Update On The New Boards From Webmaster Alex

Disney Daniel

<font color= blue>Aw.....FIDDLESTICKS!!!!!
Aug 18, 1999
I just wanted to give everyone an update on the new boards.
I think they ran very well on their first weekday.
There are still some issues we are aware of and we are working on.

1. Search doesn't work yet. It will probably be a week or two
2. You can't upload new avatars. You will be able to....promise!
3. User title's aren't right yet, we are actually thinking about some new, cooler ones
4. AOL users are having ALL kinds of problems. Not suprising since AOL marches to the beat of it's own drum. I have recieved emails from a lot of AOL users having problems to the point where I can't get to them for a while. Here are some things to try:

Minimize your AOL browser.
Open up Internet explorer and see if you can log on that way
If not clear your cookies (tools, internet options, delete cookies) close Internet Explorer, open it back up and try again


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