Wk of Oct 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

hey everyone! i kind of went on a posting hiatus... but i'm back! and i've been running, lots! boy oh boy. i did 16 miles on sunday. longest straight i've ever run! i mean, i did the marathon last year but i had to start throwing walking in at around 10 miles. mostly cause i didn't train really well last year. but i'm on top of it for this year. and i'm so proud of myself. yesterday's 7 felt so good! got 6 this afternoon when i get home.
Jen -- Great job and congratulations on your discipline! :thumbsup2

Holly -- awesome LR! Congrats on your huge strides in progress! Be sure to check in more often so we can celebrate with you! :goodvibes: :dancer:
Hi Guys! :wave: I have been MIA for a while. Work is beyond busy, plus all the activities with the 4 kids. Phew. We leave for WDW in less than a month and I am already having panic attacks about packing.

Confession time:
For the past 2 weeks I have not been training at all. I think I tried to jump back into marathon training too soon after the DL 1/2 and exhausted myself. For a week or so I even decided not to do the marathon at all and just watch DH from the sidelines. I was tired and stressed and did not know when I could find the time to train. Then, on Sunday I had a dream about the marathon and someone talking about what a great accomplishment it was, how it was something that only a few people ever finish, and how it proved that now I could do anything. I woke up energized and inspired. I guess the dream was my IC's way of kicking me in the rear. I revised my training plan so that my LR is on Sunday instead of Saturday, allowing myself some rest time after a long hard week at work. Because I have fallen behind in training, my longest LR will only be 16 miles, but I think this will be enough to get me where I need to be while keeping me from getting injured by trying to do too much too fast.

I am officially back on track. Last night I did 45 minutes outside. The weather is finally getting cooler here. I am anxiously awaiting Carrie's visit in a little over a week (but her dreams of doing a LR together will not work out because she is way too speedy for me ;) ).

And Cam, take care of that heart!
TXBelle said:
I am anxiously awaiting Carrie's visit in a little over a week (but her dreams of doing a LR together will not work out because she is way too speedy for me ;) ).
Heather - I've been getting worried about you. I'm glad you're back on track. I'll argue with you on my being too fast via e-mail. ;)
Forced myself to do my 15miler ALONE!!. Anyway, the important part is that it is done!! Talking the boy to nana's house to meet/see his aunt from cananda. Will probably be mia for a few days, but i may try to keep up and post at night. Had lots of thoughts on the mental toughness issue today. hopefully i can collect the thoughts and put them in coherent sentences.
OK, so let's try to get all caught up on 7 pages of posts, shall we??

Cecilia, Jodi, Paul and Dave: Congrats on all of your races!! Great job!! :thumbsup2

Mel R: I'm tired just reading about all that adventure race stuff!! Great job!! Oh.... and just for you--- PACKET DANCE!! :dancer:

Jim: Welcome!! :welcome:

Cam: I'm glad to hear that things are starting to get looked at by your docs. It's sounds like you've got a great one!!!

NUC: Oh, I hear you about not being fast enough. Back (Way Back) in the day, I was an elite swimmer and needless to say the "winning is everything" mentality set in hard. It took me FIVE YEARS to get to the start line after I set this goal for myself and one of the many things I took away from the experience is that you can quite literally finish 10,000th and that medal can still feel like Olympic gold.

Carrie: Things have gotten somewhat better. It's a "off week" for us here, but I feel just as busy as last week with things. :guilty: Classes are just going OK. That's very disappointing to me-- I did so well last semester and this semester I just don't seem to have it in me (motivation wise, energy wise, you name it).

Mel: You very first post this week hit a real cord with me. The mental toughness aspect is something I seem to be lacking not only in my training lately, but in my life in general. I have been slacking in a major way in just about every area and it's just incredibly frustrating right now. I don't get it.... :guilty:

Anyhow, I ran my 5K Saturday and finished in just over 25 minutes, which I was fine with. Maybe I had a little more gas in the tank, but I ran out of real estate. I ended up missing my LR on Sunday--- a mixture of post-football exhaustion and sheer laziness won out.

I got back in the saddle yesterday and did 4 miles at 9:02/mile pace. I am due for seven tonight. (Actually, I was due for seven this morning, but I couldn't seem to get my lazy body out of bed in time). I am supposed to go to Spinning class tonight, but I think the training run is going to win out. I would consider doing both, but my timing is all messed up.

ETA: No packet yet. :guilty:

Well, I better get back to work--
Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Got my packet!!! It was delivered here at work. Funny, I didn't remember using my work address. Anywhoo, I'm #7018.

