WISH Check-In Week of 3-30

I got a new scale and had to double and triple check that it read the same as the old one. And it does.

End result, as of 6:30 a.m. this morning, I have made the 20 pound clippie with another 1.5 to spare. I am that much closer to my first 10% loss.

Congratulations to all the losers in the group. For those that are disappointed (deserved or otherwise)
no getting down on yourself! We are wonderful!

You guys are all doing awesome!!! I weigh tomorrow and I am not sure if I want to step on the scale or wait til next week. I will definitely measure tomorrow. I just do not feel any skinnier, and since I have had some bad news n the last day, and am about to get TOM, I think maybe I will skip it. What do you guys think?

I am so excited for everyone with new clippes...you inspire me to continue with your successes. I love to read this thread, and know that none of us are truely alone in this. I am hoping all the exercise pays off...

Hugs to you all!!!
Today was my (official) weigh-in and I am down 2 pounds for the week. Could have been better if I didn't have two bad point days (when I unofficially weighed-in on Friday I was down 2-1/2, but I will take the 2). So official 6 week total is 14 pounds lost. Maybe next week I can claim that 15 pound clippie.

Congrats go out to KarenTX, geetey and Debbie.

Hang in there disneyfan551, we all have bad weeks. Next week is sure to be better.

Have a great day all!
I did not move at all in measurements, so have decided to skip the weigh in this week. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Good luck to those who have yet to weigh in!!!
Remember how I was complaining on Sunday that I only lost a 1/2lb, well I got weighed in last night at Curves and I am down 2lbs with a total loss in 3 weeks of 10 lbs.
I am so happy I didn't think I'd ever make 10 lbs.
Now I will have to work on putting up my 10lb clippy at work today. Yeah!

Glo, I was sending you a psychic message to skip the weigh in. :) Sorry the measurements didn't move. Don't lose hope! YOU KNOW the exercise is working!!!! Look at the great stats you posted from the fitday site. I think my biggest form of exercise this week has been typing messages on DIS! I am a slug compared to you! ;) EVEN IF YOU GET THERE A 1/2 POUND AT A TIME, YOU ARE STILL MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!!!

Did you ever see Galaxy Quest (a very funny movie!) "Never give up, never surrender!"

Lynr, you new clippie gal you!!!!! Way to go. Never thought you'd make 10 pounds and here you go and do it in 3 weeks. :) That is fantastic!!!

Kath, 1/2 pound is a 1/2 pound. Plus you have that whole fluid retention thing going on! You are a GREAT loser! :) I think if you walk around your house singing "The stars at night, are big and bright (clap clap clap clap) deep in the heart of Texas" all day that you will burn some major calories! :) That song always pops into my head when I see your name by a post! ;)

Debbie, CONGRATS on the 20 pound clippie!!!! Do your clippies have time to dry between changes or are you just flying through them? ;)

Tiffany, you are right, this week WILL be a better week!!! I hope you aren't feeling yuck, yuck, yuck anymore! Just focus on today and all your new choices.

Congratulations to all the losers, maintainers and people who didn't have such a great week but are ready to get back in the game!!!! :)
Thanks for the pick-me-up guys! You all have put a big smile on my face! :teeth: I know it's worth it, I just have to resist the urge to open up my drawer and gobble down a Rice Krispies Treat!! :rolleyes: You guys are the best! Keep up the great job! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
hi to all - seems like it's been a while since I checked in

I did lose one pound - but I think I found it over this past weekend! I'm not doing well on the weekends! I haven't weighed in this week and probably won't. I'm a bit discouraged, but I have just read there are a few others reaching for that 10lb loss by May 31. I am sooo there with you!

I didn't even try to count my points for the weekend - too much dining out! I did stay in my point range yesterday and will today! Do you find you see a faster loss if you stay at the lower end of the point range (WW)?? Or will that mess up my metabolism??

My other goal this week (spring break) is to enter myself in our family album!

Thanks for all the inspiration and encouragment. I'm sooo proud of all of you!! I want my clippie :(
<b>karenTX</b> You are doing so great! That's a lot of inches you lost and you've almost earned that 10 pound loss clippie. I'm proud of you!

<b>mickeyfan1</b> that was as of last Thursday. I don't weigh in until Thursday so I don't know if I've lost anything or not, yet :)

<b>Debbie</b> WOW! Way to go! Love that 20 pound loss clippie, it looks really good on you. You are doing really well.

<b>glo</b> {{{HUGS}}} sweetie. Sorry to hear you've had bad news. Okay you get a pass on weighing in this week but next week you have to do it. It's too easy to drift off plan if you don't stay aware of your weight. I know...I've done it. Good luck this week. I only measure myself once a month, I'm afraid it might be too discouraging for me to do it every week, if I didn't see a change in the measurements.

<b>tiggerlover</b> That is a wonderful weight loss for the week. I'm so proud of you. I know things have been very stressful for you over the last few weeks. Good for you staying in control like this.

