Wk of June 17--WISH Walking/Running Club

Christa - :worship: I don't know how you run with that. Just occasional issues kill me. NOw ay shoul dyou feel bad about that!

Megan - :grouphug: Hope you are out of your funk! I've been worried about you this week. Of course, I always think to ask when I'm not posting. BTW, sadly, I don't even carry my own water. DH does that for me and he doesn't need it. Summer kills me!
:bday: Howard! I am sure the family has lots of great things planned for you this weekend. Enjoy!

WWDave & Erica- I love the picture of the kitty! Dave better watch out, because it looks like it won't take long for Erica to turn him into an attack cat. :laughing: And, when did 1 kitten turn into 2 kittens? I thought Dave said you were just getting one for Mary? :rolleyes1

I don't know:confused3 I'm sure they drugged me and beat me first though. I would never have agreed to that willingly.

Happy Friday everyone! OK, where is all my energy coming from?? I'm not even tapering right now.....really the week of my half is the only thing that qualifies as a taper according Hal's plan. Anyhow....got home last night and it was 86 deg out (not hot for some of you, but hot here...and since I don't have A/C that is how hot it was in my house.) I did some upper body weights, then went downtown to run hills up and down at McHugh Bluff. The elevation gain is 152 ft over 0.3 mi. I ran up and down that 4 times. Well, I use the term run loosely....it was pretty slow... Anyhow, finished up with a 5 mi run in 1:02:39. It felt great..!! I discovered something on my pit stop....we have a Ben and Jerry's in town! I didn't even know...:sad2: I then picked up some Vietnamese food and headed home.

Tomorrow I am trying out a new spa for their Indian head massage. Can't wait to try that! Then I have my bikini boot camp fitness assessment in the afternoon. Sunday I have a 9 mi LR, then a 3 hour yoga workshop on "Yoga for Runners." Between that and puppy sitting my DB and SIL's dog (plus I have two of my own....) it is going to be one crazy weekend.

Happy birthday Howard!!
Christa - Sorry to hear about your numerous porta potty stops.
Megan - I'm glad you had fun last night. I think mechanical bull riding definitely qualifies as XT. Boston isn't looking too good right now. Flights were reasonable on Wednesday, now they are crazy expensive...:eek:
Tiff - Congrats on the 3 mi, and glad to hear the ankles feeling OK.
WWDave - What an adorable kitty! He looks like he has some personality!

OK, on to work...
Krista, thanks for sharing your story about Cedar Point. :love: So cute!

Wow, Howard, impressive week of running! Sounds like you are right back at it!

Shan, hope you heal quickkly, now is the time to get healthy!

Tiff, I often think about you and DH, it is good to hear you are getting a few workouts in and you have a little trip planned.

WWDave, sorry to hear about your pet you lost. New kitty looks adorable.

SWDAve, how to you like your new IPOD? Getting that as a gift is a good sign!;)

Kristi, I wish I would have seen Molly!

Jackie, good job getting that run in. It is going to be low 90's again today! I might just go do 4 miles on the treadmill.

In a few days we start official training for Marine Corps marathon. :cool1: I am getting excited about that. I did 8 x 400 repeats this week and it felt great. Today I will be getting my marathon training journal ready!

Must get the kids active this morning. Off to the pool!

I sure miss Sunny and MelR!

Now off to bed I go for a good nights sleep.

Thanks everybody for the hugs. I have a pretty good idea which other kitty will share our home.

Enjoy your day!!!

Well, last nights 3 mile slow walk with friends ended up being a 1.29 mile 19:49 min walk before the sky’s opened up & the thunder & lightning were getting too close. Tonight is a gym night where I’ll do 30min of XT on either the Recumbant Bike or the Elliptical and then weight training. Of course followed by lots & lots of stretching. The hip was a little sore last night after walking but this morning it is feeling pretty good. I think I may do tomorrow’s 7 mile long run in the pool to give my hip a bit more of a rest.

