WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

:thanks: Dona for coaching! you were awesome!

and that leads into me... :cool2: and i'll start off my coaching stint behind a step :rotfl2: I'm going to post tomorrow QOTD now as I have to work tomorrow and won't be on my 'puter until the evening.

QOTD - Wednesday October 16 -- What is the one piece of exercise 'equipment' that you could NOT live without?

for me lately, i'll say my WATP (walk away the pounds) DVDs, I just recently dusted them off one rainy day and I must say my muscles definitely noticed a different routine! I've had the same set of DVD for many years, and I go in spurts with them...lately :love: them :teeth:

LOL!! I think we've inadvertently swapped coaching gigs, so I'll ask Lisa to change the early post. I am more than happy to take the next "shift". :) And I LOVE your question of the day.

Hmmmm....I have to say that I'm torn on this one. I LOVE my Minimus shoes for my strength training workouts, but I also love my iphone for the music I listen to while I'm on the elliptical. I also couldn't imagine working out without music!

RCCL  Oasis of the Seas  Eastern Caribbean, sailing date NOV 16th, 2013  yep, beginning the countdown tomorrow  we have booked a cabin with inside balcony looking over Central Park

Yay!! I am excited for you that you have this to look forward to. Which ports? St. Marten? St. Thomas?

I am so excited this morning! I don't want to jinx anything,but this morning when I weighed myself, the number that popped up has been the lowest I have seen for 3 years!! Please don't be a fluke!! :goodvibes

Yay!!! Very exciting! Congrats!!! :thumbsup2

Oh, and before I forget - Bryana, HUGE KUDOS to you for going out with the runners last night and pushing your comfort zone and your pace. You totally ROCKED those miles! You should be very proud of yourself. :) :cool1:

Nothing new for me. Having a blah week. SOOOO tired of living in a construction zone. We are renovating 2 bathrooms as our large home improvement investment this year. Demolition on the first one started July 15, and now we are in the middle of the second project which is the master bath, dressing room area and walk-in closet. The deadline on this project is November 23. So, by the time we are done, we will have lived in a construction zone with 4 people sharing one upstairs bathroom for 4 1/2 months. I am so ready for it to be over.

On a brighter note, my partner is being honored tonight at the annual ACLU dinner for his decades of work on civil rights matters. He is so amazing and I am really proud to be his partner and friend and to see him be recognized. :goodvibes

Oh, and today is National Boss' Day and our staff is hosting breakfast for us. They are so sweet to coordinate this for us. :love:
Jill--pumpkin soup

I used veggie broth, no cilantro, added fresh ginger and curry powder, white beans instead of black. Just used tiny bit of sour cream when serving. It was really, really good. We had leftovers tonight and added in some g-f pasta. Yum!

Thanks for sharing.

Question of the Day

Many people have been on cruises but there are a few of us who have not.

Have you ever been on a cruise?
Where to?
What line did you cruise (WHAT THERE ARE OTHER CRUISE LINES THAN DISNEY:confused3)
What did you like about it?
What didn't you like about?

Thanks for coaching! I have never been on a cruise before. We were actually looking at cruises a few weeks ago. I would love to go in the summer, but I know nothing about cruising so I was a little lost. Luckily, I have a friend who cruises almost every year and she has given me some good advice, so I'll probably start looking again soon.

I was there in January too for an impromptu long weekend with my mom. The whole time we were staring at the bounce back going "well... The Friday the 13th villains bash falls on your birthday weekend..." "Well, I do really want to run the 10 miler..." But it always came back to "but were already spending a lot of money to be here now :sad:" LOL

How funny! I look at those bouncebacks and try to justify a return trip, the DH steers me back to reality lol.

Happy to say I lost 2 pounds this week! :banana: Or at least I think so. I've stepped on the scale every day for the past week and except for one day, it read exactly the same every day, right down to the ounces. However, I'll take it!! :banana: :woohoo: :yay:


I can't tell you how timely this question is. Just signing up for this challenge today. Our cruise next summer is the biggest motivator for me right now. DH and I agreed to this cruise only if I loose weight. it has been an incentive for me. Well, I haven't lost, in fact gained 10# so I need to cut that out because I want to go on the cruise. ALSO the cruise is going to Ocho Rios where DH and I honeymooned. I really want to climb Dunn's river falls again and then ride the horses in the water. There is a weight limit for the horse ride and I have a long way to go to be able to do that, but that has been a dream of mine since I first saw that movie "Cocktail" and saw them riding the horses on the beach.

