Wk of Mar 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WWDave's 2008 Miles and Minutes Team Threads:

Master Game Roster

Master Game Spreadsheet

Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge


Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

TEAM #6: OHANA-No One Gets Left Behind:Post your miles/hours here

Walt's Warriors (Team 7) Miles and Hours

Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info
Good luck WISH ING team!

Debra...you crack me up!

Lily...how is your recovery progressing?

I've had a rough WTO/LTO week. Right now I'm so grateful to be able to run...without it I might go insane!

The 12K went well. I wasn't sure about doing it since I'd been out for 2 weeks with bronchitis. I really didn't think I was up for the distance, but DH ran with me. I just kept a comfortable pace, still at R4/W2. I haven't been able to get back to R4/W1 since I was sick. May just leave it where it lies to get through the Minnie then increase it later. My time was 1:29:55.
Good Sunday Morning: I hope all the Atlanta INGers are doing well.

I had a LW (longwalk) today 6 miles. Left knee bothered me a bit but then stopped. I think my NB 902s are causing a blister on my right heel the longer the distance I walk in them. Something in that area is just sitting too low. I have tried 3 different socks and that still hasn't helped. Other than that, that walk went well and I have an average pace of 14:25 which will get me through the Minnie!!

Mel: Congrats on the 12k. Bronchitus is tough one to recover from because it affects the lungs so much!!! You did very well for being 2weeks out of it.

Have a good one everybody!
Good morning WISHers!

Hoping everyone is having a great Sunday.

Out for 3.5 miles this morning. This pollen is about to kill me.

Mel - WTG with the 12K!!

Tracy - WTG with the 6 miler!

PSA time: WISH Team, don't forget to post up your race events on the WISH Team calendar (sticky at the top). Then post your race event experience on the weekly reports thread for everyone to check. It helps those who might be thinking of these events in future.

Happy training all.

Mel, sorry to read LTO/WTO. Hope this week is better for you.

I am not back to work yet, but expect to be cut loose Wednesday at the doc visit. I've been walking which is all I'm able to do, and managed a 6.4 OUTSIDE yesterday! All I could get up to was a 16 min pace, but I got steps in. My other walking has been TM and I can keep a 15 min pace there. I look forward to hearing the doc tell me when I can ramp up a bit more.
Hi all,

Today I did the longest run of my Minnie training plan--7 miles, and given my run on Thursday I wasn't hopeful of making it all the way through. After about 1 mile my shins/ankles felt really tight and I wanted to just do a run/walk. But I slowed down and kept going. Every so often I visualized Wishers standing on the road cheering me on (which is tricky when you don't know what they look like!) After about 4-5 miles, I actaully was smiling and feeling okay (Think Natasha Baudman and the Ironman, without the waving and kiss-blowing). And I FINISHED! My time was slow, but who cares!

So thanks all for the mental boost--you really made the difference today. Now my problem is this: I've technically finished my training plan and have 5 weeks to go. Gotta figure out what to do between now and then to keep things going.

Mel: Congrats on the 12K! Sounds smart to keep to what you know until after the Minnie--better safe than sorry. Running is definitely what keeps me sane!

Tracy: Have you tried moleskin? Maybe that would help the blisters. :confused3

Vic: :flower3: Here's a flower without the pollen! Good run.

Lily: :wizard: for the doctor's visit!

Maura: Great job on the 7 miler! :cheer2:

I got a nice 4 miler in today in my new shoes. Last weekend I did the Crescent City Classic 10K, so this week has just been a nice relaxed recovery week run-wise. Oh I am definitely getting excited already about Goofy...

These guys crack me up: :dance3: hehehehe
Hi fellow WISH-ers!:wave: Fiinally getting a chance to check in here. So many new Wishers- welcome to all!

Tracy, Maura and Claire - Great job on getting the mile in

Lily - glad you're feeling better and hope Doc releases you soon!

