WHat is your Holy Grail and what do you have to offer for it? By Alberto Vargas


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
Subject: WHat is your Holy Grail and what do you have to offer for it?
Author: alberto vargas
Date Posted: 04-25-01
I am starting to collect Halloween pins as a theme. I recently traded for a few pins to start me off. I am now in pursuit of one of my Holy Grails, The Halloween Cruise pin. I know it is a great pin. So I thought I would try this out. We usually post what our Holy Grails are but we do not post what we are willing to give for it. I am hoping that this will help some of us get some of our Holy Grails. So I am looking for the Halloween Cruise Pin and I am offering A Champion Pin Trader(Spring). I hope this works! If not back to the drawing board. :D

Subject: I really want
Author: pintrader
Date Posted: 04-25-01
the LE 500 boxed Snow White set. I have a navy blue dangle castle or, or, or hmmm better go check to see what I _DO_ have for trade.

Meanwhile, anybody have one of these at ANT price?




Author: Cherry
Date Posted: 04-25-01
I have a brand new holy grail -- the Artistry of the Earth Spinner pin. That has got to be one of the prettiest pins I've ever seen! I'll have to go check my traders and edit the post to see what I could offer -- but this may just be one of those I want for a long time, or have to go to the e-place to buy.

Subject: I don't even know if anyone has one . . .
Author: Eeyore's Pal
Date Posted: 04-25-01
My new holy grail, barely a week old, is the Wilderness Lodge Facade, #633.

I have several of the recent LEs, including the First Robotics, DLR Spring 2001, DLR Earth Day #1, April Fuels.

I just wonder if there is even anyone out there who has one to trade?

FYI to Cherry: I love the Artistry of the Earth spinner too. I checked the e*** site, there are many available for bid or purchase. Unfortunately the price range seems to be just _above_ a first-born child _and_ a fully-loaded corvette. :eek:



Subject: my holy grails so far are...
Author: Swamp_Fox
Date Posted: 04-25-01
Holy Grails

WDW Letter Ticket Book Pin
AK CM discovery river boats
WDW Pin Trading Pin

What I have to offer

DL Letter Ticket Book Pin
We can negotiate for the river boat pin
for the WDW PTP I have a 1 and 5 yr CM service pin I would do both for that one pin

Thanks for looking :)



Author: Dizneypinz27
Date Posted: 04-25-01
My holy grail is Mickey for President I have Flubber myster, MSEP spinner, Guest relations prototype, mickey nametag, my first goofy, DS #101, Olympic spirit, and 99 christmas collectibles showcase to offer for it.


Author: Figgy
Date Posted: 04-25-01
My holy Grail is #1223? the Confetti Mickey Head and Britt's is the WDW Pin trader Pin. We have anything on our list. I have never even seen someone with one to trade. We have the Donald Mystery Pin for trade.



Author: pinhook
Date Posted: 04-25-01
lets see, i guess my holy grail right now would have to be the disneyland pin trader press pin. i am offering either the gold disneyland logo sheild(pinpics 17) or a complete set of wdw filmstrips, plane crazy included. or if that dont work i am also looking for the haunted mansion dead end sign, i am offering for that one either a jiminy cricket 75 guest fanatic cm pin (le 175) or a 2000 night at the mouscars managers pin (le 500). so if anybody has these for trade or know somebody that does let me know,thanks and remember:

Mr. Peachident

__ ----------------------------------------

Subject: my holy grail
Author: bekeating
Date Posted: 04-25-01
Bonnie's holy grail is Epcot Flower and Garden pewter pin.

Traders for it MSEP spinner, Minnie Born to Shop, or Inauguration pin

Shawn's holy grail MSEP Monsters on Mainstreet.
Traders same as above and combination there of plus+

Bonnie and Shawn


Subject: There are 2 I want
Author: sshd
Date Posted: 04-25-01
I would love to have the WDW Plane Crazy filmstrip to complete my set, and I would also like to get a jail scene.

My best trader is the DL Pin Trader Pin. I would trade it for either of my big wants or I could try to track down what you may want if you have either to trade.


Date Posted: 04-26-01
My Grails would have to be:

HM Dead End
Champion Trader Spring

What do I have to offer - guess it would be what do you want? If I dont have it I will try and get it.



Subject: I am looking for a couple.....
Author: MadStrawberry
Date Posted: 04-26-01
-DL Mickey Name Badge
-Halloween Cruise Pin
-5th Year Little Monster Set
-I need 2 of the MSEP Little Monster pins if
anyone has a broken set.

I have alot of Cast Member Pins, Parrot Dangle and Pirate Dangle.....also the Pirate Event in the chest pin.


Author: in2disny
Date Posted: 04-26-01
Let's see my Holy Grails.....
1) the MSEP#1 spinner (O.K. I know I'm dreaming that I'll ever get that one)

2)My other is a pin I just discovered Pin 4212: DCA 2001 Valentine's Day

What I have for trade.....O.K. This is the problem.....new trader....no good trades....oh well...One can dream!!

Thanks for the fantasy.

Am I the only on in this boat or are there others?



Author: wvrevy
Date Posted: 04-26-01
Here are the Grails:

+ DL Press PTP
+ HM Dangle
+ Jail Scene
+ Champion PTP
+ The large Maleficent pin from the Divas event

For trade for _these_ pins:

+ Special Activities
+ Casting Scout
+ DL A Christmas Fantasy (LE 800)
+ Mickey Animator
+ 35th and 45th IMagineering Anniversaries
+ Main Street USA Walt's 100th Marceline, MO
+ DCA Club 33 Preview
+ DCL Task Force

Plus about anything I have listed on my PinPics :D

Great idea, Alberto !!


