Virtual Family Kingdom Thread

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Giant hugs all around :grouphug:
Of the people criticizing vfk, I haven't seen even one of us criticizing the people who like vfk. I understand that you are enjoying it, please understand that I have serious concerns about the integrity of the company running it.

Copyright is serious. Whether a company is currently using copyrighted materials or not doesn't matter. It belongs to them and to copy it is to break the law. VMK being closed does not give VFK the right to steal.

Child safety is extremely serious. From what I've seen I wouldn't allow my children to play this game for anything. I can just see a predator joining up with the kids on the message boards complaining about their mean parents not paying for them, then offering to let them join his family when he "talks his parents into letting him sign up". Kids who want something don't always do what their told and many would disobey their parents and send their log in info to a "nice kid who is just like them". I just hope it hasn't already happened. Remember parents have been told this is a child safe game and I would bet most are not watching closely.

If VFK shuts down and any kids hearts are broken it won't be the fault of those who criticize it, it will be the fault of VFK for their poor business practices.

Well said and very true. I agree with you.

Its an OK game. When im bored, I log in.

Even though they are trying to copy VMK, I like the game.

I missed fireworks very much on VMK, and when they brought the game back on VFK I was happy.

You guys are forgetting something. VFK developers opened the game very early. They could have waited awhile to open, but they didn't.

I actually see many people who payed, and are happy.

If you hate the game, dont play it, and dont talk about it.

If you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all.

You can say they are copying VMK all you want, and you can say they are doing a terrible job, but they are trying their best.

Could have waited to open the game? they Should have waited until they had a quality product with their own great ideas and not some cheap knock off of VMK. A debate is facts between 2 sides and I see this as a debate-people are not fighting- heck I wanted them to succeed but as their own new innovative game.

It doesn't matter what their "best" happens to be, stealing is breaking the law, and no amount of effort on their part will change it. I haven't seen anyone say anything that isn't "nice" just to use caution. Telling us not to state our opinion is a bit out of line, I haven't seen any posts implying they "hate" the game, this is only a discussion of our opinions based on what we have witnessed.

If the only way they could open the game was by stealing ideas from VMK, perhaps they should have waited and opened at a later date.

Well said :)

I really do try my best to leave this thread alone, but I see so many misguided kids that I can't stay away.
I've been told I was negative in my posts and a 'naysayer', however my concern then is the same as it is now, protecting the kids. I don't play vfk, I refuse to for many reasons, not the least of which is the lack of safety of personal information. VFK has done it again, with this new "Founders" package that promises unique items to "families" of up to 20 members. Simple enough, in theory, but in practice, kids are FAR too trusting and will give other players their personal login info for that pretty silver hat that won't be available to anyone who isn't a "founding member" and may some day actually be "rare". I cannot, in good conscience, let this slide. It's just wrong in SO many ways. I don't care about what games they have copied from vmk or which former vmk staff are working for vfk, let vfk handle the legal issues and let the moderators live with their own personal choices for employment in a poor economy. I am only concerned for the children who WILL give out their passwords for the sake of a token virtual prize. Call me whatever name you wish, I stand by my decision to keep a look out for the kids' safety. I do not now, nor will I in the future, play vfk. I do the quests, when I can, for the sole purpose of gifting those items later to anyone who wasn't able to log on for the quests. End of story.
I am saddened by vfk's lack of direction. When they first announced their new game, I was ecstatic! A new idea! History! What happened to that? They have no plan, no clear direction and that only means failure. Any business without a sound plan is destined to fail. I won't sit around and wait for that, I've already moved on to Wizard101 and I'm having a great time! It's original, it's fun and I've met some awesome former vmk players there. I'm happy in my new virtual 'home'. Yes, there is room for improvement, but all-in-all it is a quality game and safe for children.

Pink: I'm sorry things aren't going well in your world. I hope things improve for you. I know I've used the magic of vmk to get me through some tough emotional times, and I truly hope you find that same comfort with your friends and family. ~hugs~

:hug: I agree on most of this. In the end I hope the kids are not hurt. Many things this company has done are shady in my book and I simply do not trust them yet. The way they announced this game, rounded up past staff, have registered domain names with vmk in it all show them in a bad light. The fact that the site is still an insecure login baffles me. Why are they "moving" forward when they are not fixing the obvious?

VKF please go down a different road-show us you can give us a wonderful game based on your own ideas and thoughts and not a poor rip off of VMK and show us we can trust you by showing individuality on becoming your own game.

As for the security issue that the founders thing 'might' have started, I saw a post for the following on another site:

Wanted: Founders Family
I missed the sign up to become a founder. Wondering if I can join yours. PLMK.