Robert - Missed what happened to you, but that brace brings back ugly memories. So best wishes for a speedy recovery! :wizard:

Mel - Way to go in finishing the 12k :thumbsup2 After being sick, finishing is a good thing, no matter how you go there. Sorry you're having LTO/WTO moments. I can totally relate. I've been such a slug lately, both in training and keeping up with the boards.

Good Luck to all our Atlanta ING racers!

Well, as I said above I have been such a slug lately. Really haven't done much since the Goofy :scared1: No time, motivation, energy, you name it I've been a slug!:sad2:

I think part of it was knowing I'm doing Goofy next year:sad1: I think I need to build up more on the stamina side so as not to get swept/DNF or feel totally wiped out afterward. So I decided I would work on the endurance and speed between now and the 2010 Goofy (I just have to get started).
So, to get myself in gear, I've registered for several races (that should help with the motivation).

I'm leaving on a trip to Denver later this week. When I return, I'll be cleaning out my office and moving to a new one. (My promotion takes effect 4/14).
Because of the promotion, I was able to give up one of my part-time jobs, which should give me more time to get my training in :cool1: And my new office is near a path that I have done some training on in the past. So I will keep a running bag in my office and be able to get in some short runs (2-4 miles) periodically after work.

And when I return from this trip, I am seriously going to start on my waist-trimming endeavour (losing about 20 pounds and several inches would be nice! ;) )

I still have about 2 weeks of hectic schedules left, but I will try to check in more frequently.

Happy training!
Hi Team :wave:

Inspired by all the incredible races run this weekend...I headed out for my 8 Miler today...it was breezy and cool but thankfully we had some sun for a change :sunny:. I managed a decent run...and the legs felt SOOO much better than last week....finished the 8 with a 9:20 mpm. I've been hoping for much faster runs as I lead up to Minnie...but maybe I'm just needing to shelve my time goals and try to enjoy the training as spring hits and let the chips fall where they may at the races. I feel like I'm pressuring myself to hit this golden number in 4 weeks...and maybe that's not what this is all about. :confused3 So anyway...that was the run eipiphany of the day :).

Shan & Len, Cecilia, Scott H & Lynn G
: GREAT races today. You guys all worked so hard under tough weather conditions (rain, wind, cold).

Scott: I'm so incredibly proud of you for your race today. I don't think people realize that a few short years ago you could barely walk, you fought to lose weight brought on by a very bad back injury, you worked hard and became this speedy runner that inspires me to work harder every day, and you always sacrifice your time/pace to run the big races with me. I'm glad you got to go out there and run your race ...GREAT pace Scotty...you kicked some ING-Atlanta booty!!!! :cool1:

Mel: Awesome job!!! I know LTO and sorry to hear about your bad bout of bronchitis...but you went out there and had a good race despite everything!!! Hang in there :hug:

Debra: LOL...sounds like you had a NICE LONG walk yesterday! :laughing: So dood is directionally & distance challenged like me? Hope your 7 Miler went well! :goodvibes

Christa: Saw your blog and you did great under BRUTAL racing conditions for your Tri! WTG!!! :hug:

Maura: Not all long runs are pretty...but just getting the steps in is what counts. You did AWESOME and the tough runs make tough runners! Congrats on hitting a new distance!

Lily: WTG on your 6 Miler! WOW!!!!! :goodvibes

Tracy: Sorry about the knee issues :(. But good job getting that 6 miler in today!!!! :)

OK peeps....Have a great week. And once again CONGRATS to all the weekend warriors who hit the pavement and did WiSH proud!!!
Congrats on the 12K Mel! :thumbsup2

I survived my first half this morning. I thought I had made my goal by two seconds and later they changed the chip times and I missed my goal by one second. :headache: After beating myself up for about an hour I have sorta come to my senses and it is actually funny to me now. Sorta. Well, not really. :lmao:

Anyway, I did 2:30:01. Ran well for me throughout most of the race, last two miles I had to walk cause my left leg gave out on me. Turns out something is going on with my knee. At one point I was literally limping and for a brief second got scared when the medic rode by me on his bike. I was so close to the end!

