Wk of Mar 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Claire: Good luck on the 10 Miler :). I have one scheduled as well but for later this weekend! Your training sounds like it's great!!! :goodvibes Are you doing Goofy in 2009?

Joan: For my tempo workout I typically do an easy warm-up walk, run for the desired tempo distance (today it was 3 miles) and then run a 1 mile cool-down. For my speed drills I run an easy warm-up at half mile, then mile at my projected race pace (or faster if I can) and then half mile recovery pace, mile at projected race pace, etc until I reach the deisred mileage. I always end with a half mile at recovery pace. What your doing sounds GREAT though and I think it will definitely help you build up your speed! :thumbsup2

Jeff: Your vanity plate ideas made my head hurt :laughing: ...I couldn't figure some of them out. Yes...I'm blonde...and yes...it's been a long week. How about Crzy4Mky? Just a thought :). Thought they were fun ideas! Edited: Been informed that my vanity plate idea is too many letters (Thanks Scott)...so I tried but apparently I'm not good at the plate thing LOL! *shrug*.

Stephanie: :hug: So glad you and your family are safe!!!!

Angie: Doing anything at 4:30 am makes me want to :scared1: . I'm super impressed that you get up so early to get your workout in...and even MORE impressed at how darn FAST you ran! :worship: Best of luck on your job decision! :goodvibes

Lily: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: CONGRATS on being released!!! :hug:

SCOTTY!!! 'sup dude! :dance3: Thought I'd throw a little dance in there for ya? Have you tried the Gu yet? Did it taste good? I guess that's always an interesting question when asking about gels...it's like asking...."did you enjoy that dental appointment"? LOL...necessary evil...the gel is. So...was the Gu tolerable?

Sooo...today I taught (and took) a pilates stretch and tone class! Did lots of squats and core work!! It was also my Tempo Run day. After an easy warm-up I began my 3 Mile tempo pace run. I hit the first mile at 7:43 mpm :eek: ...then hit mile two at 8:03!!! I thought I might be going a little too fast so I took a walk break at the 2 mile mark then finished mile 3 at 8:49. Finished at 24:35 which is probably my fastest 3 Mile run to date! :cool1: So it makes me feel hopeful that I'll hit a 25 minute 5K sometime in the next few months! :cloud9: The best part about the run is that I did it on a hilly course...with the final half mile being a gradual uphill climb. Sorry to brag...but it was great to see my speed work paying off. I just hope it wasn't a fluke!!! I finished the run with an easy mile cool-down :).

Have a great weekend everyone! :sunny: I hope our friends in Arkansas are all ok!
Thanks for all your imput, I'm still working on my options. I came up with a few more...

STBTWL (Steamboat Willy)

I just ordered "MKYFAN"

Since someone stole my "MKYMSE"

Hey, I finally figured out how to make an avatar out of a photo! It only took me a year!

Amy – Four pilates classes in one day? I’m in awe of you.

Cecilia – Glad you’re feeling better! So, did you get that plate?

Morgan – What a jerk. Seriously, what is wrong with some people?

Scott – Nice job on the 10K!

Shan – Take care of yourself and have a great time at WDW!!

Howard – Hi! Good to see you!

Joan – Hope you’re feeling better.

Angie – Hope the interview went well. No advice, but I know you’ll make the right decision for you and your family.

Debra – Have fun at WDW!

Kira – Yay for a Garmin! I love mine.

Kristi – Sorry about the stonker.

Lily – Yay for getting clearance from the doctor!! :yay:

HI Jeff – You share a birthday with Donald? How cool is that? :donald:

Oops, little one has decided that naptime is over. Gotta run!
My Disneyitis explained...

Having the same birthday as Donald Duck (6/9) has been a fun fact of mine for all my life. I do remember celebrating our birthdays while at Disneyland once, when I was probably 10. My Princesses crack up when I do my angry Donald Duck impersonation. Until recently, Donald was a rare character in the park, but now I find him often in Toontown, usually with Daisy or Goofy.

I haven't been in the park on my actual birthday, but if it's close, I'll get the "It's my birthday button" for the free bag of tortillas in California Adventure :cool1: .

I grew up in Northern California, and we often either drove down, or flew to the Happiest Place on Earth on a regular basis. It's harder to get there from Hawaii, but our house is almost entirely decorated with Disney, and is affectionately called the Mouse House. I even built a Mickey Mouse mailbox, and the Queen painted on his smiling face.

I own a few shares of Disney stock, and we're proud DVC owners at Saratoga Springs.

My favorite ride is the Disneyland Railroad (I'm a steam train enthusist), love dining at the Blue Bayou, and having a turkey leg. I'm still waiting to see the inside of Club 33. I miss Rod Miller playing piano at Coke Corner. Oh my, where does it end...

My work desk has touches of Disney all around, including my two Disneyland Half Marathon medals. My set of Goofy medals are at home.