I also know of a friend who has joined a 'family' of another. The family's head I trust, but for 1 trustworthy person how many untrustworthy people are there available to join.

Pink, I'm sorry if you feel this is tainting the integrity or family feel of the boards, but these are legitimate concerns that need to be looked at closely. I do not feel that any post, negative or positive, has done anything other that spark dialog about ways that VFK has to make improvements or changes to not only make a marketable game but one with longevity and safety.

I do want it to succeed. However I have been playing Wizard101 and POTCO until VFK was out of this not so secure, not really ready for public, not really usable form. I had not logged into VFK for weeks until someone posted that the fireworks game was up. I was excited. But when I clicked play I was just overwhelmed by sadness..the familiarity of Fireworks on VMK..all the emotion we all know so well. It made the closing of VMK and the fun that we had there in my favorite lobby come back in ocean waves. My post about the fireworks game and my deep sadness was just that...a post about being saddened once again that VMK is gone and not coming back. It was a post needing a hug, which a got, from my Dis family.
I have to say, I don't get it.

Didn't everyone want someone to create a new VMK if Disney insisted upon closing our beloved Funville?

They are attempting to give exactly that, as close as they can without copying exactly.

I own my own business which is 100% a creative venture. I know full well that someone could change a few key features of my product and have a new product of their own. I have everything copyright protected, but it does not take much to alter a product enough to be considered different. It's a risk of creative ventures.

Have I found the magic in VFK? No, sadly I have not. However, did I think people would embrace the fireworks game? Oh yeah. I am really surprised. Didn't everyone say they wanted someone to create another VMK? I'm with Pink. If a pirates game comes out that is like that which I miss so dearly and through which I shared so many great memories with friends - I'll be on the dock. Will it be VMK? Nope. Nothing ever will be. Will it be the fun I miss? Hopefully.

Remember, something only has to be changed a certain amount to be legally different. How much is enough? That's a decision courts make every day. It's really not worth fighting about, is it?

- Dreams :wizard:

P.S. Question about Wizards. I tried a while ago to sign up but was thrown on a waiting list. Am I doing something wrong? Sounds like ppl are saying they have recently signed up. :confused3
First of all, thanks for all the hugs! VERY much appreciated :goodvibes

On a POSITIVE note... ;)

I had some time this morning so I signed into VFK to check out the new fireworks game. Oh my gosh! I LOVE this game! Brought back so many wonderful memories and made me smile through the whole game. I was never a great fireworks player, and this game shows I still stink :) but I had so much fun being able to experience it again. I for one think they did a great job with the game! Would love to see the "awesome" and "flawless" but I can do without. Great graphics - nothing's better than shooting fireworks over pirate ships out on the high seas! pirate: Nice!!!

Thanks, VFK!
P.S. Question about Wizards. I tried a while ago to sign up but was thrown on a waiting list. Am I doing something wrong? Sounds like ppl are saying they have recently signed up. :confused3

They are letting people in everyday. I think according to their own 'plan'. So just keep looking for an email from them saying you can join. Can't wait to have you. It is truly just an amazing game.
They are letting people in everyday. I think according to their own 'plan'. So just keep looking for an email from them saying you can join. Can't wait to have you. It is truly just an amazing game.

Thanks. Maybe I'll get my chance soon.
I have to say, I don't get it.

Didn't everyone want someone to create a new VMK if Disney insisted upon closing our beloved Funville?

They are attempting to give exactly that, as close as they can without copying exactly.


Personally, I don't think it's a very good copy. Maybe it will be eventually. If there are copyright or patent violations then let Disney and Sulake handle it. I enjoyed playing fireworks this morning. It's not as good as Disney's was but it was one of the few really positive experiences I've had in VFK.

They are responding to market demand by trying to provide a VMK-like virtual world. That's been the agenda from the beginning. Nothing has changed about that today.

ETA: on the subject of originality... am I the only one that thought of Missile Command the first time I played VMK's fireworks game?
I too try and stay out of this debate, and there are too many posts that I want to address but just can't.

Pink, Thank You for everything you have said! :hug: Since I have joined this board, I find myself loving you more and more every day! Even though you did kick my butt regularly in Pirates, I look forward to more of the same in Space Pirates pirate: (nice to know I am not the only one who still stinks at Fireworks :)) And on a personal note, I hope today things are looking brighter for you, and if they aren't, :hug: keep your chin up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how far away it looks :flower3:

Aengus, I respect you more then you can know. But if you haven't played the game since "the Saturday after they opened", I don't really think it fair of you to continue passing judgment, the rest of us are doing enough of that. (by the by, Fin says hello, she's missing you :upsidedow )

As for the rest of you, really at this point, if you really dislike the game so much, then why play? I am playing Wizards and having a (frustrated) great time playing it and meeting new people from the boards. Head over there for your online gaming, it's tons of fun and you might just find yourself dreaming of wisps :rotfl: (I seriously did last night!)

