Would you be proud of your son or daughter if they Joined the Army?

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My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

Sorry but any family might have to deal with that at any point just from walking out the door and going about their normal day.

I would still be extremely proud of my child if they chose the military.
I'm reposting this from earlier so th OP can see it in case she missed it.

My DS wanted to join when he was done with HS. My DH and I were very supportive and happy with his decision. We knew the military would be great for him and help him find a direction in life. He was one of those kids that just didn't know what he wanted to do.
My in-laws managed to talk him out of it and encouraged him to go to college instead. So he did. He hated it!!!! He ended up dropping out and joined the army. He is so happy!
He has been in for 3 years and just reenlisted. He's an MP and this month will go to K-9 school. When (and if) he gets out he will have so many opportunities in his life. Should he decide to do his 20 he will retire when he is 40. 40 years old! Still young enough to find a great job in the civilian life in the FBI, DEA or any police force.
He missed 2 tours to Iraq because of an injury to his knee but he did do a year long tour to Afghanistan.

My husband and I couldn't be more proud of him! He has purpose and a direction in life. He loves what he is doing and knows he has a secure future. His only regret is that he didn't join right away and because of that he has a $14,000 student loan for a year of school he didn't complete and got nothing out of it.

Oh yeah, he also has gotton his associates in Criminal Justice since he's been in and is going for his bachelors. This of course all paid for by serving our country. He also plans to get a phsychology degree while serving.

Do we worry? Of course we do. I worry about all of my chldren whether they are fighting in a war or or just crossing the street. That is the lot we as parents bear.

Oh and also, he enlisted and re-enlitisted while we were at war.

So reading all the above, how could we not be proud?
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

First off, I'll answer your question, since I never really did. I'd be proud of my child for having the courage to commit their life to this country. I'd be proud of my child for being a cop, a firefighter or a teacher. That takes courage as well.

I also want to say that as a parent, you can always get the phone call that your child is dead. It isn't just military families who go through that.

Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.
First off, I'll answer your question, since I never really did. I'd be proud of my child for having the courage to commit their life to this country. I'd be proud of my child for being a cop, a firefighter or a teacher. That takes courage as well.

I also want to say that as a parent, you can always get the phone call that your child is dead. It isn't just military families who go through that.

Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
First off, I'll answer your question, since I never really did. I'd be proud of my child for having the courage to commit their life to this country. I'd be proud of my child for being a cop, a firefighter or a teacher. That takes courage as well.

I also want to say that as a parent, you can always get the phone call that your child is dead. It isn't just military families who go through that.

Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.

I'll ditto what Mike said: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
First off, I'll answer your question, since I never really did. I'd be proud of my child for having the courage to commit their life to this country. I'd be proud of my child for being a cop, a firefighter or a teacher. That takes courage as well.

I also want to say that as a parent, you can always get the phone call that your child is dead. It isn't just military families who go through that.

Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.

You're the bomb, Bomb! :hug:
First off, I'll answer your question, since I never really did. I'd be proud of my child for having the courage to commit their life to this country. I'd be proud of my child for being a cop, a firefighter or a teacher. That takes courage as well.

I also want to say that as a parent, you can always get the phone call that your child is dead. It isn't just military families who go through that.

Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 That's what I wanted to say!
Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

In answer to your question: Yes, I would be proud of my son or daughter for if they joined any branch of the military.

I'm not sure I understand why being a cop or firefighter is any more safe than being in the service. They risk their lives every day too.

I, for one, am eternally grateful for every man and woman who has served our country...no matter what their reasons. If it weren't for unselfish people like them, you would not have the ability to voice your opinion openly, sitting in the comfort of your home, and secure in the knowledge that you can go to bed at night, sleep soundly, and wake up a free citizen.
DH spent almost 21 yrs in the military. He never served in combat.
He did however man radios for search and rescue (usually small plane crashes) right here on American soil.

If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

Are you serious? DH has 4 brothers who served in Vietnam. They all came home on their own 2 feet, not in body bags. You speak as if dying in the military is a given, but that other professions have no risk. Police Officers and firefighters put their lives on the line every day. So it is heroic in your eyes to be a firefighter or police officer, but suicide to be in the military.

