When things go a little wrong at resort, does it do any good to complain?


Dec 20, 2008
we are on our 4th trip, at CBR, and things are not exactly going smoothly.

We have 4 nights left on an 8 night stay and my wife has said several times that this is the worst resort we have ever stayed at. And I think the kids feel the same. (Previous stays were Contemporary, Pop Century, and CSR -- in that order.)

Normally I wouldn't complain about one little thing, but it's getting to the point where it's affecting our fun.

Here is a rundown.

1.) one of the big reasons we even booked CBR is the water playground. After my kids looked at it for two days and we finally take them over and are ready to enter there we see the 48 inch height max. Why can't that be posted somewhere else (pool entrance) so you don't get kids psyched up and disappoint them like that. I looked at other signs and could not see height posted (I also don't remember height requirement listed on anything I read)

2) our room is in need of maintenance TLC. The fridge is missing a leg on front left, so the door doesn't always close or stay closed. I believe the reason my 1 year old threw up on night 2 was because he got some bad milk from the fridge before my wife knew about the fridge problem.

Also, the room looks run down... No cover around sprinkler in bathroom. Condition of some furniture run down.

I asked them to do something about fridge 2 days ago and as far as I can tell nothing has been done.

3) the food in the food court is nasty. My wife and daughter(9) threw up last night and we thing it was from a couple pasta dishes they ate at Old Port Royale. My son(7) also complained of a sore belly.

4) the Internet signal around my room is terrible (both 3G and wifi). The only time we can get on is in middle of afternoon. Never had this problem at CSR. The Internet sounds minor compared to other problems but it really affect when trying to make adjustments to plan.

If I do complain I would be asking if they can move me (for last 4 nights) to
A) another resort
B) another room that is in better condition.

Should I even bother to take time to complain?
I'd definitely take the time to complain but don't do it over the phone because your call will go to a central call center. Take the internal bus (or walk) over to the Custom House and ask to speak to a supervisor. Explain your issues to them and ask if they can move you to another resort or to another room.

For what it's worth, I know that there have been others over on the CBR thread who have asked about the height requirement/minimum/maximum and it was answered by a few Disers. I'm not sure if it's in the first couple of posts though. If not, we should ask safetymom to post it there.

Hope things start looking up for you guys!
I would definitely go to the front desk, ask for a manager and let them know your issues. You should definitely voice your concerns while you are staying at the resort. If you are done with CBR, I would ask if you could transfer to another resort. If they won't do that, I am sure they will transfer you to another room at CBR if they have availability. We had issues at AoA and were offered a room transfer. I have found that if you present your issues and make your requests calmly and rationally, the CM's are very responsive!
we are on our 4th trip, at CBR, and things are not exactly going smoothly.

We have 4 nights left on an 8 night stay and my wife has said several times that this is the worst resort we have ever stayed at. And I think the kids feel the same. (Previous stays were Contemporary, Pop Century, and CSR -- in that order.)

Normally I wouldn't complain about one little thing, but it's getting to the point where it's affecting our fun.

Here is a rundown.

1.) one of the big reasons we even booked CBR is the water playground. After my kids looked at it for two days and we finally take them over and are ready to enter there we see the 48 inch height max. Why can't that be posted somewhere else (pool entrance) so you don't get kids psyched up and disappoint them like that. I looked at other signs and could not see height posted (I also don't remember height requirement listed on anything I read)

2) our room is in need of maintenance TLC. The fridge is missing a leg on front left, so the door doesn't always close or stay closed. I believe the reason my 1 year old threw up on night 2 was because he got some bad milk from the fridge before my wife knew about the fridge problem.

Also, the room looks run down... No cover around sprinkler in bathroom. Condition of some furniture run down.

I asked them to do something about fridge 2 days ago and as far as I can tell nothing has been done.

3) the food in the food court is nasty. My wife and daughter(9) threw up last night and we thing it was from a couple pasta dishes they ate at Old Port Royale. My son(7) also complained of a sore belly.

4) the Internet signal around my room is terrible (both 3G and wifi). The only time we can get on is in middle of afternoon. Never had this problem at CSR. The Internet sounds minor compared to other problems but it really affect when trying to make adjustments to plan.

