Wk Of Dec 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Evening Team

Jen I'm so glad you had such a good run :cool1: It's such a mroale booster right before a race. I have 2 cowbells with 2 little girls names on them. ;)
Ceclia I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I am not the only one who gets emotional over these dang races. :flower3: I can't tell you how many times I almost burst into tears last year at 1/2!! As sad as I am about not running this year, I am actually excited about being there to cheer people on!! :banana:
Dana I can not believe everything you have been through the last couple of weeks. AWESOME PACE Today :banana: :banana: Can't wait to see you guys at the 5K!!
Lara I really wish I had answers to your questions, but I don't. But I'm sure there are people here who will and I know there are some who are planning to walk. You may have heard this before but it is the truth, I did 5 races last year and you will be AMAZED at the adrenaline and how it carries you through!!!! Relax and enjoy EVERY second, it is an overwhelming accomplishment!!

OK I am babysitting not 1 but 2 nephews!! gotta go

Hey everybody!

This may be a really stupid question, but I was wondering if when you get to the water stops....is there tables available on both sides of the road? The reason I ask is that when I ran my half they only had water on one side and it wasn't always the same side, and I would find myself having to cut across people running to get water.....being that there are going to be A LOT of people running this is one thing I am worried about.
Angie - Your the BEST!!! I am going to hunt you down at the kids races, but just in case we don't meet up I plan on being at POP.

Lara - There will be walkers only in both the 1/2 and full. Most r/w-ers and w/r-ers do intervals, but I know last year I didn't stick to them. I started, but then ended up doing what felt good at the time. I love the WDW races because there is so much going on all the time. So even when you feel like crud, there is something to look at.
I just bought 2,000 shares of lime green cowbell stock.
Ran 3 miles pushing Harry in the stroller with Emma on her bike. Unfortunately, Mr. Harry didn't like being in his stroller- maybe jealous about Emma being on her bike? He's going to need to get over that!

We did have a dog chase us about 5 blocks-- Emma is deathly afraid of dogs so she took off in a panic. I had to sprint after her, which just made the dog run faster behind me, setting off more panic for Emma (Harry found it hysterically funny). There was no traffic, but it still scared me that Emma was more concerned about the dog than about watching for cars! I'm either going to have to break down and buy a bike so I can keep up with her or let some of the air out of her tires.:rolleyes1

We don't have a Target here, but I sent my mother on a mission- alas, no cowbells. I did start trying to get organized for packing (you know that pre-packing stacking up stuff thing). At the rate I'm going, I wouldn't have room for cowbells anyway... in my SUV. I'm going to have to go through that pile a little better!

Jen in GA

Jen in GA
Jen I don't think I will get DS's to ring cow bells to save my life, so I am more than happy to contribute to cheering little girls :cheer2:

Steve Funny!!!! DH has said for 15 years that I should invest in Target stock, it would be cheaper :confused3 BTW -- Target has CUTE baby stuff !!! :cloud9:

Jen in GA I have MAJOR dog issues that must have been quite an experience!!! Good luck on the packing!!

OK Krista and Steve -- I am watching the game, what is up??? Well nothing can be as embarrasing as the prefomance of my precious USF Bulls on New Years Eve!!

OK Krista and Steve -- I am watching the game, what is up??? Well nothing can be as embarrasing as the prefomance of my precious USF Bulls on New Years Eve!!


Um, maybe Arkansas' performance in the Cotton Bowl :sad2:

Kewl, on getting all the cowbells--gonna sound like a herd of cattle running around WDW this next weekend. Work today was great for getting the mind off the race, and no one pushed my buttons. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as good. Now for the packing to commence...wonder how many Gu will fit in my quart ziploc bag:rolleyes:
Um, maybe Arkansas' performance in the Cotton Bowl :sad2:

Kewl, on getting all the cowbells--gonna sound like a herd of cattle running around WDW this next weekend. Work today was great for getting the mind off the race, and no one pushed my buttons. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as good. Now for the packing to commence...wonder how many Gu will fit in my quart ziploc bag:rolleyes:

THank you for the encouragement earlier. I'm really OK with cheering for everyone this time, and you are right I know what I'm capable of and I wnat to go there again and I'm trying not to push myself too hard (it's REALLY hard after a long break) I am so sad to read that you won't be at MINNIE!! But Good luck on the packing!! I am getting so excited and I am not even running!! Maybe we will see you guys at EXPO Thursday. I am excited too because I might be able to stay saturday night and scream team for you guys Sunday!!!!!

We won't be at Minnie (darn BIL for getting married;) ) but we might get down for Race for the Taste. We loved our trip in Oct this year, and I'm trying to sweet talk DH into going again. We'll see--and YES, please stay Saturday night (um, our kids will be staying with FIL, you could bunk with us)
OK Krista and Steve -- I am watching the game, what is up??? Well nothing can be as embarrasing as the prefomance of my precious USF Bulls on New Years Eve!!


I don't know what's up with our offense, defense, and while we're at it...our special teams. I have been so mad at the team the last 6 weeks. Even if we win tonight, if we play like this in the second half, we absolutely don't deserve to advance in the playoffs. And the wonderful thing is that if all goes as anticipated with the games tomorrow, if we do win tonight, our next game will be against the Pats, where we can ill afford to make 1 mistake, much less 15 or 16 mistakes.

I'll shut up now. I'm just mad. :mad:

I don't know what's up with our offense, defense, and while we're at it...our special teams. I have been so mad at the team the last 6 weeks. Even if we win tonight, if we play like this in the second half, we absolutely don't deserve to advance in the playoffs. And the wonderful thing is that if all goes as anticipated with the games tomorrow, if we do win tonight, our next game will be against the Pats, where we can ill afford to make 1 mistake, much less 15 or 16 mistakes.

I'll shut up now. I'm just mad. :mad:


Yeah, what Steve said! But at least they just got an interception!

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