I have to admit, I'm getting very nervous about doing the full. The half marathon last weekend seemed like a long way. Plus, there were some things about the weekend that didn't go so great. The princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, were bouncing off the walls and kind of ran us a little ragged. DW didn't have such a great time over the weekend watching the kids while I ran, and she didn't make it to the finish line to see me finish. It's kind of a long story, but I'm worried about how she's going to react to my wanting to run the full. Plus, I can't break the news this weekend because she scheduled a girls night out on Friday night to go see a movie with her book group. I didn't get a chance to plan my date night with her for that day, and the rest of our weekend is totally booked. So, the soonest I can break the news is next Thursday because the weekend after that is getting booked too.

Maybe I'm getting a little overwhelmed with everything that is going on. Plus, I'm starting to get worried about fitting my long runs in too - over 2 hours is a long time to be out, and next weekend the in-laws are coming, the weekend after that we're supposed to go to my parents.

Shoot, lots going on... OK, enough of my little panic attack. Gotta get back to work.
Heather -- I am so glad to see you here. I was looking at the picture of us post-DL with our medals on (at the WISH tent) and specifically thought to myself how great and fit you look and how much weight you have lost on this journey. You are doing great, sweetie! Keep up the good work! I am so glad your IC helped you get back on track.

I am so jealous that Carrie and Heather are going to do a LR together. I have not had the opportunity to train with anyone IRL (except Howard occasionally for a lap or so at the state park) and think that would make it so much more bearable. :goodvibes:

Mel -- Congrats on getting your 15 done alone. That takes so much discipline (besides the stamina!). :cool1:
Dave -- You are not alone! Do not despair. We are all facing the same challenges and know just how overwhelming it is. Just hang in there, kid, you'll make it work. You've already come so much further than you thought possible, right?

Oh, and it makes perfect sense to me that you used your work address. Imagine if DW got the mail today at home and the packet was there with your race #! :eek: Guess you wouldn't have to worry about how to break the news to her, huh? :teeth:
Well I got my steps in last night. I was ready to head out the door the second DH got home from work! I am not good about afternoon exercising so I am thrilled I got out there. The weather was great. I subbed today so doing XT tomorrow.

I cannot believe how close it is getting.

Dave- my DH had my dad 2 DS's and 2 neices in tow with him last year. It is a fun environment and they will have a good time. Make sure they make good use of the monorail & they will have no problem getting to the finish. She can take the kids into the park for a little while while you are hitting the pavement. She will have a blast. My family (even those that dont race) love this weekend)

Cam-so glad you are o.k. Keep a close eye on that heart. We cant let anything happen to you!

Heather-I know it takes a good kick in the butt to get us back on track sometimes. I had brief thoughts of "hey, I can just go and not do the race" THen I thought of seeing everyone else's medal & no way can I not get one too! Good job for getting back out there!

As I was typing this DS checked the mail & I GOT MY PACKET!!! :woohoo:
The cover is beautiful! :lovestruc
:wave: To Everyone:

You all keep me going! Thanks for the motivation.

I read all the posts here, but don't yet have the skill to write personalized posts to individuals, as some of you do. Just know that I am out here in CA, supporting you all through your trials and tribulations. I think about you on my runs, too. Your participation in this thread is great support for me. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) I sure look forward to meeting you all in January. :)

I'm starting to get nervous about the race(s).

Stay healthy,

Cam--take care of yourself. Glad to hear that the doctor had good things to say. Keep us updated, we'll be praying for you.

Dave & Kevin--hang in there, guys. You both sound like you could use a pick-me-up. I'm lucky this year that I'm not crazy-stressed at work during these next two months, but I know what you guys mean about life getting in the way of training and causing way too much stress. Just know that we're all behind you guys. Dave, good luck breaking the news to the DW. I'm sure everything will go well.

Mel--c'mon, we all know that you're not slow (not that it matters what anyone else thinks, right?). Funny that you should mention speed. I used to get bummed when talking to some of the "speedy" guys at work and reporting the times of my LRs, etc. Then I finally realized that I really couldn't care less what these guys think. I'm not racing against them, and I'm pretty sure people like that are just jealous when you come in on Monday and say things like, "Yeah, I had a short run this weekend--only 14 miles." Take that, speed demons. :)

MelR--please DO post your thoughts on the mental toughness issue. I love reading those type of things, almost more than reading about the physical toughness issues of distance running. Nice job on the 15 miler.

To everyone that has gotten their packets-- :furious: :furious: Just kidding! I'm just jealous because Krista and I haven't seen either of ours yet. Ohio is behind the curve in a lot of things, so let's just add slow-packet-delivery to the list.