Subject: My list!
Author: bridegirl
Date Posted: 04-27-01
My grails are all three champion trader pins, but mostly red, then green, then black last.

Trades for grails:
Jail Scene
Entire boxed set of 1999 "Something New" press pins
HR/01 pin
Confetti Mickey head managers pin
Divas Event Logo
Entire set E-tickets
JIYI Four parks dangle Press pin
Disneyland "D"
Entire 12 days of Xmas set
and many others!!!!

I f anyone has any color champion pin, please write to me!!!



Subject: My holy grail
Author: Pinhead49
Date Posted: 04-27-01
My newest holy grails are anything Chernabog (for my bf) & any Piglets I don't have =)

<3 Heather

* Email me privately at pinhead_49@hotmail.com
* Check out my pins for trade at pinpics.com under Pinhead49!
* I collect Piglet, Dopey, House of Blues, & Tokyo pins! Email me privately if you can help my collection grow!


Author: Lady Kat
Date Posted: 04-27-01
My number one holy grail pin is still the Simba Nametag. I'm offering the Artistry of the Earth Spinner pin or any other pin I have listed on pin pics under ladykat.

Thanks for any help you can give. :D


Author: Disneylvr
Date Posted: 04-27-01
Mine would definately have to be the "Wet Paint" Mystery Pin but I am also looking for "April Fuels", Frontierland & Fantasyland in "The Land Series", Disney's Animal Kingdom "Step Into the Wild" billboard pin and a few others. But I am a new trader so I have nothing good to offer. Hopefully I'll get a bunch of good traders on my next WDW trip in just 10 days. But I'll list my current pins for trade anyway.....

Pin 696: Disney Store #63: Cruella DeVil Sealed
Pin 391: Disney Store #70: Sleeping Beauty Sealed
Pin 701: Disney Store #54: Ariel and Prince Eric Sealed
Pin 711: Disney Store #35: The Rescuers Sealed
Pin 397: Disney Store #77: Cinderella Sealed
Pin 400: Disney Store #64: Simba and Nala
Pin 549: Disney Store #81: Tinker Bell
Pin 399: Disney Store #17: A Bug's Life
Pin 2: Resort-Only 2000 Logo With Dancers On Original Backing
Pin 3: WDW 2000 Logo Fab-3 On Original Backing
Pin 4: MGM 2000 'On With The Show! On Original Backing
Pin 292: WDW Happy New Year 2000
Pin 3440: Happy New Year - 2001 - WDW In Original Plastic and on backing
Pin 2535: Canine Series: Jock On Original Backing
Pin 3363: Canine Series: Trusty On Original Backing
Pin 2208: Donald Duck Balloon Dangle Pin On Original Backing
Pin 4100: WDW Mar. 2001 POM Zodiac Aries --- Pluto On Original Backing

_Hakuna Matata! It's my problem-free philosophy._

Michelle from Missouri
Just wanted you all to know, since we've moved, and we clearly have more space here in our new home, I would like to expand my holy grail list.

1. Wilderness Lodge Facade, #633
2. Any old Disney Villas (pre-Institute)
3. Toga Minnie, #4311

By the Way . . .
I was actually reading this thread early this morning, when my PC and I were sucked into the vortex created by the DIS board move. sniffle, sniffle It was a near thing, we had to hold on real tight, do a cold boot and find our way here to this lovely new home. :)
My Holy Grails are The Jail Scene for which I can offer the Continuing the Tradition pin.
My # 2 Holy Grail is the MSEP Spinner for which I can offer the LE 1000 egg from WDW - either AK, DTD, or MGM.

Update July 1
I did get the MSEP Spinner and some others in trade for the CTT pin.
I am now looking for a My First Pooh and I have the LE 1000 WDW eggs to trade ( DTD or MGM ). I have other good traders, too if anyone wants to take a look .
Thanks for looking!
I got mine (Artistry of the Earth spinner) within a week or so of the above post, and I've really enjoyed it.
I have been able to trade for the Wilderness Lodge Facade pin, thanks to JamesD. :D

I also have traded for the Toga Minnie, thanks to Tennisnut. :D

I am still on the lookout for any Disney Villas pin from 1994 or earlier (before they became Villas at the Institute). I don't know if any pin like this even exists, but it's important to me to commemorate a family event.

And, of course, I am now seeking my newest holy grail:

<font color=blue>#21 The 1999 Round Food & Wine Festival.</font> :)

I would be happy to do a two-for-one trade for this pin.
Here's mine: Going down, fortunately!

Pin 2176: CM Animal Kingdom Rhino Hat Pin (yellow)
Pin 4520: Wonders of the Wild Opening Crew November 15, 1999
Pin 4938: AK Pin Club Rhino (**********)

What do I have to offer?:
Discovery River Boats (with slight scratch on a blue area, though)
Backstage Safari
AK Suntrust, AK 3rd Anniversary, several LEs

I am looking for Cross U Spring Tigger. I have a couple of older Cross U Easter pins that I woul d trade one of them for the Tigger. Email me at MdStrwbery@aol.com and see if we can make a trade. Have alot of othe CM pins also.
I actually did manage to get mine but of course have to have a new one...

The Dinesy Villian event Chernabog #2883

I have a few good ones to trade for this, but don't hold out to much hope.


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