Welcome Home!!


DIS Veteran
Aug 14, 1998
Welcome Home ................... to the "new" DVC Board.

We know that this new home will again offer the best source for Disney Vacation Club information on the internet.

Please join in the DIScussion and add your own experiences to the topics.


I would also like to say a big "Hello" to all our DVC Board Visitors here at our new home! Welcome, and have fun posting! :jester:
I think this is going to be great but it's too much to handle before coffee!
THIS IS WILD!!!!!! ...but I like it. Great job, Pete!
This is going to be soooo cool

Now I can finally change the color of my text and all those other things without having to be an expert! ...and I love all the new Smilies :jester:

Does anyone know where I can get the image for BWV? For some reason my image hasn't been working lately.
Glad you guys like it. It will take awhile to get use to the new forum, but you are going to love all the new options.
Boy that was sudden. I had no idea this was coming. It looks cool and there are new things for me to play with.:jester: The spell check locked up on me, but I'm sure things will level out.
Geez, ya go to bed for a few hours and wake up in a different place!! But I think I'm gonna like it here :bounce: . It's easier and prettier than the old place, and things seem to move a little faster, too.
I hate to admit it but I am computer illiterate!!! Just when I finally got use to the old board...and was trying to figure out how to make those pretty clip arts after your signature...it's back to the beginning!!!

Oh well!! It is pretty cool. What until my DD sees this!!

By the way, what is vB Code mean? Close Current Tag? Close all Tags? I told you I was computer illiterate!!

I love the new board. I think I'll love it more when I learn the new features....
HEY !! I just noticed I got promoted to Senior Member. The sad part is I am only 43 yrs. old. :p I had a little trouble logging in, but I figured it out in a few minutes. Looks real nice in here, doesn't it ? A lot more options too. I hope some of our old threads come over quick, I liked the one on BCV at $100/pt.

I really like the topic review below where you type your reply, I often forget who I am replying to, (happens when you reach Senior Member status, uah know?). THis will ease that burden. And the Spell Check, WOW ! What luxury ! Sort of like comparing a studio to a GV, compared to our old board.....hah !
Welcome Home and thumbs up on the new board.

Did somebody say there is a spel cheker included?;)
I also noticed I lost about 60 registered threads in my count, I guess that is what Webmaster Pete was talking about. Well.......nothing I can do about it, everyone else is in the same basket too.
Any posts made on the old board after the membership information was transferred over here are not reflected in the post tallies.

Most of us probably lost a few from our totals, but this is so much better than our last server migration in 4/2000, when many of us lost over 1000 posts!!

Please explore all of the features of this new software. It is incredibly robust and can do so many things! Enjoy!

Guess I'll run this thru the spiel chunker and see if it finds any speiling mesteaks!

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