DH rocked! Beat his goal and ran the half in 1:53:51.

Congrats to all the other INGers! :cheer2:
I posted on my team's thread, but I can share a little bit of my LR today....

It was super humid (probably the most humid day here for a LONG while), so that was bad. At about 3/4 mile, I was at the end of my run time, and had my mouth open, and a bug flew in, and I swallowed it! I almost puked. That killed my time. My shoes weren't working out... too tight and starting to cut circulation in my left foot, and my right was too loose! I couldn't handle anymore. My walk/ run ratio is 2:2, but after about 2.5 miles, I ended up with a 3:2 walk/run ratio. I couldn't take the heat!

So, my approx 4 miler took me 56 min 38 sec. My goal was under an hour, but I didn't realize it would be that long.

I am very discouraged by this, and feel like I don't have it in me.
Mel: First, I'm so sorry about WTO/LTO. It sounds like everything got thrown at you this week. :hug: Now on to bigger & better things--your 12K! Yay! :cool1: I think your pace is excellent, especially because it was comfortable for you after your bronchitis. And I know you'll do what you need to do to enjoy the Minnie, which is the most important thing. Oh, and did I mention that I think it's cool that you & Jeff ran together???

Tracy: Oh, I feel your pain with the blisters. (I'm prone to them.) Socks don't seem to help, although the pair I like the best is Smart Sock Double-Layer. Even then, I need to use Blister Block or petroleum jelly. What strategies do you use, or are you thinking about a new pair of shoes. Anyway, congrats on your 6 miles & doing the Minnie!

Vic: I said it on the Lean Meaners thread, but WTG for doing your 3.5 miler even in the face of pollen. I can't imagine how that affects your breathing & interferes with your running.

Lily: Yay for the upcoming doctor's appointment; I hope he'll give you clearance to push things a bit soon, as it sounds like you're ready emotionally & intellectually. Do you hope to return to work soon, too?

Maura: Great job with the visualization--you won the mental game today! Of course, now I envision you as something like Queen Elizabeth, because I'm warped & it was funnier than envisioning Natasha Baudman, but it made me smile even bigger when I thought of your success! What are you thinking about doing to continue your progress & prepare for the event?

Claire: WTG with the Crescent City Classic, and enjoy those recovery days. When are you planning on starting your training for the Goofy, since you're already in the mindset for it & all...

Terri: First, yea for your promotion! And it seems like a double bonus to be able to run near your new office--it sounds like you were meant to get the position. I also think your motivational plans are solid--you should have your event strategies down pat by the time the Goofy happens. What did you register for?

Amy: I don't know, I think you can make your goal time at the Minnie. But maybe I'm just feeling optimistic because your run today felt so much better, and the work you've put into it, plus Scott & Craig will be there to support you (egg you on?). Plus, I know how much you want it. Or maybe I'm just feeling a little crazy because the sun is out today. Whatever. I still think you're gonna rock. P.S. DOOD isn't distance challenged--he's a big, fat liar! :lmao: And I didn't mind, really, because it helped me work up this appetite of mine (as if it needed help).

Shan: Congratulations to your DH, of course, in meeting his goal. But the cheers & accolades are for you. CONGRATULATIONS, SHAN!!! :cheer2: :dance3: :banana: You came, you saw, you conquered. Forget about that one-second chip time difference--the mats were being used funny from what I read on the RR. You did the race in your goal time, as far as I'm concerned. After having been ill. And you overcame knee problems & without doing (more) injury to yourself. You should be proud, as proud of yourself as I am!

Morgan: Awwww, you sound disappointed. :hug: I've been there too many times to count, and will be there again. But you can do it. I know it's hard to see now, but you met your goal. In the humid heat, with shoe problems, and in spite of the the attack of the bugs. (And Vic, you thought your pollen was bad! ;) ) You adapted your plans, even if it meant doing more walking than running. You had a bad run, and yet you finished it. That's what makes you a RUNNER, as much as when all the stars align & a run works out perfectly. These are the days that show you that you're not only motivated, you're dedicated.

