Wk of June 8 - WISH Walking/Running Club

HI everyone!

So, life has been pretty hectic lately, and I've been real busy, thus not a lot of time to post here. The wedding planning is taking full swing now that I'm under the 1 year mark. With work, and the wedding stuff, and summer, I am afraid that I wont be able to post here as much as I used to! :( I did want to come share my news though, because I know that a certain someone is waiting to see some very important pics ;)

I found "the dress!!!!!!!".... and for the 99% of you who don't know what that means... I'm referring to my wedding dress! lol :) Its a big big big thing to cross off my list of things to do for the wedding, and I'm really relieved! If anyone wants to see pics, they can be found in the link in my signature entitled: Michelle and Greg's PJ. :) page 2 or 3...

I just wanted to share the good news, and let you know that i'll be back from time to time to check in and see how everyone is doing, and to cheer for you all as we all train! I just wont be around too much because there is just so much going on in my life right now, and I can't juggle everything! much as I'd like to. :) Happy training everyone!
Debra: NIce to see you back around on the WISH. I haven't had the nerve to change my tag as I can't really think of what I would put on there. It is about a 17 mile drvie one way to work so we figured it couldn't hurt to try and carpool some. She lives about 4 miles from me. Sounds like some ice cream along with RICE would help your recovery. If and when I see you I will be sure to try the FOCKER move on you. :rotfl:

Amy: :wave2: Hi to you too!! Here is some Pixie Dust for your foot and hoping that its not a Morton's Neuroma. pixiedust:
Amy and Lisa: Thanks for the advice to help out the trigger point for the hamstring and tight back. I will use that along with my foam roller to help out my hammies.

Jeff: Sounds like you had a nice dip in the pond.:rotfl2: :lmao: Glad your phone is working. Good luck with the Half Marathon on Sunday, just don't overdo at the water park on Saturday.

Stephanie: Hi - have fun at "The World".

Hope everyone else is doing well.

As for me, I got to the park today after work and it was raining. I sat in the car waiting for it to calm down a bit to a sprinkle. Finally after about 12min I got up the nerve to get out in the sprinkly rain. The lightening warning system at the park had just given the all clear. So off I went. At about 1.8miles it started to get a bit heavier and I was at the back of the park so I really had not choice but to just keep going, so I did. When I got back around near my car it calmed back down to a sprinkle and I just kept going until I did all 3 miles. So I got back in the car a bit on the wet side. Hey what can I say, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Have a nice evening all.
Kira - Good luck for you and your daughter. Hope things continue to go well with the medication. :hug:

Kristi - Boma for breakfast - I'm so jealous! What a perfect way to get a Disney fix! My boss just spent a week in Orlando and only did Universal and Sea World - I'm convinced he's an alien since I can't imagine how anyone would do that. :confused3

Maura - How "back east" do you need a 4th of July event? We have an annual 5 miler...

Leana - Way to go on signing up for the Tri! :thumbsup2

Jeff - Good luck on your Half Sunday. Glad the cell phone survived.

Howard - I'll quit calling you names now that you've clarified that you're a responsible runner! :lmao:

Shannon - Hooray on wanting to run. :yay:

Carol - Not only is it hot here, we have smoke from a wildfire down near the coast (2+ hours away). Guess it's kinda like Jeff's VOG.

Debra - Just the words "step stool" and "power drill" together in the same sentence scare me! :scared1:

Amy - Sorry you're awake at 1:00am, but glad you finally had time to catch up with us! Hope the foot pain subsides soon.

Liz - Congratulations on getting back on the bike. Please be careful!

Stephanie - Welcome back! :wave2:

mla1977 - I love the On Demand Pilates workouts - haven't done the full length one yet, but like doing the Abs one after a run.

Michelle - Good luck on your Tri this weekend!

BrideMichelle - LOVE the dress!

Tracy - I'm usually so soaked in sweat when I'm done that I don't know if I'd notice if it were raining.

