Wk of Mar 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Last posts before I'm gone for a few days. I'll miss you all and think of you, WISHing you were at WDW with me...

TXAng: Oh, do the 5K, I'm sure you'd feel better just getting out there--even without training. Besides, it might help get you back in the groover. Here's hoping, anyway.

Amy: You ARE doing a variation of the RW plan that DOOD is doing. I thought that sounded familiar. So now I can officially do this: :worship: It's tough, girl, and you're even tougher. It's hard to say, but DOOD has hopes that his time for the Cleveland full are going to improve because of the plan. So I have even higher hopes for you and the Minnie now! Even with your slower than you'd like run, I think your body is adjusting. (Gu personally makes me gag, texture not flavor, although it doesn't upset my stomach. I just kind of like the idea of serving it to movie-goers, who eat all sorts of things anyway. What exactly is butter-flavored ooze made of anyway?)

Cecilia: Here's hoping your kicking the last of your illness. Congrats on the corral shift, although I'm puzzled by why you and DH are placed differently. Maybe you're expected to finish higher in your AG? :confused3

Terri: Have a great time in Denver. I love that town!

CarolA: Loved that Lessons Around Every Corner. It reminds me of so many people I know...and admire. Including many here! :banana:

AlohaJeff: Good news that you're feeling better. I hope it's not Strep. :scared: And I have my own theory about who's in the LOST casket, but I'm glad they're not going to dangle that secret in front of us for long; they did too much of the "week's biggest mystery" in past seasons.

Carrie: Then, yes, the gentleman tried to save face. That's my story, and I'll stick to it. ;) Woo hoo for your new PR...it's the posture, I tell you! Oh, and thanks for all the work you (and DH) do on the WISH shirts. Much appreciated. You should know that you're one of the people who walk by my side these days, as I practice Chi more often now that I know someone's watching my back!

Morgan: First :yay: for people who notice your lifestyle changes & the lost weight & celebrate them with you. And a big fat raspberry to the jerk. No, wait, he doesn't even deserve that...too much validation of his being. What does he deserve? Hmm...a shunning. Yes, that's it. He's not a member of your community--he's violated the rules. Shun him. He's a very small person.

Stacie: Remember what I said in the other thread--you're doing great! You're not letting the obstacles stop you from making progress. :thumbsup2 The Minnie is going to such a happy time for you!

Claire: Wow, Winston, your BF' roommate's GF's dog (did I get that right?), is in better shape than I am! Not to mention you. Your WOs sound incredible. It would be cool if you were at WDW; I'd buy you a Mickey bar!

Scott: I believe you don't want to see me get hurt (or hurt myself, if I'm in the mood to take responsibility). But for some reason I think you're okay with me looking silly. :rolleyes1 Thanks for reminding me that it's time to pull the bike out & start biking to the FC. :goodvibes Keep having those great runs, because I'm expecting to hear great things about your Minnie pace!

Shan: I'm with you in spirit! Take it easy with that leg, and look for me at WDW. :rotfl:

Howard: Is that really you? I mean, I don't usually hear voices from beyond the grave. Not sober anyway.... Yay for being so close to graduation! I hope you're planning a big celebration.

Joan: Oh, I'm sorry you're sick--it sounds awful. But :cheer2: for keeping on the Higdon track and at that pace! You're a strong woman.

Maura: I hope your rest/ice plan alleviates your problems--it's the responsible thing to do, but oh so hard. Be careful about Saturday.

Angie: I got my WISH visor/hat too! They're very attractive & will get lots of attention. I wish I had advice about the construction company/engineering firm, but I don't know enough of your situation. I'm sure the more seasoned WISHers know your situation. But I would ask, what are the chances of you getting a field work opportunity soon, so that you could have the experience before you decide on a job switch? I think that might influence me. Good luck with that--it's a major life decision.

As for me: This is the last post for the weekly thread for a few days. I'm sure you all understand. When I return, I'll be older & wiser & expected to be treated as the elder I will be. That's venerable elder to all you young'uns! :rotfl2:

All of you, have a great healthy weekend. If you have an event, I hope it's everything you hope for! Walk well, run well, eat well, live well, and be well! :)
As usual, my hat is off to those of you who reply to everyone! I am awed by your dedication and patience!:worship:

A couple of drive-by comments:
Shan and Debra - Have a wonderful trip! We don't have any WDW time planned until the half in January (and even there we are not sure how long we are staying and who is coming with us . . .:rolleyes: ) so I am JEALOUS. Take care of yourselves and have a blast.

