Waitlist Question

DVC Daisy

DIS Veteran
Jan 4, 2002
Does anyone know if MS can give you the number you are on the waitlist? Has anyone been successful in getting this information from MS?

We are currently on a waitlist for BWV 1 Bedroom Standard View and the MS person that we talked to said that they have no way to access the info on how many people are on the waitlist or what number "in line" we are. Does this sound correct?

Also, I assume that you cannot put yourself on any waitlist until your 7 month (or 11 month) window opens. Is this also correct??

Thanks so much for any help!

Deb in CA

You are correct on both accounts. We were on a waitlist for HH. I called back later to determine where I was. MS informed me that they were unable to tell. They did state the earlier you go on the waitlist at the 11 or 7 month window, the better your chances.

Good luck
I don't have the answer to your questions, but I wanted to tell you not to lose hope on the waitlist. I tried to add a night to an existing reservation only to be told that it wasn't available and was offered the waitlist. Since this was already less than 30 days before my trip I at first said no, I'll just take what IS available and stick with that. The person at MS (Anthony - he was WONDERFUL - I called back to tell mgmt how helpful he was) convinced me to take the available reservation but waitlist for what I really wanted. The waitlist came through just last Friday, for this coming Friday night. I was STUNNED to say the least! Definitely take advantage of the waitlist.
Thanks Sgtpet and Sorcerer for the info and encouragement! We will stick with the waitlist and perhaps just call and ask MS every once in awhile how we are doing :bounce:

We were on a waitlist for a 2Bdr at BWV and a BC at VB. MS told me the same thing......that the computer automatically does it and they have no way to see where individuals are on the list. My 2bdr came available within a week. Still waiting and probably won't be successful for our BC at Vero.
No one's mentioned it yet. If you do waitlist, and if for some reason you do not get what you want by the 30 day point, you need to let Member Services know that you still want to be waitlisted. Unless it has changed, the waitlist is scrapped 30 days out. I had to waitlist for a stay in Fall 2000...one night right in the middle of a ten-day reservation. It came through about 2 weeks before our trip began.

Sharon - thanks for the additional hints! That is EXACTLY our problem, we have one day right in the middle of our trip that we could only get the 1 bedroom pref view not standard view! I hate to move for one night and then move again. I will hope for the best for the waitlist. We did put our name on the list at exactly the 7 month mark so we shall see. I will remember to call at 30 days if no word by then.

We requested Autoconfirm so I guess they just switch us if it is available. Maybe they will get so tired of hearing from me they will just switch us to shut me up :D :D

Deb in CA :smooth:
>>we have one day right in the middle of our trip that we could only get the 1 bedroom pref view not standard view! I hate to move for one night and then move again.<<


Maybe you've already thought of this, but if you don't want to change rooms, perhaps you can do a cash night for the one you don't have as yet.

>>Maybe they will get so tired of hearing from me they will just switch us to shut me up <<

LOL, always worth a try!;)


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