Wk of June 8 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey all you guys... was just wondering around on the main Disboards area. Did you all know about the Focker greeting?? It's something that Disers do when they see each other at parks. People get green alien shade (or something like that) of paint chips from Home Depot and make Mickey heads out of them to put on luggage, backpacks and windows.

Also I just noticed that I have now become a "Dis Veteran", coooool.

Today is a rest day for me. I picked up a coworker today to Carpool. We are going to do this at least once a week. Next week on Friday she'll pick me up.

Hoping all is well with everyone.
For the maternalists and paternalists out there... I wanted to set the record straight.

First, thank you for caring. :lovestruc

Secondly, I am a very safe runner. I run outside mainly on sidewalks and/or along roads in my neighborhood or those adjacent to ours. On the busy streets I run on sidewalks and rarely cross intersections. So, on that road it is nice to drown out the noise of cars going 45 mph or above. In the neighborhoods, I keep the sound down a bit so I can hear :listen: when cars approach.

I suggest the same for all of us... be careful out there. Tomorrow morning I run 3 miles.


Hey all you guys... was just wondering around on the main Disboards area. Did you all know about the Focker greeting?? It's something that Disers do when they see each other at parks. People get green alien shade (or something like that) of paint chips from Home Depot and make Mickey heads out of them to put on luggage, backpacks and windows.

Also I just noticed that I have now become a "Dis Veteran", coooool.

Today is a rest day for me. I picked up a coworker today to Carpool. We are going to do this at least once a week. Next week on Friday she'll pick me up.

Hoping all is well with everyone.

I wish I had someone to carpool with - I commute about 45 miles each way - gas prices are killing me!!! And congrats on the Veteran status!!! :cheer2:

I was planning a rest day today, but actually wanted to run!! This is big for me - even though I know I feel better when I exercise, I've never been one who could honestly say they wanted to work out. Still have a long way to go, but I did 2 miles in 26:40 on the TM.

Now I have to go bake cookies for DD's end-of-year celebration at pre-school tomorrow (cheating with pre-made dough from a school fundraiser).
Hello All!

I finally got some training in...Just another reminder it's hot. Did about 2.25 miles this evening in the heat LOL!

I am now glued to my TV just in shock. Watching the tornados in the Mid West and hope everything is OK. As a former Girl Scout camp staff member I am just very upset with the stories of the tornado hitting the Boy Scout Camp... I hope all of the WISH folks are good!
Hey all you guys... was just wondering around on the main Disboards area. Did you all know about the Focker greeting?? It's something that Disers do when they see each other at parks. People get green alien shade (or something like that) of paint chips from Home Depot and make Mickey heads out of them to put on luggage, backpacks and windows.

Tracy - didn't realize they had a name for it but I have a larger one from the Camping at WDW on the main area (printed out instead of paint chips). We post them on our RV/site so other Dis'ers know we're there.
Kayci: Welcome! Love your screen name and avatar! Your half-marathon time was fabulous, especially with that course and in those conditions! Your t-shirt is hilarious, too. (Funny, it's the same dream I have.) A recent issue of Runner's World (I think it's the June issue) has a plan for maintaining a base level that would train you run a 5K, 10, 1/2 or full in just a month. (I remain unconvinced about the full.) It's worth a look if you like or need that flexibility/spontaneity in your race schedule.

MLA: Ooooh, then you really got hit with the recent heat wave. I didn't think you were really complaining about DSF in any extreme way. I think it's reasonable to have him buy, install, and pay for the additional cost of AC. That's why my landlord expects (I know you're not really landlords, per se, but still...).

Kira: I'm glad you and your DD seem to be in a good place about things, and that she's started her meds. I can't believe you need to start training for the Philly Distance Run already. But good for you for getting out there in the heat! :thumbsup2 Oh, and congrats on your 10K and rocking those hills (again, in the heat)! I can't believe I almost forgot to mention it!

Shannon: Oh, I'd say you get credit anyway. I don't know about you, but there's something about being outside hot weather that can sap my motivation to exercise, even if I go inside to air-conditioned comfort to do so. It's a heat coma, I think.

Aloha Jeff: I may be exaggerating a bit about being kicked out of Brownies! ;) I was reprimanded in front of my parents for using inappropriate language--which really means they were reprimanded for not teaching me better manners. They were embarrassed, I was punished, and I never went back. I don't remember being traumatized by the whole thing, so I probably didn't care.