A cruise sounds like serious motivation. I think you'll be enjoying your horse ride in no time :)

Had a good morning so far! Stepped on the scale to see a 0.6 pound difference since yesterday! I'll take it:banana:
My morning run went well too, I increased to 2 miles today (small goals people) and felt I did well.
Have a great day everyone!:goodvibes

Congrats on the loss and the run!

Glad you enjoyed your weekend. Our 4 day weekend was good as well, but as usual, it went far too fast!!

Don't they all :rotfl:


Ahhhh! I've caught up! Now off to grab a coffee before my WW meeting tonight. My manager "surprised" me at my meeting last week and had a LOT of feedback for me. As disappointing as it was that she didn't tell me I was a "perfect" leader, it was nice to learn something new. I am anxious to help my members achieve success and to succeed as a leader, so am excited to try some of the techniques this week.

Kids have gone home and so it is time for me to head out! Remember.... BIGGEST LOSER starts tonight (if you are a fan). I find it SO inspiring. Check it out if you haven't watched it before! I'll try to pop on tonight when I get home, but no promises!..................P

Ugh. I missed it. I better set my DVR!

Pam You asked for it, you got it! (Boy how I LOVE Photobucket!!!:cool1:)

Not the totally finished product, but it should give you a good idea.

Of course, had to have THESE made up!

One random sunrise as seen from Island Time last week.

That looks so awesome...and relaxing! Have a drink for me :)

Happy to report back that it went really well! Unfortunately it's the last weeknight group run until the spring (OF COURSE, right? Lol). There were a couple of groups that broke off and my group ended up being just me and two other ladies. I didn't want to admit that I usually run/walk because I am stubborn so I figured I would just try to keep up for as long as possible. Luckily, we were similarly paced and I ran the ENTIRE 3ish Miles without walking at all. I've only ever done that once before but even then, I averaged almost 13 minute Miles. Tonight it was 10:54!!! I am so happy that I went. I will have to join them when they start again in the spring. :)

Moral of the story: STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! At least, every once in a while. :)

Great advice! I'm glad you tried the running group and enjoyed it.

QOTD - Wednesday October 16 -- What is the one piece of exercise 'equipment' that you could NOT live without?

I would say my running shoes and my phone (for music and my runkeeper and Jeff Galloway apps).

I'm coming down from some major negative energy this afternoon - found out that soon-to-be-ex BIL lied about something *else* (and something huge) to my DSis, and it was at a level that had me seeing red on SO many levels. I wish I'd been somewhere I could have channeled all that stress and anger into exercise! :furious:

I'm sorry that I do not have a suggestion for a dvd :(

I'm also sorry you are dealing with family issues. I hope everything gets resolved and you and your sister can find peace.

I am so excited this morning! I don't want to jinx anything,but this morning when I weighed myself, the number that popped up has been the lowest I have seen for 3 years!! Please don't be a fluke!! :goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!



Good morning! My students are in career class this morning, so I have a few extra minutes to check in and catch up. Yesterday I fit in my exercise by walking to the park to watch my nephew in his cross country meet. It was 1.77 miles one way, so I had a good walk. Plus, I walked around to different spots on the course to watch him. Those kids are crazy! They were "taking it easy" yesterday since it was a duel meet and they were going to whoop the other team. I bet his "taking it easy" time was a 18:00 or less :confused3 Hopefully his team makes it to states again this year. I already have my hotel room booked and my kids are ready for Hershey World again :)

Today I am going to try something different while DS7 is at gymnastics. I am going to head to their gym and try a rowing machine. Last week I just did the treadmill. But, I think I'll try the rowing machine for 10 minutes minimum before the treadmill. Hopefully I can go longer. I am actaully nervous about trying it because I usually don't use this gym and I've never been on a rowing machine! Oh, plus it's raining here so I expect the gym to be busier than last week when it was sunny and 70 degrees out. I'll let you know how it goes.

