Understanding upgrading park tickets?


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2000
I have been reading Deb's site about upgrading tickets but I don't quite understand what it means about ratio when applying what's left on a ticket towards the purchase of a new one. For example if I had one or two days left on a 4 day park hopper and I decided to apply those to the purchase of a 5 day park hopper plus on a next trip, how much money would that be? Can someone explain in dollars and cents? I understand about upgrading your ticket before you leave the park and just having to pay the difference but the other is confusing <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> Hope I made sense in explaining my question :D



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
DXL or All-Stars 200?

[This message was edited by TimNDansMom on 02-25-01 at 11:46 PM.]
On the back of the passes you are holding is the price paid for that pass. To figure the amount you would be credited for that pass, divide the total price by the total number of days that pass was good for (in your case divide by 4) and the amount you get is the daily rate for that pass. In order to pro-rate the new pass, Disney will take your daily rate times the number of unused days left and apply that amount to the new passes. I want to advise you that while doing this is convenient, it would be less expensive to just use the remaining days on the passes you are holding now.

Hope this helps!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

Thankyou Kaa, I thought that's how to figure it out, but wasn't sure. I just sat down and figured it out and I see now where you mean it would be more expensive to upgrade rather than just use up the old tickets: a 4 day PH would be 50.88 per day while a 5 day PH would be 46.01 per day, so I would "lose" $4.87 per day if I were to upgrade (at a later date). Is that right? :D



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
DXL or All-Stars 200?
Hi Julie!

My statement was based on the assumption that the passes you are holding were purchased before the last price increase. If not, a 4-day Park Hopper would be more expensive per day than a 5-day Park Hopper. But you mentioned that you wanted a Park Hopper Plus pass. That pass would be more expensive per day than a 4-day Park Hopper. Then you would be looking at a difference of $50.88 per day (4-day PH) versus $52.36 per day (5-day PHP).

Sorry for the confusion.


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

Thanks again Kaa, I think I mixed myself up a bit, but I understand now. Thanks for explaining it to me. :D



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
DXL or All-Stars 200?
I have been considering getting multi day passes to use over the course of several years but my kids will be older and out of the date range for kids in a couple of years. What happens if I purchase park hopper plus tickets and use options. How do I upgrade later? How are the used options counted against the credit?

Kurt from MI

CB 1995
Vero/ASMov 1999
DVC joined 1999
OKW 1999
HH 1999
Disneyland Paris 2000
Vero/DCL/BW 2000
HH Dec 2000
DCL July 7 2001

Good question Kurt! This will bump your question up.



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
DXL or All-Stars 200?
I purchased apark hopper on atrip several years ago then we purchased AP's for the family we held on to the old pass and last year we used the one day left. I asked at the checkin if I needed to pay the difference for my son who had been 9 andwas now 14 the CM told me that there was no need to upgrade but that it was nice that I was being honest. We never discussed it with Danny but when we were going into the park I was a nervous wreck. We had no problem getting him in. I will tell you that our pass was on an old PO credit card type pass.
Does anyone else have experience in upgrading passes or using old passes?

Kurt from MI

CB 1995
Vero/ASMov 1999
DVC joined 1999
OKW 1999
HH 1999
Disneyland Paris 2000
Vero/DCL/BW 2000
HH Dec 2000
DCL July 7 2001

I am wondering if I can upgrade the unused days on the passes if I buy kids passes and they pass the age range. I would be buying more than I need so that I have some left over for the next trips. I am considering Hopper Plus passes because I like the Options feature. What is credited if I use some of the options?

Any ideas?

Kurt from MI

CB 1995
Vero/ASMov 1999
DVC joined 1999
OKW 1999
HH 1999
Disneyland Paris 2000
Vero/DCL/BW 2000
HH Dec 2000
DCL July 7 2001

but I was still able to use his child's ticket. I stopped by the customer service booth and asked them if I needed to upgrade the ticket with leftover days and they told me we could use it since the days never expired. Of course this was several years ago but anything could change overnight. :D


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