I think the peach cobbler looks delicious! And I have friends who hike & swear by the coffee can ice cream. Hey, it's ice cream--you know I'm on board! (New York Super Fudge Chunk, anyone? Because it goes with the pastoral setting of camping.) I'll be checking out the Chi running DVD tomorrow, and will let you--and everyone know--about the DVD player situation.

So, beyond the Hibiscus Half, how are you celebrating Father's Day? I would have thought there was a Father-Daughter run in the area....Maybe they'll make you some peach cobbler? Probably no sleeping in for you, though, not if you need to race in that heat.

Kristi: Boma for breakfast. Oh, yeah, totally worth it! Glad you had a great time, and got to reaffirm your commitment to Disney! Sometimes it's nice to compare experiences, just to remember why Disney is so special.

Howard: I too like running with my iPod as a noise-cancellation device for the cars. (And was relieved to know you take safety into consideration.) Have you seen those new headphones that are used outside your ears so as to allow you to hear music without cutting off your ability to hear necessary ambient noise? I can't remember the brand right now....

Maura: Now that you mention it...some of my stranger places include this new home of mine. :lmao: Which is odd, but not as odd as the aches and pains I got in the movie theater. Very distracting. Have you decided what to train for next. You know, I bet if you did a 4th of July race, it might include ice cream. Maybe ice cream on a stick. Now THAT's motivation!

Leana: Yep, I knew it wouldn't be long until you signed up for a tri. But August 10th! That's 2 months away! :worship: So, what are you going to "give up" in your regular WO to train for it? :rolleyes1

Tracy: Congrats on your Vet status. Mine won't switch over because the tag fairy colored the mousketeer label for me. I kind of like it that way, as I'll never grow up. :cool1: for carpooling: good for the environment, saving money, and networking! I've always wondered if I'd have the guts to do the Focker move to someone in the parks.

Shannon: :woohoo: for wanting to run. That's such a big moment, isn't it? Now, the next question is, do you want to make some extra cookies to share with us? :yay:

CarolA: WTG with the run in the heat. There are more tornadoes in the Midwest? I hope all our WISHers and their families are all right. Check in, folks!

Liz: Doing Disney with a RV must be pretty cool. It sounds very relaxing and laid back.

As for me: A slight mishap with a step stool and a power drill last night has me using the RICE formula and cursing my clumsiness. Just bruises and a twisted knee, no additional holes in my body. Oh, and maybe some ego crushing. Nothing that a little ice cream didn't help soothe. And now I'm just a little thrown off schedule for the week--so what else is new? So far, I'm not loving June.
Hey there team :).

What do you do when you're alone and awake at 1 am??? Catch up on the DisBoards of course (finally)! I've been totally MIA from here the past few weeks due to complete LTO. I'm sure I won't catch up with everyone...so to those I miss :hug:...

Deb!!! :hug: OMG when I read "slight mishap" and "power drill" I thought you might be showing off a new body piercing!!! :scared1: I'm sorry you hurt yourself. I'm glad thought that you are taking it seriously and RICE(ing) all the necessary injured parts. Who knew moving could be sooo dangerous?! Oh yeah..me LOL....first night in my new home (going back a few years) and I knock myself out by hitting my head on an open cabinet door while putting away canned goods. So don't feel bad! Another one is needed :hug:....take care of yourself!

Shannon: Congrats on the run today...and bigger congrats on "wanting" to run! I still have not mastered that part 3 years after beginning my marathon journey. I'm so happy for you! :goodvibes

Kristi, Chad, Lisa and other New England runners: I'm *REALLY* getting sold on the Applefest Half Marathon. I read a cool article in Cool Running on the race and I think I'm getting close to taking the plunge. Have any of you run it? If so...how awful are those hills??!!! :laughing:

Aloha Jeff: WTG getting out there in the heat and getting that run done!!! Love all the GS stuff you posted btw :). My troop is doing a bedtime yoga at one of the studios where I work...I'll be assisting with the class...cannot wait to see the little ones doing their yoga poses in the jammies! :)

Leana: GOOD LUCK on the Half this weekend! Wow...I didn't even realize you had one scheduled. You are a racing machine...I wish I had your energy! :)

Maura: yay for getting in the pool!!! :cool1:

Howard: NICE run! I wish my splits looked that good right now. The heat and the early morning really messed with my pace today. Great job though!

Tracy: :wave:

Kira: :hug: Just wanted you to know I read your post and sending tons of PD for your family. I'm so glad you've come to terms with everything. Good luck as you start training for your half in Sept!!!

Angie: WTG on some successful training and here's to keeping it pain free :).

TXAng: Thanks for wondering/worrying about where I was. Sorry to be MIA so much, but wow has it been busy around here with work and kid related stuff!!!

