom. I don't feel the same way, but I can respect them for wanting to help. !
This begs the question of why don't you support the military?

Also, if you believe one of the things the military does is not defend your freedom then what do you believe they do?
I'm not a parent yet, but I do not think I would be proud--just as I wouldn't be proud if my child joined any other organization I find morally or politically problematic. (Perhaps I could be proud of her/his dedication or courage or something like that, even though I disagreed with the purpose to which s/he was using it :confused: ) But of course, it would be her/his choice--not mine.

For those who have trouble understanding why someone might not be proud of their child's decision to join the military given that such an occupation requires great sacrafice, bravery, and desire to help others, consider an analogy. What if your child decided to become an abortionist? Personally, I would be quite proud of such a decision. (I would, though, be very scared for their well being given the terrorism within our country which is aimed at abortionists; given the political climate and the threat to one's physical safety which some abortionists undergo, I think this occupation would require a good deal of bravery and self-sacrafice--though likely not as much as anyone who has bullets or bombs flying at them on a regular basis.) I understand though, that probably most people would have trouble being happy or proud of such a decision of their childs. My own parents are pro-choice and know that the providing of abortions is quite necessary; yet if I became an abortionist, I highly doubt they would talk about my occupation as noble, though perhaps they could appreciate my being true to my convictions or something like that.

I'm sure anyone who thinks that abortion is sometimes morally questionable would have a much more difficult time feeling proud. I assume it would not matter that the child believes that they are making the world a better place nor that the child is dedicated and brave for a parent who thinks that abortions (at least as they occur in this country at this time) actually make the world a worse place.

I wonder how that would play out at a cocktail party...

So, what do you do for a living? "I'm in the Air Force (I like the Air Force!)". And you? "I perform abortions".
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