Wk of Oct 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Heather :wave: :grouphug: It's so good to see you! I'm glad you had that dream :woohoo: I have a friend who ran her first full with the longest LR being 16 and she never hit the wall. Training schedules are just suggestions :rotfl2:

Cam-- Oh I am so glad your dr apt when well. He sounds like a great dr. Can I have him? Please keep us posted and don't ever feel the need to be brave and keep secrets, k?

Kevin-- I can identify with the feeling undisciplined in all areas of life. I've been so hard on myself lately. I think I don't have enough time to do all that I need to do, yet I find myself wasting time, snacking and being disgusted with myself. I know for me, a lot stems from the whole "this time last year I was..." and I'm just not that person, not doing those things, not keeping up. Ugh.

Matt-- I would definitely switch at least one run per week to aqua running. I have to do that. Don't for a minute, underestimate the pain factor in your training.

The pain issue is huge in training. It's mentally draining, it instills fear in me where I used to be INVINCEABLE, it makes me question my priorities and sanity.... There are times when it throws me into pretty deep depression. I hate it :furious: Sometimes I feel like running is being taken away from me :sad2: But I'm pressing on. I'm just not ready to accept that.

Dave-- I can really relate to your delimma about DW and DDs and your running the full. Last year Dx was very supportive and managed to get DS(5) to the finish line. Between huge waits in travel and then waiting at the line they were "waiting" about 1.5 hours. They were both smiles when I finally crossed and not a negative word was said. But this year Dx and I are going alone and he's doing the half. He said to me the other day, "you don't expect me to go through all that to be at the finish line again do you?". It really hurt my feelings, but he wasn't trying to be mean, just honest. It is very difficult when your SO doesn't share the passion, and as such, ends up with extra kid duty for your sake. Here's tons and tons of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to help DW understand how important this is to you and even more :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: that the little princess: princess: will be just that and make it enjoyable for your wife. Don't fall into guilt over it. You've worked so hard and you really, really deserve this experience in your life. I just know it will work out for DW and princess: princess: , too!

MelR-- all I can say is "welcome to my world"!!!!! I have no LDR RL friends and therefore do all my LRs alone. That's probably why I have an IC, although I think she's given up on me :sad2:


ETA: Oh and Dave, one more thing: When I finished Applefest half last year on Oct 1, I had serious doubts about being able to run the full. I kept saying to myself, "this was only a half?" But they really are apples and oranges (Ha, no pun intended with my race, Applefest and the Full in Florida :rotfl2: ) The full isn't "double" halves. You run it totally different. When I review your progress over this year I don't have a single doubt that you will both finish the full and finish strong!
Oh, I forgot to mention, my packet came but Dx didn't :confused3 I did go online and check to make sure he is registered.

Ok, having said that, can I COMPLAIN for a moment or two? Has he been on one training walk or run? NO! Will he? probably not. Once I told him we were walking the half he said, "oh that's easy". So I tried to explain, its not like strolling down the mall-- we have to walk fast. In fact, the pace I walk will be too uncomfortable for him to walk so he'll probably be forced to jog. He is driving me crazy. He does a lot of physical work and is in great physical shape, but it's not sustained cardio stuff. Plus he smokes, so it scares me to death that he will show up untrained and then force himself to finish no matter what.

I plan on signing him up for the Veteran's Day 11K. That will be at least one training session :rolleyes:

Plus, I know the only reason he agreed to it is for my sake. Remember, I secretly signed him up and then slowly worked on him...

Again I say, you paired runners are so blessed! Don't take it for GRANITE! (I'm gonna have to find a rock clippie just for Judy).

