Trip Report ASD and Pooh Sized Dec. 2009

She must watch the Disney planning DVD several times a week, and thoroughly enjoys reiterating the complete Disneyland Express train ride to us in full detail! LOL! We are planning on Taking her to WDW for the first time when she turns 5, mostly b/c her father and I are too chicken to experience 6 hours on a plane with a 3 yr old having a meltdown!!:confused3 I will be prepping her for the plane ride about a year before the trip.. when we discuss things in detail well beforehand it seems to help with the change in routines.
My question is How did you get DS to take a pic with Dale??I am amazed at that! My DD looooves the characters but will completely lose it if they come near her personal space..

As far as pictures with characters. I just consulted with DP. The same as you are doing about the plane. Talk to her about them over and over. Start by having her stand near them, then next to, etc. Face Characters are better. DS is to the point where he runs up and hugs them (yeah, he once almost knocked over Donald, so we have to explain he needs to treat the characters like is 92 yo grandma, very gently)

As far as flying, hence why we drive. I give kudos to all of you that fly with your ASD kids. I can't imagine.
Today is cookie baking day. But before I do that I will report on our first day at MK.

Monday December 7th. We've been on the road since Thursday and we had a late night last nigh. Since MK is open 'til midnight tonight for EMH we don't rush to get up and out.

I do go down to the car to get the rest of the stuff out so we can all ride together in the van. Again, I'm thinking I love my All Stars with the closer parking lot (but I get over it).

I forgot to mention that on Sunday the first thing we did when we got to DHS was to get our GAC and the tag to use the stroller as wheelchair, a must have for us. This is the 2nd trip we've done this and I wouldn't go back. He loves having his own space and it really helps with his anxiety levels and behavior.

We finally left around 11:30. DB had never been so he got to choose our method of transportation from the TTC. He chose the monorail. DB is a former English Teacher, a current electrician and just loves history and how stuff works. He came to learn there was a lot at WDW for him.

Today's lesson (which I'll get to later). If you and your other half are Pooh Sized don't sit on the same side of any attraction with a boat.

We started in Tomorrow Land. We did the Laugh Floor, TTA, Buzz and CofP.
We did Stroller as Wheelchair for both Laugh Floor and CofP. We learned the hard way last year not to wait in the regular line with him at shows. The whole perpetual motion thing doesn't work with lots of other people around. When he's in the stroller he can rock and kick or whatever and he's not bothering others and he stays calmer. This also helps the rest of us stay calmer.

We ate at Cosmic Rays and then headed towards Adventure Land. On the way to Adventure Land we stopped for the afternoon parade. We started in the wheelchair area, with DB and DSIL nearby. There were so many people in the wheelchair area that we felt guilty staying there, so we gave up our spots, which was absolutely fine. Well the "gatekeeper" CM was so nice. When she closed off the walkway she beckoned to us and the kids and put us right behind the rope where the walk way had been. She was so nice and the kids had a great view. Us adults hung back so other kids could get up there, but I made sure no one edged their way in front of my kids (people drive me nuts).

We then headed for AL. The other 3 adults and the kids headed to Pirates and I headed to Splash to get FPs. I picked up the fast passes and met them at PofC. They had stopped at Swiss Family Treehouse on the way.

This is where we learned a valuable lesson. We know we should sit on separate sides of that boat. But we weren't paying attention and DP and I ended up one behind the other. On top of it there were 2 more Pooh Sized People on the same side as us in the rows ahead of us. DP and I laughed. The other Pooh Sized people weren't so amused. We thought the boat was going to take on water, believe me it was close. We do think it hit bottom a couple of times or at least the track, but everyone survived and there on after the kids made sure we were on different sides of the boat.

Oh well, off to bake cookies, I'll continue later.
As far as pictures with characters. I just consulted with DP. The same as you are doing about the plane. Talk to her about them over and over. Start by having her stand near them, then next to, etc. Face Characters are better. DS is to the point where he runs up and hugs them (yeah, he once almost knocked over Donald, so we have to explain he needs to treat the characters like is 92 yo grandma, very gently)

As far as flying, hence why we drive. I give kudos to all of you that fly with your ASD kids. I can't imagine.