Okay, I am off to teach some History and English. I'll check back when I get a chance. Have a good day.

What is the one piece of exercise 'equipment' that you could NOT live without?

I could not live with out my Brooks running shoes! Never again will I guy running shoes from a Nike outlet! :rotfl2:

SAME! Unless the outlet ever starts getting in the Nike Structure's, I won't buy running shoes there again. Need that roomy toe box. :yes:

I also would say my garmin. I've taken to leaving my phone (and more recently even my ipod!) behind so that I can be completely disconnected while running. My cell phone bill is definitely more happy now that I don't go over on data every month. :lmao:
Grrrrrrr, still no sign of a new laptop.........selected 3 possibles at the local store that had the features that I want and are in my price range, but none of them are in stock!!!!!!

My relationship with the scales is not going too well at the moment. I seem to be stuck. Hopefully there may be a little movement in the right direction by Friday.

Exercise wise I am doing really well. Now running 3 times a week and really enjoying it. Got a new PB of 34:18 at the 5K on Saturday. The 10K is not looking too bad for me right now.

Which brings me on to my fave piece of exercise equipment. I finally got my Brooks Ghost 6 at the weekend and they are awesome. I don't feel like I actually have anything on my feet and did 5K on the treadmill on Tuesday with not a trace of knee or hip pain afterwards. I'm doing 8K tomorrow evening, so hoping for the same result. The real test will be outside on Saturday morning.

I did have some NSVs over the weekend.........can't believe the smaller sizes that I bought clothes in!!!!!

Good luck to everyone for Friday.
Pam You asked for it, you got it! (Boy how I LOVE Photobucket!!!:cool1:)

Not the totally finished product, but it should give you a good idea.

Of course, had to have THESE made up!

One random sunrise as seen from Island Time last week.

Oh my GOSH... is that seriously your view??? I am SO ENVIOUS! I say we plan a DIS-WISH meet.... at your place!!:thumbsup2

Happy to report back that it went really well! Unfortunately it's the last weeknight group run until the spring (OF COURSE, right? Lol). There were a couple of groups that broke off and my group ended up being just me and two other ladies. I didn't want to admit that I usually run/walk because I am stubborn so I figured I would just try to keep up for as long as possible. Luckily, we were similarly paced and I ran the ENTIRE 3ish Miles without walking at all. I've only ever done that once before but even then, I averaged almost 13 minute Miles. Tonight it was 10:54!!! I am so happy that I went. I will have to join them when they start again in the spring. :)

Moral of the story: STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! At least, every once in a while. :)

Oh my.... I'm impressed. I would NEVER have the guts for that. I am such a weinie! Great job keeping up! Amazing run!

Ooh, I'm going with my running shoes! And, okay, my Garmin watch, too. :)

Along these lines, I'd love to hear if anyone has a favorite pilates DVD...I'm looking to get more core work in, and I do better if I'm following a DVD than if I'm working on a list of exercises (less likely to cheat my way through!). Anyone have any suggestions?

I'm coming down from some major negative energy this afternoon - found out that soon-to-be-ex BIL lied about something *else* (and something huge) to my DSis, and it was at a level that had me seeing red on SO many levels. I wish I'd been somewhere I could have channeled all that stress and anger into exercise! :furious:


So sorry about the stress and family issues. :grouphug:

Thanks for all the great responses about cruising. I am concerned because we are not dress up people. We also don't usually just sit around on vacation. I have that covered since the cruise will be a sewing cruise. This one is through my quilt shop and the days we are at sea we will be sewing.

QOTD. My yoga mat. Icould not live without it.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Never heard of a sewing cruise.... but I've heard of a scrapping cruise. It definitely sounds RIGHT UP your alley!!

What is the one piece of exercise 'equipment' that you could NOT live without?

I could not live with out my Brooks running shoes! Never again will I guy running shoes from a Nike outlet! :rotfl2:
I also love my phone, I keep MyFitnessPal and Runkeeper there and I use them both on a daily basis.

