The What's For Dinner Thread - March '11 (recipe index in OP)

Janice- Glad your feeling better!

Jen- I thought you would be out of your home for longer than a night. I'm sorry for J's busdriver, what a wonderful person to make sure he got home safe.

Becky- Sounds like the perfect way to spend the weekend. Beachcomber is on Cahoon Hallow Beach. The next time you are in the area, I really think you would like a restaurant called "Abba" in Orleans. The chef/owner is Israili and the other chef is Thai, it's a fusion of the two and very popular.

Ellen- Hope you had fun at Grandparent's day. My kiddo is a July baby, so she is on the young side. I wish someone had suggested keeping her back a year, I think she'd fit in a bit better with the younger kids.

Okay, need to get some work done around the house.
My parents invited us for dinner tonight, so we had cheeseburgers with them. I was starving -- I spend a lot of hours at work looking at pictures of food -- so it was good. My boss introduced me to the most amazing snack today. The brand is Danielle's and they are coconut chips. SO GOOD.

Jen -- I am so glad your family and your home are safe. The bus driver should be commended for completing the route after receiving such terrible news.

Princess -- That looked like quite the meal!

Nancy -- Enjoy the weekend! It will go by fast, so take time to capture the memories.

Janice -- I am glad you are starting to feel better.

Ellen -- I hope you had fun at Grandparents Day. Enjoy the weekend!

Kat -- I hope you got a good meal tonight.

The next time you are in the area, I really think you would like a restaurant called "Abba" in Orleans. The chef/owner is Israili and the other chef is Thai, it's a fusion of the two and very popular.

That sounds awesome!
Jen - I'm so glad you have water and power and that you're all safe. Fires are not fun and the randomness of one person's property surviving whilst another is burnt just never makes sense. But the key thing now is picking up the pieces and getting on with life. I hope you and your community get through and pick up quickly.

Aimee - Rest, rest, rest. :hug:

Glynis - Hope the bowling went well. And thanks for that pancake recipe. When blueberries are a little cheaper, I'm going to try it.

Marilyn - Hope you're staying dry still.

Ellen - Have fun this weekend.

Janice - Have more Chicken Noodle Soup. It's good for the soul.

Robin - I'm mentally filing away Abba in my mind. Don't know when I'll be in New Orleans but it's on my bucket list.

Stay safe all and have a good weekend.

DH is on a plane bound for California right now. DS and I are chilling out at home. We're planning on pasta carbonara for dinner tonight.
Aimee- stay in bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janice- I know that you are feeling better but keep resting! There was a nasty virus going around here and it lasted around 3 weeks so make sure your nasty bug is really gone!

Glynis- last summer Buddy and I had breakfast at IHOP in Daytona Beach and had Minion pancakes. They were lightly lemony and when I saw PW's I immediately could taste them! Now I want pancakes!

Laura- we had burgers last Monday and even though I had steak or chicken in the fridge I craved a good summer meal. Nothing tastes better than burgers and dogs on the grill!
Oh my goodness! Half my post is gone!

Oh well, short version.
Marilyn- stay safe, this weather has hit your area and it is worrisome!

Jen- I saw your post and am thanking god you are safe and your home is not gone. My heart stopped for the bus driver, I cannot imagine having the presence of mind to think of others when receiving such devastating news.

Ellen- Donny started school at 5 and he was a young 5. He did have a tough time but honestly, he did not mature until last year :rotfl: Okay maybe he matured at work but we did not see it too much at home and I hear from Anna that he is just pretending to be a grownup. Looking back, he would have benefited from an additional year home. I volunteered in Kady's classrooms and believe me............most of the boys are in the same boat as Ethan so while you see his struggles and worry about his maturity other parents are worrying about the same issue. The boys all even out, just a tad later than the girls. :hug:

We are alike, Buddy tries to figure out who is who in my WFD network of friends and I need to give him references. Creole tomatoes for my Nola gals, (sandwich man understands that) Iron Chef women for our Boston area girls. He knows you and Doug because he remembers the cattle ;). It took years but everyone is now real to him.

Robin- I don't envy your decision to seek a new position. You love what you do but I believe that if this job is right for you it will also be one that you enjoy. Good luck!

Kat- I have a few folks in my family who will be secretly hoping the Saints take it to the end. The last time the New Orleans food theme was a hit and it is the only time I planned a theme meal for Super Bowl. Now no one but Donny, who only watches FB when he is stuck here on a Sunday, will admit it but I know .................
So dinner last night went well. We really enjoyed Anna's folks, thank goodness! I baked a spiral ham glazed with Dijon and brown sugar. Mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus, glazed carrots, and pineapple bake. Pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting and a David's truffle cake for dessert. Appetizers were minimal, cheese crackers and grapes. I was going to serve bruschetta on crackers spread with cream cheese but decided that no one would eat dinner. This is really good BTW. You need a really thick full flavored bruschetta and a sturdy salty cracker. So Good!!!!!!!!!!!! So simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight I am going to Ted's Montana Grill with the girls. Dan is hosting a dinner for Donny so we are on our own. Anna's dad has opted not to attend :confused3 so we decided not to call her and her Mom to join us. It is awkward so we do not want to call attention to this by asking the girls to come out with us knowing Donny will be gone as well. I hope we did the right thing but who knows?