Two things:

DD wouldn't have anything to do with the characters for a long time. She wouldn't even look at them. Then one day she just changed. I can't explain it. First it was the face characters then all the others. They just need longer to figure out they won't hurt them. Also, blasphemy, but I had to tell dd there were "people" inside the costumes. That's the only way-she knew something was different and I think if I tried to "lie" and play it off as if something wasn't different about them she would have continued to not go near them.

Secondly, the key to plane rides with AS children (or at least for dd) is for months or weeks leading up to the trip hide little cool toys they've never seen before. TONS of them. Slinkys, Silly Putty, sensory toys, new books, puzzles, mind bogglers, etc. Then pull them out during the trip. DD used to meltdown but now she is wonderful! WAY better than she is in the car. She looks forward to the cool plane toys as much as WDW itself! Noise cancelling headphones are key too just in case she freaks on the "noises". We sit in the rear and dd likes the roar of the jet engine. Imagine that! It soothes her I think. And I guess I am lucky because the sensory toys really soothe dd's uneasiness. So my recommendation is to bring a suitcase of stuff to occupy! Games, toys, gum, etc.
Now here's my addition to the first day at MK.

I love MK but this is where I have most of my "size" problems. I have to ask to go through the wheelchair entrance at TTA and CofP on this day. My hips do not fit through those turnstiles. I realize that this is the oldest of the parks and was not made when considering people of size.

As DP said the medical stroller for DS is a God send. We used to dread any wait times because his kicking, screaming, laying on the floors bothered not only us but everyone else in line around us. He would flail and throw himself into anyone around us.

Now he has his own space. We tell him over and over this is his and only his. When he was getting antsy during the Wishes fireworks he went and climbed right in. He knew where he needed to be and calmed right down. We had been trying to get him to stand because we knew it would be difficult for him to see anything but people's knees and backsides but when he got in we both looked at each other and said, "We told him it was his to use as he needed. Obviously he needed it and doesn't care about the fireworks."

What DP did not say about PofC was that the boat was 1" from taking on water on our side. There was a definite tilt to the boat and it was the most jolting ride we ever had there. We hit every rail and little wheel thing with a jarring jolt because our boat was so far down in the water. DP and I were able to laugh about it and realize we needed to sit on opposite sides from then on but those around us were not amused. Oh well. :confused3

I am sure she will finish writing about our day here later. This was definitely one of our longest days. :)
I know this doesn't make sense, but we always find it better to park in the 90s parking lot when we are in the 70s building.
Is it closer? I never looked at it except on the Map so it looked just as far. Maybe it isn't?
Okay for the rest of the day. Taking a break from cookie baking. DD and DP went shopping earlier while DS stayed home to help me. He really was a big help. What a difference a year makes. He loves to bake and cook. He rolled the nut balls in powdered sugar and made the chocolate meatballs into balls. I was very proud of him

Back to the trip report.

Okay, we finish up at Pirates and head over to Splash Mtn. Neither DP or DB want to get wet so they hang out and have a cup of coffee while the rest of us go on the ride. We had a blast DSIL loved it and HAD to get the picture. We headed over to Jungle Cruise and then over to Tony's for dinner.

We decided to go to Tony's as we handn't been in years. Our reservation was at 5:30. While we weren't seated on the patio we were seated by the windows behind the patio. We stretched out dinner out so that we were able to go outside and stand on the patio to watch Spectro at 7:00. It was a great way to watch it without being overly crowded.

After Spectro we headed over to Wishes. As DB and DSIL had never seen Tinker Bell fly down from the Castle we went to the bridge between Tommorowland and the hub in front of the castle. DS had his stroller as DP mentioned and the rest of sat on the ground (we were tired). It was great. It was an EMH so after the fireworks we headed over to Fantasy Land to take in couple of things there. Teacups, HM, Peter Pan, ISWAA, Mickey's Philharmagic and then we headed out. We didn't stay 'til close but by staying past regular hours we were able to get a couple of extra things in.

We got back to our room sometime around 11 or later. I decided that I would bite the bullet and let the kids go swimming. I figured it would help relax them and help them sleep. It did.
MK was mobbed on this day.

After Wishes it took us almost 40 minutes to walk from the middle of the bridge to Tomorrowland toward the castle and around by the Tea Cups. Many times people would run into DS's stroller or stop suddenly and give us the look for not stopping in time. We tried to stay back as far as possible but then people cut in front of us and stop. Can't win with this one.