My Mom says whenever you say something negative you have to balance it out with something postive... so here's my positive:

My new Kyanos arrived in the mail yesterday :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Oh I do believe I'm going to be visiting roadrunnersports way too often now that I'm a VIP :rotfl:

Guess what kind of work day it is :rotfl2: :rolleyes1 :surfweb:

#32704 - Congrats on teh packet. Thanks for not running it in to those of us who don't have them. ;) :teeth:

Sunny - Scott's pckt came a day or two after mine last year. You just never know. I hope you aren't running in too much pain. You're not pushing too hard, right? (Sorry, I'm a worrier)

I forgot my good news. DH and i are going shoe shopping soon. :teeth: I'm thinkign Kyanos, but will have to ask. GT2100s worked well last year, but of course we would nto want to sitck with the same style if we can try new shoes. Kinseis have too much arch for me. SO, we'll see what the store says. I am so glad they now carry Asics at my local store!! :banana:
wtpclc said:
#32704 - Congrats on teh packet. Thanks for not running it in to those of us who don't have them. ;) :teeth:

Sunny - Scott's pckt came a day or two after mine last year. You just never know. I hope you aren't running in too much pain. You're not pushing too hard, right? (Sorry, I'm a worrier)

I forgot my good news. DH and i are going shoe shopping soon. :teeth: I'm thinkign Kyanos, but will have to ask. GT2100s worked well last year, but of course we would nto want to sitck with the same style if we can try new shoes. Kinseis have too much arch for me. SO, we'll see what the store says. I am so glad they now carry Asics at my local store!! :banana:

Actually, I'd be thrilled to be able to wear GT2100s. I don't know that I can't, I've just not taken the chance. They are in most stores, come in lots of colors and are a lot cheaper! But I wouldn't want to take a way your fun :Pinkbounc

I don't believe I am pushing too hard. I guage my "pushing" by the end of the day pain and the first thing in the morning pain. Grocery shopping causes much more of both than my last 14 miler. Obviously, I'm supposed to be a princess: who lounges and runs :rotfl2:
plutosmyfav said:
Kevin-- I can identify with the feeling undisciplined in all areas of life. I've been so hard on myself lately. I think I don't have enough time to do all that I need to do, yet I find myself wasting time, snacking and being disgusted with myself. I know for me, a lot stems from the whole "this time last year I was..." and I'm just not that person, not doing those things, not keeping up. Ugh.

Bingo, this is exactly it!! I'm sorry your feeling the same way, but kinda glad I'm not alone.

Glad you got your packet (none here :guilty: ) Since you are Goofy too... did they give you both of your numbers in the packet??

Judy: errr... 32704-- We spend our who lives trying to be something more than a "mere number" and then when we start road racing it's the coolest thing in the world. :teeth:

Carrie: Maybe it is the weather. I sure hope not, though, because the weather--- not going to get any better around here. ;)

OK, so after I posted yesterday I got back to work and found out that I made a HUGE mistake with something. And of course it's something that'll be very difficult to fix and will probably cheese people off in the "fixing." :guilty: And then I didn't get my packet and... well, it wasn't a great evening.

I did make it to Spinning last night and killed it. Maybe it was the stress of the day, but I worked HARD! It did make me feel better, though. :teeth:

I better get to work---

Happy training all!
Keivn :earsboy:
Kevin-- I think I qualify for "The Worst Disney Runner Enthusiast" award. I didn't even open it, I have no clue what my numbers are. In fact, last year when they sent out the certificates and CDs I almost threw it away thinking it was junk mail! Then I only watched the CD after learning that Helen was on it. I deserve a hundred lashings with a Lime-green WISH scarf :rotfl:

I'll check the packet when I get home tonight.

Sorry to hear about the work snafu. Oh I hate those BIG TIME! But they always fade with time... Good luck!
Here's an inspirational thought I read in a daily devotional:

Some things we accomplish in life require intense commitment for a short time—and the result has lifelong value.

It's kind of a rewording of "the pain is temporary, finishing is forever"
Sunny - Love the quote!!! :goodvibes OK, I feel better now about your runs. DH has taken over teh shopping and I think he does a better job. What does that say about me? princess: ;)

Kevin - The sun is out now, enjoy it while it lasts!!!! Sorry about the work issue. We'vw all been there. I've been lucky. I try not to hold people's errors against them too much, so when I screw up, tehy're pretty good. Then again, I've been crabby at work lately, so I may not get so lucky next time. :rolleyes1

Footlocker/LadyFootlocker/Kids Footlocker is having another "Friends & Family" discount event. You can get a 30% discount online or instore for most merchandise (including KAYANOS!) including clearance items. If you shop in the store, you can also get an extra 10% for totals of $100 or more after the original 30% discount.