I am so excited this morning! I don't want to jinx anything,but this morning when I weighed myself, the number that popped up has been the lowest I have seen for 3 years!! Please don't be a fluke!! :goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!

Fingers crossed the the number STICKS!!

Nothing new for me. Having a blah week. SOOOO tired of living in a construction zone. We are renovating 2 bathrooms as our large home improvement investment this year. Demolition on the first one started July 15, and now we are in the middle of the second project which is the master bath, dressing room area and walk-in closet. The deadline on this project is November 23. So, by the time we are done, we will have lived in a construction zone with 4 people sharing one upstairs bathroom for 4 1/2 months. I am so ready for it to be over.

But think how great it will all be when it is done!!

On a brighter note, my partner is being honored tonight at the annual ACLU dinner for his decades of work on civil rights matters. He is so amazing and I am really proud to be his partner and friend and to see him be recognized. :goodvibes

Oh, and today is National Boss' Day and our staff is hosting breakfast for us. They are so sweet to coordinate this for us. :love:

Very nice that your partner is being honored! Hope you enjoyed your breakfast!

Good morning! My students are in career class this morning, so I have a few extra minutes to check in and catch up. Yesterday I fit in my exercise by walking to the park to watch my nephew in his cross country meet. It was 1.77 miles one way, so I had a good walk. Plus, I walked around to different spots on the course to watch him. Those kids are crazy! They were "taking it easy" yesterday since it was a duel meet and they were going to whoop the other team. I bet his "taking it easy" time was a 18:00 or less :confused3 Hopefully his team makes it to states again this year. I already have my hotel room booked and my kids are ready for Hershey World again :)

Today I am going to try something different while DS7 is at gymnastics. I am going to head to their gym and try a rowing machine. Last week I just did the treadmill. But, I think I'll try the rowing machine for 10 minutes minimum before the treadmill. Hopefully I can go longer. I am actaully nervous about trying it because I usually don't use this gym and I've never been on a rowing machine! Oh, plus it's raining here so I expect the gym to be busier than last week when it was sunny and 70 degrees out. I'll let you know how it goes.

Okay, I am off to teach some History and English. I'll check back when I get a chance. Have a good day.


Good luck with the new gym! Rowing is a nice alternative to the TM. I used to use it once in a while when I went to the gym regularly. Don't be "gym-timidated" by the other folks there.

Grrrrrrr, still no sign of a new laptop.........selected 3 possibles at the local store that had the features that I want and are in my price range, but none of them are in stock!!!!!!

My relationship with the scales is not going too well at the moment. I seem to be stuck. Hopefully there may be a little movement in the right direction by Friday.

Fingers crossed for that!

Exercise wise I am doing really well. Now running 3 times a week and really enjoying it. Got a new PB of 34:18 at the 5K on Saturday. The 10K is not looking too bad for me right now.

WOOHOO on the new PB!!!! The 10K will be great!

Which brings me on to my fave piece of exercise equipment. I finally got my Brooks Ghost 6 at the weekend and they are awesome. I don't feel like I actually have anything on my feet and did 5K on the treadmill on Tuesday with not a trace of knee or hip pain afterwards. I'm doing 8K tomorrow evening, so hoping for the same result. The real test will be outside on Saturday morning.

I did have some NSVs over the weekend.........can't believe the smaller sizes that I bought clothes in!!!!!

Good luck to everyone for Friday.

Congrats on the NSV!!


Afternoon all! Working today and this was my first chance to hop on.

Got a new recipe cooking in the crockpot.... I'll share it if it turns out okay. Definitely something different for us. The only thing I don't like is that it is NOT a one pot meal.... so I will be making a green veggie and probably some brown rice or whole wheat couscous to go with it.

I must admit to you all that I failed to get in my 1 mile yesterday. I forgot to grab my sneakers on my way out, so I didn't walk here at school... then it was straight to my WW meeting. I intended to hit the TM when I got home, but honestly I was SO hungry and when I was done eating (or rather... GOBBLING down my sandwich as fast as I could :rolleyes: ) all I was ready to do was crash. I KNEW I should walk and figured I could push myself for just 15 minutes.... but by the time I ironed clothes for today and washed my face, I was DONE. oh well.