And I admire you for it. More than that, I'll be looking to you for inspiration, and we'll share war stories, and we'll laugh about these days--maybe somewhat bitterly--after. :flower3:

As for me: Nothing. An uneventful day. XT, followed by NYTimes reading (yeah, I'm one of those people) and noshing, then taking a walk because we had stuffed ourselves.

Gee, it sounds like I'm complaining.

How about this version? After a leisurely morning spent sleeping in and eating a healthy breakfast, I went to the gym. There, I enjoyed a variety of challenging no-impact activities designed to increased my strength, my flexibility, and my aerobic capacity. After, I returned home to enjoy a warm shower & hot lunch before going out for a mid-afternoon excursion with my partner. We enjoyed challenging our minds, as we had challenged our bodies earlier, by reading about current political and cultural events; we also further nourished our bodies and spirits by indulging in lattes and bagels. Later, we took a late-afternoon stroll in the scenic Frick Park to enjoy a sunny day that heralds the beginning of springtime in Pittsburgh. :cloud9:

Is that better?

Nawwww. I prefer the first version. :rolleyes:
Debra, I have never really had problems with blisters, now and then a few little ones, but nothing bad. I always use Vaseline on my heels when I do longer walks and this has always worked well. This one started popping up and geting bigger when wearing my newer shoes for longer miles. Once I got to over 3.5 miles or so it's just not working out. I have tried double layer socks, wicking socks from NB and THor-los. (THor-los are my favorite) I think it is the shoes, they are meant for racewalking, but I think that the part that holds the heel in place sits too low and rubs the bone in the heel right at the top. Oh well, I will switch over to my NB768s for now.
Mel - sorry to hear about the rough week! hang in there, maybe this one will be better for you :) Great job with the 12k, especially since you were out for a while...awesome that DH ran with you :)

- Sorry to hear about the shoe issue :( How new are they? Can you still possibly switch them out?? Nice job on the walk...you'll be totally ready for Minnie :)

Big Vic
- Glad to see you got out there despite the pollen. Gotta get through a few weeks unfortunately...I feel for the allergy sufferers, it has to make things so tough outdoors.

- yay!! OUTSIDE!! Good luck with the Doc this week...hope he cuts the reigns free for you :)

- Awesome job with your 7 miles!! By the way I was the Johnny Depp-like strapping young lad cheering you on ;) Seriously, I'd think about repeating the 7 once or twice, or even going for 8. You've got plenty of time to get some more training in :goodvibes:

Claire - Ahhh the recovery weeks :) Glad to see it was a nice run for you. And it's NEVER too early to get excited for the Goofy :)

Terri - Good luck with everything. Sounds like you can really get the ball rolling in a couple weeks, once your new promotion takes effect.

Amy - Awesome run today buddy :hug: THANK YOU for the kind words as always, and for your total support of me today. Means the world to me. I cannot wait for May 1!! Here's hoping that foot pain goes away, and that your legs hold up ache free tonight. I know you have some busy weeks ahead, try to stay relaxed and take it one day at a time :goodvibes:

- You did awesome overcoming your illness and pushing through to that race today. You should feel very proud of your accomplishment. Congrats to DH too!!

- Bad runs happen all of the time...don't let it discourage you. Shrug it off and go out there next time and have fun with it!!

Debra aka DKP aka my WiSH boards comic relief
- :rotfl: Your post had me laughing out loud (again). Thanks for your constant support of me and everyone else on the boards, it's people like you who make this thing work. Glad today was a good one for you :)

Scott's world
- Well, I posted a whole little report on the race report thread, so I won't repeat the whole thing here. I did run the ING Half this morning and finished in 1:54:10. I started off a bit too quick which led to some tough miles on the back end, but it is a time that I am happy with. I can say that I totally prefer running races with Amy and will dedicate all of my halfs and fulls in the future to doing them with her. It just wasn't fun for me today and I'm looking forward to the Minnie weekend where I can meet up with my buddy and get to meet some of you guys too! :goodvibes:

I'll take tomorrow off to recover and then resume my normal week training schedule, with the addition of 2 days of weight training. I'm hoping the metabolism increase associated with it helps me shape up a bit. I'm not looking to be Mr. Universe, just want a little more definition in a few areas.