Just my two cents on the whole "copy-cat" version of Fireworks and the Jungle Cruise. My favorite potion game on Wizards looks a lot like a different game I know of, with jewels instead of potions, I don't hear any complaints about that game being a copy.

I think it's time for all of us to put our opinions about the game aside, and let the people who are enjoying it continue to enjoy it and the people who aren't :confused3 , maybe it's time to find another game? Just my opinion :flower3:
I'm not one for censorship, but maybe it's time to stop discussing this game here. It's driven my Happy Disney Family to "arguing" about a game :(
I have to say, I don't get it.

Didn't everyone want someone to create a new VMK if Disney insisted upon closing our beloved Funville?
We said we wanted a game to replace VMK and be with our friends, but not an exact copy to spoil our memories
Well said and very true. I agree with you.

Could have waited to open the game? they Should have waited until they had a quality product with their own great ideas and not some cheap knock off of VMK. A debate is facts between 2 sides and I see this as a debate-people are not fighting- heck I wanted them to succeed but as their own new innovative game.

Well said :)

:hug: I agree on most of this. In the end I hope the kids are not hurt. Many things this company has done are shady in my book and I simply do not trust them yet. The way they announced this game, rounded up past staff, have registered domain names with vmk in it all show them in a bad light. The fact that the site is still an insecure login baffles me. Why are they "moving" forward when they are not fixing the obvious?

VKF please go down a different road-show us you can give us a wonderful game based on your own ideas and thoughts and not a poor rip off of VMK and show us we can trust you by showing individuality on becoming your own game.

100% agree, except I 100% agree with the whole of Goofy's post
The safari game looks very very close to what jungle cruise did. And where do i find the firework's game?
We said we wanted a game to replace VMK and be with our friends, but not an exact copy to spoil our memories
Just for the record, for some of us, it's not spoiling our memories, it's adding some much needed new ones :hug:
I can't for the life of me figure out why you and all those that nitpick this game to death STILL go on? Either it's "despicable" or it's not....
Every single one of you here complaining about the game ARE SIGNING INTO THIS GAME. If you can't stomach the fact that it's copying VMK or feel "it's ruining my memories" then don't sign in! THAT'S what I'm having a problem with here.

You know what, I get your message LOUD AND CLEAR. You hate the game. Lots of you do. It's almost as if you purposely sign into VFK to find all the negative things and then come running back here to post your disgust.

Yep, does seem that way. (I checked out some other games, they did not make me happy. Therefore, I no longer go to those games, nor do I post complaints about them on their threads.)

I have to say, I don't get it.
Didn't everyone want someone to create a new VMK if Disney insisted upon closing our beloved Funville?

They are attempting to give exactly that, as close as they can without copying exactly.

I own my own business which is 100% a creative venture. I know full well that someone could change a few key features of my product and have a new product of their own. I have everything copyright protected, but it does not take much to alter a product enough to be considered different. It's a risk of creative ventures.

Didn't everyone say they wanted someone to create another VMK? I'm with Pink. If a pirates game comes out that is like that which I miss so dearly and through which I shared so many great memories with friends - I'll be on the dock. Will it be VMK? Nope. Nothing ever will be. Will it be the fun I miss? Hopefully.

Remember, something only has to be changed a certain amount to be legally different. How much is enough? That's a decision courts make every day. It's really not worth fighting about, is it?

- Dreams :wizard:

Just for the record, for some of us, it's not spoiling our memories, it's adding some much needed new ones :hug:

Agreed for all statements above :thumbsup2
For those of you who are not happy in VFK, my wish is for you to be able to go and find a game that makes you happy as well. :hug:
How about we focus a bit off of a debate, and help me find the Fireworks game? ;)

I followed a friend who happened to be in that room last night, but how can I find it? :)

- Sugar
I have to say, I don't get it.

Didn't everyone want someone to create a new VMK if Disney insisted upon closing our beloved Funville?

They are attempting to give exactly that, as close as they can without copying exactly.

I own my own business which is 100% a creative venture. I know full well that someone could change a few key features of my product and have a new product of their own. I have everything copyright protected, but it does not take much to alter a product enough to be considered different. It's a risk of creative ventures.