Online Code is FF6TV345 (this goes in the "source code" box during checkout)

Footlocker Coupon

I don't think much of the expertise of the general employee at Footlocker but if you already know what shoes you like and want, this would be a great way to get a new pair at a great discount - the women's kayanos are $135 so with the online discount they are $94.50 and in the store they would be $85 (if you met the $100 total needed to get the extra 10%). They have WIDES and NARROWS and even have some on sale although the sizes are limited. Great time to stock up on running apparel as well.

FYI - this is also good at Champs stores (online code FF6TVL66) and FootAction stores (online code FF6TVPL6) as well. If you need links to their in-store coupons, PM me and I'll find them for you.

This deal is only good from 10/26 - 10/28 so move quickly if you are interested!

Hope this helps someone out!!
Matt—I’m sorry to hear the latest news on your shins. I know it’s probably not what you wanted to discover, but you’re right—taking some time off from running really will help. I went through the same exact thing last summer, and I ended up having to take about 2 weeks off from running. I will say this, though. The pool running actually made me stronger. I came back to running feeling great and my legs never felt so good. I don’t know if you’ve done any pool running at all, but it really is a workout. That great feeling you get after a hard run—you can get the same feeling from a good pool run. Just try to find ways to keep it from getting too boring (like changing your pace from slow to fast, etc). While I was injured, I substituted the same amount of time pool running that I would have spent on my regular runs, and I tried to keep the same intensity as I would have for a regular run, too. So if you have a LR scheduled, just do a long, slow pace in the pool, etc. You’ll be surprised at how much fitness you’ll keep during your time off.

Hope things work out for you. Keep us updated, and good luck training.

WAH WAH WAH...I want my packet..I feel lucky today tough..It just has to come!

Melissa - Why don't we fly out to meet each other for our LRs...The longest LR I did by myself is 18 so far and it was so LONG! I don't like Bree anymore for getting preg and leaving me ALL ALONE!

Today was 12...I did it in 1:39...that is around a 8:16 MPM. I wish I could get a 1/2 marathon in this fall to see if I could get under 2 hours, but time and $$ just won't allow it.

Matt - :wizard: for you! I hope everything starts to feel better.

Cam - Be careful...and take care of your heart! :goodvibes

So sorry about your day Kevin...when I did Goofy last year, I did get both the #s in the packet. Hope everything gets better! :teeth:
plutosmyfav said:
I've been so hard on myself lately. I think I don't have enough time to do all that I need to do, yet I find myself wasting time, snacking and being disgusted with myself.

OMG, Sunny! I could have written that. That's exactly how I've felt the past 2 or 3 weeks! :sad2: I am hoping I am finally snapping out of it.

On a better note, and speaking of shoes...my Mom is taking me to Runner's Alley tonight to buy me new running shoes for my birthday! :teeth: I might have to see what else they have in terms of cold weather gear while I am there. I really need a neck/ear warmer thingie. Like those ones they have on Survivor. I don't watch the show, but saw some ad somewhere - just can't remember what they are called.
Hi everyone! I really shouldn't be here, I'm getting slammed at work, which is why I haven't posted all week. I figure I deserve a little Dis break. :thumbsup2 Not too much to report on the training front, I xt on the bike on Tuesday and I took my rest day that is supposed to be today yesterday to give my shins a little break after the pain I had on Monday. They were sore on Tuesday, but I have no pain in them now, so I think I’m good to go. I’m going to run on the treadmill tonight for a softer surface and if that doesn’t work, I guess I’ll be pumping the Advil. ;)

Can I officially say that I am very jealous of everyone who has their packets??? Here's hoping it is sitting in my mailbox as we speak. :dancer: :dancer:

Cam--I'm so glad to hear that it's not serious about your heart! Just please continue to take it easy, okay?

Kevin-- :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: just take a step back and take a deep breath. Everything is going to be okay. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Carrie--You know, I love to go to the grocery store, I always look forward to it. I make my list up according to the aisles where everything is, get my coupons all in order, and mark on my list what items I have a coupon for. I can spend hours in the international food aisles and in the produce section. Yes, I am a geek!!!!! :teeth: :teeth:

Heather--I'm so glad to see you here again. :cheer2: :cheer2: for the extra motivation. All it takes is putting one foot in front of the other.