Carrie: How are ya' doing girl??? :hug:

Craig: BONJOUR! How is beautiful Paris?

As for me....despite being quite busy I've managed to hang on to a pretty good workout schedule the past few weeks. I'm doing more spin in preparation for my spin certification which is next weekend. Yay! :) My runs are in the books...but wow have they been relatively slow. I'm trying to work on getting out there early due to the busy schedule and the heat....seems the early morning for me equates to losing almost a minute per mile though :(. Today I ran around 6:30 am and when I returned from teaching my classes I wasn't even sure I *had* run at all LOL! I think maybe I was asleep for the run...which might explain why it was soooo slow LOL! :rotfl: Other than that I'm happy that I've been able to take a yoga class and one or two Pilates classes each week in addition to the ones that I teach :). I've been pretty consistent with 3 runs, 3 bike sessions (road or spin), 3 classes *taken*, 6+ classes taught. Phew! I have to say that other than a foot issue which is NOT due to running but instead due to wearing high heels and perhaps my cycling shoes...I'm feeling pretty strong and healthy. Here's hoping I can kick this foot pain...just send me a tiny bit of PD that it's not Morton's Neuroma :( . TIA ;)!

I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Training!!!! :sunny:
Hiking report:

We drove from our home 10 minutes, to the nearby ******* Ginger trail (I swear, that is the actual name of the trail, do a google search!).

The Queen, the Princesses, and the Royal Mutt were all were moseying along. On the return trip back down the mountain, we stopped at the natural swimming hole to just watch the running water.

The Queen asks me to take a picture of the Princesses with my cell phone camera. As as I step off the wet rock, I go feet first into the water, landing on a rock with my backside, practically up to my waist in water. Only thing is my cell phone took a quick dunk in the stream as I tried bracing myself with my hand.

As I'm sitting there assessing any bodily damage, thankfully none, I watch the screen of my cell phone go blank. I immediately hand the phone to the Queen, and tell her to take off the battery and shake any water out the phone.

Feet and legs soaking wet, I slog on back to the car, with the Princesses laughing at the court Jester's hi-jinx in the stream.

On the ride home, I sort of hold the phone out the window, for the wind to dry things out. About 45 minutes after the incident, I cross my fingers, and insert the battery. Whooo hoooo :cool1:, the phone works!

So fortunately I didn't have to replace the phone, didn't hurt myself, and walked away unscathed, ready to run my half marathon on Father's Day. Packet pick up is tomorrow, and the race begins at 6 am on Sunday.

Eight miles planned for Thursday. Day at the waterpark on Saturday with the GS Troop.
Kristi, Chad, Lisa and other New England runners: I'm *REALLY* getting sold on the Applefest Half Marathon. I read a cool article in Cool Running on the race and I think I'm getting close to taking the plunge. Have any of you run it? If so...how awful are those hills??!!! :laughing:
Chad's run it a few times. I will have to ask about the hills...my brain is mush lately, so keep your fingers crossed that I remember to ask!
Hi Everyone!

What should I do about a tight hamstring? My right hamstring is super tight, to the point that even walking around the house has me pulling it up. even my kids looked up from their zombie like summer trances and noticed that I seem to be limping. Dh is in Shanghai so I can't ask him. Well, I could but it would cost more than a Doctor visit.

Does this kind of tightness signal injury?

I have been doing some very light stretches to help it but they don't seem to be working. Usually as I get into the stretch, I can relax into it and "feel" the muscle relax. Not this time.

Cecilia...only time for a quick post but wanted to say that you need to be cautious with the stretching. Don't overstretch. If you have pulled or strained the muscle, stretching could further aggrivate it. Also, I would stay away from heat right now which could lead to inflammation. Maybe ice, light stretching....I'll be back in a minute but wanted to throw that info out there. Sounds like potentially you have a spasm or cramping there....did you do anything different yesterday?
Cecilia, like AmyBeth said, light stretching and ice, ice, ice. You could also try some trigger point release either at the base of your butt cheek at the cross of the hamstring and gluteus or up into your lower back region. I just had a bout with hammy being angry with me about hill work and the trigger point release, ice and anti-inflammatory routine had me better within days.