Training's going pretty well. Did 7 tonight which was ok--the semi-long runs in the evening are starting to get old, especially since it's getting dark so much sooner. I had almost forgotten how much fun it is to crank out an 8 or 10 miler on a Wednesday night after dark. :)

Well, gotta go since Krista is trying to steal the computer from me--we have a second laptop, but I guess she's too lazy to go upstairs and get it. (I'm going to take heat for that comment once she reads my post :rolleyes: ).

Have a good evening, all.

Hi All,

Paul – Congratulations on your Half Marathon & PR! :thumbsup2
Rhonda – Great job getting your training back on track. Congratulations on running for 3.5 straight miles! :woohoo:
Dave – Congratulations on your Half Marathon! :thumbsup2 Sorry you are getting a little overwhelmed. If I remember correctly, isn’t the “cool aunt” going to WDW with you for Marathon Weekend? I’m sure that will make things easier for your DW.
Tiffany – Great job on your 8 miler. It was really great of your DS to do the first & last lap with you. :cool1:
Melissa – Congratulations on your Adventure Race! :thumbsup2 Oh noooo…that you ended up biking for an extra hour on the wrong trail. Good for all of you for continuing. Glad to hear the Bronc behaved. Looking forward to the photos.
Cam – pixiedust: & :grouphug: on your health issues. Hope the inhaler is helping. Great job on your 12 miler. :cool1:
Jim – :welcome:
Carrie – Great pace on your 12 miler. You are speedy! :car:
Christa – Love the photo of the JRT. Congratulations to him on running his first half marathon. Have fun in WDW.
Jackie – Ouch… pixiedust: for your knee & shoulder.
Lynnda – Hearing the heartbeat is definitely a sound that is never forgotten. I still remember how great that sound was and my DS is 20yrs old. :love:
Helen – Congratulations on your 10k! :thumbsup2
Krista – pixiedust: for the shin splints. Hope they are feeling better.
Judy – pixiedust: for Mist. Hope the trial is going well.
Jen – Hope your DD is feeling better. Great job on getting in some treadmill time. Good Luck on your 10k on Saturday.
Terri – pixiedust: for your mom. You’re right…sometimes Real Life gets in the way and you gotta do what you gotta do.
Jodi – Happy 1st Anniversary! Enjoy your weekend. We celebrate our 24th on Monday (the 30th)
Holly – Congratulations on continuing to get in all of your steps. :woohoo:
Heather – Great job for being back on track. :thumbsup2
Kevin – Congratulations on your 5k! :thumbsup2
Amy - How's the Achilles Tendon doing?

As for me….Tuesday did 2.63 miles in 35:09 (including warm-up & cool-down) for a 13:23mpm. Today was XT, did some strength exercises & a lot of stretching. A new fitness center opened not too far away (Retro Fitness). After registration fees (which we have coupons for 50% off) the monthly fees are only $19.99 per person. So, for the 3 of us that will be $60 per month which is a lot better then the $111 & up all of the other fitness centers in the area want. We have “Free One Day Trial” passes so we are going to try them out on Friday & will probably join. I’m hoping it will make it easier to get our training in with it getting dark early, plus we will have more options for XT.

Congratulations to all that have received their packets. We’re still waiting for ours. :sad2:
Pat - You are so right. Finishing is the important thing. And it's all about the bling (love those medals :teeth: )

Jodi - Have fun on vacation!

CAm - Glad to hear you're doing ok. Keep us posted.

Judy & Jen - Can I join the "got my butt kicked at worked" group, too? Boy I wish I could hit the lottery!

Holly - Glad to see you back. Great job on your training! :thumbsup2

Heather - I was in the same boat. After the DL 1/2, I just kinda stopped any consistent training. Got workouts in here and there, but the motivation wasn't there. Just starting to get it back now.

MelR - Great job on the 15. Loved reading your Adventure Race report, too.

Terri (Packet-less and pouting) :sad2:
Well I guess it's time to admit the truth. Today I actually felt more sore than any other day in training so far. Basically running for me even 3 or 4 miles is an exercise in pain management. It's pretty much how long can I stand it, or can I zone out far enough that I don't think about it for a few minutes. It's not sharp, it's not really throbbing, it's just constant and annoying. I'm making an appointment for the free running clinic on base to see if they have anything useful to say, other than to tell me what I already know about having medial shin splints. I guess I might also trying getting new shoes, although that expense seems unnecessary if it's only been around 200 miles in this pair.