Carrie – Yep, hip pain definitely stinks! Good job running in the heat for 40 min. Really glad the leg felt good.
Cam – Thanks, I am determined to keep up. Unfortunately it sometimes means reading & replying to 10 or more pages of posts. :sad2:. But it is so worth it to be part of all this GREAT support & motivation. :cool1: Thanks for the advise on the hip. I have found a bunch of stretches on-line for the hips, hamstrings & piri formis that I am doing, so it’s really good to know I am doing the right things. And…yep, it sure does seem like hip pain is pretty common.
Christa – Glad you popped in. Congratulations on the 2 new clients. Good job continuing your run with the IBS issues.
Jen – I’m sorry your receptionist/assistant isn’t working out too well. pixiedust: that all the work issues are quickly resolved. :grouphug: Oh no, you had hip problems too….glad the stretches worked for you. That’s reassuring. I haven’t tried icy hot/heat treatments, so I’ll give that a try too. Thanks.
Monica – Hope the adjustments to the orthodics help the heal pain. Good job on the 9 miles.
Shan – Hope the hip is feeling better so you aren’t dealing with that too. pixiedust: that a few days rest helps your foot.
Jackie – Good job on the speed work-out.
Kristi – Doesn’t being in a pool count as XT????:rolleyes1
Krista – Congratulations on the excellent 3 miles. Have fun at Cedar Point. We were there 6 years ago. I loved the coasters! I’m sure there has been a bunch of new ones since then. Enjoy your special place.
Howard – Congratulations on the 5k! I guess it made for an interesting race between the heat & humidity and then being sent in the wrong direction. pixiedust: for the shin splints. Have a very :bday: tomorrow!
WWDave & Erica – Ahhhh, the new kitty is so cute. Enjoy your new furry friends.:cat: :cat:
MSDave – An easy 5 miles in an 8:37mpm pace…..Wow, you are really speedy! Hope you & the family are having a fun day at Darien Lake.
Tiff – Glad you were able to get out there for another 3 miles. Good plan easing back into it so as not to get injured.
Megan – A fun night with lots of laughs is sometimes the best medicine. Oh….and I think riding a mechanical bull definitely counts as XT. Would love to see the photos.
Leana – Good job on the 5 mile hill work in 86 degrees. You certainly have a busy workout schedule for the weekend. Have fun at the spa.
Colleen – Best of luck with the Marine Corp Marathon training. Have fun at the pool.:beach:
Hey all. I don't think I posted after my workout yesterday--shame on me. Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then some leg weight work. Today was speed work--4x800 at 7:30 with 5 min warm-up and 2 min recovery between the 800's.

Christa--So sorry about the IBS. I know how that feels, unfortunately. I had to visit a GI guy when i was around 25 to find out what the prob. was. Unfortunately, even after my "procedure" he still couldn't find a cause for my issues. I just really have to watch what I eat the night before and the morning of a LR. And I always make sure that our local park is on my route b/c I know where the bathroom is. But still your finishing time is awesome even with the issues!

Happy Birthday Howard!

Well, i should go and find lunch for the natives. Hope everyone is having a great Friday!
Krista, went to Dick's online and saw the aqua belts. I've decided to lay off it for three days, if it still aches on Monday then the whole week. After that I guess I'll try to stay in shape with an aqua belt. Matter of fact, I might go ahead and get one and I can take it to Vero Beach in a week. Course, I wonder what the deepest part of their pool is? Maybe not... :confused3

So with the aqua belt I just try to run like I would if I was on the ground? Would I do it for the same length of time I would have normally run?


Happy birthday Howard! :wizard:
OK, so my run turned into taking the girls to the pool/waterpark for a couple hours after work. Then I was going to get in a short run later at night and opted for packing up the camper. We are going camping again this weekend. I plan to do my LR somewhere at the campgroud. I may have to run to the lake and then find a road to run down.

My PF has been bugging me a bunch this week but I think it is because I have been on my feet way too much. The last 2 days I have taped my foot and that seems to have helped.

Karen - Glad the stretches are helping. I just remembered something. I had back and hip problems at the same time (previous back injury) and I did heat on the back and ice on the hip. Sorry I forgot about that. Hope yours gets better soon. Don't let that 7 mile water run get you all shrively! I hate the prune fingers from being in the water too long!!!

Howard - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :cheer2:

Krista - Have a great time at Cedar Point. I have never been there, but have been to Six Flags in Illinois a ton (just not recently!).

Shan - definately rest that foot. This winter I had a foot pain that was scarey enough to be a stress fracture. After 4 days of rest it was gone and never came back. So definately rest it to make sure you are OK.

Christa - Even with all those potty breaks you are still smoking in my book. Hope it goes away soon and you can have an uneventful run. When I run the Trail Rail, I worry about those things because there are no bathroom stops.

OK, leaving work early to go camping... can't wait. Good luck to all the racers this weekend.
I felt like I should post about my 5k last night, since everyone was so kind in WISHing me luck. I :love: you guys!

So, here is the "race report" I sent to some friends last night:
what a disaster. I'd leave it at that but feel I should share my misery with my most avid supporters. Here is what I did wrong:
I forgot to eat at 5 like I was going to. It got to 5:45 and I realized I was so hungry I was nauseous (insert confused smiley here). I had to leave to get to the race start so I was glad to have and eat a powerbar.

