
Earning My Ears
Dec 26, 2000
We had a very unpleasant experience at Universal Studios. We went to the Monster Make-up show (or something like that) thinking that it would be fun to see how some special effects are done. Ha! That's not what we got. There were these two guys doing the show and they kept making all these vulger, and obscene, jokes about viagra and other such things (you don't want to know). Finally, one couple got up and started to walk out and they stopped them and asked them why they were leaving. The couple replied that they were offended and left. The rest of the show these two morons made fun of the couple. Every time they made a crude joke they would sarcastically reply "Oops. Sorry. Did we OFFEND anyone there. Ha ha haha..." Not funny. And on top of that... they didn't even really show how any effects are done! They showed clips from horror movies and briefly said some stuff about effects that any idiot could probably figure out by themselves! What topped it all off was the comment they made when the couple left. They said "Where do they think they are... Disney World?" Exactly. You do NOT find stuff like that at Disney World and that is NOT a bad thing. There should not be shows like that in family parks. It is unfortunate that this ruined my Universal Studios experience because there really were some neat rides and attractions there. But frankly, I have no desire to go back and support them as long as that show is still up and running. And bytheway, I am not some concerned parent. I am 18. And I was appalled. As were my cousins and the rest of my family. I did not think it funny in any way. So, if you do decide to depart from the wholesome Disney atmosphere, be sure and skip this show unless you are also sick minded and enjoy things like that. :rolleyes: Sorry to get so fired up! It just made me mad!

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
I have not seen the show recently, but all the signage advises that it is a PG-13 type of event.

Many people go to Universal to escape the sweetness of Disney. I don't think this world needs another Disney park and Universal is not a clone of Disney.

Has anyone else objected to the content of the Gory, Grusome and Grotesque Horror Makeup Show?
Well, I guess I missed the warning. And I do realize that people go there to get away from Disney's "sweetness." But regardless, I do not think that kind of thing should be in a family park. Or is US not a family park any more? I also am thinking that maybe there are different actors that do this show and maybe these ones were just worse than usual. This is REALLY disgusting. I mean... he was talking about his mother's hairy ummm... backside and squeazing juices out of a duck's.... backside. Or something like that. Gross, I know. And I didn't want to put it here... but I don't want you to think I'm getting worked up over nothing. It wasn't just obscene stuff, like the viagra thing. It was really gross stuff! And I suppose I should also emphasize that the rest of the park is really great, as is IOA. We did enjoy ourselves and i definitely think it's worth a visit... I just don't understand why they have to ruin it with stuff like this and I think it should be stopped. That's just my opinion though! Sorry if I offended you! :)

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
Hmm, I went my family this past Sept. and we as well as the rest of the audience really enjoyed the show, but then, we knew what to expect from the two guys performing the show. I found it funny and very entertaining. Just to goofs joking around. Sorry if it disgusted you, but we liked it.


iamleia: Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the show. As others have mentioned, it is clearly marked that this show is meant for those older than 13. Me and my friends thought this show was the higlight of USF. I particularly enjoyed the humour and have never laughed so hard in a theme park show. Granted, it doesn't make you feel all fuzzy inside like Disney shows, but being a young adult, perhaps that's something I'm not looking for. Maybe when I'm a parent and want to watch wholesome shows with my kids, then I'll head for WDW. But in the meantime, I enjoyed the fact that the show still maintains a humorous approach to make-up.

To each his own. :)

P.S. Viagra??!!! Um, haven't you been watching television lately? Half the stuff on the local news today could be construed as overly disgusting? I don't want to disrespect you, but perhaps it is being overly sensitive? That's just me, cause I know when I turn on the T.V, there is much more violence, lewd comments and sexual innuendo in morning cartoons then what we experienced at the show.

But then again, it is up to each individual to decide what s/he watches/experiences.