I am working today so I farmed out an errand to Marisa. She is going to the wine supply store to have my labels made. Donny and Daniel do not drink so I am going to have labels made for some sparkling cider with the wedding date as well.

Thanks for talking me off the ledge, I know that everything will get done and honestly now that Anna's folks are here I have less to think about. I just get myself frazzled but the girls will make sure I don't turn into a banshee ;)
Thanks for the advice, stern talks, and advice. I can finally cough now so things are starting to move more. Still need a break when walking from room to room so I'm attempting to be as stationary as possible.

Princess, love all that food porn! That dinner out looks amazing!

I will be doing no cooking so DH will pick up something for us tonight. Since I was originally going to be at a retreat tonight, we don't have anything on hand to make.

I'm hoping you're doing even better today! :hug:

Jen- I thought you would be out of your home for longer than a night. I'm sorry for J's busdriver, what a wonderful person to make sure he got home safe.

Honestly, we did too. It feels very strange to know we got to walk right back into our house while the people right down the street have no home to come back to. :guilty:

Jen - I'm so glad you have water and power and that you're all safe. Fires are not fun and the randomness of one person's property surviving whilst another is burnt just never makes sense. But the key thing now is picking up the pieces and getting on with life. I hope you and your community get through and pick up quickly.

We're a very small community. Somewhere around 2,000 people. The good thing about small communities is that they really band together in times like this.

So dinner last night went well. We really enjoyed Anna's folks, thank goodness! I baked a spiral ham glazed with Dijon and brown sugar. Mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus, glazed carrots, and pineapple bake. Pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting and a David's truffle cake for dessert. Appetizers were minimal, cheese crackers and grapes. I was going to serve bruschetta on crackers spread with cream cheese but decided that no one would eat dinner. This is really good BTW. You need a really thick full flavored bruschetta and a sturdy salty cracker. So Good!!!!!!!!!!!! So simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight I am going to Ted's Montana Grill with the girls. Dan is hosting a dinner for Donny so we are on our own. Anna's dad has opted not to attend :confused3 so we decided not to call her and her Mom to join us. It is awkward so we do not want to call attention to this by asking the girls to come out with us knowing Donny will be gone as well. I hope we did the right thing but who knows?

I am working today so I farmed out an errand to Marisa. She is going to the wine supply store to have my labels made. Donny and Daniel do not drink so I am going to have labels made for some sparkling cider with the wedding date as well.

Thanks for talking me off the ledge, I know that everything will get done and honestly now that Anna's folks are here I have less to think about. I just get myself frazzled but the girls will make sure I don't turn into a banshee ;)

It already sounds like you're off on a wonderful journey. It will continue that way! :hug:


Good morning. It was amazing sleeping in our own beds last night. It never felt so good.

Today we're going to the butcher for some meat to smoke :-)teeth:) and then on a few more errands. Yum. I love smoked pig. :lmao:

I don't know if we'll smoke it today or tomorrow. But, one day that's dinner and the other I'm making chicken parmesan.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I know we will!
Laura – Last night’s dinner was just ok with me. I let Johnny decide where we were going and he chose Texas Roadhouse. In a city with all this amazing seafood he chooses this?:rolleyes:

Princess – I hope your DH arrived safely in CA. Enjoy your time with your boy!

Nan – Glad to hear some of y’all will be secretly cheering for us. Our food is what makes us, isn’t it?:goodvibes I think you made the right call on that awkward situation with Anna’s Dad.

WFD - Bacon wrapped chipotle shrimp, charred corn relish and rice pilaf.
WOW I thought I posted here this morning:confused3

Nancy :hug:

I forgot all what I wanted to say.

WFD is chinese takeout. That is all that I can think about right now, it has been to long and my poor brain is overloaded with possiblities:upsidedow

I will try to come back after I am fed and can think straight
Aimee - I missed you gettin sick but it looks like Nan/Janice did a good enough job of naggin you to get checked and rest. :hug:

Ellen - A BOY...A BOY...youse are havin...A BOY !! :yay::yay::yay:

Kat - I need you to keep postin the F&W count down on FB so I can live it out on your wall.
Its killin me not being able to shout out about it !!!!!

Glad everyone is safe and dryin out from the storms.

Tropical Storm Katia looks to be headin ower here....Tropical storm and Scotland, not everyday you see those words in the same sentence !!!!!! :confused:
I'm also stressin about gettin tickets to see the Saints.

There are still tickets available but you have to purchase thru Ticket master.
The game is on Sunday the 16th and as we leave Friday the 7th I'm stressin they will not get here in time !!!!!!
I'm also stressin about gettin tickets to see the Saints.

There are still tickets available but you have to purchase thru Ticket master.
The game is on Sunday the 16th and as we leave Friday the 7th I'm stressin they will not get here in time !!!!!!