By the way, Princess #1 has the same birthday as Mulan (she was born the day the movie was released on 6/19/98).

Before P#1 was born, my Queen Kim was a cast member at the local Disney store. So she's caught the bug as well.

Poor Princess #2, she's yet to have a Disney tie-in like the rest of us.

Somewhere on line there is a funny list describing reasons why you have Disneyitis, and I will post the link when I locate it.

So that's how I got so into Disney. Mine name is Jeff, and I'm a Disneyholic. :rotfl2:

P.S. My culture came back negative for Strep Throat. Yeah, it was only a really bad sore throat. Almost completely healed, another day or two.

Thanks again for all the advice, sorry to be taking up our training boards with that. The interview went well, I THINK ??:confused3 Had to talk to like 5 people, but I REALLY want the job now so we will see what happens.

On a sad note, woke up this morning and my right calf (bad side of my back) was so tight I could barely walk. Throughout the day it has radiated from my back through my hamstring to my calf. Don't think I will be doing that 10 tomorrow :sad2: Going to rest and ice today and tomorrow and see how I feel Sunday.

Have a good evening
Angie - so glad your interview went well! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Let me know what you decide. I hope your calf/hamstring feel better soon though. Take care!
Hi Everyone!

Lily, Congrats on the release....

Angie, keeping my fingers crossed for you (have you ever tried to type with crossed fingers, it's not easy)

Jeff, your house sounds so cool....

Anyway, I did three miles on the TM yesterday. Not NEAR as fast as AmyBeth:worship: . I did them in 38 minutes (hey I am old and slow, but I am moving)

Got my WISH hat and today my "skirts" arrived. NEW TOYS! I was holding out for the new Garmin but it may never actually get produced LOL!

I am suppose to do 6 miles tomorrow or Sunday, but yesterday morning my best friend's dad died. It was VERY unexpected and we are both reeling. (We are more like sisters and have been friends for 40 years!!!) So now I think I am heading to Greenville SC tomorrow which will mess up training, but family/friends are more important (Remind me of that when I get swept at the Minnie and start crying:rotfl2: )

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Minnie Racers (everyone who is going)

Have fun for all of us, we want pictures and race reports when you get back!:banana:
Welcome back to full activity. I presume you told Ted, "the Doctor still wants you to take care of me around the house."
Craig, well of course! I can go to work and workout, but must come home and be gently treated!
:angel: princess: ::MinnieMo

I have a question about the tempo runs...I should have asked from weeks ago..Here is how I did mine this morning
1-5 min warm-up 3.0mph
5-10 6mph
10-15 6.4
15-20 6.6
20-25 6.8
25-40 7.0
40-45 6.0
45-50 3.0 cool down

If this is way wrong let me know what I should be doing..Thanks in advance

Joan: For my tempo workout I typically do an easy warm-up walk, run for the desired tempo distance (today it was 3 miles) and then run a 1 mile cool-down. For my speed drills I run an easy warm-up at half mile, then mile at my projected race pace (or faster if I can) and then half mile recovery pace, mile at projected race pace, etc until I reach the deisred mileage. I always end with a half mile at recovery pace. What your doing sounds GREAT though and I think it will definitely help you build up your speed! :thumbsup2
Joan, I kind of do what Amy explained only at a pace/challenge that fits my ability. If you are able to do yours as you described, it seems good to me.

Rest day today. Busy with Relay for Life fundraising event after work. Tomorrow I hope to be outdoors.
Howard - Nice to "see" you!! It may not been where you wanted it, but that was a solid run nontheless, especially after the break following WDW.

- glad to see you recovered well after bing sick...that was a solid run you had on the treadmill!! As for the tempo runs...I really believe that any kind of pace increase (fartleks, speed work, etc) is beneficial, so do what feels good to you. I think what you wrote down looks pretty awesome!

- I don't think I've tried the Clif ones yet..but that apple pie one sounds yummuy!! do they have an ice cream one to mix with it? :) Are you rooting for the LSU women's basketball team tomorrow night? How did your run go yesterday?

Angie - Good luck with everything as it relates you your job/career. The best advice I can give you is to do what makes you happiest. I see people working tons of hours and they see monetary benefits, but then they don't ever get time for themselves to enjoy the things they like to do. Try to find that balance that provides for success in your personal life first, but still challenges you and makes you happy professionally. Good luck :) I hope that calf pain dissipates...good call resting up today...you want to get to the starting line injury free.

- Happy 40th Birthday, even though you won't see this since you're in the middle of a wonderful trip to WDW. Hope to hear great things upon your return.

Kira - Congrats on getting the Garmin!! Sounds like you are all good to go now in what they call an "inexpensive" sport. :rotfl:

Kristi - Good luck with the half tomorrow!!!