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC="http://www.geocities.com/cotye88/meeko.gif"</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>
The one thing I keep hearing in these posts is that Universal isn't a "Family" Park. Well There is more to a family than just kids. There are adults too. I feel Universal has boarder family appeal than Disney because there is something for everyone. Little kids have Kidzone, Preteens have MIB,Twister and adults have T2, Hitchcock and The Makeup Show. I have seen the Makeup show over 100 times and it is one of the funniest shows around.
Remember they are dealing with a touchy subject the they present it in a entertaining and enlightning way.
The show is rated PG 13 clearly up front. In fact all Universal rides and shows are Clearly rated on signs with warning about the content and ride precautions.If anyone is in doubt about a ride or show they only have to ask the attendant and they will tell them all the informtion they need.
I am thankful that Universal provides adults with a Grown up alternative to Disney.After a day in the Magic Kingdom I'm ready for something other than strollers in the ankles. And Universal is that something.
Ok... obviously we have different approaches to life. I am also a young adult. 18 as I mentioned. And I do not watch TV shows that have crude stuff on them like that so I suppose that's part of it. But besides that, like I said it wasn't just the obscene stuff... it was just disgusting stuff too! And I didn't learn anything new at all. Maybe they were too distracted trying to redeem themselves from the people walking out or something. Like I said, we obviously just have different values. I'm sorry I said anything guys. I guess if it's marked for 13 or above then that's fair warning. I just didn't see that.

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
I loved this show! I also appreciate that Universal offers entertainment that is appealing to many ages. There are plenty of choices for children as well as adults. The rides and shows are clearly rated. Personally I dont take offense to adult humor. But yes we all have different opinions of what is funny and entertaining. I enjoy Universal because it isnt Disney. I enjoy both Universal and Disney. I dont however compare them. I respect your opinion, I just felt the warning!!! was a bit strong. :)

although I have been to Universal twice! But I had planned to go this time. We always took little ones with us before and so skipped the show. If I can try the coasters, I think I am old enough to try this too! ;)
It is a shame if you were offended by the tone of the show Leia. I have seen the show probably 5 times and never found anything at all offensive or gross about it. But each persons views are different and should be respected guys, even if we find them odd or out of synch with our own.

The one thing I will say Leia, is that, as much as the rest of us should respect your opinion, equally you shouldnt try to force your view on others ! As everyone says, there is a clear warning that the content of the show is of a more mature level, and anyway, are jokes about Viagra and hairy butts really that shocking to you ?

As for what you learnt , what can you realistically expect to learn about special effects in a 20-30 minute show ? As someone who has been turned into the Monster in the Xena bit, I thought it was quite informative! ( I also found out that I make a frighteningly realistic monster - worrying !!)

As I say, it is a shame you didnt enjoy the show, but dont let it colour your view of USF. I love Disney but of the two parks I think Universal is better and doesnt try to indoctrinate you with that Disney aren't-we-great sugar coating !


Still looking forward to Disney & USF from Jan 5th !!

:cool: :) <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :rolleyes: :D :) :cool
The name of the show is not the Monster Makeup Show. It is the Gory, Gruesome and Grotesque Horror Show. By naming it that they are basically telling you right up front what to expect. How much clearer can a name be? If you don't watch gory, gruesome and grotesque horror movies, then maybe you should have realized that this show might not be for you. If you do watch those movies, you shouldn't be complaining. We've seen the show twice and thought it was hilarious both times. I hope it is still running when we go back in 2002.
Obviously some people have not read the posts that I made after I had received a few replies. I have said numerous times that I know people are entitled to their opinions and that I was sorry if I offended anyone. I also said that the rest of US and IOA were wonderful and I really did enjoy the rides. Especially the coasters and Men in Black. I feel like I have made some enemies and that is not what I mean to happen. I was simply doing just what the subject said, warning. But obviously there is already a warning on it that I missed so all is well. If they are telling people not to go who might not like it then that is fine. That's really what I was most upset about in the first place because I didn't know what I was getting into. Please don't hate me! I didn't mean to offend! They really are great parks with great rides! I just wanted people to know what it was in case they were also offended by stuff like that also! Thanks!

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
Jamliea2 -

I'm just wondering what you think of the Alien Encounter attraction at MK? I think it is one of WDW's few great attractions (along with ToT, RnR, Tough to Be a Bug and Dinosaur). However, there are elements of that attraction (the simulated killing of a human by an alien for one) that seem to be much more disturbing than anything in the makeup show. I was just wondering what you thought of that attraction.

Donna R.
Obviously you share an opinion with the minority of people who frequent this page. And that is fine. However, I think your posting may have the opposite effect as intended, at least for me. I personally am a big fan of low brow, "gross" humor and am more eager to see this show than ever now that I have read this string. And you do not have to have a "sick mind" to enjoy this stuff. If it helps I am a child psychologist, and a good one! I don't think it is really fair to judge the entire park because you had a bad experience at one attraction. I personally found one particular restaurant in France to be subpar, but that doesn't mean I will never go back to Europe. Anyway, thank you for sharing your opinion and allowing me to share mine.
Boing: Well said!!!!