I don't care if this gets be banned. You are one screwed up person.
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

WHAT??????? I have never had a post get me so angry. I can't figure out if you are just trying to cause trouble or if you are really that clueless about the real world.
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

My husband has spent 22 years in the military, of that, three years were spent in various tours of duty in the Persian Gulf (what I presume is the "meaningless war" you are referencing).

That's 1/7 of his career. In the other six-sevenths he has:

*Filled sandbags to stop the Mississippi River from overflowing and flooding a small town

*Fought fires in California

*While serving with a dental services unit, assisted his unit in bringing dental care to rural areas that had no dentists or clinics

*While serving with an engineering unit, assisted his unit in building a water treatment plant, recycling facility and sewage plant (for civilians)

*Trained hundreds of young people, encouraging them and helping them find their careers in and out of the military. We still get letters and emails from many of these people, keeping us up to date on their graduations, career successes and personal lives.

The number of people who have served with or under my husband and still write to him and remember him is really humbling to me. I get angry at him quite a bit for various things, we haven't always had the best marriage - but he can't be all bad if all those people still remember and appreciate him.
My Original Question was "Would you be proud of your son or daugher" It was not an "I dont appreciate what veterans have done for me." I am glad and thankful they didnt have people like me in there familys. To stop them or talk them out of going to fight meaningless wars. If you want to be a Hero be a cop, be a firefigher, be a teacher. I for one refuse to waiting by a phone to find out my son will be home in a body bag ! If you have no problem getting that call then I trully take my hat off to you KUDOS !

Just to reiterate: The only meaningful wars are those fought against space aliens, right?
Now, let me tell you something Fishy. My husband doesn't just go 'fight in meaningless wars.' In the past 13 years, he has worked long hours in the field with nuclear weapons. He's been chosen to fly aircraft worth millions of dollars. He goes faster than the speed of sound on a regular basis. He's trained American pilots, as well as pilots from Taiwan and Egypt. I for one, think its a pretty good idea to have as many countries 'with us' at this time as we can get. Especially in certain areas of Asia and the Middle East. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I'm pretty sure the whole of the USA is better off having some wonderful men and women working Public Relations with other countries. He's given up months and months with his family including his two young children in order to serve the US and provide YOU with the freedom to say what you want, to whoever you want.

If all of this still strikes you as meaningless, I suggest you re-evaluate what brings meaning to your life. My freedom is pretty damn meaningful to me.

You hit the nail on the head with that one! :thumbsup2
*this is P-nut's DD speaking!*
wow i am so appauled that you could write that. In all my 16 and a half years i do not believe i heard anything so vile and disgusting.
you are insulting a lot of people by saying this. It is like you are saying that your family is too good to be in the military.
Also just because you sign up for the military does not mean that you will go out and fight in a war. my father was in it for over 20 years and he never had to go and fight in a war.
Now i understand that you are trying to make sure that your kids do not get killed and im sure every parent will agree with you on that one but you are going at it all wrong. Our world is filled with violence and it is not going to stop anytime soon. Your kids have more of a chance getting killed from walking in a city at night then they do in the military.
THink about it. Its not like they are just going to give you a gun and a uniform and put you onto the battle field. The military trains you to be able to defend yourself in any situation that will occur on the battle field. thats not the only thing that you learn though. the military also teaches you about leadership skills, how to work as a team, responsibility, respect, and honor.
To answer your question, in the future, i would let my kids join the military if they wanted too, and i would be very proud of them!

There are certainly people in the country, especially the well to do, that leave it for others to serve. Even though I am not well to do, I will follow their example.:)
OP, I kind of understand what you are saying about THIS war. However what you might be forgetting is intent. Those who go into the military don't go in with the intention of fighting meaningless wars. I believe that their intent is noble and that they are quite brave to begin with. They don't get to pick and choose which war to be involved in but have to do what they are told and from what I've seen, they do it quite well.

I wonder if you feel the same way about the soldiers who have fought in past wars? Again, remember that they go where they are ordered to go and can't exactly decide that they don't agree with the purpose so they'll just stay home. And what if they do agree? Then it isn't meaningless, is it?
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