Carrie - Good luck with the half tomorrow!! Congrats on a great run leading up to it!! You guys are going to rock it!

Lily - Yay! on getting full release! Nice to see you jump right in to pilates...I know that will make someone on these boards smile ;)

- Hi! Glad to see that you weren't impacted by the storms..scary stuff there. Nice to see all of the XT, too...that will keep you in great shape when you're ready to log those miles again.

Carol - Sorry to hear about your friend's dad. It's important for you to be there for her...those runs can wait a few days :) So much time left before Minnie that it shouldn't impact anything :goodvibes:

Aimster - GU...I'll have to let you know tomorrow ;) Gonna try the free vanilla bean one I got during the ING on the Sunday long run. That was a smokin' pace you had, and I'm sooo confident that you can knock out a killer 5k, and an awesome 15k come May. Good luck tomorrow with your 10 miler..I really hope the weather cooperates for you. I'll be thinking of you out there during my run :)

Scott's World - Well, I had a great workout on Thursday night...had a great 5 miler on the treadmill last night, and followed it up with a great hour long elliptical/stationary bike combo this morning. It's so nice when the workouts go well...seems to dictate the way the entire day goes. I was shopping for Minnie weekend clothing this morning and actually bought a shirt that was a size Medium! Long story short is that it's probably been 20 years or more since I've worn a medium anything :rotfl: Makes me happy to know that the hard work is finally paying off :) If anyone is struggling out there, just know that the workouts DO pay off, sometimes it just takes a while.

Now it's time to rest up while watching the NCAA's tonight in preparation for tomorrow's 10 miler.

Hope everyone is well and is having a great weekend!!
Hey, all....

I'm not missing. My grandmother died today and we're in the middle of a kitchen remodel so it may be a day or so before I can catch up here.

I'm sorry I won't be around for a bit.

HEY TEAM... GUESS HOW WARM IT IS HERE TODAY???? 59 degrees!!!! Guess who ran outside!!!! It kicked my butt tho!!! We still have snow banks, but DH was able to 4-wheel drive the truck and pull the camper out of the snow... we just may be going camping next weekend. Bad news, cold ran, possible snow predicted for tomorrow. And temps in the low 40's again for next week.

Congrats to all the great long runs and races recently. WTO/LTO for me lately and I seem to only find time to lurk sometimes. I have so many things I want to get done and it just drives me insane that I can't do them.

Oh, and DD turns 5 at the end of the month and she finally decided on her party theme. She normally changes her theme 20 times before I tell her this is the final time! So she wants a Pirate and Princess party so she can invite boys and girls to her party. I am pretty excited about planning this one. The food is all taken care of since we are having it at a local pizza place.

OK, enough babbling about me. Have a great weekend all.
Duckie - :hug:

Jen - please share your Pirate & Princess ideas with me! Zack just decided that's what we are doing in June (I finally convinced him not to have a Power Ranger party). Didn't we copy you with Sponge Bob last year too? Maybe our kiddos are soul mates or something! :rotfl:

Scott - thanks! I need all the good wishes for tomorrow that I can get.

Speaking of....if no one hears from me ever again, it's because I died on the course tomorrow. Seriously. I am even less prepared than I was at WDW. :guilty: And being the total butthead that I am, I brought Zack to a birthday party today. You are thinking "yeah...so?" Well, they have cats. Just like everyone on this planet has animals. And I am deathly allergic! So, my asthma is just great now. Yeah, tomorrow is going to suck.

Well, it won't all be bad tomorrow. We are having a mini-WISH meet: me, Chad, Joanne, Angie & Lisa. And Brian from my work is also running. It will be fun before the race for sure! I also get to sport my new WISH hat. :thumbsup2
Hey WISHers:

My oh my, it's quiet around here, everyone must be out running today.

My unofficial time for the Ford Island 10K was 53:33. Cool tradewinds in my face on the incoming 2 miles prevented me from running a sub 50 minute race. That and I was busy taking pictures again...:rotfl2:

Notice the new racing visor, NICE yeah? And if you look closely, my WISH team earplugs for my Ipod.

USS Arizona Memorial, and the USS Missouri (landmarks of the start and the end of World War II).
Kristi - That is way too weird. I gave you all my Spongebob ideas and now it's pirates and princesses. I am not doing as many themed things because we are doing it at a restaurant (so food planning is out). But I will definately pass on any ideas I come up with. OH and good luck with your race... If you finish, that is all that counts!!!

Duckie - I am so sorry. :hug:
mkymsehi- I just got my personalized plates a few weeks back!! Mine is DSNYRN!! I came up with a bunch (now I can't remember a lot of them!) just to make sure I was able to get SOMETHING Disney! Some were PXYDST, DSNYNT, IDODIS, PTRPAN, etc. Half the fun is creating them all!

I just ordered "MKYFAN" since someone stole my



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