Not currently scheduled to work tomorrow.... but I'll say 'yes' if they call. The money is too good to pass up right now. But I really could use an at-home day to catch up! Plus my weekend is looking a bit busy with a WW leaders meeting for a good portion of the day on Sunday.

Okay.... just 10 minutes until I pick up my class and then get them out the door to go home! I'll pop on later from home!................P
Good afternoon all! :goodvibes

Kim, I love the beautiful tiki bar and your fabulous view! :beach:

Happy to report back that it went really well! Unfortunately it's the last weeknight group run until the spring (OF COURSE, right? Lol). There were a couple of groups that broke off and my group ended up being just me and two other ladies. I didn't want to admit that I usually run/walk because I am stubborn so I figured I would just try to keep up for as long as possible. Luckily, we were similarly paced and I ran the ENTIRE 3ish Miles without walking at all. I've only ever done that once before but even then, I averaged almost 13 minute Miles. Tonight it was 10:54!!! I am so happy that I went. I will have to join them when they start again in the spring. :)

Moral of the story: STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! At least, every once in a while. :)

That is so awesome that you stepped out of your comfort zone and had a great run! :yay:

:thanks: Dona for coaching! you were awesome!

and that leads into me... :cool2: and i'll start off my coaching stint behind a step :rotfl2: I'm going to post tomorrow QOTD now as I have to work tomorrow and won't be on my 'puter until the evening.

QOTD - Wednesday October 16 -- What is the one piece of exercise 'equipment' that you could NOT live without?

I'm joining the shoes and iPhone for RunKeeper crowd on this one. :cool2:

Thank you for coaching, Molli! :thanks:

Liz, so sorry about the family stress. :hug:

RCCL – Oasis of the Seas – Eastern Caribbean, sailing date NOV 16th, 2013 – yep, beginning the countdown tomorrow – we have booked a cabin with inside balcony looking over Central Park

Sounds like a lot of fun and it will be here before you know it. I'm sure you can hit your goal before your cruise. ::yes::

And if anyone wants to know more about my cruise experience, there is a link in my signature to my current trip report "From the Sea to the World" - the cruise portion is done, now I am writing about the time at WDW.

Cool! I love to read a TR! :cool2:

Thanks for all the great responses about cruising. I am concerned because we are not dress up people. We also don't usually just sit around on vacation. I have that covered since the cruise will be a sewing cruise. This one is through my quilt shop and the days we are at sea we will be sewing.

QOTD. My yoga mat. Icould not live without it.

Have a happy and healthy day.

We aren't dress up people either, Dona, and we did fine with pants and nice shirts for dinner, even on formal night. There are always alternative places to eat if you don't want to go the main dining room. I think a sewing cruise sounds like it is right up your alley! :thumbsup2

What is the one piece of exercise 'equipment' that you could NOT live without?

I could not live with out my Brooks running shoes! Never again will I guy running shoes from a Nike outlet! :rotfl2:
I also love my phone, I keep MyFitnessPal and Runkeeper there and I use them both on a daily basis.

I am so excited this morning! I don't want to jinx anything,but this morning when I weighed myself, the number that popped up has been the lowest I have seen for 3 years!! Please don't be a fluke!! :goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!

pixiedust: that your number stays put! It will be sticking around before you know it. ::yes::

LOL!! I think we've inadvertently swapped coaching gigs, so I'll ask Lisa to change the early post. I am more than happy to take the next "shift". :) And I LOVE your question of the day.

All fixed. Thanks for swapping and thanks for coaching. :thanks: Hope that you enjoyed your breakfast and your partner's celebration.

Today I am going to try something different while DS7 is at gymnastics. I am going to head to their gym and try a rowing machine. Last week I just did the treadmill. But, I think I'll try the rowing machine for 10 minutes minimum before the treadmill. Hopefully I can go longer. I am actaully nervous about trying it because I usually don't use this gym and I've never been on a rowing machine! Oh, plus it's raining here so I expect the gym to be busier than last week when it was sunny and 70 degrees out. I'll let you know how it goes.

Good job trying something new at the gym! :thumbsup2 Let us know how it goes.

