Wk of June 8 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
Seems like the word for today is "harsh". I did 5 miles this morning in 77 degree heat with 89% humidity, baby! It was actually a good run for me. I'm over the whole concept of pace for this summer and just focusing on base building. I am entertaining the thought of trying to go interval-free this summer. We've just canceled two trips for economic reasons (Gainesville Melon Miler over 4th July and RnR Half Va Beach over Labor Day)...just seemed like a lot of money to spend for weekend races. But that means I can keep it casual this summer as far as training goes :cool2:

Kira...hope things go well for your daughter. I know a fair bit about methotrexate if you have any questions.

Couple of websites I've run across this week:

http://www.railtrails.org Find trails in your area

http://www.nationalmastersnews.com/ Info on masters sports for athletes over 40

This one's cool...an award for masters runners based on number of races per year, not pace.
Wow! I qualify for Gold already this year! I wonder how much the USTAF membership is? $30! I can get this! Do I get a medal? I can't even pronoun Phidippides much less brag about it.

Dh just took off for a 7 mile run. Its 8am and 95 degrees on my front porch. It makes me glad I am willing to get up at 5am to get my runs in. :) I guess I should go track him down and make sure he has plenty of water. I bet he doesn't.

Kira - :hug: I know a little of what you are going through. One of my children will be on medication the rest of her life. It was a relief to get answers, but it was and still is a little sad to know that she will have to live with her condition all her life.
My only advise is to arm yourself (and her) with ALL the research and information you can get. You might get bombarded with home remedies, homeopathic rememdies, but its worth it to know what is out there and what the research says.

Ceciilia -Phidippides gold candidate :lmao:
Mel - Our weather here in Boston sounds similar to yours today. Right now it's about 79 degrees, with about 85% humidity. Since I'm still new at running, I hadn't run in weather like this...until today. I just got back from my longest run ever - 6.45 miles. I know I still have so far to go to be ready for the marathon, but I was just so happy that I ran it with no difficulty. Although, I was definitely running a bit slower than usual.

It sounds like you have a nice, casual plan for the summer. :thumbsup2

- I usually try to get up at 5:00 on the days that I run. I will make more of a point of it now that the hot, sticky weather is here. I hope your DH has enough water for his run!

Kira - I just read your post on the June 1 thread. :grouphug: to you and your daughter.
Good Morning All,
It has been a long time since I was here.
My walking has been going so well that I have finally lost enough baby weight to start running.
I have been doing short 2 mile runs, with about a 10-11 minute pace. (That is good for me.)
Anyway, just wanted to say "HI" and check-in.
Have a good week all,
Hi Kim!!

Now you guys know why we start out races in FL early!!! The earlier the better so you don't pass out!! Usually around 6:30 or 7am is race start time for us.

I had a long walk today of 7 miles. Think it went well for 84degrees (feels like temp of 88) and humidity of 61%. There was a slight breeze coming from the east so that was nice on my way back home. Kept an average pace of 14:48. Hoping to better that, I do have two more weeks of doing 7miles before the mileage goes up.

Yeah, I felt so sad for Big Brown. My Hurricanes won last night so they have to win today to go to the Big Time at the NCAA National Champion Baseball Game. Also some nascar today at Pocono and the #9 is on the pole.

Had me an ice bath today and some chocolate milk recovery drink!!
Good morning WISHers!

Hoping your Sunday is a good one.

No running today, but I did get out at 0800 (90 deg.) for aerobic mowing. Front and back yards without stopping. :)

Mel - WTG with the 5 miler! Sorry you had to cancel your trips.

Cecilia - Congrats? :confused3 ;) :)

Kim - Welcome back!

Tracy - WTG with the 7 miler!

Life took over and I have done no exercising since Minnie.

I started a new thread with pictures of the new doctor in the house. We are so proud of her. She leave tomorrow to start her new life.
Lucky for me today's my rest day.

As Mel said it' HOT!!!!