Angie - As someone who is STILL figuring out what I want to be when I grow up, I am probably unqualified to give you advice. Definitely go to the interview, and then trust your intuition.

As for me, I am definitely back on track! I had a great 3-mile run today, and kept an overall 12:04 pace. However, I have not had the technology to really keep track of my pace. I've just been tracking my route on MapMyRuns and dividing by my overall time.

SO - I decided that I really do need a Garmin, so I ordered the 205 from Amazon today! Another new toy - I'm so excited! Originally I was going to get one as a reward for running my first 5K on April 19. But I think it will be really helpful to me leading up to that race, so I ordered it now.

Between my new shoes, my new visor, and the shirts and Garmin that are coming, I am really getting outfitted here.

Thanks for all your support last week - it really did help.
Ok, managed to get out and do 5 today. Now I am petrified of my half on Sunday. :scared1: It was not pretty. I actually wanted to do 8-10 miles. The first mile was awful and I cut it down to 5-6 miles. I did no running and was alot slower. And the allergy meds wore off somewhere in there, and that wasn't fun. I am just so disappointed with myself. :sad2:

Angie - no advice except that going on an interview does not mean you are taking the position. Go, check it out. You may not like the people there from the get-go. You may fall in love with the place. I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. All I know is a need a change and soon. And something with health insurance! ;)

Howard - nice to see you 'round these parts! :goodvibes

Gosh, I read all the messages and then I get here and forget all that I wanted to comment on. I really need to get better at that. Just know reading all your training reports keeps me going right now when all I ever want to do is sleep. :hug:
HI TEAM!!:wave2:

Back from my run!! I feel so much better, as I always do when I get done, that's why I run.

A couple of things:

  • For all those coming for MINNIE, it is HOT!!! OK maybe not HOT, but man is it getting warm!!
  • That WISH visor ROCKS!!!! :thumbsup2 SOOO Cute and soaked up all the sweat!!!
  • (Sorry AMY) I had one of those runs Amy was talking about. Set out to just run not break any records (back is still a little tender) and for the most part felt very "comfortable" I pushed myself periodically throughout the run and ended up with 4 miles in 38 minutes :cool1: I told you guys I was stressed out and would probably bang one out.

OK so off to some ice, alleve then a warm bath.

Thank you to everyone for the advice so far I will let you guys know how it goes.

BTW - I forgot to tell you guys, speaking of advice. Remember when I asked for advice regarding running with my friend for MINNIE? Well... she has a vERY LONG history of not following through and canceling, part of the reason I did not want to plan on running with her. Guess what?.... :confused3 She is not even coming to MINNIE. THank goodness I did not slack on my training!!
I want to go :offtopic: for a second if you guys will let me. You guys always have such good advice and I really need some. Any of you who were around a year a go know how excited I was to fulfill a life long dream and get my Engineering degree and do it well!! I have been working ever since for a construction company rather than go to a design/engineering firm. I have not really liked my job, frankly it's kind of boring, but if i stay there they are going to send me out to the field to build something, which sounds really cool but it means a LOT of hours. I am beginning to think that maybe I should go to an Engineering firm (hence the interview tomorrow) because I REALLY want to do what I went to school for. I know it sounds like any easy decision, but I dont' want to be doing the "grass is greener" thing. And this construction company has been REALLY good to me, financially and with time off.

OK I am truly sorry for rambling completely off topic but I am new to this whole career thing and I am really worried about making a mistake :confused3

I happened to just get done talking to a younger engineer at work about this so here is my response for what it is worth. Thinking back at how long I have been here makes me feel old since I have been at my job for almost 13 years which is toward the upper end of seniority here.

One thing that was told to me about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence is they just have more bulls producing fertilizer (Disboards friendly wording ;) )

As for what to do, you need to do what is best for you and what will make you happy and what will be best for your family. Companies dump people at the drop on the hat and company loyalty isn't as strong as it used to be for employees. You shouldn't feel bad for leaving unless you have made nearly impossible demands that people have bent over backwards to do to keep you. Then it would probably leave a bad impression.

What is best for your family depends on how much time you want to spend with them, if financially it is possible to go elsewhere, and what type of mood will you be in when you get in from work.