I had 72 oz water at work, so I shouldn't have felt dehydrated. But I arrived at the start feeling feverish and I noticed in the ladies room that my face was red. Not good. Howard said his car told him it was 84 degrees out or something like that. Very humid.
The start was mobbed. They delayed the start because the registration line was down the block. Someone estimate 1000 people but I don't think it was that many. But it was a LOT.

I couldn't even tell when I got to the start, so I just started my timer and started jogging. Huge hill in the first mile. Get to mile marker 1 and my garmin says 1.2. What? Howard told me later that the cop who was directing had us all turn the wrong way at the first corner so we went the long way. Part of it was on an access road, very bad terrain for running and very dangerous for someone who can only feel the terrain and not see it. I was concentrating so hard on keeping my footing. Actually had to walk on the entire cobblestone hill because the toe of my sneaker kept catching in the cobblestones and I couldn't see where they were uneven and protruding.

Mile 2 was completely all hill. Everyone was complaining. I haven't felt in a long time like I should just bag it in the middle of a 5k. I truly felt like I needed to sit down. My face was coated with sweat & salt. ICK!

Mile 3 -- I convinced myself to just get it done. It is pretty disappointing, though, in a hard race when your Garmin says you've hit 5k and yet you know you are pretty far from the end still.

Here are my splits on my Garmin measure of the 5k:
mile 1 -- 12:55
Mile 2 --14:17
Mile 3 -- 15:09
.1 --pace 11:25
overall time for 5k -- 43:30.

real distance, according to my Garmin -- 3.32 mi --46:06 -- avg pace 13:54.

The official results say 45:59, I think, with a 14:50 overall pace.

I dropped a note to the race director complaining about the distance -- he said actual distance was .25 mile over. I also pointed out how unfair it was to post only the first 525 participants' results, leaving out the final 185. I hadn't realized the race committee gets charged per participant whose results are posted (you learn something new every day), and since it was a benefit they didn't necessarily want any of the results posted so the money could go to the family who the race was to benefit. The race director posted the results on his own time (maybe at no charge?) and stopped at 525. I was #516 out of 710 finishers. Still not pretty, but that's a long way from DLF and my first 5k pace of 17:36, and most important of all? It's done.

Christa -- so sorry you had such an uncomfortable run. Please give Bree a hug for me!

Shan -- I hope you'll see considerable improvement after a couple days off your foot. :goodvibes

Tiffany -- Great job getting out there, sweetie! :hug:

Karen -- good for you doing those stretches. Maybe your good influence will rub off on me! ;)

Christa and Stephen and Jen -- I hope you all have wonderful weather and lots of relaxing time this weekend!

Monica, Leana & Jackie -- Awesome workouts, Ladies! :cool1:

Oh, and Megan, I am sure that outing counts as cross-training!

As for me, this weekend's cross-training will be dancing the afternoon and night away at the Kenny Chesney concert! :woohoo: I'm sure security will be tight, but Kristi, if you'd be so kind as to keep your cell phone turned on and the bail fund readily accessible, Judy and I would really appreciate that! :lmao: BTW, did anyone notice that on Howard's birthday, I'll be out drooling over another man with a WISH partner in crime? Now, that is real love on Howard's part, don't you think? :rotfl:
OM GOSH....am I the only one working today....whew...you have all been so chatty. I will keep it brief as I am completely swamped at work again today and I am off a few days next week so have extra to catch up on.

Dave and Erica Very Cute.....I love the picture

Tiff 3 miles :woohoo: glad your ankle was better

Dave Welcome back...loved the pictures

Shan Take care of that foot.....:hug:

Megan Bull riding definatley counts as XT

Leana Enjoy the spa, it has turned quite cold here so I will take that warm weather. We don't have air either, I don't like it. We have a pool and a million fans but I am just not a fan of central air.

Jen Enjoy your camping trip, we use to camp all the time but I am just to old now...my idea of camping is room service at at hotel and eatting on the bed...:rotfl: Actually I love camping from breakfast until the campfire goes out...don't like sleeping in a tent.

Cam OMG, what a ordeal how are you feeling today?? Hope you are better:hug:


nothing to report for me actually, 4k done last night just glad the weekend is quickly approaching.

Have a great day all

:thanks: for the :bday: wishes. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'll try not to miss Cam :love: too much tomorrow while Charlie and I are down the shore in Atlantic City hitting some major jackpots at the casinos. :woohoo:


Shan - SUbstituting time in teh pool for the time you'd be runnign will probably give you an even harder work out.