I went out to Target to buy a new monitor and was greeted by the WALL of heat and humidity! (And the monitor is NOT the issue, the desktop appears to be DEAD! Now what???)

Vic, when I used to have a yard I counted mowing as a workout!

Tracy, You are braver then me... I haven't tried the ice bath thing yet!

Hope everyone has a good week!
Hello WISHers!

I don't know where the time goes! I think I had last posted about a short run and come cross training and then swim lessons. The rest of the week went with the usual workouts and being so tired I didn't think I could run on Friday. Turns out I proved myself wrong and managed 2.5 miles!

I also got a new strength training workout on Friday that has left my legs aching like nobody's business. Wall squats + stability ball + added weight = really sore legs! But I have to admit it felt soooo good to be able to do!

I am definitely a goal oriented person and I love to challenge myself, proving that I can do things I never thought I could do. So far, I've amazed myself.

Ang/Debra - the swim lessons are going well. I, too, had the whole fear of water over my head, in my eyes, ears, etc. but the class so far has helped me get through that. I can't say that the instructor has really taught in the classical sense, but the controlled environment has helped to make me more comfortable being in the water. I haven't worked up the nerve to swim without the aid of a paddle board or aquatic dumbbell (which is much easier than the board - it is easier to grip on to). I hope that I can in the next week, since I've reached the end of the 10 week lesson.

Julie, Angie, Carrie, Tracey and Jackie - thanks for the words of encouragement!

Kira - I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis of your daughter. I am glad though that it is something they were able to find early on so that they can find the best ways to treat it. I'll hope along with you that they find a cure :hug:

Kira - sorry to hear about the diagnosis with your daughter. I hope things go okay for you both. Sending pixie dust your way! pixiedust:

Kim -:wave: Hi!

Vic - I was joining you this morning in the aerobic rowing! :)

CarolA - sorry to hear about your computr problems!

It was hot here in Philly, too. After my mowing session I took a break and then jumped on my spinner for an hour workout. Got that in while I was watching the US Pro cycling championships. Followed that up with some core work. Boy, were my abs not liking me today :rotfl:

It felt good to workout again so I've just got to stay with it. I have a race in 5 weeks so no more slacking for me.

Guess who won the Pocono 500??

Kasey Kahne #9

Now back to our regularly scheduled programing..........
Hi Team! I thought I’d try to check in early this week before I get lost in pages and pages of the thread with no hope of catching up (hey, that sounds like my typical week at work, too :) ).

Kira—many prayers for you and your daughter.

Mel—good job on the 5 miler! Just remember, you like the heat vs the cold, right??? (lest we remember your 27 layers of clothes at the 2006 marathon) :) Thanks for the links!

Cecilia—hope your DH was ok in the heat. I’m with you on the 5am thing. I’ll take early any day!

Julie—way to go on the run! Congrats on a new “distance barrier!” Get ready for a lot of those on your way to training for the marathon. I still remember a lot of those “first new distance” runs. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Great job!

Kim—that’s great news that you can mix in some running. Glad you’re enjoying it!

Tracy—ahhh, an ice bath and chocolate milk. Good stuff! Great job on the 7 miler!

Vic—front AND back yards without stopping? You rock! How are Dusty and Earnhardt doing?

Carol—oh, wow. That stinks about the computer. Hope you can get it figured out soon.

Shaily—that leg workout sounds nuts! Great job on the good week of training!

Terri—that’s a serious brick workout! :) Good job, and good luck on your upcoming race!

Kathy—tell Lynne we said congratulations! I’m sure you’re so proud of her!

Ok, so who brought all this heat? Because I’m so bright :rolleyes1 , I thought it would be a good idea to get my run in this afternoon at the absolute hottest time of the day. So I went out for a 5 miler in the 94 degree heat (actually had a heat index of 103). And I was pushing the pace a little because I thought I felt good. Yeah, not so smart. I ended up walking most of the last mile because my heart rate was through the roof. I took a cold shower as soon as I got in and had to sit down for about an hour to “collect myself” again. I had forgotten how quickly that heat can knock you around. In all seriousness, I know how dangerous that can be, and I was stupid to be out there. I guess that’s a good wake-up call for me to take it easier this summer in the afternoon heat.