I hope everyone had a great weekend...here's to a great week ahead too!

I have to make this quick, have to get everything ready for work tomorrow but I just wanted to start off the week with you guys because work is going to get CRAZY!!!!

Mel You are such a trooper, 12K getting over bronchitis in the ever increasing warmth!!:scared: GREAT JOB!!
Tracy Great job on the walk. Have you tried Body Glide or something like that on that heel :confused3 might help??
Vic I'm glad you got out there and the Pollen is really bad on this side of the state too :sad2:
Lily GREAT JOB ON THE 6.4. Your recovery is coming right along but what is most inspiring is your positive attitude.
Maura AWESOME JOB!!!!! Especially given the fact that you wanted to bag it. You can just enjoy the ride from here and know that any training you get in between now and then will just be icing on the cake -- so to speak. :woohoo:
Claire I'm glad you got your steps in. They :dance3: always make me smile too :thumbsup2
Terri Have a safe tripa andy YEAH :banana: for more time to run. Congratulations on your promotion.
Amy I think your run was awesome :flower3: but I am TOTALLY with you on just enjoying the run and not putting too much pressure on yourself.
Shan WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!! :yay: :yay: I can't believe how good you did after just being sick. That is the true heart of a long distance runner, endurance and perserverance. I read what you wrote on the other thread about the frustration especially because running does not come to you naturally and I TOTALLY relate :hug: Everything I have accomplished I have had to work so especially hard at!! I know you are disappointed but we are still PROUD of you.
Morgan :grouphug: :grouphug: That is why we are here. I am SOOO sorry it was so bad. But YOU DO HAVE IT IN YOU!!!! YOU CAN do it!!!! Please keep coming back and we will keep telling you you can until you believe it. :thumbsup2
Debra As usual you crack me up and your day sounds heavenly.

Did my LR tonight team.

9 miles in 86 minutes - little over 9.5 pace :dance3: Not too bad considering it was 85 degrees at almost 7 pm when I ran past my kid's school. I know that probably sounds good to those of you in the cold ice and snow, but it's hard getting used to running in the heat again.

Congratulations to all our racers this weekend.

12K is 12K. Being sick saps your strength for some time, so pick up your R/W when your body tells you it is ready. If it is before Minnie, that’s fine, if not, I’ll still see you there.


I too have troubles with heel blisters, due to spurs on the back of each heel which push into the shoe. I treat this with 1 super thin sock, then double layer socks, then gobs of Vaseline on the inside of the shoe on the hot spots, and it works for me. When I do get a really great blister (such as at mile 10 of the half marathon in the 2006 Goofy!) there is this stuff called second skin which you can get at CVS or Walgreens, and is pure liquid cooling heaven. You apply it on the blisters, cover the 2nd skin with white athletic tape, Vaseline, socks, Vaseline, shoes, and this got me through the marathon next day with zero trouble.


Bad luck there with the pollen. Do me a favor and have it long gone by my arrival on May 2.


You are making progress. I cannot wait to see you in May. You'll only get stronger in the next few weeks.


With 5 weeks to go try to slow a bit and push out the distance for a couple of longer runs to build base, and also go for a couple of shorter and quicker efforts to build pace. On race day you can put them together and go longer and faster. Being 5 weeks early lets you play with stuff like this.


It’s really early to get excited for Goofy, or at least that’s what I say to myself when I think about it and get excited too.


Have fun in my home town, and when you exert yourself notice the altitude and lack of oxygen. Congrats on the new job and hopefully a saner schedule.


