WAlk to Disney Challenge... feel free to join


DIS Veteran
Jul 30, 2003
wasn't there a "walk to Disney Thread".........or am I losing my mind......... I could have sworn I replied to it.......but can't find it............HELP

We'll since the other thread disappeared .... feel free to join in here.......

Reached Goal
There was one but I think it died. I know that I was keeping up with it for a while early in 2008, but I fell away from it. I started keeping track of minutes instead of miles. But I definitely LOVED the idea of it! Maybe you could start a new one for this year!!

In fact... maybe I will buy/print myself an east coast map and put it on the wall in my room and start tracking my mileage on it... kind of like an AAA tripticket!! It would be a fun visual!

I'll keep my eyes open in case you decide to go ahead and start a new thread!.........P
Someone did start one. I replied and even became a friend of the person on facebook. I may check there to see what happened to it.
I don't see her on my facebook page either. Anyway, my plan is to walk to Disney and I have to double check, but I think it is 1187 miles. I am going to start today.
Maybe she decided to fly?

Sorry, I was monitoring the thread just to see how you folks were doing..... It's a great idea.
I was thinking the same thing as it was on the boards earlier this week and then yesterday it was gone

I think she is on facebook as vacation disney- I found her last night and it looked like the same idea

I was thinking the same thing as it was on the boards earlier this week and then yesterday it was gone

I think she is on facebook as vacation disney- I found her last night and it looked like the same idea


ok.. so I'm not nuts............ but where did the post go...... its like it never existed( twilight zone theme playing in Background)............. I already walked 1 out 1102 miles to disney:rotfl2:..... so if the original post is gone..... I's love to get this challenge going .............
You are not nuts. I replied to it also. I just came on to post my 2.5 miles and to say I have 653.5 to go.
The OP of the original Walking to Disney thread put a lot of personal information in her posts, and she was a travel agent so it's quite possible they poofed the thread because that can be considered selling something/conflict of interest.

I suggest we just make this be the thread.

I am 659 miles from my door to the Caribbean Beach Resort (Aruba Village ;))

Today I walked 3 miles.

1/1: 659-3=656

January Total: 3 miles
Total: 3 miles; 0.4% complete :rotfl:
The OP of the original Walking to Disney thread put a lot of personal information in her posts, and she was a travel agent so it's quite possible they poofed the thread because that can be considered selling something/conflict of interest.

I suggest we just make this be the thread.

I am 659 miles from my door to the Caribbean Beach Resort (Aruba Village ;))

Today I walked 3 miles.

1/1: 659-3=656

January Total: 3 miles
Total: 3 miles; 0.4% complete :rotfl:

okay I'll edit the title ... to make this the official thread.... and I can keep a running total if u all want..........
Tomorrow morning I go to my first session at the gym and am going to do the couch to the 5K program where in 12 weeks you work up to running a 5K. I live 494.41 miles away from CSR and I am going walk/run there! :yay:
I'm so glad I wasn't hallucinating! I replied and remember the thread was pretty long :confused3 Anyway, I'm 1458 miles and today biked 10 miles towards WDW!!!!! Count me in and as my dh says, it's more like a triathalon for me in that I will count walking, biking, swimming, elliptical... hope that's okay, but I'm at a point where knees are an issue for walking/running only.
I'm in as well.

2/1025 to get me started for the year!
I want to join. I have 770.99, heck make it 771 miles to get to Disney.
I walked 3.83 miles today. 767.17 more to go.
I'm 1237 miles from the main gate. I'm in for the challenge. I did 2 miles yesterday.

So, 2/1237
welcome everyone......
I've updated everyone..... let me know if I made any mistakes ..........

tink_lover..... love the whole triathalon concept...
We are going on the Disney Alaskan cruise in 2011. I have to walk from San Antonio to Vancouver in 535 days...That's 2625 miles, almost 5 miles a day. I hope I can do it.
Wow nice to see this come up again. I did this a few years back. Although I never met my goal I will try again.

I am 1345 miles away from my home away from home. Pop Century.

I'm so glad I wasn't hallucinating! I replied and remember the thread was pretty long :confused3 Anyway, I'm 1458 miles and today biked 10 miles towards WDW!!!!! Count me in and as my dh says, it's more like a triathalon for me in that I will count walking, biking, swimming, elliptical... hope that's okay, but I'm at a point where knees are an issue for walking/running only.

I am with you with this one. I was planning on counting biking as well. I know what you mean about the knees. I had surgery for a torn meniscus last year and sometimes it does still act up.
What a great thread! I would love to join in. I'm 1223 miles away from the Wilderness Lodge. I walked 3.64 miles yesterday so 1219.36 left to go.


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