If I do complain I would be asking if they can move me (for last 4 nights) to
A) another resort
B) another room that is in better condition.

Should I even bother to take time to complain?

I'm sorry you aren't having as much fun this go round ; ( Sending some pixie dust your way!

If you and your family would be happier at CSR (I like it there too), then yes I would go speak with a CM and see what they could do. Figure out what YOU want and ask politely to make it happen. I'm sure they will move you to a new room at CBR if that works better for your family.

Guessing that if the water play area isn't busy, the lifeguards aren't going to make a stink about older siblings playing in there with younger siblings as long as they are respectful of the little ones toddling around.

It is far more likely that the vomiting your family is experiencing is passing around a virus/rotovirus vs. getting food poisoning on two separate occasions. You are around a TON of people during cold/flu season, people are going to get sick. No fun at all! Sucks no matter what the cause of it was!
It is far more likely that the vomiting your family is experiencing is passing around a virus/rotovirus vs. getting food poisoning on two separate occasions. You are around a TON of people during cold/flu season, people are going to get sick. No fun at all! Sucks no matter what the cause of it was!

This sounds right to me. But I would definitely politely speak to a manager and ask to at least be moved to a different room, and just explain the maintenance issues. There is no point in suffering unnecessarily. I hope your trip takes a turn for the better soon!
Whether it will do any good is probably dependent on what you expect them to do, which is apparently move you to another resort.

They might do that. Or they could offer you another room at the same resort, or a credit.

They won't be able to do anything about the height max at the pool, the internet signal, or the fact that the food isn't to your taste. also sounds like the stomach virus is making its way through the family rather than food poisoning.

I agree. Don't call them on the phone. Go to the front desk at the resort and ask for a supervisor.
I would take the time to go speak to a manager. Were I a manager, I would rather hear from my guest that things aren't going well so I could do something about while there is still a chance I could change their mind about the whole experience. I would guess that they will want to move you to another CBR room, but if you really don't want that, ask to be moved to CSR or another moderate.

Let us know how it goes.
Whether it will do any good is probably dependent on what you expect them to do, which is apparently move you to another resort.

They might do that. Or they could offer you another room at the same resort, or a credit.

They won't be able to do anything about the height max at the pool, the internet signal, or the fact that the food isn't to your taste. also sounds like the stomach virus is making its way through the family rather than food poisoning.

I agree. Don't call them on the phone. Go to the front desk at the resort and ask for a supervisor.

:thumbsup2.agree.....Also,There is a wicked stomach virus .My friends just got back from Disney and spent 4 of the 7 days there with stomach pain,vomiting and diarrhea
Thanks for all the comments. I took your advice and went to the lobby and asked to speak to a manager. I spoke to a very nice cast member who listened to my concerns and arranged to have me moved to the CSR. She also helped me cancel (without penalty) a dining reservation for Garden Grill for tonight (my daughter still isn't fully well so we are not making it to Epcot as planned).

We now have park hoppers so we'll try to squeeze what we had planned for 4 days into 3 days.
I hate the height limit for the water play area. I get that it is for safety of bitty ones, BUT they made the height so low that you end up with lots of older kids, or just tall but young kids, sad. And I would HATE it if they made exceptions for siblings playing together, since DS doesn't have one of those, and it would be dreadful to even think about explaining that due to his parents' inability to have another baby, he can't play there while others of his size can. If its a rule it has to be THE rule. I just wish it wasn't the rule.

It is far more likely that the vomiting your family is experiencing is passing around a virus/rotovirus vs. getting food poisoning on two separate occasions. You are around a TON of people during cold/flu season, people are going to get sick. No fun at all! Sucks no matter what the cause of it was!

YES. One child throwing up, then two other family members, then another in belly pain? Tummy bug.

But I disagree that it could be rotavirus...that illness is obvious and unmistakable. Diagnosed by the smell of the bathroom trips really. DS had the pleasure of having it twice, once at 1 and then a year later, and it could not be confused with anything else. Diagnosed by how long each day I got to hold him and nurse him to keep him hydrated, too!
Thanks for the update and glad to hear things are on the up and up. I'm a big fan of CSR. Here's to hoping you have low crowds, beautiful weather, and a great time!!!
Thanks for all the comments. I took your advice and went to the lobby and asked to speak to a manager. I spoke to a very nice cast member who listened to my concerns and arranged to have me moved to the CSR. She also helped me cancel (without penalty) a dining reservation for Garden Grill for tonight (my daughter still isn't fully well so we are not making it to Epcot as planned).