I would absolutely stay with the 1:54:10, which is an outstanding effort. I agree with you that messing up the chip timing is a capital offense. Race directors have got to understand that even seconds matters to people who have trained and traveled and paid for events. What we want: an organized and orderly start, accurate mile markers and splits, clocks preferable or loudly called times at the miles (in spite of me using my watch), water sports drinks and goos when appropriate, drinks and fuel at the finish, and ACCURATE TIMING.

By the way, you are way out of my league for Minnie. If I stay with you at the beginning I’ll blow up about mile 7. I think I’ll let you go off and try to keep you in sight for the first 2 miles until you disappear.


So what is your golden time for May 4? I’ll report my work later, but your 8 at 9:20 mpm training run puts you and me in the same league, if not the same precise stride for stride.


ALWAYS use your time at an event, especially when they mess it up. You start the watch at the start, and stop it at the finish. Your time is accurate, and congratulations, below 2:30!


Don’t be so hard on yourself. You wanted below 60 and made it with lots of time to spare. You will have other days to improve if you really want to do so.


Treasure that leisure. We cannot train max out all year or we’ll break down physically and mentally. Answering a much earlier question, I suspect Timmy Howard is the #1 keeper in the EPL right now. Van der Sar and Friedl are still so good, but clearly past their prime in their late 30’s. The English keepers are so inconsistent, particularly David James. You don’t get the name “Calamity James” for nothing. Petr Cech is breaking down physically. So Howard, now at his physical peak and approaching his mental and experience peak may be #1.


Care to throw in with us at the 15K? If you're doing 9:30 mpm in training, 9 mpm in a race is easily done. I'd love to have you on my shoulder to keep me going.

I was able to get outside today, Hooray! I was on the track and did 10,000 meters in 54:52 or 8:50 per mile, and then cooled down with 2,000 meters, making a total of 7.46 miles at 8:58 per mile. Mile 4 in the 10K was tough mentally and my abs flat out hurt, but the last mile plus was actually pretty good. Unfortunately I was completely blown at 10K, so I need more training and more taper if I’m going to get that magic sub 9 mpm for the Minnie 15K. The 10K itself was encouraging, because if I could drop a few pounds and find just 3 minutes over 6.21 miles, I could actually break my age for a 10K, which I would poof out about.

Thanks for all the advice with my blister issue. Its too late to return the shoes. They are ok for shorter distances but not long. I will definately try some on the things that were suggested and just use different shoes that I have. :)
Good going to all the WISHERS who ran the ING. Hope you all ran safe and sane, and are able to walk this week. :rotfl2:

No training to report on my end. I skipped last Thursday's run, and Sunday's run due to a sore throat. DD was gracious enough to pass it on to me. :rotfl:

Our group had a birthday dinner Saturday night at one person's house. Nice potluck get together to swap stories.

Picked up my race packet for next Saturday's Ford Island Bridge run (10K). Odd, they handed out t-shirts ahead of time.

Have a great week everyone.
Maura, great job with those miles.

Terri, congrats on the promotion. Good that you will be able to get in more training now.

Morgan, you are faster than me. I'd love to have your time right now. You keep at it. Things will get better for you I'm sure.

Amy, yay! for the epiphany. I do hope you continue to improve. I'm sure you will do well for all the reasons already mentioned.

Angie, great training. Hope your work week is not too bad.

Debra, I loved your post and the re-write! tee hee!

Craig, great job on your training. Seems like you've got your goal in sight and will get there.

Jeff, sorry DD gave you something you didn't exactly want, hope your being sick is over.

Tracy, you should go back to your shoe store to let them know of your shoe issue. I had a problem with shoes after I'd had them out on the trail for a bit and the wonderful folks at my shoe store never hesitated. They insisted that I have another pair that would improve my problem and took the ones I used back. They are amazing there and I love that they are there for me.

Have a great week WISH Team!
Amy, I might be faster than you, but that was just 4 miles, my longest. I'm sure, right now, you'd beat the snot out of me in a marathon!!!

Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend!


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