Working on Weight Loss During Training—New Year New Us!

What are Chicken Lips? Is that literal? Or is like "Elephant Ears," which contain no elephant at all? :)

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: I laughed out loud at that one! Honestly though I wondered the same dang thing when I first heard about them.

They are one full chicken breast breaded and I'm sure fried in a "spicy" seasoning with a "spicy" sauce. Now this is the girl that won't even eat the "mild" chip dip so as you can imagine these aren't my fave. However I learned a trick to cut off all the breading and place it on a salad with lf ranch dressing. That is to die for :woohoo:
I'd love to join in if I may!?!?

Height: 5'5"
Long-Term Goal: Get fit and healthy and stay that way. I need to lose over 55 lbs to do that though.
Plan: I'm exercising more, eating healthier foods, drinking more water, and just trying to make better choices. No set "plan" though.
Training for: WDW 1/2 2008 and something in the Minnie -- either the 5K or 15K. I haven't decided yet, but I WILL be there.
Struggles: late night snacking and just being busy

I want to thank all of you who have shared your stories. It has been so inspiring to me. You have shown me that I can go from being someone who gets winded just climbing the stairs to someone who can run/walk a marathon -- well a 1/2 anyway. Thank you!!!
Yesterday was a good day. I had cereal for breakfast, a yogurt and hard boiled egg for lunch and a turkey burger w/lettuce & tomatoe for dinner. I had pretzels and V-8 juice as snacks. I didn't hit the dreadmill, but I did clean a condo for 2 hrs., so that has to add up to something.??? I'm planning on walking an hour on the tm before work today. Have a good Friday!
Hey ya'll!

Yesterday wasn't so good for me. Got into a box of Hot Tamales candy mid-afternoon and went down hill from there. Started off pretty good though by eating low-sugar oatmeal, a turkey wrap with mustard and low fat chips for lunch then I got into the candy then some cheese and crackers. Ate a salad with blue cheese (but no dressing) from local restaurant for dinner, I also ordered the home made chips with ranch dressing too. DH ate half of them but it was very bad of me to eat them at all. I did drink all my water though so that's a little accomplishment. But I drank a root beer for dessert.:eek: I'm back on track today with the low-sugar oatmeal and a fat free yogurt for snack. And I "wogged" for 45 minutes.

We're going out of town tomorrow for a few days to visit DH's extended family. I am not looking forward to it. Sunday's menu includes bbq which in this part of the country means shredded pork, and I'm sure there will be lots of mayonaisey slaw and corn bread with that. Will have to force myself to have some sort of will power around all that food, because I know they won't offer anything else.

Next week I'm thinking about going to the Y during the day. I have more energy then, and I hate walking out of the house as soon as DH walks in during the evenings. Is 10 weeks old too young to put a baby in child watch????

MiniGirl - WELCOME!!!!!!! The more the merrier! :grouphug:

Yesterday was a good day. I had cereal for breakfast, a yogurt and hard boiled egg for lunch and a turkey burger w/lettuce & tomatoe for dinner. I had pretzels and V-8 juice as snacks. I didn't hit the dreadmill, but I did clean a condo for 2 hrs., so that has to add up to something.??? I'm planning on walking an hour on the tm before work today. Have a good Friday!

Great job Monte!!!!! :cool1: Cleaning is definitely x-training in my mind :)

Next week I'm thinking about going to the Y during the day. I have more energy then, and I hate walking out of the house as soon as DH walks in during the evenings. Is 10 weeks old too young to put a baby in child watch????

Bree - Many infants are put into child care at 6 wks so 10 wks should be fine:thumbsup2 I'd give you Y a call beforehand to make sure though.

How is everyone else doing :confused: :confused3
Hi everyone! Thanks for this thread! I am ready to commit to y'all...are you ready to give me tough love? :goodvibes

I am Beth
weight is toooo high to admit right now
short term goal: JOG the Minnie 5k and not be LAST
Long term goal: get my weight under control

I have a hard time sticking with, maybe the WDW goal will help

What is W.I.S.H?
:welcome: Beth and MiniGirl! Glad you can join us. Beth, W.I.S.H. is "We're inspired to stay healthy". :thumbsup2

Bree - I LOVE those Hot Tamales. I love anything cinnamon. I used to eat those and red hots all the time. Yummy!

Well, my "eating right" went out the door 2 weeks ago. I should have lost weight doing the half-marathon and all that walking around the parks. But, NO! I did nothing but eat, eat, eat, sleep, walk, eat, eat, eat. And I'm still eating. I gave myself permission to be bad through tomorrow (Saturday). Next week, I'm going to get back on the training wagon for next year's marathon and side runs along the way. I will also start eating better. I REALLY want to lose weight before I have to actually start my training for the full. I just can't carry around this weight any longer. My half pictures were horrible. Funny thing is, when I look in the mirror I don't see this fat person but when I look at my pics....HOLY COW. :scared1: I swear that is someone else. Those pics are reality and I've got to get on the ball...right now!