As for me: Took the day off from work today. Went out for a 3-4 mile run at 7:30. First 2 miles went well, then stopped for water and couldn't figure out how to use the water fountain. (I'm not stupid, this is a warning sign!) Started feeling really bad. I'm in charge of safety programs at work, and had just done a meeting yesterday on Heat Stress. Realized I was showing signs of seriously overheating, hence the confusion at the water fountain. Decided maybe I should stop and walk, and let the Type A runner ego suffer! (Angie - thought about you, how it's so easy to give you advice to rest and take it easy; not so easy to take my own advice!) Walked for 5 minutes, then resumed R1/W1 intervals for the remainder and still finished 4 miles in under 48:00.

As I mentioned to Carol, NC has a major wildfire burning near the coast (40,000+ acres) and the smoke has drifted across half the state. We have a code red warning now due to poor air quality, so I'm glad I got the run in early. Race for the Cure is Saturday, but they think it should clear tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise it could be really ugly! Most of my Galloway group is planning on running all 3 races to get our 10 mile LR in, so we'd really like to be able to breathe.

Jackie--Oh my on the wild fires. Be safe! And good luck at Race for the Cure. Oh, and take care of yourself, the heat is brutal already this summer!

dsnyfan--wtg on getting the run in despite the rain. I've "been there done that" Not fun, but what a story you can tell when you've accomplished it!

Cosi Bella--Read your plans and saw the dress pic! Gorgeous--and what a date to have a wedding (ahem, my bday is 5/29!;) )

Got in a 3.1 mile run in before swimming lessons. Have been having some intense hip pain after running, so i've slowed down and cut hte mileage. No pain while running--but sometimes, severe pain, afterward (almost fell over the other day) yes, yes, know I should get to a dr., but w/ what time. Hoping my back to back vacations will do the trick and relax the pain away. If not, well, I might just be a fun back of the packer in January!

Debra: If you think of those headphones, let me know. I use either a $10 over the head sports type or the Sony (hook over the ear) type which I am not real keen on. I don't like them moving around as I run.


I use JVC Marshmallows which run about $20 at Best Buy. They stay in your ear much better than the Ipod plugs.

Thursday I did my 8 miles, and it wasn't that hot out. Weird. 8 miles, 3 water stops, 1 hour 13 minutes (just over 9 minutes per mile pace). Of course I was still trailing Guru Les, he's the steady running machine. I wasn't as out of breath as in previous training runs with him, so I must be improving.

I forgot to mention celebrating my birthday on Monday, and our wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Nice dinners both nights. Japanese buffet including sushi, and then Ruby Tuesday's the following night (the kids chose the location). So once again I fulfilled our groups motto "Live to Run, Run to Eat."

Up next, waterpark outing with 10 of our 13 Girl Scouts on Saturday. Followed by the Hibiscus Half Marathon on Sunday. I picked up my race packet after work. Nothing extraordinary, t-shirt, flyers, pins, race number. No expo, just pick up your bag at the local running store. At least the cause is a good one, proceeds go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Many times the hamstring is impacted by tightness in the glutes and lower back so she gave excellent advice! :thumbsup2

AHA! I did alot of squats on Sunday! I bet that is what got my hamstring so upset. I babied it all day yesterday and it is feeling better today but I am going to see if I can find those trigger points. That would be pretty cool.

Tomorrow I am taking the kids to the family's beach house for the week. No computers and no television for an entire week. Hopefully you won't read about us in the papers.

Kristi - My boss just spent a week in Orlando and only did Universal and Sea World - I'm convinced he's an alien since I can't imagine how anyone would do that. :confused3
I guess I am an alien also! :rotfl:

Stephanie - I was just thinking about you guys yesterday! We will be at BCV for marathon weekend too - maybe the kiddos can have a little reunion!