I don't ride the tea cups. They spin and are too tight a fit for me. Once I am in I am okay but getting in is a whole different story. This is one of DS's favorite rides. He loves things that go fast, spin or gets lots of wind in his face. The sensory things he loves and craves. Thankfully Auntie A was more than happy to go on with both kids.

We also do the wheelchair bypass of the stretching room at HM. DS freaks out in it and it just easier for us to bypass it. They do give you the choice of going in or not when you use the wheelchair entrance but we just choose not to do it. I am happy as I don't have to go through the turnstile as this is another one of the old fashioned ones that I get stuck in.

We did so much on this day and were completely exhausted. Swimming really was the best thing for both kids when we got back to the hotel. DS for laid down and was out in about 5 minutes. This is unheard of for him. He is our night owl who reads and reads before he finally falls asleep. He got in bed, laid down and was talking to us when we suddenly heard a snore. Gotta love WDW! :)
Continue with Trip report or pack, that is the question. Continue with trip report. (We leave for Myrtle Beach tommorrow morning and I'm not packed but we'll get there).

Day 3 of WDW - Tuesday December 8th. Our 1st day at Apricot(EPCOT). We have reservations at the Biergarten for 5:25. I don't remember what time we got to the park but since we were up late last night I'm assuming it was late morning/early afternoon.

First stop, of course was "The Bible Ride" (Spaceship Earth). We usually don't spend much time in the after part but did this time and the kids had a chance to play a couple of games. DB and DSIL got a kick out of "driving" in the car simulators.

Next stop, our "must do" for this trip was Ellen's Energy Adventure. We never made it on our last trip and DP loves this one. While the rest of the family meandered over, I gathered all of the park tickets and went and got Fast Passes for Test Track.

It was hot this days and the kids played in one of the mist things and then we went to EEA. We brought the stroller in which worked out great. I've seen this one several times but the banter between Ellen and Bill Nye still cracks me up. And I think Jamie Lee Curtis is awesome. I thought there was a dinosaur that spit at you but either we weren't there at the right time or it wasn't doing it.

We had a little bit of time until our FP for Test Track so we went over to Club Cool to get hydrated. My kids love this place. Then to TT. Everyone but DP went on this. She would've hated it. She doesn't like being a passenger in a regular vehicle, this one would've made her nuts. We loved it. None of us had ever been on this one (and once again, I fit just fine).

After that we walked over to World Showcase and caught the boat over to Italy. We got to Germany just in time for our ADR. My brother loved this place and the herring salad. I love the brats. He and I also tried two of the beers. They had a beer flight (with a sample 4 different beers) but I didn't see that until after we had ordered and my limit is one.

The kids loved the band and getting to do the chicken dance. We loved that we could sit and eat while they were being entertained.

We went to the American Adventure and watched the movie. The kids had never seen it and we love. I cry every time. Again, we brought the stroller in and it just makes life so much easier. DS did fine with it and liked it (he loves history and facts). DD did pretty well too. Afterwards we meandered around until the start of illuminations. The kids got masks and a charm in Italy and then got charms and stamps from Japan and Morrocco. We told them we'd be back later in the week and they could do more.

DD has a problem with loud noises and as mentioned before DS with fire. So DD sat on a bench with DP a little away from the lagoon and DS sat in his stroller. Uncle J reminded him about Ethane, Methane, Propane and Butane.

After Illuminations we slowly made our way out of the park. Another fun, yet tiring day. Even though it was late the rest of the party humored me while I went to guest services. Earlier in the day I went to get a Pretzel using my DDP but it was down, so I paid cash (for 2). I didn't get a receipt. Apparently they aren't giving receipts for cash purchases to save paper (or as an accountant I know it's cost savings,but anyway...)

It was late and the guy in guest services was no help. So I said something to the concierge (the next day) at our hotel and normally they would credit you what you spent and take it off the DDP but couldn't because I didn't have a receipt. I do get it taken care of later in the week.

So we got back to the hotel around 11:30, went swimming and went to bed (or maybe we didn't go swimming, I don't remember) Tomorrow is our planned day off from the parks.
Kirsten B - As the photographer of the family I have TONS of pictures of DS looking sideways, off into the horizon, he is facing me but his eyes are in the sky or the back of his head.