Best of luck!! :wizard:
YES...love the trigger point release Lisa! Try using a tennis ball and rolling it under the glute area of the affected leg. Don't mess with the hammy itself, but instead try to roll the ball right around that attachment area. Low back is another good one as Lisa suggests! Many times the hamstring is impacted by tightness in the glutes and lower back so she gave excellent advice! :thumbsup2
Wow, apparently I am learning something after all!!! :thumbsup2

One more good release for your back is to roll a towel and place it on one the floor and lay on it so it is along one side of your spine. Lay until you feel some release in your back then do it on the other side. This is one of my favorites when my back feels tight. I have a double scoliosis curve in my spine so I end up doing this one a lot. Thank goodness I have a PT for a SIL!!!!!!
Good morning athletes!

Here is my training for this morning:

Miles: 3
Time: 26:23
Pace: 8:47


The first part of the course I run is slightly up hill. At about .48 miles I hit a hill that almost takes me to 1.2 miles. It is tough to get up without stopping, but I have been able to master it with all my runs this week (so far). It is getting easier though.

Hi Debra and AmyBeth!
:hug: Keep up the great training!

Debra: If you think of those headphones, let me know. I use either a $10 over the head sports type or the Sony (hook over the ear) type which I am not real keen on. I don't like them moving around as I run.

Tomorrow is a rest day, then 7 miles on Saturday. I am not sure when I'll fit that one in since my family is volunteering for the Delaware Special Olympics Summer Games this Friday and Saturday. I might have to be flexible and move my LR for the week to Sunday (which is my XT day).

Happy training everyone! Enjoy your day! Carpe Diem!


Good Morning!

Quick drive by here as I'm waiting for landscaper to show up then heading into office....:surfweb:

AmyBeth & Lisa - :wave: Going to have to jot down those releases. DH has back problems and the towel one might help him out when it acts up.

Cecelia - ouch on that hamstring; hope it's better soon. And I soo remember the summer stupor look from DS.

Howard - wow.....Yep that's all I can say....

Deb - Had me scared there! Glad it's just a minor injury and doesn't ice cream make everything better?

Jeff - Another one that had me worried but so glad you're not hurt. And the cell phone drying out is aces.

To everyone I know I missed -- HEY!!

Got back on the bike last night (sans toe clips) for a test ride. Was able to get leg over w/o pain and it felt good. :banana: Was only a short jaunt around block as had club meeting but so glad it feels ok. Have relay duathlon next Sunday so needed to get back - now just wondering about putting the clips back on....

Have a great day!
Hey everyone! Remember me???? ;) Sorry I have been absent for so long. Life has gotten so crazy (3 part time jobs + 2 active kidlets = no time for momma) and I'm leaving for Disney in a week and Hilton Head the week after that (tough life, right?) But that's really no excuse. I can't believe I've let my relationships with you guys slide.This group is awesome and really the only reason I finished the full this past year. Anyway, I was messing around on the DVC member site trying to plan for January, and realized that today is the 7 month window for me to book!:cool1: So, Scott and I are now booked for marathon weekend. 1 night at AK and 3 nights at BC!!! Can't wait.

Now, I just need to get back running. I am now at least running 1 day a week--doing much more on the bike and elliptical, with lots of weights.

Again, sorry I've been gone so long. Ya'll are the best and I need to keep up better. Hmmmm, me thinks I might be running more if I were still acountable to you all. Someone needs to kick me in the pants if I fall off the face of the internet again!

Okay off to DD's swimming lesson.
Hi everyone!

Howard - great times! I barely made those when I was in high school. Of course I only had to do an 8 min mile once before I was allowed to practice my field events. Very impressive!

Thank goodness it has cooled down. We didn't need the AC last night. Just set up a fan in the window. It was comfortable enough to run even. I started W2D1 again. For most of the jogging sections, I was able to increase my speed by .2 mph. The last one I dropped it by .1. Not bad I was just getting really hot. This program is great and I don't feet completely overwhelmed. I have downloaded a podcast for the C25K that has the weekly workouts on it. I will use that when I run outside or at the track at the gym. I got some stretching done and some abs too. I'll try to do a Pilates workout tonight. Maybe try the On Demand pilates.
Leana: Yep, I knew it wouldn't be long until you signed up for a tri. But August 10th! That's 2 months away! :worship: So, what are you going to "give up" in your regular WO to train for it? :rolleyes1

You make a good point, one that I've given some thought. With all my extra cross training I don't think I need to push for 4 runs per week, so I'll drop one of my mid-week runs. I know I've taken on a lot, we'll see how I keep up!
Hi Team!

Haven't been able to keep up lately...oh what a hectic life. But finally...

I'm leaving in the morning for DL! My tri is on Sunday morning and I'm so excited! Hopefully I won't drown and will be able to report back on Monday! :)

Everyone else...have a great weekend! Here I go....:woohoo:


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