Just because you are in an engineering firm doesn't mean that you won't work tons of hours. There are groups here that are working 12 hours a day 6 days a week. Granted it isn't everyone but if you are lucky to get on a tight schedule, the hours will increase.

Taking the interview doesn't mean a firm commitment that you are leaving. It is always good to go see what is out there. That way you can see if where you are is really a good place for you. I encourage younger engineers to look around when they start becoming disillusioned in one place. Sometimes they see there is better out there and other times they see that it really isn't that bad. It is always better to look than to wonder and play "what if".

You need to see where you will enjoy going to work each day. If you enjoy what you are doing, it won't be a chore and time will pass quickly. It doesn't seem like I have been here for 13 years and I am having a blast. I can easily see me staying here for my career because it is fun and enjoyable.

By interviewing, you can also see who you would be working with. The new coworkers may not be that enjoyable even though you would enjoy the job. That also leads to if you will be happy or not.

By going into Engineering, you probably look at things logically. You know what is best for you and can figure out if you need something new. There will always be that little inkling of doubt but if you are doing what you truely feel is right, it will be the right decision.

Good luck with your decision.

Angie - I'm in your world. Seriously, most of teh engineers get out of construction adn work fro engineering firms, unless tehy own teh construction company. SUmemr hours will eb longer everywhere in teh fiedl, but I think they'll be worse at a construction company. JMO. However, consulting firms are pretty conservative (I've worked for 4) and rules tend to be a little stricter. Keep your options open. You'll know at the interview if it;s the place for you or not. If ti's not, tehn just keep your eyes open. Best thing I learned last year, is you will know when it's right for you. Don't go somewhere just to get out of where you are. :grouphug: You'll find your place or know you'er already there. You just need to be pateint. (Musch easier said than done)

Debra - Gonna'miss you! lol. I'm watchin' your back because you keep leaving me in the dust!

Kira - Way to go on teh great run!

Kritsi - You know that adrenaline will do lots for you. It was probably a good thing you quit at 5. DOing 8-10 now could just leave you sore. Put it out of your mind and you will be fine!

Ckaire - lol about WInston.

I had an awesome 30 min today. It was 50 degrees adn nto rainign adn life was good. I had a 10:47 pace. First sub 11 in almost a year. Dh actually slowed me down! :scared1: Probably a good, thing as we have a half on SUnday, but still a cool and very rare feeling.

Thanks for the advice, I know it's completely off topic but I REALLY need help with this one and the advice I have been given so far is so beneficial.

The good thing about the firm I'm looking at is I have an "inside source" a friend who has been there for a year who has been able to give me a heads up on his take on the environment in the office. ie... He is the one who told me hours are 7:00 to 4:30 M - Th (1/2 hour lunch) with every other Friday OFF!!!!!! You have no idea how much like heaven that sounds to me. I miss my kids desperately and I have felt so disconnected from them for a year now. It's amazing how much that one day every other day would make a difference. Not to mention I miss desperately doing the stuff I learned in school. I finally felt like I was good at something (hence the rediculous GPA, I found something that clicked with me and went at it with everything I had) Anyway , exactly what i don't want to do is go somewhere just to get out of where I am and I am very conscious of that. Having that "inside source" has been good because I have quizzed him about the people he works with, what the environment is like, what the company is like etc.

Again, I am really basing a lot on how tomorrow goes. They might not even want me :confused3 We will see.

Thanks team for letting me go off on this tangent. It's hard to spend so much time "together" and not talk about things other than training right :confused3

WISH me luck I interview tomorrow at 1 and I'm taking a rest day cause I'm doing LR Saturday - going to try 10!!!!! :scared1:
Doc released me completely! Said I was good to go with training at whatever level I could manage. He said he felt I would know my limitations since my training and body would let me know. So today I started my 20 min Pilated DVD of course at a reduced level. Oh boyohboy! (oh and I had first day back to work too today--like I've never been away of course)
Kristi and Chad, Congratulations! Great news!

Morgan, That'll teach him! I'm glad you know you can come here and get the support. You can do this and you WILL! Stick with WISH Team, we'll get you there and we're here for you along the way. DH and I get those looks from folks when we say we're going to WDW. Some ask, "What do you do there? "Mostly now they just nod and smile and I/we do likewise back! When you come back wearing that bling, it will be the best feeling!
Debra, I know you're gone, WISHing you the best birthday trip ever! Oh you are just going to be coming back so old and wise there will be no living with ya.