I have finally gotten to the point where if I say look me in the eyes (I tell him the lens of the camera is my eyes) or do something surprising as I take the picture I sometimes can catch him looking at me. This was the second year in a row we did not have to get school pictures retaken. :)

It's tough.

Oh, I just have to say that I hate looking at childhood photos because I'm never looking straight ahead! It was crazily tough. But I learned, after seeing enough of those pictures. To see pictures of me now, you could never tell that I was the kid who looked everywhere but at the camera.
Apricot (Epcot) from my view.

DS is just getting to the point where he likes the "Bible Ride." He has always hated the part where it goes backwards in the dark and in the past always wanted to get out of the car right then. It was a struggle to keep him in and calm. This time though he did fairly well. I am not sure if it was maturity or our keeping him focused on the computer screen during the backwards ride down.

We took the medical stroller into EEA and right onto the ride section. We did not do this before but it made a HUGE difference in all of our being able to enjoy the ride. This is my favorite ride. But him having his own little space where he could reach out and hold hands with Mama if needed was perfect. His squirming or kicking did not bother anyone because his seat was separated by the end of the bench and he was pretty well contained.

The misters in FW were a God send today as it was almost 84 and very humid on this day. DS does not do well with heat and we let them go for almost 30 minutes running through them. He wanted to go in the spray fountains but we only had a change of clothes for him and not for DD.

We then went for a slow walk to the Coke place (our kids favorite) and a small snack. We also needed to take a bathroom break. I don't know about any of you but DS going to the bathroom is a huge production. He strips and then has a whole routine that takes at least 20 minutes on a good day. So the rest of us must wait. This is especially wonderful in public bathrooms.

The next ride was TT. They loved it. I do NOT like being out of control and someone else controlling a car would put me over the edge so I did not ride. I was able to sit and make some phone calls in peace and quiet while they went on the ride. DS especially likes this ride and asks to go again. Unfortunately there is no time as our dinner reservations are only 45 minutes later and we still need to get to Germany.

We took the boat across from near Mexico and it drops us right in front of Germany. I was thankful for this as walking around to Germany on such a hot day was not a happy prospect in my mind.

Dinner was wonderful. The 6 of us were seated with two friends traveling together and DBIL and DSIL had a wonderful conversation with them. We all found something that we liked. The kids liked the roast chicken, mac n cheese, rolls, salad and even tried things like the potato dumplings, brats and sauerkraut. I loved that the family decided my German Potato Salad was better than the one they served. I thought it just needed a bit more bite.

I have to say I LOVE the way the tables are situated at Biergarten. There was plenty of room between tables for people to get up and go to the buffet without feeling like I was in their space. The chairs were sturdy wrought iron. This was great for me. The only thing I wish was that tables were for 4 or 6 instead of 8 but that is just my wierd thing about eating with strangers.

The kids both loved the entertainment. Singing and doing the chicken dance were wonderful. I cried as they sand Silent Night in German. This was a memory from my childhood as at church we sang this each Christmas eve. I was surprised that I remembered almost all the words.

By the time we left dinner it was dark. We walked to Italy and the children started their masks with the little tags on them. They colored for almost half an hour while the rest of us took turns with them so the others could walk around.

We then went on to the AA. DS is a HUGE history buff and was looking forward to this. Thankfully it was late and the theater was not full so we were seated in the back with his chair. He was able to ask all the questions he wanted without bothering others. Of course mommies cried as we always do. We had not seen this since Oct. 2001. They still had the pictures of the Twin Towers that day and we sat and cried. It was nice to see how they updated it to incorporate all that has happened since then.

We made our way to Morocco to watch Illuminations. DD sat on a bench away from the lagoon with me as she hates noise and fiire and DS sat in his stroller with the rest of the family up near the fence. The ending with the Let There Be Peace on Earth was beautiful.

We slowly meandered out of WS. We stopped for a a few minutes in France and again in UK when we found empty benches. Our thought was we can stand at the end for the tram or slowly make our way out and get on a tram where we don't have to wait. We don't wait in lines. So we took the slow meandering route to talk about our day.

The kids did go swimming when we got back to the room about 11:30 pm. I love days like this where the kids drop when they get into bed. We let them put off writing in their journal until the next day because they were exhausted.