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC="http://www.geocities.com/cotye88/meeko.gif"</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>
I actually thought that Alien Encounter was rather lame. In the Unofficial guide they made this huge buildup to it being so scary and I was scared to death waiting in line... and then it was nothing. An alien coming out of the ceiling who was actually kindof cute and the seat moving a little bit. Waiting in line was the scariest part! But I did not find it gross in the same way at all. I don't appreciate people talking about their mother's hairy rear ends. And I didn't appreciate them making fun of the people who left. Those people had their opinion and they shouldn't have made fun of it. But like I have said about three times now... the thing that made me the most mad was that I wasn't warned what I was getting into, but there is a warning, I just missed it. So go ahead, see the show if you like it and that's just fine with me! And I have also said that I did enjoy the rest of the park(s). I enjoyed IOA more actually. I liked the themeing. But anyway, I'm glad you all like to share your opinions, even if they are all oposite from mine... :D Have a nice day!

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
Haven't seen it and probably wouldn't given the title (I just don't like horror stuff period).
Universal is for an older audience - most of the rides are geared towards teens, adults.

And the couple that walked out did as adults should do when they find something distasteful - that's what I would do in any situation where I was really bothered.
The men commenting on the couple were only doing what comedians routinely do , work their audience into the show (even if it is in bad taste).

Iamiela2, next time just get up and walk out if you can. There is a lot to enjoy over all at Universal as you know - just make this attraction a miss next time. And don't feel uncomfortable about posting here, I don't think anyone is thinking anything negative about you.
Wow, iamleia2 :eek: :

I never saw the show, either, but when I go next week I think I'll check it out, now!

I think you provided needed information, just like the Unofficial Guide did for Alien Encounter. At least people will KNOW what to expect when they do go.

I think people took offense because of the subject of your post. A warning indicated some kind of threat which, I'm just assuming, most people don't find this kind of humor threatening.

Hey, I'm from New York and you can hear this stuff with NO WARNING on the streets daily!

I appreciate the info, though, and I will let you all know what I thought of it next week...


Mother of Michael

Proverbs 3:5-6
<font color=red><marquee behavior=alternate>Rejoice in the Joy of the Season!</font></marquee>
<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Well, iamleia2, you do seem to be in the minority here, but let me say that I appreciate your post. I've never been in the show even though we've been to US/IOA several times. However, if I ever would have considered it, I won't now. I realize the attraction is rated PG-13, but I wouldn't have guessed it was for that reason. I would have assumed it had to do with the nature of the horror genre. I don't care to be subjected to base humor either. Also, it really seems that you are being criticized for not liking that type of material. My family wouldn't have liked it either. BTW, I can't believe they actually stopped paying guests who were leaving and questioned them and then had the nerve to ridicule them during the show. I just don't see that as being funny. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion (even us!). :)
From a theatrical standpoint..

Leaving during a show, no matter how much you hate it, is incredibly rude. The actors on stage don't like it one bit. It's like saying "You suck, i'm leaving" to their face.

My point being, the people on stage during this show are probably only at the park to do the show, and also are probably in the make-up industry also. Theater-folk with backstage experience. Not good people to piss off. Backstage folks tend to take the "Rules" to heart more often than actors.

Think of it as them lecturing about their pride and joy and then you leaving. You'd get upset to. I don't condone making fun of an audience member, but with good theater-etiquette in mind, I don't think they should have left. Two wrongs don't make a right, but it's a simple matter of cause and effect.

I hope i'm making sense, it's hard to explain the theater 'rules' to someone not involved in it.. It's really really offensive to break one of the rules :P

For future reference - Da Rules:

1. Do not leave during a performance if at all avoidable.

2. Silence all pagers and cell phones BEFORE entering the theater.

3. Do not use cell phone during performance.

4. Heckling of persons on stage is forbidden.

5. Talking during a show is forbidden.

6. Do not put your feet up on the chairs.

7. Do not bring food or drink if theater posts signs saying not to.

8. Small children who cannot control themself should not be brought to the show.

And jsut to make the audience feel better.. there's a zillion more the people backstage have to follow.. (It's much more complicated, down to places you can stand according to "rank" and words you can and cannot say)

Just try to be polite and if something isn't your cup of tea, endure, it wont kill you, it's a new learning experience. If people never did things they didn't wholly enjoy then we'd never learn anything.


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