Other than that, the weekend has been good. I got 60 miles in yesterday on the bike and 1.5 miles of swimming on Friday. Krista and I are enjoying the last few weekends before all the craziness hits. We have a few baby showers, several weekends with extended family in town, some weddings, etc and then there’s this crazy thing about some baby on the way….. :confused3 So our “irresponsible” weekends are almost over. At least that’s my excuse to make me feel better for not getting too much done this weekend. ::yes::

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a good week ahead!

XT ----Bike 3.37 Miles for 20 min. and Cross-trainer 3.1 Miles for 29:51

Steve ~ You know better than to run in the heat like that! :headache: I hope Krista gave you 50 lashes for doing that. Keep up the great training and enjoy all of those baby showers.

Have a great week everyone! Happy training! Stay cool.


Mel, thanks for the links. Interesting.

Ceciilia, Phidippides gold candidate. I love that!

Steve, glad you are ok after a stunt run like that in the heat. Ugh.

It has been so hot hasn't it. I've managed to get out in this, but oh so slowly. It is good to be putting in steps whatever my pace!



We're back from Girl Scout Bridging Camp on the windward side of the island. Great time, but just a bit rainy on Friday night. We successfully made 4 peach cobblers in the dutch ovens using the fire pit, and a great beef stew as well. Yum.

Gasp, I skipped a Sunday run. Oh well, rest is good too!

I hope everyone enjoys their King Kamehameha Day off on Wednesday. WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY??? Your state doesn't celebrate it, aaaaawwwwww. :lmao:

Mooshu, reported in that she's home safely. She said had the time of her life in the utopia world of biking. She said the camping each night was a bit rough, but that everyone involved in the ride was supportive and the friendliest people she had ever met. Now she's nursing a cold from all the physical exertion. Next up for her, back to running. :rotfl2:

Kira, tell DD we're all thinking of her. Hope that she can control this, and not let it control her. :grouphug:
Morning All!

Dh survived the run in the heat. Mostly because his wife found him and poured cold powerade down his throat at mile 4 and then again at 6.

I have been trying to step up my cross training. Yessterday I did weights and the stationary bike. Its amazing how much you more can sweat on the bike and yet it still isn't as miserable as the treadmill. Why is that?

Anyway, today is devoted to getting my house back in order after a weekend of letting everyone ignore their chores. I am hoping to find the floors by noon.

Greetings Race Team -

Just a quick one as I am not staying at work long today. My mares need me today more than this place does. Mist isn't handling the heat very well, which is surprising since she is from Texas.

Totally OT but here she is last weekend, with her post-22nd birthday hangover. Too many apples, carrots and peppermints, I guess. :goodvibes She does like her siestas!


I did a three mile L/R (Is three miles a L/R? I guess it's all relative.) Saturday morning. It actually went really well and amazingly enough...I had an 11:30 split. :eek: Today I did 45 min on the TM at 5am, before it got too hot. Thankfully, our finished basement stays really cool.

Tomorrow I will catch up with everyone, unless I melt before then. :faint:
Good morning everyone!

No training to report. Yesterday was a rest day. Hopefully I can find someplace to do a few miles tonight, the TM at the hotel looked kind of depressing LOL!

Jeff, What a great campout. Love the pictures. My camping trips were never in this great location (but I loved the East TN mountains)

Cecelia, You get a prize for keeping DH alive!

Have a good day!
Steve ~ You know better than to run in the heat like that! :headache: I hope Krista gave you 50 lashes for doing that. Keep up the great training and enjoy all of those baby showers.

For the record, I did tell Stephen 3 times not to run in that heat!

:banana: :banana: :banana: Guess what, I'm in the single digits!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:



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