<b>lynr</b> Woo Hoo!!! Good for you! Feel better now? Love that new clippie :)

<b>TigH</b> I haven't weighed in for this week yet. I weigh in on Thursday. Here's hoping for a loss of any kind :)

<b>ohMom</b> {{{HUGS}}} sweetie. Don't be so discouraged. I know you are going to earn that first clippie very soon. I'll bet you didn't do as badly over the weekend as you think. But, even if you did, you can't change the past. Focus on <b>today</b> and don't get down on yourself. You know what you need to do to achieve your goal and I believe you will do it. I believe in you!

Good job everyone. We are just the best group of <i>losers</i>. I'm proud of all of us.

Still two more days before I weigh in. Hoping for the best.

I'm down 1.5 pounds this week for a total loss of 18 pounds. Congratulations to everyone for all their hard work. It really helps to come here and read how well everyone is doing.
NancyK, one and one half pounds is an <i>awesome</i> loss! Way to go! You have practically got that 20 pound loss clippie already. I'm so happy and proud for you :)
Hi to all! Congratulations to all. I stayed the same this week, which is fine....have not been doing my walking, have been busy with getting the apartment upstairs ready for new tenants moving in on May 1st. Not to bore you but my brother was living upstairs and just up and moved to Chicago (told me as his jacket was on and the car was warming). He left everything up there except what fit in the trunk of the car....well anyway, it is 4 rooms of s.... to clean up, so after working all day and cleaning all night DH and I just can't seem to find the time to walk. I am not giving up, still sticking to eating less, but it doesn't seem to be leaving without walking....so here goes another week, and good luck to all!
Jane, maintaining your weight is as much a success as losing weight, just not as much fun ;)

Sorry to hear your brother left you with a mess hope you have finished having to work so hard to get it cleared up.

Good luck next week, I'm sure you will show a loss at your next weigh in.

Good for you not gaining even though you had more than a little stress this past week.

I weighed in this morning and I was down 5.5 pounds!!!!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I think my body simply when into shock from loss of food and has drown in water. :teeth: This big of a loss was especially shocking because although I first weighed-in last Wednesday I was not journaling or exercising until early this week. I was trying to watch what I was eating and cutting out sodas but I didn't think I was doing that great. However, I will take it and not complain. It is a great way to start and I know that I will not continue to lose at this pace. 5.5 pounds are gone for good..... :)

I was good again yesterday but I am going to need some support for today. We have a company luncheon and I will have to force myself to make smart choices and pass up all of those yummy desserts. Plus one of my wonderful co-workers brought me a bag of Pepperidge Farm Mint Milano cookies. :earseek: She knows I love them and was just trying to be nice but she does not know that I have started back with WW. Each cookie is 2 points (but 2 cookies is 3 points - isn't that strange how that works? ;) )so I will have to hide them in my desk and if I do well at lunch I will let myself have one or two.

Everyone here is such a 'loser'!!! I am proud of all of us!!! :)
Becka, congratulations! I think that's the fastest clip change I've seen! ;) Good for you! Sending you lots of healthy choice pixie dust to make it through that lunch!!! :)
Becka- that's awesome!!!! Congrats!!!
You are all doing awesome!
Well, I lost 2lbs this week, after going out way too many times....but the exercise and watching my points really helped! I am so happy!!!!!! :)
Got my 10lb clippie!

Good luch to everyone this week!!!

:( No loss this week for me. :(

I've been exercising regularly, at least 30 min/day, 5 days/wk, but I guess I have to admit I haven't been doing as well with food as I need to. I just don't seem to have any concept of portion size. :rolleyes:
We're on our way to Mohegan Sun Casino to celebrate DH's retirement later this afternoon for an overnight, & will probably be eating at the buffet there. I've promised myself I will not go totally crazy! Once we're back then I have no more excuses - at least till we go to WDW next month. I had wanted to lose 25 lbs by then, but at the rate I'm going that doesn't seem too likely now. :( I still want to try for it, though. Maybe the thought of the trip getting closer will motivate me! :cool:
Okay help me figure this out. When I exercise like crazy, drink tons of water, and stay within my points I seem to lose a whopping .08 lbs.

This week I over ate one night at a Mexican restaurant, ate a piece of birthday cake that I didn't weigh or measure, didn't save up points for, didn't exercise at all, drank a few sips of water all week (if God wanted us to drink water why did He invent diet Pepsi is my motto) and I lost 4.2 lbs! I don't understand this at all but I'm not complaining!!!! The leader said to be careful this week upcoming because sometimes it takes another week to show up on the scale.

Going to have another slice of that b-day cake!!! (Just kidding!)

Thanks again to Kelsie and to the entire WISH family for providing so much support! I'm proud of all of you for your losses and even for the weeks when it didn't go so well for still trying!!!

P.S. I'm trading in my 15 lbs. clippie for a 20!!! Wahoo!!!
Liz, When I did WW, there were times when I had the same thing happen. Sometimes you have to give your body a little more fuel to burn off. Some people have better luck going low points for 2 days, then max points for 2 then middle of the road. Also, I found that while I was losing OK, if I switched food with in the points, that would make a difference, too. Like celery only, skip the carrots, or hamburger instead of chicken.

I am doing restricted carbs, but if I go to low, I stall. So I am learning where to be to keep losing. Every bit off is great.

Congrats on your 20 lb clip. I hope to get my 15 with in 3 weeks.

Keep up the good work!


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