Angie, good luck with the job thing.
Aloha Friday WISHers:

I went out for an easy 4 mile taper run Thursday, before Saturday's Ford Island Bridge race. I will take a photo or two on the run, and get them posted. My sore throat has been tapering as well, but I'm still awaiting the test results from my doc.

I'm trying to decide on a new vanity license plate for the truck. Someone here already stole "my" nickname MKYMSE. :rotfl:

So I'm trying to decide on DISLND, DIZNEY, DISFAN, DIZFAN, MKYFAN, MKYNUT, DISRNR, DIZRNR, CZYRNR, DNDDUK (I share the same birthday with Donald Duck).

What do you all think?:confused3

I just ordered "MKYFAN"

Since someone stole my "MKYMSE"


Then, I started thinking of years from now, when the two Princesses have their own cars. This is what I came up with. You need to phonetically sound it out:

Queen: KEWHY

Oh, and I'm anxiously awaiting my WISH shirts and visors I ordered. I see a few people already received their uniforms. I can't wait!!! Thanks Carrie and Lynn.

Have a good one everybody.
Then, I started thinking of years from now, when the two Princesses have their own cars. This is what I came up with. You need to phonetically sound it out:

Queen: KEWHY

Jeff Think of all the accidents you'll cause on the road with people (like me) trying to figure out what the heck the plate means! (Which I did after I read it twice)

Lily Congrats on your clearance! Let the training begin!

Everyone else...have a great weekend.

Hi everyone -

Thanks for the pixie dust. I am feeling better. I am now trying to get the all clear so I can go see my Dad. His doctors don't want sick people near him.

Howard - So close to the end! Thats gotta feel good! :goodvibes Like when you see the 25 mile marker! I am hoping to run MCM too. I assume I will get in... but I thought for sure I'd get in the Peachtree too.

Lily - Listen to your body as you head back to training. Consider keeping a journal so that when you hit a road block you can see how far you have come. Congratulations on the all clear! :)

Anyway, a minute later he said, "You won't finish. You'll stop running 100 meters out, like I would do."

:mad: :scared1: :mad: I cannot believe someone said that to you!!! Oh I can not wait to hear what he has to say when you show him your medal!!! Cause you will finish. I said so and I know more than him. Heck, I can stay seated in my chair for hours.... You were nice and restrained - I would have laughed out loud. grrrr...

Angie- Somone much smarter than me (and that guy on the floor in Morgan's office) said to find work that you love and you will love your work. I think its worth investigating another job if you are not doing what you wanted to do. It certainly won't hurt anything. Good Luck.

Jeff- I am the worst at figuring out license plates but I did get yours. I saw one the other day that almost caused me to wreck. It was from Florida and I am going TODAY to see if I can get the GA version: 39 PT 3.

take care everyone!

I have a question about the tempo runs...I should have asked from weeks ago..Here is how I did mine this morning
1-5 min warm-up 3.0mph
5-10 6mph
10-15 6.4
15-20 6.6
20-25 6.8
25-40 7.0
40-45 6.0
45-50 3.0 cool down

If this is way wrong let me know what I should be doing..Thanks in advance
Jeff - :lmao: I finally figured out your name. I thoughtit was some Hawaiin word or something. Micky Mouse HawaiI!

Angie - I so understand. I don't have kids and being on 7:30 to 4 has done wonders for me. (no, I don't get every other Friday off). I really do feel you'll utilize tyour skills more at an Engineering firm. SOunds liek you have done all your home work. WIshing you tons of luck adn saying prayers for your interview. If they don't want you, which would surprise teh heck out of me, especially as you have a friend working there, it's not the place for you. (Hard lesson that I learned most of last year.) You will find it, though. Feel free to PM or e-mail me wtpclc@sbcglobal.net if you want to "talk" more.
deekaypee- When you say he's a very small person, I do hope you mean in mind! Because he could probably eat me!! I mean, really... how can you compare me, a person who looks pretty darn average, to you, who is nearly 400 pounds?! I'm going to do it and prove EVERYONE wrong!

Tiger Lily 03- I get people who think I'm strange for liking WDW, usually because they've never been. I know people think its strange that I've planned to do this AT WDW, but its for me!! I don't know why he wanted to be so mean!

mkymsehi- I just got my personalized plates a few weeks back!! Mine is DSNYRN!! I came up with a bunch (now I can't remember a lot of them!) just to make sure I was able to get SOMETHING Disney! Some were PXYDST, DSNYNT, IDODIS, PTRPAN, etc. Half the fun is creating them all!

