Where to eat at US/IOA/CW


If we couldn't laugh we'd all go insane
Jan 14, 2000
We will be spending 4 days at HRH in April. Where are some great places to eat? I've read about Mythos and the character meal. Are they any good? What number do I call ahead of time to book and how far in advance can I book. There will be 4 of us Myself DH and kids 3 and 11 who will eat almost anything. Is there a site with menus. I have only found the City Walk menus at the universal site. I want a variety of places...from quick and simple to adventurous


<font color=blue font size=5 font face=Comic Sans MS > I'd rather be at Disney </font>
<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> ?? DEC 2001 ?? </font>
Here are some good places to eat at Universal:

Confscio's Grill (great character lunch)
Crossant Moon Bakery (good pastries, sandwiches)
Cafe 4 (pizza, spagetti)
Thunder Falls Terrace (chicken and corn on the cob)
The Burger Digs (best burgers in the park)
Fire Eater's Grill (great gyros)

Jimmy Buffet's Margritaville (great burgers)
Emeril's (expensive, but the best food you'll ever eat)
Hard Rock Cafe (you got the eat the pig sandwich!)

I'm not too fond of the food at USF, although I hear Lomdard's Landing is good.

Happy eating!


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Welcome to the Dark side!

I can't believe you got your hubby to book the Hard Rock. Did he get hooked or what??

You MUST come back and give us your detailed review of the Hard Rock... looks like you'll get there before I do!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

At US I enjoyed lunch at the Monster Cafe---but I like all the old monster movies. Lots of props on display in each different room, and it had real plates and silverware. It was cafeteria style, and the rotisserie chicken w/ corn on cob and garlic and onion roasted potatoes was good.

On CW I liked Pastamore, and it was not expensive at all!

Remember your Universal Fan Club Card---you get discounts all over the place!

Robinrs...Tony will never be into amusment parks but he did love disney. I think seeing things through Bri's eyes made that trip special to him. As for US/IOA, I inherited a little money from my grandmother and thought a trip would be a good use for it. Her death (and handling the estate) really stressed me out and I need a vacation. We are going to the world in December too. he kept telling all our family that we would go if anyone wanted to since we could get great rates at SoG and my sister took him up on it.
Patti.. I just read a little about monster cafe in the back of Walt Disney World With kids. Sounded interesting but not a lot of info. I'm glad to hear you liked it. Pastamores menu on the universal site sounded good also.
I wonder why that have the menus for City walk on the universal site but not for the other resturants.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- DEC 2001 </font>


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