Have I found the magic in VFK? No, sadly I have not. However, did I think people would embrace the fireworks game? Oh yeah. I am really surprised. Didn't everyone say they wanted someone to create another VMK? I'm with Pink. If a pirates game comes out that is like that which I miss so dearly and through which I shared so many great memories with friends - I'll be on the dock. Will it be VMK? Nope. Nothing ever will be. Will it be the fun I miss? Hopefully.

Remember, something only has to be changed a certain amount to be legally different. How much is enough? That's a decision courts make every day. It's really not worth fighting about, is it?

- Dreams :wizard:

P.S. Question about Wizards. I tried a while ago to sign up but was thrown on a waiting list. Am I doing something wrong? Sounds like ppl are saying they have recently signed up. :confused3

Well said!

First of all, thanks for all the hugs! VERY much appreciated :goodvibes

On a POSITIVE note... ;)

I had some time this morning so I signed into VFK to check out the new fireworks game. Oh my gosh! I LOVE this game! Brought back so many wonderful memories and made me smile through the whole game. I was never a great fireworks player, and this game shows I still stink :) but I had so much fun being able to experience it again. I for one think they did a great job with the game! Would love to see the "awesome" and "flawless" but I can do without. Great graphics - nothing's better than shooting fireworks over pirate ships out on the high seas! pirate: Nice!!!

Thanks, VFK!

Well said!


Personally, I don't think it's a very good copy. Maybe it will be eventually. If there are copyright or patent violations then let Disney and Sulake handle it. I enjoyed playing fireworks this morning. It's not as good as Disney's was but it was one of the few really positive experiences I've had in VFK.

They are responding to market demand by trying to provide a VMK-like virtual world. That's been the agenda from the beginning. Nothing has changed about that today.

ETA: on the subject of originality... am I the only one that thought of Missile Command the first time I played VMK's fireworks game?

Well said!

I too try and stay out of this debate, and there are too many posts that I want to address but just can't.

Pink, Thank You for everything you have said! :hug: Since I have joined this board, I find myself loving you more and more every day! Even though you did kick my butt regularly in Pirates, I look forward to more of the same in Space Pirates pirate: (nice to know I am not the only one who still stinks at Fireworks :)) And on a personal note, I hope today things are looking brighter for you, and if they aren't, :hug: keep your chin up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how far away it looks :flower3:

Aengus, I respect you more then you can know. But if you haven't played the game since "the Saturday after they opened", I don't really think it fair of you to continue passing judgment, the rest of us are doing enough of that. (by the by, Fin says hello, she's missing you :upsidedow )

As for the rest of you, really at this point, if you really dislike the game so much, then why play? I am playing Wizards and having a (frustrated) great time playing it and meeting new people from the boards. Head over there for your online gaming, it's tons of fun and you might just find yourself dreaming of wisps :rotfl: (I seriously did last night!)

Just my two cents on the whole "copy-cat" version of Fireworks and the Jungle Cruise. My favorite potion game on Wizards looks a lot like a different game I know of, with jewels instead of potions, I don't hear any complaints about that game being a copy.

I think it's time for all of us to put our opinions about the game aside, and let the people who are enjoying it continue to enjoy it and the people who aren't :confused3 , maybe it's time to find another game? Just my opinion :flower3:
I'm not one for censorship, but maybe it's time to stop discussing this game here. It's driven my Happy Disney Family to "arguing" about a game :(

Must I say it again @_@ lol.

I just played it a few times and it brought back so many memories of
fireworks and I think it really does look amazing. It's not a cheap imitation.
To those calling it a cheap imitation have you played it yet? And sure it's
not perfect yet but that's why we're in beta - err, I mean gamma testing. :P
They will add later as soon as they get the main problems fixed.

They've also handled the family founder thing pretty well. Well, except
maybe for the only 2 day sign up thing. I don't think
they're all that shady anymore. But I'm not trusting them completely yet ;)
How about we focus a bit off of a debate, and help me find the Fireworks game? ;)

I followed a friend who happened to be in that room last night, but how can I find it? :)

- Sugar

Go to Victorian House, follow sidewalk into top left shade of the tree...
May I pull out a few loosely related Mark Twain quotes from the inner reaches of my brain?

In the matter of slavish imitation, man is the monkey's superior all the time. The average man is destitute of independence of opinion. He is not interested in contriving a opinion of his own, by study and reflection, but is only anxious to find out what his neighbor's opinion is and slavishly adopt it.

It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them.
How about we focus a bit off of a debate, and help me find the Fireworks game? ;)

I followed a friend who happened to be in that room last night, but how can I find it? :)

- Sugar

Go to the Victorian House and then follow the street up to the side of the tree. Should take you right there.

(Edit: Guess I should read all the posts first :rolleyes1 )

Cardinal, thanks for the very fitting quote :hug:
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