Who to contact with problem/question at Universal?


Mar 31, 2001
I'm wanting to speak or e-mail someone in preferably upper management at USF. Anyone know who would be the best to contact? I saw the list of e-mails, but I'm not sure who would be the best person. I will briefly explain what happened. Family and I visited USF/IOA last summer. Because of a disability I was in a scooter. I e-mailed ahead of time to make sure their was not any problems with my coming or if there was anything I needed to do in advance, I was told no. To try and make a loooong story short. I was treated very poorly by several employees. I was not allowed to use the handicap access (even though I was in a personal scooter) because I did not have some form. I was unaware that I needed one, since I had e-mailed in advance. I was literally screamed at by an employee at the Wild Wild Wild West Show for using the handicap spot. The employee (an elderly man named Louis) literally tried to push me out of the way and was telling my family and I we had to leave. It was humiliating, the place was packed and everyone was staring at me. It's bad enough to be "different" without anyone bringing extra negative attention to you. Anyhow, I refused to leave and afterward I scooted over to guest services to express my feelings and was told that whether I had a form or not anyone in a wheelchair/scooter is allowed in a handicap spot. I was offered and declined free one day passes. I explained that we were leaving the next day and just didn't need them. After we arrived home, I recieved a phone call regarding my problem. The man on the phone was apologetic and said that next time we were to come we would be given a discount. He followed up with a letter to my home. Problem is I cannot find the letter anywhere and I can't remember the man's name. I was so upset about it all, I may have thrown the letter away. Do you think they would have this info. on a database somewhere? As upset as I was I never thought we would be back. I even considered taking legal action, since this was definitely discriminatory. I then just decided to boycott USF/IOA, but my kids loved it and want to go back. I'm not thrilled about returning since my medical situation is the same, but I can't let this ruin everyones fun. I would, however, like to be able to receive the discount that was offered to me. I just don't know how to go about it.

Thanks for the long read, I really thought I would never have to think about it again. It is still upsetting but life goes on and my kids loved the place. We would even like to stay at one of the hotels if we can swing it.

Thanks again for the shoulders,

Vonda..No help here on who to contact. I just wanted to say what a terrible way to spend your vacation. I have been witness to some very rude behavior towards one friend (parapalegic) in a wheel chair and one with an artificial leg. We stood our ground and applaud you for doing the same.

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I don't have the # but if you call Guest Relations and ask for the manager (not supervisor) chances are you will have to leave a voice mail and they will get back to you. This is the highest person you can talk to who can compensate you. I'm really suprised that this happened. Especially the employee at Wild West especially since you are in a scooter they should have been more than willing to bend over backwards. I'm really sorry and hope you will get in contact with them soon.

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Try calling USF Guest Services directly at (407)363-8635. I beleive pressing 5 from the main menu will connect you to a human voice. Hope this helps...
Thank you all for your help. I did contact guest services and they were very helpful. I was promised better treatment the next time around and complimentary passes, more than I expected.


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