Third Time's The Charm At The DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM Fall '19! (COMPLETE - 8/14)

Ooh you’ve arrived! :woohoo:

Eek on the overweight bags at the airport...glad you managed to get through okay with the earphones drama as well.

Your furbaby looks soo cute.

Wowsers on the guy just sleeping throughout your flight...wish I could do that as well.

I love all your drink choices and can’t wait to try them on my next visit. I’m looking forward to meeting Coca Cola polar bear as well.

The TSL advert looks cute :cutie: Looking forward to reading more :wizard:
I look forward to following this thread - you write very well OP!

Thank you so much! :welcome:

Ooh you’ve arrived! :woohoo:

Eek on the overweight bags at the airport...glad you managed to get through okay with the earphones drama as well.

Oh it was stress to the max but I made it through, didn't lose bags, nothing. All was fine and dandy in the end.

Your furbaby looks soo cute.

On her behalf, thank you. Granted pretty sure she knows it lol

Wowsers on the guy just sleeping throughout your flight...wish I could do that as well.

I was so shocked the flight attendants just let it happen. It was so strange, but yeah I'd love to be able to do that.

I love all your drink choices and can’t wait to try them on my next visit. I’m looking forward to meeting Coca Cola polar bear as well.

Most definitely! The Cool Headed Monkey is def one I'm going back to. And omg, yes you've got to meet him. I've had some pretty interesting interactions with him, he's fun.

The TSL advert looks cute :cutie: Looking forward to reading more :wizard:

It was very creative. Will post about check-in day as soon as I can. :thumbsup2
But whatever, I agreed to do this so Imma follow through like the good little TR vet I am.

Good boy. ;)

Then that bag I thought was overweight was 13 POUNDS OVERWEIGHT.

:faint: oh my goodness what did you have in there?

Literally thought I was gonna be detained or whatever, just had a quick pat down in the area and the TSA agent assured me I was good so I walked away no detaining heaven bless.

Pls don't get arrested before you even leave the state omg

however we were quick to note he knew NO English and if you know ANYTHING about Disney Springs and ride-sharing services... it can be a bit complicated if you've never been especially for drop-off

Uh I feel like an Uber driver in Orlando should probably know how Disney Springs drop off works even if their English isn't great.

Dude literally showed up to the party after shopping all day and in the midst of waiting for street tacos to show out with this women.

Sometimes you just gotta dance!

Looks like a fun evening at DS! I love that your dad came to help you get settled, it seems like you had a nice time together.
Sounds like a wonderful first day despite a few hiccups here and there!

Excited to read more! :)

It was. Definitely quite the journey to kick off these next 8 months lol

Good boy. ;)

I try.

:faint: oh my goodness what did you have in there?

Clothing, shoes, etc and just lots of it. I also had a bottle of coins that I keep so it was QUITE heavy.

Pls don't get arrested before you even leave the state omg

I was doing my best with little sleep lol

Uh I feel like an Uber driver in Orlando should probably know how Disney Springs drop off works even if their English isn't great.

Maybe they did, but the communication was just nonexistent so still no way of knowing. We got there in one piece that's all that mattered to us in the end.

Sometimes you just gotta dance!


Looks like a fun evening at DS! I love that your dad came to help you get settled, it seems like you had a nice time together.

Looks like a fun evening at DS! I love that your dad came to help you get settled, it seems like you had a nice time together.

It was and yeah, so glad he was there. It definitely made everything so much less stressful though part of me missed the independence of moving in on my own, but y'know only the positives.

Living vicariously through your TR. Looks like you had a great start!

:welcome: It was and I hope you enjoy reading what's to come!
After that, we decided we would get ourselves together and Uber to Disney Spring. My dad was kinda over the traveling and we were hoping to partake in adult beverages so UBER IT WAS! We thought there might be a shuttle but all we saw was once that went to TTC and with my Disney knowledge I know that would be a JOURNEY to the Springs and back if we took that. Much quicker to Uber.
Uber is seriously the best at WDW!
Wow, you packed in a TON the first day. Seems like your Dad may be coming around a bit as far as Disney....he seems to really be having a great time. His reaction to the Coca Cola bear was just the cutest!
Joining in! How exciting for you, I will look for you this summer when we are there in August!

Looking forward to more adventures of a Disney CM
I love your trip reports! I'm so excited to be following along on this one!

Thank you and :welcome: Glad to have you along!

Uber is seriously the best at WDW!

It was so cheap. I was surprised because that is NOT the case at Disneyland. At all.

Wow, you packed in a TON the first day. Seems like your Dad may be coming around a bit as far as Disney....he seems to really be having a great time. His reaction to the Coca Cola bear was just the cutest!