Totally OT - does anyone have any insight into fighting a speeding ticket?
I don't want to bore you with the details, but I really do think it was unfair. Nevermind, the MA trooper was a word-I-can't-say-on-the-DIS. :mad:
Totally OT - does anyone have any insight into fighting a speeding ticket?
I don't want to bore you with the details, but I really do think it was unfair. Nevermind, the MA trooper was a word-I-can't-say-on-the-DIS. :mad:

I fought a speeding ticket once, but it was a Boston cop, not a state trooper. I got a court date and the cop was a no-show, so I didn't have to pay. I think I would have been able to fight it even if the cop had shown up. I thought my ticket was unfair as the speed limit changed from 40 to 30 but it was not posted. Good luck!
Hi Team! I thought I’d try to check in early this week before I get lost in pages and pages of the thread with no hope of catching up (hey, that sounds like my typical week at work, too :) ).

Kira—many prayers for you and your daughter.

Mel—good job on the 5 miler! Just remember, you like the heat vs the cold, right??? (lest we remember your 27 layers of clothes at the 2006 marathon) :) Thanks for the links!

Cecilia—hope your DH was ok in the heat. I’m with you on the 5am thing. I’ll take early any day!

Julie—way to go on the run! Congrats on a new “distance barrier!” Get ready for a lot of those on your way to training for the marathon. I still remember a lot of those “first new distance” runs. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Great job!

Kim—that’s great news that you can mix in some running. Glad you’re enjoying it!

Tracy—ahhh, an ice bath and chocolate milk. Good stuff! Great job on the 7 miler!

Vic—front AND back yards without stopping? You rock! How are Dusty and Earnhardt doing?

Carol—oh, wow. That stinks about the computer. Hope you can get it figured out soon.

Shaily—that leg workout sounds nuts! Great job on the good week of training!

Terri—that’s a serious brick workout! :) Good job, and good luck on your upcoming race!

Kathy—tell Lynne we said congratulations! I’m sure you’re so proud of her!

Ok, so who brought all this heat? Because I’m so bright :rolleyes1 , I thought it would be a good idea to get my run in this afternoon at the absolute hottest time of the day. So I went out for a 5 miler in the 94 degree heat (actually had a heat index of 103). And I was pushing the pace a little because I thought I felt good. Yeah, not so smart. I ended up walking most of the last mile because my heart rate was through the roof. I took a cold shower as soon as I got in and had to sit down for about an hour to “collect myself” again. I had forgotten how quickly that heat can knock you around. In all seriousness, I know how dangerous that can be, and I was stupid to be out there. I guess that’s a good wake-up call for me to take it easier this summer in the afternoon heat.

Other than that, the weekend has been good. I got 60 miles in yesterday on the bike and 1.5 miles of swimming on Friday. Krista and I are enjoying the last few weekends before all the craziness hits. We have a few baby showers, several weekends with extended family in town, some weddings, etc and then there’s this crazy thing about some baby on the way….. :confused3 So our “irresponsible” weekends are almost over. At least that’s my excuse to make me feel better for not getting too much done this weekend. ::yes::

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a good week ahead!



Thanks for the congrats. It really is exciting every time I run a longer dinstance. I know I still have so far to go, but I'm looking forward to it.

I'm still new-ish around here and trying to get to know everyone, but I gather you have a baby on the way? Congrats! Babies are great. I highly recommend them! :thumbsup2 I have three myself. Well, they're not all "babies" anymore since they're 8, 6, and 1. Enjoy your last few "irresponsible" weekends before the next exciting phase of your life begins!
Stephanie - I was just thinking about you guys yesterday! We will be at BCV for marathon weekend too - maybe the kiddos can have a little reunion!

Unfortunately for your little cutie (and fortuantely for Scott and I) the kids aren't joining us this go 'round. We are taking a family trip to the "world" in August (before neice and DS turn 3 and cost us $$$) and then just Scott and I are coming down for the long weekend in January.

No training today--had a garage sale--does that count? I did sweat:rotfl:
Hope everyone is having a great Friday the 13th!
Just trying to sneak in a few replies this afternoon....

Amy: I hate to say it, but I was sooo relieved to know that I'm not the only person for whom the household is more dangerous than the open road. It makes my clumsiness seem a little less lonely, if still as pathetic. GS and bedtime yoga sound like fun! PD on the foot pain (quit wearing heels!) and for your upcoming certification! Oh, and thanks for the great advice to Cecilia--I'm sure it will help me out sometime.