Overall it was a great day. :)
Apricot (Epcot) from my view.

DS is just getting to the point where he likes the "Bible Ride." He has always hated the part where it goes backwards in the dark and in the past always wanted to get out of the car right then. It was a struggle to keep him in and calm. This time though he did fairly well. I am not sure if it was maturity or our keeping him focused on the computer screen during the backwards ride down.

We took the medical stroller into EEA and right onto the ride section. We did not do this before but it made a HUGE difference in all of our being able to enjoy the ride. This is my favorite ride. But him having his own little space where he could reach out and hold hands with Mama if needed was perfect. His squirming or kicking did not bother anyone because his seat was separated by the end of the bench and he was pretty well contained.

The misters in FW were a God send today as it was almost 84 and very humid on this day. DS does not do well with heat and we let them go for almost 30 minutes running through them. He wanted to go in the spray fountains but we only had a change of clothes for him and not for DD.

We then went for a slow walk to the Coke place (our kids favorite) and a small snack. We also needed to take a bathroom break. I don't know about any of you but DS going to the bathroom is a huge production. He strips and then has a whole routine that takes at least 20 minutes on a good day. So the rest of us must wait. This is especially wonderful in public bathrooms.

The next ride was TT. They loved it. I do NOT like being out of control and someone else controlling a car would put me over the edge so I did not ride. I was able to sit and make some phone calls in peace and quiet while they went on the ride. DS especially likes this ride and asks to go again. Unfortunately there is no time as our dinner reservations are only 45 minutes later and we still need to get to Germany.

We took the boat across from near Mexico and it drops us right in front of Germany. I was thankful for this as walking around to Germany on such a hot day was not a happy prospect in my mind.

Dinner was wonderful. The 6 of us were seated with two friends traveling together and DBIL and DSIL had a wonderful conversation with them. We all found something that we liked. The kids liked the roast chicken, mac n cheese, rolls, salad and even tried things like the potato dumplings, brats and sauerkraut. I loved that the family decided my German Potato Salad was better than the one they served. I thought it just needed a bit more bite.

The kids both loved the entertainment. Singing and doing the chicken dance were wonderful. I cried as they sand Silent Night in German. This was a memory from my childhood as at church we sang this each Christmas eve. I was surprised that I remembered almost all the words.

By the time we left dinner it was dark. We walked to Italy and the children started their masks with the little tags on them. They colored for almost half an hour while the rest of us took turns with them so the others could walk around.

We then went on to the AA. DS is a HUGE history buff and was looking forward to this. Thankfully it was late and the theater was not full so we were seated in the back with his chair. He was able to ask all the questions he wanted without bothering others. Of course mommies cried as we always do. We had not seen this since Oct. 2001. They still had the pictures of the Twin Towers that day and we sat and cried. It was nice to see how they updated it to incorporate all that has happened since then.

We made our way to Morocco to watch Illuminations. DD sat on a bench away from the lagoon with me as she hates noise and fiire and DS sat in his stroller with the rest of the family up near the fence. The ending with the Let There Be Peace on Earth was beautiful.

We slowly meandered out of WS. We stopped for a a few minutes in France and again in UK when we found empty benches. Our thought was we can stand at the end for the tram or slowly make our way out and get on a tram where we don't have to wait. We don't wait in lines. So we took the slow meandering route to talk about our day.

The kids did go swimming when we got back to the room about 11:30 pm. I love days like this where the kids drop when they get into bed. We let them put off writing in their journal until the next day because they were exhausted.

Overall it was a great day. :)

Sounds awesome to me- I'm really wishing I was there now...
Wednesday December 9th. Our 4th day at Disney and on the Road since the 3rd. This is our planned day off from the parks and it's time to do laundry. At about 10am I filled 2 suitcases with dirty clothes and made my way do the Hippy Dippy Laundry. It was full so I went over to the bowling pin pool. It had enough machines open, I used 4.

I headed back over to our room and gathered the troops to go to the pool and get breakfast. I pretty much spent the whole morning on laundry. The kids spent the whole morning in the pool. They found some other kids to play with which was pretty nice. The afternoon was spent napping and doing homework.

That evening we headed over to DTD for Raglan Road. We had a heck of a time finding a parking spot, so I finally got out of the car and asked a woman if I could follow here to her car. We did. We did use the stroller here as well. While DS walked a fair amount he was able to jump into it when needed.