Grrrrrrr, still no sign of a new laptop.........selected 3 possibles at the local store that had the features that I want and are in my price range, but none of them are in stock!!!!!!

Sorry about your pc. :badpc: Congratulations on those NSVs. :cool2:

Pamela, sorry that you had such a tough day yesterday -- I bet you walked a mile with all the things that you did. :flower3:

I missed 100% on Sunday but my weekly ActiveLink is still at 103% so I am on track. I think the important thing is that we keep it up, even if we don't get it every single day. :flower3:
Hello! :)

Kimberley--love the tiki bar. I am so very jealous.:goodvibes Doom and gloom season is setting in around here. We will probably see the sun again in April. ;)

I am all over the place today. Doing good with the food and exercise this weekend, except for a run in with some graeters cherry chocolate chip. Oh well. I still think I will see a reasonable loss.

I took our dog for acupuncture today. She still has no movement in her hind legs, but she has feeling and is wagging her tail when she is excited. So still hopeful. All in all it is not too bad--except cleaning up the pee. The vet thinks she is not going outside because she can't get into the right position.

I hope everyone has a great night!:goodvibes
Pamela, sorry that you had such a tough day yesterday -- I bet you walked a mile with all the things that you did. :flower3:

It wasn't tough really, just long and tiring and hunger-inducing!

I missed 100% on Sunday but my weekly ActiveLink is still at 103% so I am on track. I think the important thing is that we keep it up, even if we don't get it every single day. :flower3:

Good job keeping up with the ActiveLink. I think I will bite the bullet this weekend and get mine up and running and actually start wearing it. My manager was NOT pleased that I did not have mine on last week when she made her surprise visit!

Hello! :)

Kimberley--love the tiki bar. I am so very jealous.:goodvibes Doom and gloom season is setting in around here. We will probably see the sun again in April. ;)

I am all over the place today. Doing good with the food and exercise this weekend, except for a run in with some graeters cherry chocolate chip. Oh well. I still think I will see a reasonable loss.

I took our dog for acupuncture today. She still has no movement in her hind legs, but she has feeling and is wagging her tail when she is excited. So still hopeful. All in all it is not too bad--except cleaning up the pee. The vet thinks she is not going outside because she can't get into the right position.

I hope everyone has a great night!:goodvibes

Hope that the acupuncture helped the pup. She is lucky to have "humans" that will go to lengths to help her get better.


Okay..... did today's mile and yesterday's mile plus a bit, so I am feeling a bit better! Probably would have gone a bit longer, but it was starting to get dark (it was a cloudy day) and I wasn't wearing a reflective vest or carrying a light, so I headed back.

I've got a small sewing job to do for a co-worker and I'd like to finish it before dinner and Survivor, so I'm gonna dash for now.

Hi everyone, thanks for the wonderful welcome back! I appreciate it very much!

QOTD: I could not exercise without my MP3 player! When I am at the gym I read and listen to music while on the elliptical and stairclimber. without the music I just can't seem to get into a rhythm, And the faster the music, the faster my legs just want to go!

There are 2 mantra's that I am using this time around that seem to be helping.

1st is "some is better than none", meaning I don't have to be perfect, I just have to do some exercise.

2nd is "food is not comfort, food is fuel". I just started with that one yesterday. I wanted a bag of chips so very badly today at lunch and I just told myself food is not comfort, food is fuel and it changed my "need" for chips.

So far so good!:thumbsup2
Grrrrrrr, still no sign of a new laptop.........selected 3 possibles at the local store that had the features that I want and are in my price range, but none of them are in stock!!!!!!

My relationship with the scales is not going too well at the moment. I seem to be stuck. Hopefully there may be a little movement in the right direction by Friday.

Exercise wise I am doing really well. Now running 3 times a week and really enjoying it. Got a new PB of 34:18 at the 5K on Saturday. The 10K is not looking too bad for me right now.

Which brings me on to my fave piece of exercise equipment. I finally got my Brooks Ghost 6 at the weekend and they are awesome. I don't feel like I actually have anything on my feet and did 5K on the treadmill on Tuesday with not a trace of knee or hip pain afterwards. I'm doing 8K tomorrow evening, so hoping for the same result. The real test will be outside on Saturday morning.