Aloha Jeff: It must be mishap week! I'm so glad to know that you didn't get hurt on the ******* Ginger Trail (apparently that's a warning for people) and that your phone survived the dunking. (And there ain't a good dunkin without a donut, IMO.) I'm comforted by the fact that the first reaction of the Princesses was laughter--that's good, high-quality family time!!

So, wait. These celebrations were this week? HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY (BELATED) ANNIVERSARY! :dance3: :cake: :drinking: I'm glad you shared the good news with us, finally! And it's a good thing you have your Father's Day 1/2 coming up, because now you need to do a lot of running after all that celebrating!

Cecilia: Sorry to hear about your hamstrings, but it's good to have Amy and Lisa around. And it sounds like you got in a fierce WO with the squats! Enjoy your low-tech week at the beach house. It sounds heavenly. :cloud9:

Lisa: Great to see you here, and handing out the good advice. I didn't know something as simple as a towel would work. Now if we could just clone you, give your clone a computer, and have you here 24/7 consultations... :scratchin

Howard: I'm also on the lookout for a comfortable pair of headphones, as I tend to lose and abuse mine. The headphones I was thinking of are Zelco's Outi bone-contention headphones. I did a quick search, and here are a lot of brands out there--Alljoy, Audiobone, Audiocubes, Vonia. I remember looking at the Vonia earlier and thinking it might work for running because it's set up for a headband ($~85). I'm not sure about the rest, and they're all pretty pricey ($100+). Have you tried a behind the neck model, like Nike Flight or Sennheiser Sport Line? One of those will be my next experiment.

Liz: Great news about the bike ride feeling pain-free and good. Have you made a decision about the clips?

Stephanie: Welcome back--we missed you! :cool1: for booking for January, and I'm so jealous about your Disney/HH trip that's coming right up. Just for the record, I'm taking you at your word--I'm ready, willing, and able to go into butt-kicking mode if necessary! Hiiiii-yahhhhh! (Imagine me as either Miss Piggy or Kung Fu Panda if you will.) Speaking of butt-kicking, get thee to a doctor, woman, if that pain doesn't cease and desist!

MLA: Great job on increasing your speed for C25K! And I've never thought of using ON Demand for fitness WOs. It's a terrific idea!

Leana: I have no doubt you'll have no problem keeping up. I actually didn't think you were going to drop anything. I have this image of you continuing to add activities into your schedule as you find new things that excite you. Next I'm seeing you add something surf-y in there--not sure how that works with your geographic location, but that's the vision I have of you. (Are you a snowboarder, btw? Because I think of you as one. :confused3 I make up backstories for everyone here, I think.)

MB Michelle: Woo hoo for DL! Good luck on your tri--not that you'll need it--and I look forward to the RR when you return!

Bride Michelle: Ooooh, I'm so happy for you--you were able to get all that you wanted in your dress AND please your mom, too. It's a winner, as are the BMs' dresses. It looks like I'll have to be checking in on your PJ to get the skinny on your planner, the photographer, etc. So be sure to drop in a running tidbit now and then, even if it's on the PJ instead of here. (What? You don't have all the time in the world with what's going on?? :confused3 :rotfl2:)

Tracey: You, I'd definitely give a Focker hand-signal to. A FOCK you, gesture, if you will. :lmao: At least you're tag-free! Of all the witty things I (think I) say, the tag fairy chooses the most banal? (I'm pretty sure what I said before the daydream bit was funnier, and probably involved talk about food.) WTG with the walking in the rain. Forget about doing what you "gotta" do--you made the choice to get out there. Because you're an athlete! :worship:

Jackie: :scared1: on the overheating. I'm so glad you channelled Angie, listened to your own advice, and temporarily silenced your Type A runner. (And yet, your time remains fantastic!) I'm not sure I follow the RftC idea--your Galloway group is doing three 5K races that day?

Kristi: I've never gotten a ticket to contest, but it's my word-of-mouth understanding that it works if the officer is a no-show and that a state trooper is more likely to be a no-show than local ones. I've got no evidence to support that, of course, but here's hoping.