Matt-- :wizard: :wizard: for the shins!! No one here is doubting that you are in pain. I had a pretty bad case of shins splints on Monday and the pain was so intense that it brought tears to my eyes, so I kind of know what you are going through, on a much smaller scale, of course. Definitely do pool running and take it easy on the legs, when you do run, run at a slower pace and take walk breaks every so often.

Dave-- :wizard: :wizard: I really, really hope that DW sees how important the marathon is to you and sees how hard you have been working this past year.

I'd love to chat longer, but I better get back to work. At least this makes the day fly by! :hourglass
Not only did I NOT get my WDW packet my DH got his DL certificate but I am still waiting for mine. That is just not fair!!
I just finished my run and it was fabulous!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I did 5.22 miles in 60 minutes, my pace was a little slower than I would like, but I didn't want to push it. My calf was a little tight, but after about 20 minutes it loosened up and the pain never went into my shin, so I'm very happy. I can tell you what I'm NOT happy about: we did not get our packets!!! :furious: :furious: :furious: Oh well, I guess there's always tomorrow. :)
You can call me 5149 - ha, that woke you all up didn't it. No I haven't been lying to you all year, I'm definitely not doing Disney, but I picked up my race pack for my half yesterday and that's my number (so, if anyone wants to check results for Auckland half marathon on Monday that's what you're looking for). We got a nice black short sleeved shirt - very slimming - which is good as there were two chocolate bars in the race pack. I love the carb load, so far today I've eaten 8 bits of sushi and a cookie dough kit kat bar!!! I think I might need to forage for a vegetable later!

Judy: okay I'm about three days late on this, but the night before the race I went to TGI's for cajun chicken pasta (yum). The morning of, I have two gear bags, my one to go in the gear tent and one containing all my rubbish for the pre race. It includes, my breakfast (cereal, milk, bowl, spoon), 1/4 bottle of powerade, tissues, newspaper (for reading and or sitting) and at Disney a pillow. I always either take one on holiday with me or buy one at Walmart anyway as we usually stay offsite for a week and I get a bit pillow phobic, but once I'm onsite I trust the pillows so I used that one to sit on before the race. As soon as I get there, I find a nice place out of the wind, sit and eat my breakfast, read the paper, chill etc. Gives me 15 more minutes in bed and saves my legs pre race - there's no way I'm standing up for an extra hour I don't need to. Even when I get to the corrall, I hit the kerb and sit. I did the same at DL, just popped myself off next to the gear tent and had a picnic.

Cam: Glad you've got a partial all clear.

Oh, if anyone doing New York, meets a man from New Zealand called Tony in the bathroom queue or something say hi from me. He got a last minute entry, so he's doing the auckland half this weekend then flying out to NY. Can you imagine how wierd it would be if anyone did meet him!

Sadly there are no pics of the Minnie Mouse race, there were only four of dressed up (me, two fairies and a spider man) as it's so near the marathon so everyone else was in full training mode. I do get to wear my Snow White outfit to a party in a few weeks though - it's Disney themed in my honour, people have sewing machines working and all sorts. Helen
Morning all! :sunny: Yesterday's training was really good--4miler in 36:36! :cool1: And, I've officially joined the local Little Rock marathon training group. So, I guess that means March 8th will be my 1st marathon. Make me kinda queasy just thinking about it. But at least I'll have a group to train with. I get to meet everyone tomorrow morning for our first LR on the River Trail. Should be fun

That is unless DH gets into one of his funks again. Last night he was having a "stonker" on the treadmill, and I wasn't aware of it. Well, I walked in the room while he was jogging (to change my shirt b/c of some spit up--yuck!) and I noticed that he was dangerously close to the end of the treadmill. So, I mentioned that he was close to the end--that was it--and he jumped down my throat about how hard a workout he was having and he wasn't as good as me--WTH??? Hopefully, he'll be in a better mood today. Oh, and then I guess I made a major mistake by mentioning that maybe he mix up his workout with a little walking--you would've thought that I asked him to do something illegal! Oh well!

Hope everyone has a great day today! TGIF!! Good luck with those that have races tomorrow! And PD and hugs to all those with injuries!

I did 8 miles on the TM last night in 1:48 (13:30). I wasn't into it at all, but as Lily says, I put my steps in!



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