We got to Raglan Road about a 1/2 hour before our 7:30 reservation thinking we'd just give them our name and hang out outside. They had a table for 6 and sat us immediately. The food was good and we liked the music. DD has just started Irish Dancing this year so she enjoyed watching the dancer.

After dinner we went to "Once Upon a Toy". We filled a box with Potato head pieces to supplement the big potato we filled back in April.

I think we skipped the pool this night. It was a good day. Uneventful (which isn't a bad thing), but good.
Okay my take on Wednesday.

As C&G's Mama said this was our 7th day of traveling. We were exhausted. A morning at the pool was greatly needed by all as were clean clothes.

DD & DS swam for over 3 hours while I read poolside. We ate breakfast and lunch at the pool.

We had reservations at Raglan Road for dinner and were really excited about going back to DTD and trying this restaurant. We had to bypass the Lego Store which was torture for DS but we had reservations for 7:00 pm and after our parking fiasco we needed to make up some time.

Dinner was WONDERFUL! We were in a room off to the side that had large sturdy chairs (always appreciated by me!). The food was good, the music was nice as we were in a side room it was not too loud for DD and DS and the Irish dancer performed twice while we were there. This was to be DD's Irish Dance lesson night so that she got to see someone perform was a great treat for her.

We walked slowly back through DTD on our way out. We read all the cases with the Christmas traditions. DS had tons of questions expecially about Kwanza and Hanukkah. We did the best we could and told him we would look it up later at the hotel. I think I need to get a phone with Google on it because I just don't know the answers to his questions anymore.

We stopped at Goofy's Candy Co. to use some of our precious snack credits. We only use these for the really good stuff. I got my maple nut fudge and was happy.

By the time we made it back to our car it was almost 11:00 and we were ready for bed as we wanted to be at MK for EMH rope drop the next morning.:)
I am enjoying your trip report so much - keep it coming!
Thanks for sharing the details of your vacation, it makes me feel like we on vacation again.
I love the perspective that both of you are adding. The details for dealing with your son as well as the size issues are really helpful.
I love the perspective that both of you are adding. The details for dealing with your son as well as the size issues are really helpful.

Thank you.

We have learned over 15 years that we often perceive things differently and experience the exact same event differently especially when it come to food and our children! :lmao:

We are having great fun reading what each other writes so thank you for indulging us.
Thursday December 10th. As DP noted we planned to get to MK for rope drop on this day. It was EMH so the park opened at 8:00 this day. We didn't set the alarm as we figured "if we made it we made it, if we didn't we didn't".

At 7am DP woke me and said "do you want to do this?" I said "why not". We got everyone up, dressed and out. We didn't make rope drop, but would have except for they didn't have enough (IMHO) monorails running and they only had the hotel monorail running. But we still were walking through the gates at 8:15.

This is our day to eat at CRT. DD has informed us that in May she will no longer be a child as she is turning 10 (lol). She also has informed us that she is no longer into princesses. Well that morning, "Did you remember my Tinker Bell Dress?" Yes, we did. And DS had his Peter Pan costume.

We bee lined for Fantasy Land and made it on the Honey Pots and Peter Pan (I think, DP can clarify) At about 8:45 we told the kids it was "now or never" for Dumbo. DS wanted to ride DD didn't. So I got in line with him while DP and DD went over to Ariel and were one of the first guests to see here when it opened at 9:00. In the mean time we finally got on Dumbo and we all had a snack of Cream Cheese Pretzels (yum) and soda.

I think we did one or two last things in FL and then over to Haunted Mansion. On the way over it started to pour. Fortunately we had our ponchos with us (which usually would mean it wouldn't rain, but it did). It had been really warm in the morning but it got cold with the rain.

We went over to the Hall of Presidents which we hadn't seen in years. Since DS is really into the presidents right now it was great with him. DB and DSIL met up with us, it stopped raining and DSIL and the kids and I went over to SM. Soon thereafter we took the train over to Toon Town. I think it rained on and off. At points DS would hide under his poncho which we had draped over the stroller. We have a picture of him with the Peter Pan hat on over his poncho hood (his idea). He's a trip.

Well we just got home from SC to visit family for Christmas and the kids want to open more presents so To Be Continued....


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