Julie: So, you're a ticketed speedster are you? Can I call you Speed Racer, for both your driving skills and your running?

As for me: Rest day--I'm keeping it to Pilates or yoga tonight as my knee is still a bit sore right under the cap. Grumble, grumble, snark, snark.
Just got home from work... and I just heard that Tim Russert passed away this afternoon :sad:. I think he was like 58. They said he was in the washington buraeu doing voice overs for his show on Meet the Press and collapsed. How heart breaking, I really liked him alot. He was also Irish (which I am part too.) I will send some :hug:s and pixiedust: to his family.
Jackie: :scared1: on the overheating. I'm so glad you channelled Angie, listened to your own advice, and temporarily silenced your Type A runner. (And yet, your time remains fantastic!) I'm not sure I follow the RftC idea--your Galloway group is doing three 5K races that day?

The main group is scheduled to run 10 miles for our LR tomorrow. Some of us who're doing the RftC decided that the easiest way to get our 10 miles in is to do the Open Competitive at 7:00, the Women's Recreational at 7:45, and the Recreational Open at 9:00. Nice of them to schedule 3 separate divisions for us!

Debra - If you're going to call me Speed Racer it would have to be based solely on my driving skills. My running can hardly be called speedy. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I could walk faster than I run. :confused3

I had a lousy week of running anyway thanks to my own stupidity and laziness. How was I stupid and lazy, you ask? Well, let me tell you...On Sunday, DH took the curtain out of the window to install the air conditioner. When he was done, I wanted to put the curtain back up. I was too lazy to walk "all the way" to the next room to get a chair or stool to stand on, so I came up with a brilliant idea. I decided I would stand on the toybox to reach the curtain rod brackets. That wasn't the really dumb part. The really dumb part was that I forgot what was next to me when I attempted to step down from the toy box. I ended up smashing my shin into the radiator. I haven't felt pain like that in a long time. If it weren't for the fact that the kids were there, I think I would have burst into tears. I have a lovely bump there right now and I skipped running on Tuesday because my shin was still throbbing. It's better now though, so I can't skip any more runs this week.
Sorry I have disappeared again.

I am way behind.

Jackie you are right that smoke in Raleigh was brutal! Hope it clears for your race.

On a positive note, I don't think I will have to deal with the smoke next week.On a negative note, that's because I got laid off today so I don't think I get to go back to Raleigh. (And I had NO warning we were doing this RIF)

Back to postiive, that should give me a lot more time to keep up with the posts (assuming I can afford interenet LOL!)

(Maybe I can move to Hawaii and help Aloha Jeff with his Girl Scout troop)

Julie, your toy box story sounds like something I would do. (Grace is NOT my middle name)

Michelle, Congratuations on the dress! I know that's got to be a relief.

My Galloway Group has a 3.5 mile tomorrow. I am not training tonight (actually I am drowing my sorrows in a glass of Traders Joes $4 buck wine LOL!)

Hope everyone's week is better then mine was!!!
Julie, the shin thing sounds like something I did in high school trying to move up rows when I was at a concert. Top edge of the chair in front of me. I had BFF punch me in the arm so I would forget about the pain in my shin!

Carol, good luck with the run tomorrow.

As for me, hopefully I will get home early enough to run tonight. If not, I'll run in the morning while it is still cool.
Carol - Sorry to hear you were laid off. That's gotta be tough, especailly when it comes out of the blue. As you said, there's a positive side to this, since you'll have more time to post here. Enjoy your Trader Joe's wine - that stuff is pretty good for $4.00!

mla1977 - A punch in the arm to forget the shin pain - I never would have thought of that. I'll keep that in mind for next time. Sadly, for me, there will be a next time. I always say there's a reason my mother didn't name me Grace!
Carol, that is what I get for reading posts too quickly. I'm sorry to hear about your job. Good luck with everything!
CarolA: Sorry to hear about your job situation (Or should I say your new found freedom??:confused3 ).


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