Will I regret never doing BBB with DD?

OP, have you thought about doing the Pirates League instead? It's much cheaper than BBB and your son could go too (I know they offer a "knight"package at BBB, but going in there never appealed to my DS) There is a mermaid package my 6 year old niece loved, but she also really liked the empress (girl pirate) package too. They do make up, pics, and outfits if you want, and everyone could get in on the fun, adults are welcome too!
OP, have you thought about doing the Pirates League instead? It's much cheaper than BBB and your son could go too (I know they offer a "knight"package at BBB, but going in there never appealed to my DS) There is a mermaid package my 6 year old niece loved, but she also really liked the empress (girl pirate) package too. They do make up, pics, and outfits if you want, and everyone could get in on the fun, adults are welcome too!
We did the Pirates League with DS when DD was too young... it was awesome! I did try to ask DD if she wanted to do the mermaid package or the girl pirate but she wasn't really into it. She's definitely a "princess" girl. I however, would love a mermaid makeover! ;)
I think the hairstyles are ugly, personally. The buns are so tight and pulled back that I know my girls would have complained the whole time.

We were at Disney Springs and walked by BBB. The lady asked if my girls wanted pixie dust and I said why not. It took 3 weeks to get all that glitter out of my youngest daughter's hair. So, no, I don't feel like we missed anything.
We did it with DD who's 10 now. She was 8 when we took her and they did her up like Jasmine. Honestly, I didn't see it as all that special. Same day DS did Pirate's League, again not all that special. I think if you can do something with her yourself that's a whole lot more special than paying $100 or more for a one day hairstyle/makeup w/glitter. JMO. Here are my two on that morning. We had BBB before park opening.

I have four daughters and I've never remotely considered it. They've admired other girls as we've visited MK, but they know it's not something we are going to do. It's been a non-issue.
If you will have other trips, I wouldn't worry about it. You can always do it later.

I am really sad that I never got to do BBB with my DD. When she was little, we went to DLR several times, but they didn't have BBB at DLR then. We went to WDW when she was 11. I showed her pictures and explained BBB before we went. She chose not to do it…UNTIL….she saw all the little girls dolled up in their princess dresses in the parks. At that point it was too late. I couldn't get an appointment. I promised her we'd do it the next time we went to WDW. Unfortunately, they changed the age limit to 12 and under shortly after that, and she was already 13 on our next trip. I was bummed!
So, this conversation just happened:

Me: "Are you sorry you never got to do the Bippidy Boppity Boutique?"

My 20yo daughter: "No! I wouldn't have wanted that stuff in my hair anyway."