Doesn't ticket master let you print out the tickets online? Could you have them sent to your resort? Can they leave them at will call at the stadium?
So dinner last night went well. We really enjoyed Anna's folks, thank goodness!

Nan, so glad things are going well!! I'm sure you're exhausted :hug:

Today we're going to the butcher for some meat to smoke :-)teeth:) and then on a few more errands. Yum. I love smoked pig. :lmao:

I don't know if we'll smoke it today or tomorrow. But, one day that's dinner and the other I'm making chicken parmesan.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I know we will!

So jealous!!

Pneumonia update - ignore if you don't care :laughing: :
I don't think I'm any better, really... matter of fact, I woke up this morning gasping for breath and burst into tears - which does not help matters! As a kid with asthma in the mid-80s, I was the only one in my school that had it. They wouldn't let me keep my inhaler with me so anytime I got wheezy, which was often back then, I would start crying and panicking and that usually led to an ER visit. It's still my gut instinct reaction, I guess!

I got another nebulizer med this morning and have been using that, hoping to see some improvement. I think it just will take time.

DH went out of town and my dad came to stay the whole day with me :lovestruc He's got me things, let the dogs in and out (and in and out), drove me to Starbucks, etc. He brought home some mexican food for my dinner. I just had to deal with college football all day in exchange!

Dr wants a followup x-ray the middle of next week and stressed that if it gets any worse, to head to the ER. No worries - I will be there in a heartbeat if this breathing gets any worse. I don't mess around with my asthma. As a high schooler, I spent 3 days in ICU thanks to it and would rather not repeat it!

Other than that, the steroids have me absolutely wired and not sleeping but I can't leave the recliner. It's maddening! :laughing:
Pneumonia update - ignore if you don't care :laughing: :
I don't think I'm any better, really... matter of fact, I woke up this morning gasping for breath and burst into tears - which does not help matters! As a kid with asthma in the mid-80s, I was the only one in my school that had it. They wouldn't let me keep my inhaler with me so anytime I got wheezy, which was often back then, I would start crying and panicking and that usually led to an ER visit. It's still my gut instinct reaction, I guess!

I got another nebulizer med this morning and have been using that, hoping to see some improvement. I think it just will take time.

DH went out of town and my dad came to stay the whole day with me :lovestruc He's got me things, let the dogs in and out (and in and out), drove me to Starbucks, etc. He brought home some mexican food for my dinner. I just had to deal with college football all day in exchange!

Dr wants a followup x-ray the middle of next week and stressed that if it gets any worse, to head to the ER. No worries - I will be there in a heartbeat if this breathing gets any worse. I don't mess around with my asthma. As a high schooler, I spent 3 days in ICU thanks to it and would rather not repeat it!

Other than that, the steroids have me absolutely wired and not sleeping but I can't leave the recliner. It's maddening! :laughing:

I'm crossing my fingers for you. I hope you feel better very soon. :hug:


Well, our pig didn't turn out as planned. :lmao: We went to the butcher and he didn't have any pig butts, so we had to settle for a ham.

It was all right, but it wasn't what we wanted, kwim? :confused3 I made some baked beans and fresh corn to go along with it. It was a good dinner, but I hate having to settle.

Other than that, we rested today. After the last few days, we needed it. I'm so glad tomorrow is only Sunday!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
Nancy - I hope the wedding went well and that you've taken time out for yourself to chil-lax. Your dinner sounds yummy! :lovestruc

Jen - Glad that you're home and getting back into normal routine. Hope your neighbours get help and things sorted out quickly.

Kat - DH safely arrived in Cali AND started to SHOP!!!! :headache: DS and I always enjoy our time together; but part of the family is missing...:sad2:

Janice - Maybe you did post and it went into the Dis Black Hole. Seems that someone else I know had the same experience.

Vickie - When and how are you telling the family?

Aimee - REST! REST! REST! Is there any other drugs that will help?

Okay. I have another one of those meals for dinner tonight....with what seems normal for me but will seem like an "unusual" ingredient. I've taken pictures...will need to see how they turn out and if they are porn worthy. Might take me longer than normal to upload as I don't seem to have as much free time this week. :rolleyes1
WFD is pork chops with apple cider cream gravy, potatoes and green beans. Kind of a oktoberfest menu

Aimee I am glad you are following this closely with your doctor. You should have started to feel a little better. I am glad you Dad is watching out for you. :hug: My dad had more of the mothering instinct than my mom:upsidedow. wow I really miss that man.:sad1:

Princess That black hole and I are old menesises.;)
Aimee - Take care and rest or we'll have Vickie pay you a visit.;)

WFD - Italian roast and linguine with Becky's slow braised broccoli.
WFD is pork chops with apple cider cream gravy, potatoes and green beans. Kind of a oktoberfest menu

Aimee I am glad you are following this closely with your doctor. You should have started to feel a little better. I am glad you Dad is watching out for you. :hug: My dad had more of the mothering instinct than my mom:upsidedow. wow I really miss that man.:sad1:

Princess That black hole and I are old menesises.;)

I'd love the recipe for your gravy! We are having a pork loin roast today, and that would be great!


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