We now have park hoppers so we'll try to squeeze what we had planned for 4 days into 3 days.

I'm happy to hear that things worked out for you. The castmembers at the CBR have always been very nice and it sounds like you received great treatment from the manager. I hope that your daughter starts feeling better very soon and the rest of your trip goes well. Definitely sounds like a tummy bug.
YES. One child throwing up, then two other family members, then another in belly pain? Tummy bug.

But I disagree that it could be rotavirus...that illness is obvious and unmistakable. Diagnosed by the smell of the bathroom trips really. DS had the pleasure of having it twice, once at 1 and then a year later, and it could not be confused with anything else. Diagnosed by how long each day I got to hold him and nurse him to keep him hydrated, too!

You are totally correct...based on length of tummy troubles and it being one-ended :rotfl: I admit I mis-typed : )
Thanks for all the comments. I took your advice and went to the lobby and asked to speak to a manager. I spoke to a very nice cast member who listened to my concerns and arranged to have me moved to the CSR. She also helped me cancel (without penalty) a dining reservation for Garden Grill for tonight (my daughter still isn't fully well so we are not making it to Epcot as planned).

We now have park hoppers so we'll try to squeeze what we had planned for 4 days into 3 days.

Glad that you were helped. I hope the rest of your vacation is wonderful.
The best way to get results is to go to the main desk and speak to the manager, face to face. Calling does nothing, I learned this on one of our earlier trips way back years ago. We had issues and kept calling and then saw the manager the day before we were leaving and talked to him and that is when he told me this piece of wisdom. It does not mean you will get what you want, but that is the person you need to talk with.
Glad to hear everything worked out :goodvibes

I'm definitely not trying to defend CBR, but for anyone who is easily influenced, CBR is in dire need of refurbishments which is prevalent to anyone who consistently reads these boards. I'd have to imagine said refurbishment is not too far off in the future, considering it's the last resort to have double beds in the moderate level. I'm not saying a run down room is acceptable, but it's to be expected at CBR based on previous reviews.

I hope your kids are feeling better, but I don't know that I'd blame the food court. Bad food and flu bugs can happen anywhere. The parks are breeding grounds for germs. Last time we went, I came home with pneumonia. Just wanted to make mention of this since it's impossible to pinpoint where the issues are from.

Hope things are better now at CSR! :thumbsup2
Since you gave an update I won't go into much but let me just say as a person who's family was/is in the service industry (family restaurant) let me say, complaints are not a bad thing that the dis makes them out to be.

1) if a room is bad, how will management know unless you complain.
2) word of mouth is worth it's weight in gold, I'd much rather you complain and give us a chance to repair or fix the problem then do nothing and then bad mouth us afterwards.
3) You paid good morning for a product, if that product is not up to par you are in effect getting ripped off.
Sorry to hear that your trip is disappointing. I have always found that I f you lodge a complaint with a CM quietly and patiently, they will do all they can to make it right, especially if you suggest a specific solution. I am sure they can find you another room at another resort or within CSR. (Maybe they even have space at a deluxe?) Sorry to hear about the tummy trouble. That stinks :(.

Let us know how it turns out. Hope you get some pixie dust!
eliza61 said:
Since you gave an update I won't go into much but let me just say as a person who's family was/is in the service industry (family restaurant) let me say, complaints are not a bad thing that the dis makes them out to be.

1) if a room is bad, how will management know unless you complain.
2) word of mouth is worth it's weight in gold, I'd much rather you complain and give us a chance to repair or fix the problem then do nothing and then bad mouth us afterwards.
3) You paid good morning for a product, if that product is not up to par you are in effect getting ripped off.

EXACTLY! I have small business owners in my family and the hospitality industry has the highest failure rate. The way they make it work is customer satisfaction and WANT the complaints so they can fix it and prevent it from happening again. It's win-win for them and has allowed them to be successful


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