And finally, I guess I have to take some time off. How much is the real question. The sites I read have various timeframes, some as short as three days rest, some as high as a month. I did manage 22 miles total last week, but haven't done a longer LR than 7 since DL. The next few LRs of my plan were supposed to be 8 this weekend, then 10, then 8, then 12. I guess I'm thinking maybe take the next 10 days off, and jump back in starting that monday, and doing the 8 miler the following weekend.

Guess it's time to start having fun with the Aquajogger kit... :sad2:
Matt - here's some :wizard: for your shins!

Count me in as one of those waiting patiently (or impatiently) for their race packet..

Cool news - my Mom registered to do the Half under the AT Children's Project! That's the charity I did DL with - awesome group of people! And my Mom is doing the race with Chad & I. :banana:

Speaking of the race...my Mom is now running. So, what exactly do I do with a 3 year old? Would the Fairy Godmothers come to babysit at 3am? If worse comes to worse, I can ask my grandparents to come down from The Villages and watch him - I just hate to ask. And it's still up in the air if my Dad is coming on the trip. I think he'll end up coming, but he hasn't said so yet. He gets sick of the disney-every-year thing. My mom decided the heck with him, and is doing the race no matter what.

I did not xt on Tuesday and felt horribly guilty about it. I was just so exhausted,

I did go out & do my 40 mins. MfM w3/r1 yesterday.
2:33 (.21 miles)

My times were about the same, or a little higher per mile. BUT, I felt much better out there yesterday! Even though it was 47 degrees and wicked windy when I started at 5pm! I think it was bearable due to my DL half windbreaker. :teeth:
Good morning everyone. :sunny:

I just realized I never made my weekly Sunday (or Monday) post. That explains why (until now) I found myself missing DIS emails from this thread. :blush: I suppose I could just subscribe invisibly to read my training motivation as a lurker, but that's not nearly as much fun as actually joining in.

For me, training's OK...nothing too interesting.

I am struggling with my nutrition, though. Now that my first event is behind me I think I've figured out why I completely hit the wall at mile 10.5 of the Baltimore Half. I don't think I eat right. I live low-carb and I don't think that's compatible with 13.1 miles. So between now and WDW I'm trying to find the right balance in my diet.

I can see I have a lot of reading to do to catch up on this week's news. Better get started now.

Until next week... :wave2:
Kevin - I'm hoping it's just the nasty weather giving you the blahs. :wizard: That your motivation picks up soon! Congrats on your 5K!

Matt - I definitely at least cut down to 3 runs per week. The aqua jogger sounds like an even better idea. :wizard: For your shins!

Kelly - You most definitely need to keep posting!! As fro nutrition, I'm finally on the right track after about 2 weeks of eating anything with sugar in a 5 mile radius! I posted this on the weight loss area, but I think I'll share here. It's from a friend from another board.

Actually according to Runners World (I think that's where I read this) every pound lost is like 25 lbs less pressure on knees, hips, ankles nad feet when running. I think the ratio was 1/10 for walking.

Although I want to lose pounds, I need to work on not gaining first. SO, I need to think that for every pound I gain, I'm putting 25 pounds of stress on my body. :faint:

Teri - Good to see you! I would not worry too much about the packets yet. There are more people her that have not gotten them than have gotten them. I know ours did not come until November last year, despite what was promised.

Kristi - If you felt good, that's all that matters! Way to go on getting out in the nasty weather!

I did 40 min at Curves last night. They have a new Elvis cd. Now, I know this is unamerican, but I do NOT like Elvis. The first loop was torture. When I got to a pad near the door, I ran out and got my mp3. I believe my soreness is due to the effect of combining Jimmy Eat World with Curves. ;)

The sun is out and it's supposed to be near 50 today. Yay! Great night for, ummm, tempo. :rolleyes: ;)

PS - I cannot find the code for my first attempt at inserting :rolleyes: . So, if you see that smiley in an inappropriate place, please don't be insulted. ;)
Good morning, everyone!
Matt -- I am worried about you. Please take it easy. I am thinking you need to put some miles on the aquajogger kit instead of your shoes. Oh, and BTW, my running store said you can't really use the miles guideline absolutely to guide you on when to buy new shoes. If your shoes have 200 miles on them and you don't feel like they are giving you the support and cushioning you need, you may want to try a new pair. I don't think all shoes hold up for the same distances.

My training schedule is really off except that I am getting in the LRs at the required distances on the weekends. I did 60 minutes on the bike last night and will probably do 14 miles LR this weekend (I think the plan calls for 6, but I want to try to get to at least 23 miles before the full, rather than the 20 that MfM calls for, so I am going to skip one of the short weeks and add 2 miles on here and there to build to 23 gradually)


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