Cam & Judy - Oh my. Wild women on the loose. :scared1: PLease try to refrain frm hugging strangers this time! ;)
Kristi -- since you are the resident concert expert (and "star stalking expert" too :love: ), can you provide some advice to us neophytes? Can we take snacks in in my tote bag? drinks in plastic containers? cameras? binoculars? cell phones w/cameras? The concert starts at 4:30 and Kenny doesn't go on until 9:05. I may need a nap somewhere in there! :lmao:
. . . .
Cam OMG, what a ordeal how are you feeling today?? Hope you are better:hug:


nothing to report for me actually, 4k done last night just glad the weekend is quickly approaching.

Have a great day all


Thank you, Kim! :hug: Actually, I am still feverish today. Then again, Howard has been sending Judy and me Kenny pix all day, so maybe I'm not sick. :rotfl:

And since when is a 4k nothing to report? You silly girl! Were you bookin'? :cool1:
Happy B-Day Howard!

OK, so I found out my Dsis is also having tummy issues...so I may have something...Not just IBS....:scared: Sorry so many post on my bathroom issues...:rotfl:

Cam - WOW! Your pace rocks! Just look at how far you have come! You are my hero!:banana: Sorry the race was so hard!

Megan - Bull riding!:lmao: That sounds fun and YES it counts as Xtraining!;)

OK I know I am missing many, but gotta get ready for my show tonight....lotts of makeup and false eyelashes....all this on me (who hates..and does not wear makeup...):confused: We had a guy taking pic a few weeks ago...I will try to get some to post....they are fun.
Total drive-by-- I don't know anything that has happend in the last ~4 weeks. I'll try to catch up...

I apologize for the MIA. My life has been h*ll for the last few weeks. The family crisis is: the day that I went for evaluation at the pain clinic I was diagnosed with major depression stemming from the central nervous system due to nerve compression and presented with a scarey procedure (Spinal Cord Stimulation-- wires installed in my spine and batterries and controller installed in my abdomen). If that wasn't enough to throw me for a loop; that night after I told Paul he announced he wanted out-- he's not happy and he wants to build a new life. I was beyond floored. He's bipolar and I've been by his side through h*ll and back many, many times and then in my darkest hour he deserts me. :confused: I won't deny living with me this past year hasn't been fun. No one can understand chronic pain until they've experienced it and Paul definitely wasn't ready/capable of living through it with me. Believe me, I'd leave me, too if it were possible.

Anyhoo, after many break downs and a new SSRI (Cymbalta) I am starting to crawl out of my depression. I've been out of work for 5 weeks. I'm returning 50% on Monday and then on July 12th I will "test drive" the SCS. That means they install the wires but I wear the rest outside my body to see if it gives me enough pain relief (told to expect 25-75%) and I can tolerate the sensation of the current running in my spine. The purpose of SCS is to interfer with the pain coming up the spine before it gets to the brain. Results vary wildly, but it's much less risky and invasive than the surgery I need.

I also found out from new x-rays that not only is my L4 slipped in front of my L5, but my L3 is slipped behind my L4. My lumbar spine is a zig-zag with much more facet joint and T1(?) arthritis than they saw with the MRI. I was upgraded from "moderate" disc degeneration desease, to "severe" along with the lumbar stenosis and facet joint arthritis. Believe it or not, it's almost comforting to know there's justification for the pain I now live in ~24/7.

I'm still running about 4-5 days a week anywhere from 2 to 8 miles. It doesn't hurt while I run (at least after about 5 minutes) but the kick-back afterwards is horrendous. The dr(s) still say it's ok to run and I'm not giving it up until they tell me I have to or I can't physically do it anymore. I am still a marathon runner. (A marathon runner who fantasizes about walkers:sad2: )

I can't stand more than about 2 minutes without excrutiating pain. That rules out an enormous amount of activities including shopping. Last Tuesday I took my son to McDs and the drive through was blocked off. We stood in line a long time, the pain was terrible and then walking back to the car I fell for the first time. I've been scared of falling for a long time and it finally happened. It's not quite what one thinkgs of as a fall, I dropped to my knees. Fortunately, DS wasn't scared or freaked out. I quickly told him "this is just part of Mommy's ouchy back" and that was enough.

I've also been switched from Neurontin to Lyrica because I was a zombie. I'm still a zombie on the Lyrica. I'm told it will pass....

I also take percocet daily now. Hopefully, the SCS will remove the need for such a heavy pain med. I don't like being so drugged up/out.

Sorry to fill the page with so much bad news, but that's why I've been MIA for so long. Plus, sitting at my pc at home is more painful than my pc at work so I avoid it a lot.

Fortunately, I'm going back on Monday so I can at least start lurking again.



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