I did have some NSVs over the weekend.........can't believe the smaller sizes that I bought clothes in!!!!!

Good luck to everyone for Friday.

We have the same running shoes, I love my pair!! Great 5K time! Keep up the great work and don't let the scale get you down!
.....my universal gym.:goodvibes

Hey - got 2 MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT ME & my weight loss journey!!:thumbsup2

Will "reveal" tonight.:yay:

Okay, so let me just throw it out there for EVERYONE:

. :goodvibes So just :drive: :moped::dancer: :boat: or whatever mode of tranportation you prefer and COME ON DOWN!:dance3:
Good morning all! :goodvibes

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is weigh in day. It is helpful if your PM subject reads like this "Weigh in 10/18 and your current weight." It makes it easier for me to update quickly -- thanks for your help! :flower3: And good luck to everyone!

Rose, keeping my fingers crossed for you and your sweet pooch that the accupuncture helps! :flower3:

Good job keeping up with the ActiveLink. I think I will bite the bullet this weekend and get mine up and running and actually start wearing it. My manager was NOT pleased that I did not have mine on last week when she made her surprise visit!

The hardest thing about the ActiveLink is that 8 day assessment period where you don't earn any APs. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised by what it tells you. :goodvibes

I am at 100% for the week on my ActiveLink so I am calling this week's personal challenge a success. :yay:

Hoping that the orthopedist today has a miracle cure for me today so I can start some activity after my six week injury hiatus. :sad2:

Hi everyone, thanks for the wonderful welcome back! I appreciate it very much!

QOTD: I could not exercise without my MP3 player! When I am at the gym I read and listen to music while on the elliptical and stairclimber. without the music I just can't seem to get into a rhythm, And the faster the music, the faster my legs just want to go!

There are 2 mantra's that I am using this time around that seem to be helping.

1st is "some is better than none", meaning I don't have to be perfect, I just have to do some exercise.

2nd is "food is not comfort, food is fuel". I just started with that one yesterday. I wanted a bag of chips so very badly today at lunch and I just told myself food is not comfort, food is fuel and it changed my "need" for chips.

So far so good!:thumbsup2

Love your mantras, Vija! :thumbsup2

We have the same running shoes, I love my pair!! Great 5K time! Keep up the great work and don't let the scale get you down!

Another Brooks girl here, too. :cool2:

Hey - got 2 MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT ME & my weight loss journey!!:thumbsup2

Will "reveal" tonight.:yay:

Will be looking for your exciting news! :goodvibes

Have a great day all!
Okay, so let me just throw it out there for EVERYONE:

. :goodvibes So just :drive: :moped::dancer: :boat: or whatever mode of tranportation you prefer and COME ON DOWN!:dance3:

It would be great to hang out there and give Calypso some dog love! ::yes::
2nd is "food is not comfort, food is fuel". I just started with that one yesterday. I wanted a bag of chips so very badly today at lunch and I just told myself food is not comfort, food is fuel and it changed my "need" for chips.

So far so good!:thumbsup2

I have to remind myself of this fact on a daily basis..... but it definitely helps me make better food choices. Good for you for letting go of the "need" for chips!

Okay, so let me just throw it out there for EVERYONE:

. :goodvibes So just :drive: :moped::dancer: :boat: or whatever mode of tranportation you prefer and COME ON DOWN!:dance3:

WOOHOO! Party time!!:cool1:

The hardest thing about the ActiveLink is that 8 day assessment period where you don't earn any APs. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised by what it tells you. :goodvibes

I am at 100% for the week on my ActiveLink so I am calling this week's personal challenge a success. :yay:

Hoping that the orthopedist today has a miracle cure for me today so I can start some activity after my six week injury hiatus. :sad2:

Fingers crossed for you today! I know it has been a tough time, waiting to heal. But I'm so proud of you for staying active, despite the injury!

Have a great day all!

You too!!


Morning friends! I am finally at home for a day, but I feel like I have SO MUCH to do, I'm not sure where to begin. I did pay some bills online, so that is a start. And I need to reserve a rental car for my trip that is 15 days away! Not sure what I've been waiting for!