This is one family that's quite happy we saved our money!
I can completely relate to your feelings. I have 3 girls and we never even considered it on several trips to WDW but the closer they got to "aging out" the more I worried whether I'd regret them not doing it. They saw other kids in the park with the sashes and hair/makeup done and they asked about it when they were young, but we just told them that wasn't for us and moved on. No issues whatsoever. The year we did CRT I bought them each one of the tiaras ($10 or so each) and did their hair in a bun myself and that was perfect. We've never done the princess dresses and they always commented that the girls wearing them looked uncomfortable, so that was never an issue. Fast-forward to the year we went to Disney at the same time as middle DD's BFF's family and we decided to go ahead let them do BBB. My middle DD and her BFF were 11 and my youngest was 9. They were older than the average girls but they didn't seem to mind and all enjoyed the experience. The FGITs really do an excellent job relating to each girl, whatever her age and temperament (shy, etc.). My eldest DD was 13 and too old, so of course I did not make an appointment for her but she came along to watch. The ladies at check-in asked my eldest DD why she wasn't getting the makeover and she told them she was too old and that she didn't mind. Without either my DD or I asking her to do so, one of the FGITs checked with a manager and came back and said they could style my DD if she wanted. She actually didn't care much either way, and I kind of had to talk her into it! I was afraid she would look back and regret;, this was definitely her one and only chance. I know it's crazy to spend the money on it when she didn't care very much, but I was really afraid she'd look back someday and regret. Definitely more a thing with me than with her. What can I say? It is what it is; I have FOMO and extend it to my kids on their behalf, lol. Anyway she agreed as long as she could get her hair done in a more grown-up style and they said they could absolutely do that. Her FGIT made up a different hairstyle for her -- nothing that was on the "menu" -- just some small twists into elastics and a bit of glitter - it was actually perfect for her age (13) and she loved it, plus the light makeup and she really did feel very grown up (and different from her sisters). In fact, the FGIT commented how much she enjoyed being able to get a little creative with doing her hair - I imagine they get a little bored with the pre-set styles that they do over and over all day (though she didn't go so far as to say that). Just mentioning in case someday you do decide to do it with her, they can probably adjust to a hairstyle she will like, if you ask.
I can completely relate to your feelings. I have 3 girls and we never even considered it on several trips to WDW but the closer they got to "aging out" the more I worried whether I'd regret them not doing it. They saw other kids in the park with the sashes and hair/makeup done and they asked about it when they were young, but we just told them that wasn't for us and moved on. No issues whatsoever. The year we did CRT I bought them each one of the tiaras ($10 or so each) and did their hair in a bun myself and that was perfect. We've never done the princess dresses and they always commented that the girls wearing them looked uncomfortable, so that was never an issue. Fast-forward to the year we went to Disney at the same time as middle DD's BFF's family and we decided to go ahead let them do BBB. My middle DD and her BFF were 11 and my youngest was 9. They were older than the average girls but they didn't seem to mind and all enjoyed the experience. The FGITs really do an excellent job relating to each girl, whatever her age and temperament (shy, etc.). My eldest DD was 13 and too old, so of course I did not make an appointment for her but she came along to watch. The ladies at check-in asked my eldest DD why she wasn't getting the makeover and she told them she was too old and that she didn't mind. Without either my DD or I asking her to do so, one of the FGITs checked with a manager and came back and said they could style my DD if she wanted. She actually didn't care much either way, and I kind of had to talk her into it! I was afraid she would look back and regret;, this was definitely her one and only chance. I know it's crazy to spend the money on it when she didn't care very much, but I was really afraid she'd look back someday and regret. Definitely more a thing with me than with her. What can I say? It is what it is; I have FOMO and extend it to my kids on their behalf, lol. Anyway she agreed as long as she could get her hair done in a more grown-up style and they said they could absolutely do that. Her FGIT made up a different hairstyle for her -- nothing that was on the "menu" -- just some small twists into elastics and a bit of glitter - it was actually perfect for her age (13) and she loved it, plus the light makeup and she really did feel very grown up (and different from her sisters). In fact, the FGIT commented how much she enjoyed being able to get a little creative with doing her hair - I imagine they get a little bored with the pre-set styles that they do over and over all day (though she didn't go so far as to say that). Just mentioning in case someday you do decide to do it with her, they can probably adjust to a hairstyle she will like, if you ask.
Wow I didn't realize they did other hairstyles! That's so great. I'm glad she had such a good experience. I suffer from major FOMO myself so you're right, that's probably my problem too ha!
I would wait. I think it sounds like your 6 year old trip would be a better match. You can gauge this trip if she would even be interested. (I am in the never done BBB group.) no guilt!
3) I told her that we would do our own BBB in our hotel room before we go to CRT for breakfast. She is super excited because I said I would curl her hair and let her wear a little makeup. I'll probably buy her a new dress too b/c of course, she wants to be Aurora and that's the ONE costume we don't have

You could probably do her hair up like they do at BBB but so much better. Make sure to get her the tiara :) I love this idea and I wish my mom did this for me!
You've gotten a lot of great replies but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway. I first did BBB on our trip when DD was 5 and youngest DD was 10 months old. The only reason I did it was because youngest DD was getting the first haircut at Harmony Barber shop and I was afraid that oldest DD would be upset at her sister getting her hair "done" and she gets nothing.

We checked in and oldest DD was so tired that she just wasn't into it at all. She did perk up after a bit, but all the time we were in there I kept thinking this is such a waste of money. The FGIT we had was not personable at all, pretty much silent the whole time, and did nothing to engage DD in the experience. DD did keep the bun in and I do like the pics from that day.

Then on our last trip we were there on DD's 7th bday. So I planned BBB then CRT lunch immediately after as a special bday treat (it was on the day of her ACTUAL bday). She had a good time, but looking back I think she would have been just as happy with me doing her hair before heading to the park. She did keep the hairstyle in but I don't particularly care for those pictures cause I think they look so weird. She chose a red fake hair piece to go with her Ariel dress and I swear the FGIT spent what felt like an hour teasing up the fake hair piece while DD just sat there. I'm sure it wasn't really that long, but it felt like it.

And of course, I scheduled youngest DD (2 at the time) at Harmony barber shop for some glitter because I was afraid she would feel left out not getting anything done since she was too young for BBB. She cried the whole time they had her in the chair lol.

Next trip we will be there during October and I am planning on doing Pirates League before a Halloween party. I'll end up doing the dang BBB again on some future trip because youngest DD has never gotten to do it and I'll feel guilty having let the oldest do it and not the youngest. I totally understand your mom guilt going on, but I really don't think your DD is missing anything that special IMO.

