Two Umbrella Strollers.......hooked together?


Oh Bother!
Feb 28, 2001
We will be taking our 2 yo twins to Disney World in November. I have a side by side, but it does not fold very compactly. Has anyone ever bought the connecters to hook togeter two umbrellas? Is it hard to push when connected? Does it make it even wider than a side by side? I saw the connectors sold at Babies R Us for $9.00. It sounds like a good option for us!

<font face="Curlz MT"><font size=4 color="#FF0066">Jennifer</font></font>
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Have you considered taking two 'regular' strollers? We went with our 3-1/2 y/o and 1-1/2 y/o and took our Graco Literider and Evenflow Trendsetter and were VERY glad we did. Both boys could (and did!) nap at the same time (in a reclined position), both boys had snack trays, we (my husband and I) each had our cup holder on the top and we had two nice, big baskets underneath. We did not find it cumbersome at all having two regular sized strollers. In my opinion, the umbrella strollers are good for short trips. If I had to sit in something like that all day, I would not be comfortable. I'd rather have a roomier seat and room to set things next to me (as my boys did). Also, I think the regular strollers would keep the children cooler because they're not being hugged by canvas and they don't have to constantly be leaning back against the stroller which makes my kids' backs all sweaty
Thanks for the tip. We have 3 older daughters as well (yes!! Five daughters!), so we will need to have the twins in a stroller that one person can handle pushing around (or 2 connected). I have a feeling there will be many times that I will be left with the twins while Dad rides with the "big" girls.
You are probably right about the umbrella strollers being more uncomfortable. I'm just not sure what would be best!

<font face="Curlz MT"><font size=4 color="#FF0066">Jennifer</font></font>
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I would just bring the regular tandum stroller. My sister bought the connector thingys and they didn't work well. You'll be forever hooking them up and disconnecting them. Your other stroller will be big and bulky, but your kids will be comfortable and you will be able to push it easily.

-- Robin
I have a 3 and 4 yr old and recently purchased a Kolcraft double umbrella stroller from Target for about $55.00. It is lighweight, folds compactly, and both sides recline seperately. It is well worth the $ in my opinion. Oh yeah, it also has the shades to keep them from sun and foot rests!
We have the Kolcraft double umbrella stroller too. It is nice for short walks around the neighborhood, but it doesn't have the basket storage we need for Disney World. That is why we are taking our Graco double-wide stroller to Disney World in May. It's not as compact folded up, but it is comfortable for our 16 month old twins and it has the storage baskets underneath to carry what we need for them throughout the day. With all that walking, I wouldn't want to have to carry everything on my back all day.

Don't have any experience with the individual umbrellas hooked together but we used the Kolcraft double umbrella last November for our two DD's (1&4) It worked fine. There is no basket but we used a fairly large diaper bag hooked over the handles to carry our stuff. If we balanced the bag properly the stroller didn't tip over when the girls got out. The stroller was great inside and outside the parks. Only complaint is that the width of the stroller difficult to go through some doors and impossible to maneuver through some stores or buildings.

I would also repeat something the was stated in an earlier post. The seat backs recline separately which was convenient because our girls nodded off at different times. ;)


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