Whats a good number of points to start off with?

I would love to join the DVC. I'm just unsure of how or where to start :sad1:

Smaller is better as you can always add on a few contracts (and at different home resorts for more 11 month booking priorities) plus if you ever need to sell just some of your points, you can sell off 1 or 2 small contracts easier. 50-100 is nice. I have 25 and 50 at HH...100 at AKV and 200 at OKW and am in ROFR on another 50 at HH. I wish the OKW was BWV in 2 smaller contracts.
That's a tough one to answer. It really depends on how frequently you want to go, what time of the year, where you want to stay, and for how long.

We have 150 pts. We typically vacation for 3-5 days, not during the most busy seasons, and every couple of years, so that works out well for us.
I would love to join the DVC. I'm just unsure of how or where to start :sad1:

You need to decide what home resort you want and how often you want to vacation. Understand the rules and policies, banking and borrowing, dues, and DVC pros and cons.

:earsboy: Bill
As others have said, the resort you think you'll want to stay at most often, and how often to plan to go, are keys.

In our case, we bought OKW in 1993 and went twice a year for many years on our initial 230 points.

Then we moved out west, started going to DLR and staying at VGC. Putting aside the issue of getting rooms there w/o owning there, the points chart there is so much higher than what we were used to at OKW that we wound adding on at VG - three times. We now own way more VGC points than OKW points.

At WDW, if you decide you like the walk to MK and the monorail access from BLT, then you'd most like need more points than if you like the seclusion and spread out feeling at OKW or SSR. Or you'd have to adjust the length or frequency of your trips or the type of villas you book due to the different points requirements.
Just when you think you have the right amount, you get this annoying urge called "add-on-itis" so there is.no magic number.
We originally bought just 100 points because that is what we could afford at the time. Now, finances are much better and now we are looking to add 370 points (50 at BCV for the 11 month window) and 320 somewhere else...

That will give us the points we need for our travel needs (9 weekends a year) and some to spare for those special occasions. We live only 1.5 hours away from WDW!!

It's only been 18 months since we initially bought. The add-on bug will bite you but start out with something that works for your initial desire and when the time is right, add on!!!:thumbsup2
We started with a 200 pt resale contract at BCV. Hoping that holds us for a while!

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We started with a 270pt contract, thinking a 2bdrm villa every other year. Quickly added on to allow for every year. Then we realized we wanted AKL and BCV. Then we realized we could travel without the kids! Then Aulani! Now, we are over 1500 pts and enjoy our multiple trips per year just the two of us, with friends, and with family! :thumbsup2
Smaller is better as you can always add on a few contracts.

If buying direct from Disney, you can purchase more points and have them draft the contracts into smaller amounts. Example: total purchase of 150pts - one contract of 100 pts, one contract of 50pts.

Smaller contracts are typically a quicker sell if the need arises.

If buying resale, you can only get the contract as is, no changes.
We started with a 270pt contract, thinking a 2bdrm villa every other year. Quickly added on to allow for every year. Then we realized we wanted AKL and BCV. Then we realized we could travel without the kids! Then Aulani! Now, we are over 1500 pts and enjoy our multiple trips per year just the two of us, with friends, and with family! :thumbsup2

270 was our initial target as well, which is a 2 BR villa at most of the resorts in the season we would travel. Ended up with 250 because that was the best contract that came available, and with borrowing/banking, it isn't much different.
None of us can say. It depends on how, where, when you plan to use it and how much historical info you have to make informed decisions. If you've been to WDW yearly for 10 years you one should know what to expect, with less info, not so much. In general one should make the best guess of how many points you'll use NOW and work from there. I would not buy points for cruises or exchanges EVER and as as rule I wouldn't buy points for future possibilities unless you have a clear plan. For example, say you could get by with a 1 BR for 3-4 years but you know you'll need a 2 BR after that you might buy more but likely not the full 2 BR worth. For one looking at S-F in a studio adventure, I'd likely get at least a 10% and likely around a 20% cushion. For one looking at a 2 BR for a week magic or premier I would buy no extra points on purpose and likely would even buy a little less than I thought I needed. Of course resale contracts don't always match up exactly so a little variation for the right contract otherwise is reasonable. Every situation is a little different.
We purchased 150 in 2005. Added 50 a year later. Planning to add 100 within the next year. We like to go every year and now prefer villas to studios, as our family has grown. We also have extended family trips every couple of years. We used to save points by not using them on a weekend and moving to a moderate. But they changed points so it doesn't make a big difference anymore. So I guess my answer would be decide how you think you will use them then add a little more.
We just closed today. Bought 150. We have 2 young kids, plan on staying in studios until they get older or do a studio then 1 br every other year, going yearly. I have been going to Disney since i was 2, got my husband hooked & we looked at when liked to travel during the year, then the point calendar & figured 150 would be perfect.
I have 150 points at Animal Kingdom Villas and have been able to visit 2 weeks a year, in either a standard or value studio. For me, this has worked out very well.
I'll repeat pp. Start small and add on when you can afford and/or need to. It is easier to add points than sell points you don't need.
The way we figured it out was to first, figure out when and how many times you want to travel to Disney in a year. Next, figure out what kind of accomodations you want to stay in while you're there. Then add up those points and we bought roughly that amount of points.

And of course, now we want more. We estimated everything on the low end. Staying in a studio, traveling at the lowest crowd time of year. So eventually I know we'll want to go more often, and we'll have to bump up to a 2 bedroom as well because my kids can't sleep on that little pull out sofa forever. LOL

However, now with that being said, I agree to start off small, because you can always add. I personally think that 100 points per resort is a good amount. We have 200 points at BCV right now, but eventually I'd like to add 100ish at BLT. Then maybe another 100ish at BWV or VWL. Others might rather have 25 to 50 at a certain resort. Again depends on what you want to use it for.
We started with enough points to go once every three years for 12 to 14 nights in a 2 bedroom and added on to be able to go every other year. so we can choose to stick with 1 in 3 and go for longer or go every other year if flight prices allow.
I have 150 points at Animal Kingdom Villas and have been able to visit 2 weeks a year, in either a standard or value studio. For me, this has worked out very well.

This is simular to what we are looking to do. If you don't mind me asking... Did you buy direct or through a re-seller?
This is simular to what we are looking to do. If you don't mind me asking... Did you buy direct or through a re-seller?

I bought direct because of the restrictions placed on resale contracts. For me, I wanted to be able to use my points to occasionally make reservations at Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel at the Disneyland Resort.

Others on this board will disagree, but, for me, it was the right decision.

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