Where to eat first night


DIS Veteran
Jun 28, 2001
We are return visitors and I'm trying to plan our first night while not overplanning the trip! LOL! Anyway, we land around 2PM and I figure will be checking in around 3PM to the BWV. My thoughts for the first night are to maybe take a swim, or go to GF and rent water mice, or play miniature golf and then go somewhere for dinner. Options I'm considering are the Whispering Canyon Cafe at Wilderness Lodge or one of the AKL restaurants. I'm also considering DD since I think we'll end up there after dinner. We are me, DH, and DD(8). I've heard Whispering Canyon is alot of fun and ir we went early enough,maybe we could catch the movie at Fort Wilderness after, but I know we get so busy, maybe AKL would force us to hang out and slow down a bit - go over, have cocktails at Victoria Falls, watch the animals, dinner. This will be Feb 18 so most parks close early and it gets dark relatively early. Any thoughts?
Whispering Canyon does anything but "whisper". It is a lot of fun - very loud & active. It may be a good choice for a first night because you are so hyped up about being in WDW anyway. :Pinkbounc

Rainforest Cafe at DD is fun also - overpriced - but fun!:)

If you wanted something a little quieter take a ride over to the Boardwalk. Big River Grille is a good place for a hamburger. They have awesome potato chips.

You can get pizza in Fort Wilderness at Crockett's Tavern & then go watch the movie.

So many choices & decisions to make.

Have fun no matter what you decide. :p
I haven't dined at Jiko because I'm outnumbered by picky eaters. Boma at AKL is a crowded noisy place with great food. Whispering Canyon is also crowded and noisy with crazy antics and some good food. Enjoy:D
I would highly recommend Boma. Either before or after dinner have a nice tour of the resort. I must have enjoyed my dinner there so much I didn't hear the nise.
But Whispering Canyon can cause headaches it's so loud and possibly quite aggrevating with the wait staff antics. Also from what I remember the food has it's up and down moments.

I would love to try Jiko too. But haven't as of yet!
I'd be tempted for an Epcot resort area restaurant - just because you are staying there and I personally am always tired from the traveling and not really up for moving around too much. Especially if you are taking a swim at the resort.
If you have a car, drive over to the crossroads. Jungle Jim's is a great restaurant (came before rainforest cafe). Same type of scenery as rainforest and about the same prices.
Our family tradition is now to have dinner on our arrival day at Chef Mickey's. We don't do a park if we arrive after lunch and the dinner really gets us in the mood. (as if we needed any help!!)
I personally would not plan Whispering Canyon for the first night. Much too noisy for me after a big travel day. I need quiet and relaxing! We usually tend to visit a restaurant close to where we are staying. Since you are at BW I would select a Boardwalk restaurant and plan to spend the night seeing the Boardwalk entertainment. Also that way if you are all too wiped after your travel day you can have dinner and head right back to your room to relax.

How about the new Cinderella's Gala Feast at the GF 1900 Park Fare? I think tonight is the first night of it??? We should be hearing more about it shortly but since it's not so widely known yet you may be able to get your preferred time.
for boardwalk and Spoodles. We did this our first visit to the world, and it was the best. We didn't do it the second time (i don't know why?) but we are this time, if the weather holds. I love walking around looking at everything, and the food is good at Spoodles. And, since your staying close there, if anyone is tired from the trip they can go up to relax, and the others can stay down and try to walk off the excitement.



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