Weighted Blankets for Kids


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2014
Morning... after another night of wrestling with my son IN my bed (and wrestling with him to go back in his bed) I saw an ad for weighted blankets. Before I buy one I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them for their kids?

He’s almost 8 and a very wiggly sleeper who hates being alone in his room. Thanks for any advice!
Not trying to be offensive, but at the age of nearly 8, I'd question if a weighted blanket is really going to make any difference. He's going to realize it's just a blanket. Would you be better off just not giving him the option of coming into your room and your bed?
Not trying to be offensive, but at the age of nearly 8, I'd question if a weighted blanket is really going to make any difference. He's going to realize it's just a blanket. Would you be better off just not giving him the option of coming into your room and your bed?

We’ve tried everything short of locking our door. He literally kicks, turns and twists all night long. He’s a light sleeper (like me) so I wanted to explore this option.

He had a twin sister who sleeps like my husband (you can have a parade come through her room and she’d stay asleep).

I do appreciate your advice and wish it were that simple, however I’m really looking for help from people who use these blankets.
Not trying to be offensive, but at the age of nearly 8, I'd question if a weighted blanket is really going to make any difference. He's going to realize it's just a blanket. Would you be better off just not giving him the option of coming into your room and your bed?

Weighted blankets are used a lot with children, teens, and adults in the autistic community (as well as in other situations).

To answer the OP, yes, my daughter had one for a few years. She prefers a stack of blankets these days (and tight clothing like thermals - in Spring - In Australia lol). They're quite easy to make if you're handy with a sewing machine.
Weighted blankets are used a lot with children, teens, and adults in the autistic community (as well as in other situations).

To answer the OP, yes, my daughter had one for a few years. She prefers a stack of blankets these days (and tight clothing like thermals - in Spring - In Australia lol). They're quite easy to make if you're handy with a sewing machine.

Thanks! How old is your daughter? I wish I could sew. I actually inquired about lessons the other day... not for making these types of things, but maybe one more reason to learn!
A heavy blanket always made me feel better as a kid. I always had to have something over me while sleeping no matter how hot it was. I’m not autistic, but always hated sleeping alone too. Have you tried one of those body pillows that you could tuck him in next to? I feel your pain with him moving all night long. My DD does the same thing. Nothing really helps that for her. She is just wild in her sleep. Thankfully she doesn’t wake up through it too often though.
Thanks! How old is your daughter? I wish I could sew. I actually inquired about lessons the other day... not for making these types of things, but maybe one more reason to learn!

She's now 11. She had it from age 4 to about 7 from memory, then decided she hated it - it was handmade in the shape of a heart with different pinks - there's only so much pink she'll tolerate. A local used to make them and donated them to a range of places (hospitals, children/family services etc).
Have you had him tested for sleep apnea? I know several people that have tossed and turned at night like you are describing and had sleep apnea so they were never really getting to a deep sleep.
Check out this site. Lots of good information on the topic, and this is one of the very first companies that started making these blankets years ago. I've wanted a blanket from them for years.


I do have a weighted blanket, but it was a gift and came from Etsy. I don't recommend that. The design isn't as good as the ones from Dreamcatcher. The key is to make sure the weights are sewn in place and secured so they can't move around. Many vendors don't do this. For instance, mine wouldn't be good for a child because it only has large pockets filled with weights that can move and clump together. The instructions say you need two people just to reposition the blanket on the bed to keep it from ripping open. You wouldn't want one like that for a child.
My son has ADHD and a hard time falling/staying asleep. We got him a weighted blanket about six months ago, he LOVES it (especially the weight of it on him) but it has not made any difference in his sleep :(
Something like these blankets could be helpful!
Especially if your daughter could have some of the issues that others have mentioned.
(If it is an actual 'sleep-issue' then, maybe not so much. She might just toss and turn and the thing ends up on the floor.

You don't have to answer here, of course... but if you were to guess... which way do you think it would go?

I might try to come up with something before actually buying one of these blankets...
Most bedding now is made to be lightweight. But, especially with Winter coming, maybe you can find a type of blanket that is heavier, just double it over... and that would have enough weight to help.
When my son was little, I would sometimes find him 'Cacooned'.... (yes, this is an actual medical diagnostic term...) wrapping himself tightly in blankets or even a winter jacket, using it like a sleeping bag.
I used to stop by his room before I finally went to bed for the night, and adjust things, so he wouldn't overheat or suffocate!!!!

I do agree that at her age, it is time to take whatever steps necessary to find out what it will take for her to sleep at night, in her own bed.
Sending best wishes...
I know it must not be easy. I would HAVE to do something, because I NEED MY SLEEP!!!
Have you had him tested for sleep apnea? I know several people that have tossed and turned at night like you are describing and had sleep apnea so they were never really getting to a deep sleep.

Twice. It was mild at 3 years old and his Last test was this summer and they said everything looked normal. We really have tried almost everything to figure this out.
Good luck OP. We had struggles with our boy wetting his bed for a very long time and I remember thinking it would never end, but eventually it did.

We haven't used a weighted blanket, but I have a good friend that swears by it for her boy. My daughter just really likes having things on her and around her, so we got her a body pillow that she lays against and she wears long flannel pants and lots of bigger comforters - and we live in FL! She said it just "feels right"
This is timely. My best friend just bought one for anxiety; she said she's woke up less during the night and it was raving about it!

I'd say it's worth trying.
I am cold natured and even in Mississippi in the summer sleep under several blankets. I've discovered that I like the weight of several blankets and I sleep sounder with a sheet, blanket, comforter and 2 extra blankets on top and I still steal Dh's covers sometimes.

Maybe you could try just stacking a few blankets on his bed and see if that helps?
Morning... after another night of wrestling with my son IN my bed (and wrestling with him to go back in his bed) I saw an ad for weighted blankets. Before I buy one I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them for their kids?

He’s almost 8 and a very wiggly sleeper who hates being alone in his room. Thanks for any advice!

The guideline is that it should be 10% of the users body weight. I'm considering making one for myself for my anxiety. Everyone I know who has/uses one says it is a great thing to help them sleep better and relieve anxiety.
I am cold natured and even in Mississippi in the summer sleep under several blankets. I've discovered that I like the weight of several blankets and I sleep sounder with a sheet, blanket, comforter and 2 extra blankets on top and I still steal Dh's covers sometimes.

Maybe you could try just stacking a few blankets on his bed and see if that helps?

I put our heavy down blanket on him tonight and 20 minutes later he was sweating and asked to change his PJs... guess I’ll have to crank the AC!
I absolutely have to have something covering me while I sleep. Not because I'm always cold, per se, but just feel more comfortable with a blanket. Heck, sometimes I even sleep with the blanket over my face. Probably looks a little odd! lol

I would give the weighted blanket a shot. It can't hurt, right?
Not trying to be offensive, but at the age of nearly 8, I'd question if a weighted blanket is really going to make any difference. He's going to realize it's just a blanket. Would you be better off just not giving him the option of coming into your room and your bed?

My daughter was like that from the time she was little- I just let her sleep with me until she was ready to sleep alone in her own room-worked out perfectly.


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