We did, but it did poop us out and yeah he really is. Even though he complained about the humidity after the fact he was on the move more than I was. And yeah, him with the Coca Cola polar bear was priceless.

Joining in! How exciting for you, I will look for you this summer when we are there in August!

Looking forward to more adventures of a Disney CM

:welcome: And definitely do! I love visitors!

Will be updating again soon. :teeth:
I saw this TR and had to go back and read about your Disneyland CP. I really wanted to do the program when I was in college, but never got up the courage to apply, so I'm excited to live vicariously through you! I'm excited for you to have an amazing experience!
I also get majorly anxious about getting to airports with enough time to spare to drop bags off and get through security so we were up at 3:30am for a 7am flight.

This is so me

Gosh, I wish I had that ability to sleep on flights, but alas I don't.

Again, same. The boys pass out and I'm like, HOW???



so we went into Hangar Bar, which I had been DYING to try.

I love this place!!

so he decided to follow up with a Cool Headed Monkey I believe it was called.

This is my favorite drink there. I do not recommend Reggie's Revenge, if you go back, very blah. Cool Headed Monkey is where it's at!

Really love talking with all these CMs and them being just as excited for me as I was.

This makes me so happy. I get all mushy over CMs who share the excitement and love for where they are.

I am loving your dad's excitement!!

Sounds like an exhausting but fun start to things!!
I saw this TR and had to go back and read about your Disneyland CP. I really wanted to do the program when I was in college, but never got up the courage to apply, so I'm excited to live vicariously through you! I'm excited for you to have an amazing experience!

:welcome: I'm so glad I can share this experience with you then. I know it's pretty daunting to apply to work for Disney. I encourage looking into Part Time or Full Time or Seasonal Positions if you are still interested. Either way, glad you enjoyed my last experience and are here to read about this one! :teeth:

This is so me

I feel so validated.

Again, same. The boys pass out and I'm like, HOW???

Again, wish I had that ability.


This is my favorite drink there. I do not recommend Reggie's Revenge, if you go back, very blah. Cool Headed Monkey is where it's at!

Duly noted, but tbh I'm just getting the CHM here on out.

This makes me so happy. I get all mushy over CMs who share the excitement and love for where they are.

It's just so reassuring and a nice energy to be around. Leads to a great interaction and makes your experience better.

I am loving your dad's excitement!!

Sounds like an exhausting but fun start to things!!

I was so shook by how excited he was. Again, I think he enjoys it all more than he cares to ever admit.

It was, but yes very fun. And so much more fun to come!

Okay, sounds like there was a liiiiiiiittle stress getting to MCO, BUT! Like I said, YOU'RE FINALLY HOME!!

Sista Vista... I miss her. :sad: Thank you for the passing pic :lovestruc

Looks like a qt set-up at this Fairfield Inn! Fairfield, as a general rule, is one of my favorite motel chains, so it looks like you made the perfect choice :thumbsup2

Your Pre-Program evening at DS is giving me ALLLLLL THE FEEEEEEELLLLSSSSS. Bringing me back to the night before check-in 2016 when I finally gave you a big squeeze!!

Can't wait to read more babe!

I AM! Please come join me soon.

Okay, sounds like there was a liiiiiiiittle stress getting to MCO, BUT! Like I said, YOU'RE FINALLY HOME!!

All worth it in the end.

Sista Vista... I miss her. :sad: Thank you for the passing pic :lovestruc

She misses you too!!

Looks like a qt set-up at this Fairfield Inn! Fairfield, as a general rule, is one of my favorite motel chains, so it looks like you made the perfect choice :thumbsup2

It was really nice and I think that was my first time at a Fairfield and I definitely agree it's one of the better ones I've stayed in. I missed the closeness of the Wyndham though.

Your Pre-Program evening at DS is giving me ALLLLLL THE FEEEEEEELLLLSSSSS. Bringing me back to the night before check-in 2016 when I finally gave you a big squeeze!!

*sobs violently* The moment that everything changed. We gonna have an even bigger squeeze when I run into you in August. Tears everywhere.
Not gonna lie, gonna miss my furbaby princess the mostest.
Ugh yes that is so hard! Hopefully the fam sends you lots of pics and lets you facetime.

how could my theater kid heart not?
Okay I saw the Waitress shirt and was going to ask if you were a theater kid but you answered for me. Theater kid solidarity.

Wow a semi stressful travel day followed by fun and lots of drinks at DS in the heat! You must have been exhausted. Excited to see how check in went and how things are starting out for you for this round!
I'm so glad you're writing a trip report about this College Program too. I enjoy reading along on your journey. Good luck!


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