I'll start posting again on Sunday...after I finish my bad run. :rolleyes1
Okay... I just saw my pics from the 1/2 and I Raced over here!!!! I am soooooo needing to get my but in gear! No more excuses!

I am with you on that Susie (oh.. and btw... missed you at the 1/2... guess your pace was better than mine cause I was looking for you!) I thought I would lose weight while in Disney with all the walking I did.. and I have to say I really didn't eat badly... so.. I don't understand.. Oh.. wait.. maybe I was even heavier when i got there? ACK!!! Perish the thought!!

Well... Here are my details

Height - 5'2"
Weight Goal - Lose 61 pounds.. (yeah I know ... odd number.. but it is my lucky number inverted.. sooooo maybe it will mean something??? :confused3 )
Short term Goal - Be able to actually run the 1/2 next year
Life time Goal - Keep off the weight... and learn to live a healthier lifestyle

Let's go! :)

Sorry, a little off topic here....

Kathy - I was ushered up to the B1 group in the corrals (by my friend) even though I was supposed to be in B3. Were you in the B corral? That's probably why we missed each other. By the way, did you get your medal (I can't remember). And, are you going to do the half or full next year?
Hey everyone. I told Cam at the Illuminations Party that we had to get this thread started again. I was so glad to see someone else got the ball rolling!

After seeing my 1/2 pics, I too CROAKED. BUT, at least I can have yet another goal to reach and something else to accomplish. My next 1/2 I will be lighter and faster!!!!

My goal is to drop another 40 pounds. This past year I lost about 35 (yes I am a slow loser!!!) Come one WISHers in Training... we can do this!
I am so glad I am not the only one that had a heart attack after seeing their pictures. I weighed myself this morning at 161. That is almost 20lbs heavier than I was in the beginning of training for the full. I think since I was running so much that I gave myself permission to eat anything that I wanted, and let me tell you it caught up to me. At this rate if I don't do something soon I am going to be in BIG trouble. So, starting Monday the excersizing starts again and the eating is already being put in check. Thank you guys so much for starting this thread, and I am going to do my best to come in here every day and update to keep myself accountable.

Hey everyone. How are you all doing?

I am doing surprisingly well. I usually start to cheat by this time. I think I mentioned I lost 30 pds last year and then gained back 10 during the month of December but that is now gone and starting at 170 again. I hope to lose the 30 I think I need to lose by the Minnie in May. Should be doable. I have totally cut out my pepsi and no potato chips which are my weakness. My exercise has slacked a bit this week, we have bought my son a car and spent this entire week getting everything together, but back at it today. Going for along walk...well long for me about 10K might do that tomorrow to or I will get in my 15K on my stationary bike, that always makes it feel. OK get off the computer Kim and get something done.

Have a great day

Thanks for the thread! It's already helping me be more accountable.

Last night, we had a departmental business function. You know, the type that masquerades as a social get-together. This means there was a lot of my hot-spots: wine, cheese, chocolate and desserts. I can't say I entirely abstained--or I would be lying if I did--but I did limit myself to one glass of wine (tried to eye 4 ounces), a little cheese and raw veggies (no dip), and a small dessert. Not great, but not the downfall I'd feared.

And today, I'd just started my workout at the Y when they closed the building because of a water main break. Normally I would take that as a sign to take the day off, but thanks to WISH and this thread, I drove to the area's other Y and started my work out all over again! Whoo hoo!

Hopefully you'll keep me on track tonight, when we go out with friends tonight. It's Indian food, which I looooove. No nan for me! Any suggestions about what I should order (I'm a vegetarian)?
Ok, we'll it's a start. Here's what I ate today. Please forgive me for the dinner, but.... I bought this before I decided to start eating better and figured I better go ahead and get it out of the freezer!! I have only had water to drink today!!

Kellogg's Smart Start Cereal
w/ 1/2 cup lowfat milk
and half a banana
calories: 299

Ham and Turkey Sandwich
on Wheat Bread w/ fat free Miracle Whip
and Mustard, and an apple
calories: 325

Nature Valley Honey & Oats Granola Bar

Beef Liver and Onions,
Rice a Roni Whole Grain Blends
and Corn on the Cob
calories: 531

1245 Total for the day!!

I might include another snack before bed, but not half bad!! I know there are still some things I can do better, like not eating Fried Liver and Onions, but I refuse to NEVER have it again. The goal I think here is to not eat a TON of it, right?!

Just so everyone knows I am always open to suggestions and/or advice on my eating habits, cause well.... I have never really paid attention to what I eat and I am NOT very good at this. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful day and staying on track.