Then on to some vacuuming and dusting and a good walk. Then maybe some yard work or more housework.... not sure yet. Skipping laundry for one more day, unless I find a big pile in DS's room! :lmao:

But I'm working again tomorrow and I'm busy for at least half of the weekend, so I am feeling the pressure to GET IT DONE today.... all of it! So time to move along! TTYL...................P
Good morning, everyone!

Had a surprisingly good weigh in this morning. There is no rhyme or reason. I should have gained about 2 pounds based on what I ate and the fact that I had no exercise for an entire week, and instead I lost. So weird.
Good morning, everyone!

Had a surprisingly good weigh in this morning. There is no rhyme or reason. I should have gained about 2 pounds based on what I ate and the fact that I had no exercise for an entire week, and instead I lost. So weird.

Just catching up for last week, right??;) Good job!


Okay.... rental car is all set (and not a bad price through Costco travel!), extended our hotel stay for one more night (since I changed our flight a while ago after we discovered that DS doesn't have school that Monday), and made a hotel reservation for Parent's weekend. Thank GOODNESS for DH's Hilton Honors points! DS and I are staying for free, 3 nights in Orlando, and DH and I are staying for free for one night of parent's weekend. DH is SO GOOD about working the system and maximizing his points whenever possible.

I also arranged to meet a woman to sell her something I had on a FB yard sale AND I'm picking up something I am buying from that same yard sale! $15 in the pocket and then $15 out of the pocket! oh well.:rotfl:

Off to get my walk in before lunch!............P
:scared1::scared1::scared1: I am SO SO VERY sorry everyone! I forgot to post a question this morning!!!! I was in and out all day, another busy day and it truly slipped my mind! jeesh, 5 days of coaching and I miss one!! i'm so sorry!!!!

ok, island time...yes, need island time...send directions!!

I just returned home from a dinner out and though the portions were right the food offerings i'm sure were over the calories I had left for the day. on the way there I thought..why did I schedule this the night before WI?!?

FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 QOTD - rate the parks in order of your favorites

since I hope to catch up on some sleep tomorrow morning, i'm going to go ahead and answer. this is a hardish one though ....

Hollywood Studios
Magic Kingdom
Animal Kingdom

but I :love: them all!! a day at either or any is a day of heaven!
Seriously? I killed the thread? OH MY GOSH! :sad: I can't believe no one has posted since before lunch time!

Hellloooooooo.... where is everyone???

Are you..... :happytv: ?

Or maybe......:laundy: ?

Or perhaps you've all gone to the .....:beach: without me!!

I hope you didn't :badpc: because then I would miss you and it would make me :crazy2: to be without my friends and I might get :sad1: and have to eat :cake: to feel better!!

Come back soon so I can have :goodvibes !
:scared1::scared1::scared1: I am SO SO VERY sorry everyone! I forgot to post a question this morning!!!! I was in and out all day, another busy day and it truly slipped my mind! jeesh, 5 days of coaching and I miss one!! i'm so sorry!!!!

ok, island time...yes, need island time...send directions!!

I just returned home from a dinner out and though the portions were right the food offerings i'm sure were over the calories I had left for the day. on the way there I thought..why did I schedule this the night before WI?!?

FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 QOTD - rate the parks in order of your favorites

since I hope to catch up on some sleep tomorrow morning, i'm going to go ahead and answer. this is a hardish one though ....

Hollywood Studios
Magic Kingdom
Animal Kingdom

but I :love: them all!! a day at either or any is a day of heaven!

Oh YEAH! I'm not alone! We must have posted at the same time!! No worries about the QOTD.... I just wanted to be sure everyone was still out there somewhere!!

In order of favorites?? A bit tough because I have favorite "things" about each park.... but overall I'd say...

Magic Kingdom (the original, the classic, the first one I ever saw :love:)

Animal Kingdom ( always lots of great character encounters, love the greenery, and Finding Nemo the musical)

Epcot (Soarin', of course.... and World Showcase!)

Hollywood Studios (although don't get me wrong when I put it last.... love me some Rockin' Rollercoaster!!)

Great question!.............P


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