Kira G.- Do tell me what you think of the Garmin 205. I want one too, since my runs are longer than 5 miles now. I'm not into the technology stuff too much; I know enough to get me by. I would totally love to have this!

Cruella de Mom- Exactly! You know, I can sit in a chair, which is more than he can do. I just wish I could tell him that he is being rude, almost every time he talks to me!

I am just so tired today that I just need to sleep. I did stairs with another girl at work, and that got me pooped! I'm sure the muscles will be feeling it when I wake up!

Hope you all have a nice Friday!
Maura: LOL my lab at home doesn't go on walks--she goes on "snuffles" (I run with my mutt). She has great short term energy "ball?! Ball!! BALL!!!" but don't try for any consistent pace! I love them each for their own ...talents :lovestruc Have you tried tossing Buddy an ice cube of his own when you are trying to ice?

Angie: Yay on getting the visor! I'm so jealous. As for the job--I have no idea! I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up (hence the fact I decided grad school and have now extended it to "getting my doctorate"...). The new job does sound like a good fit. Good luck on the interview. Glad you got in a therapeutic run--they always help. It's not the heat I'm adjusting to so much as the humidity bleh! On the Minnie friend: people wonder why I train solo....that would be it. Good luck on the 10 miler!

Debra: Yup you got crazy dog's relationship right! He really is in amazing shape and has :scared1: amounts of energy. He's definitely slowed down as his once-lanky frame is filling out!

Kira: :yay: on the Garmin! They are such fun toys. Isn't it amazing how much we can spend on this "cheap" sport? :rotfl:

Kristi: :hug: not all WOs are good but I'm sure you will do just fine in the half. Perhaps you might want to pack some allergy meds with you though eh? As for the running list of comments, I just open two windows: one with a post a message screen and one to read through the boards. That way I just comment as I go!

Carrie: Good job on the run! ...todays spelling was extra special wobbly! pooh:

Lily: :thumbsup2 for the release!

Jeff: I'm kinda slow...it took me about 10 min to figure out that MKYMSE is Mickey Mouse :rolleyes1 . I like all the options (especially now that I have the MKY part figured! I think I like DISRNR best. That is neat having the same B-day as the Duck :donald: . Have you ever been in the parks for your B-day?

Cecilia: :goofy: I like that license plate!


Well I'm off for a nice 9-10 miler. Then I'm supposed to play tennis with a friend, but she punks out on stuff about 80% of the time, so we'll see... Angie she reminds me of your Minnie friend. Tomorrow is a rest day so that shall be nice.
Hey teammates. Not much training on my end, so not much to report. Been xtraining a lot. Was supposed to have yoga class today, but the gym I work at is w/o power

On that note, anyone who saw the weather related to my neck of the woods--that tornado in Little Rock was about 10-15 minutes from my house; actually a neighborhood my sis used to live in. There was another tornado in our area as well, but it was a bit further south. Thank goodness we were spared again, seems like damage is widespread in those areas. Now we're just dealing w/flooding; where are those ark plans when I need them!

Lily--congrats on the release! That's great news!

Angie--good luck with the interview today

Kristi--just read the news on Chad's clean bill of health! WooHoo!
Stephanie - SO glad you're ok! Thougth of you this am.

Susie? Melissa? Hope you 2 and your loved ones are ok too!

Ckaire? My spelling was more wobbly? rotfl! I usually try to do better with names at least. Was past my bedtime adn I don't do well with my keyboard at home. Congrats on the run!

Welcome back to full activity. I presume you told Ted, "the Doctor still wants you to take care of me around the house."


Good luck, it is a tough call. One of my claims to fame is I was employee #279 at Dell Computer and was given stock options when they hired me. After 13 months I walked away from it and my options expired, basically because I wasn't ever getting home when my lovely wife and 3 year old daughter were still awake. We agonized over the decision to leave Dell, and in retrospect it sure would be nice to have those millions from the options, but my relationship with Martha and Lesley is worth far more.

Do what you think is best for you and your family.

I ran 5.25 yesterday and felt old, slow, heavy, and tired. I think the only 1 of those I can change for sure is the heavy part, so I am committed to drop weight before Minnie. Right now my time and pace goal seems a stretch, but if I dropped 8-10 pounds it would get a lot easier. I am highly motivated to do this, but my stomach sure doesn't like the change.



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