Another idea for you- prior to our last trip my dd had seen the commercials where the waiter presents a tiara on a pillow to a girl at CRT. She knew we were eating in the castle on her bday and she wanted that tiara presentation of course. When I looked at the price I balked. So I ended up going to the fabric store, making a satin pillow myself with her name embroidered on it since I like to sew, went to a costume jewelry place that sells prom stuff and bought a beautiful tiara for her. It was then "delivered by tinker bell" on the morning of her bday as evidenced by the trail of gold glitter from the window. DD was thrilled with that and never once asked about what she had seen in the commercial. You can totally make the makeover more special doing it yourself and can get much better makeup, tiara, glitter, whatever you want for less than you would spend at the BBB. Wrap it in green paper to make it be from tinker bell and you have magic!
I'm confused about one thing. She said she doesn't like any of the hairstyles but still wants to do it? It seems easy to me if she doesn't like the hair you shouldn't do it. The hair IS BBB. The makeup very little.
We have two little girls who will be 8 and 4 on our next trip. They've each been at least once a year and we've never done it. Unless they change the hairstyles, we never will. It's expensive and the hairstyles look painful to me. My 4-year-old doesn't like sitting still to have her hair fixed and refuses to wear nail polish. I'd essentially be paying a bunch of money for them to torture her. They are lucky little kids to get to go to Disney at all, much less as often as they do. So if they don't get to do every single extra thing, they'll survive.
I lived through my life and multiple childhood visits without ever doing BBB and I am now a huge WDW person. I don't think you're cheating your daughter at all.
We never did it with ours. We offered them the money instead that they could spend as they pleased and they ALWAYS took that over BBB. No guilt, have fun, you'll never be able to do every little thing they offer, so don't sweat the small stuff!
I'm feeling kind of guilty because I sort of talked my DD (4) out of BBB. She has seen it on the planning DVD and said she wanted to do it. But its not something I have ever really been interested in (which is surprising because both me and DD are super girly and love princess stuff.)

My reasons are:

1) It would cut out time for rides with DH and DS. This one is kind of selfish on my part but I hate splitting up because then I miss time with my DS. Plus my parents are coming this trip and I hate to miss out on doing rides with them. Disney is our time to do stuff together as a family. I try to keep the splitting up to a minimum.
2) She isn't a fan of the hairstyles. She hates having her hair up. I've showed her pictures online and she says she doesn't like any of them. I am afraid she would want to take it out immediately.
3) I told her that we would do our own BBB in our hotel room before we go to CRT for breakfast. She is super excited because I said I would curl her hair and let her wear a little makeup. I'll probably buy her a new dress too b/c of course, she wants to be Aurora and that's the ONE costume we don't have. :)

So even though she seems fine with it, I can't shake the feeling that I am cheating her of an experience she would love. We will definitely be back again, probably when she is 6, but I know there is a time limit on this. She might not be interested when she is older and I don't want to regret not doing it!

Anyone been through the same dilemma?

My thoughts? It's about what the kids want. What will your daughter remember more? Standing in line for 30 minutes for a 2 minute ride, or the feeling of being transformed into a princess inside the castle? In the grand scheme of things, you're talking about ONE hour. You'd get about 2 rides in, tops. Let your husband and DS go off on their own for a couple rides, let them have some Daddy-Son-Grampy bonding time, while you and DD have some Mommy-Daughter-Grammy time. Maybe they could go do a Pirate Makeover, while she does BBB. But those "Daddy-Son/Mommy-Daughter" moments are just as precious as "all together". Our daughter was 5 when we took her and she absolutely loved it. It was by far one of her favorite memories. Call the boutique, explain the dilemma (about up dos), I imagine they'll work with you, because they were willing to with us (DD has ASD and sensory issues, especially hair related). However, all the hair styles she hated and we figured she wouldn't like? Once she got there, she loved them, lol. There's also the photo shoot at the end, which both of our kids enjoyed.

It's great that you're willing to do your own thing at the hotel room, and if she's content with that, then great. But, do I think BBB is worth it? Most definitely. Being made up in a hotel room isn't quite the same as being in Cinderella's castle, having your own stylist, having sometimes two or three people working on you at once (at one point DD had someone doing her hair, another doing her nails, a photographer doing her pictures...) it's just that whole "glam" feeling, kwim? But, again, I would definitely call and ask about the hair style issue first and see if they'll allow her something different. But, again, she may also change her mind on an updo once she gets there.

Or maybe you could look at Pirates League for both DS and DD (they have a really nice mermaid package).

But at the end of the day, your daughter's in Disney World. She'll have a great time no matter what you do. ;)
I don't think I would do it with a 4 year old either. Especially if she doesn't like hairdos because the BBB one is harsh. I took my dd at age 7 which was perfect. At 4 she will barely remember anything.


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