Take Care,
Great job Dana!!!! I saw you in MGM during the Marathon... You did great by the way!!! Remember, you really can't diet forever. It's about a lifestyle change... everything in moderation! I ate pizza last night but only 2 pieces, not four!!

My goal is to lose 20 pounds by summer, then 20 more by the end of the year. So far today I have done really well...

B: egg whites, 1/2 the normal amount of hashbrowns, OJ
L: 2 slices left over pizza, salad
S: Grapefruit
D: Homemade Chicken Enchiladas, broccoli

I may have air popped pocorn for a snack later. The hardest part for me is that I can't use the "I'm Training" excuse anymore. It's not a bad thing to feel hungry every once in awhile.
Hi there everyone – it is so great to see posts on this thread!

I’m in the middle of doing homework – yuck but wanted to stop in and make sure I posted today. We had an ice storm and more planned for tonight so I doubt I’ll be able to go to the Y at all as planned but will try to unbury the clothes hanger (ie dreadmill) and hop on it tomorrow.

Jen – It’s great to see you back here!! I think Cam’s still in WDW but I sure hope she joins us when she returns!!! 35 lbs is nothing to sneeze at – that is wonderful!!!

Kim – Those chips will do me in as well. I can’t eat just a couple so I have to stay very far away from them. I lost 30lbs about 1 ½ yrs ago but have since put it all back on. I’ve let the stress of school (gone back for my MBA), work, and life get the best of me. Enough of that though we can do this!!!!

DP – Great job at that party!!!! Making better choices is what I think this is about! Sorry I don’t eat Indian food so I can’t give u any suggestions on that.

Dana – The rest of your day was so good that the dinner wasn’t bad at all. Not something to have all the time but definitely okay as a treat once in a while. I don’t think this works for anyone if they feel deprived of something they really enjoy.

Today’s menu:

Diet dew
B – Egg beaters – ham/cheese version and 1 pc ww toast
S & L – Handful of nuts and pudding cup (nasty head ache today)
D – Haven’t a clue
D – Cream cheese tart (SBD recipe)

Okay time to get back to the homework :guilty:

Check in everyone if you can! We want to hear from you!!!

WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay... so.. I am going to jump back on the SBD bandwagon... It really worked for me when I attempted it last year... unfortunately I started it about 3 weeks before I left for Disney.. and you know what happens in Disney... You stay on track for the first few days.. and then before you know it.. it's MIckey Bars for Breakfast Lunch and Dinner!!! :rotfl2:

Unfortunatly NOT SBD Friendly!! LOL!! So.. since I have no trips planned right now :mad: I guess I will be safe! ;) Soooooooo here I go... I have gone through my kitchen and tossed all the non SBD friendly stuff.... trash City! Luckily there wasn't too much stuff left as I did just get home from the Marathon..

Immediate plan is... bed NOW.. up early to get in a walk... then on track all day!!!

Good luck to you all... I have been reading along and have been inspired by everyone!!

I'm sneaking back in here. I've done nothing to report for this thread, until this morning.

I walked this morning for 50 minutes. I feel so much better after my walk--I must remember this feeling. I am not starting any dietary changes, since we leave for Disney on Thursday, and as Valentine pointed out--not the best place for dieting.

I am ambivalent on signing up for the 2008 1/2 marathon. I printed out the DVC application (gotta save that $5). I partipated in 2005, had an awesome time meeting some great WISHers, but got closed out at the back gate of MK after walking 10.5 miles. Now, I did very little training for that time--I walked steadily in the fall, but my last big walk before the 1/2 was at Thanksgiving, and was only for 4 miles. At the time I did the 1/2 I weighed about 10 pounds less than I do today.

I signed up for the 2006, and went to Disney, but didn't even go to the expo to pick up my shirt.

I want to do the 1/2, but right now I am feeling as though I never finish anything. I've tried dieting only to lose a few pounds and give up. I've started exercising, only to give that up. Right now, I am 73.5 pounds over my goal weight. I just don't know if I can do everything I need to (lose weight, exercise, etc). Part of me is thinking I should wait to sign up until my birthday (April). I will only sign up if I have exercised 4 times a week for a miniumum of 30 minutes. That would be 12 weeks, which should be enough to ingrain the habit into my brain.

Thanks for letting me ramble. Good luck to everyone in your quest.
Well, yesterday was an absolutely HORRIBLE day for me to try and watch what I ate. Yesterday was DH's grandfather's funeral, and you know what happens after a funeral?! Everyone goes to someone else's house to ..... that's right.... you guessed it..... EAT! Fried Chicken, Green Beans, and we aren't even going to talk about the amazing carrot cake that DH's great aunt makes. So...... today is a new day and we start again. I woke up at 7am this morning and did about an hour of cardio and strength training, and had a nice healthy, LOW CALORIE, breakfast!!

I hope everyone had a more On Plan weekend than I did.

Take Care,


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