The What's For Dinner Thread - March '11 (recipe index in OP)

Aimee...girl, please take care of yourself. I'm worried about you. Pneumonia is nothing fun or anything to play around with.


I'm posting from the hotel the town over. UncleR, me, J and Big C evacuated after the wildfires got within 2 minutes from our house. I was driving home from work (about 45 minutes away) and saw a fire in the distance that appeared to be in the direction of our town. As I drove closer, I realized it was IN my town. As I got even closer, I realized it was right near our home. All I wanted to do was to get home to my family. I've never been so happy to drive down my driveway and see my wife.

J was coming home on the bus at the time and the bus company called and said that they were telling them they couldn't get through on the highway. Luckily, they did allow them through. We packed up us, the animals (dogs AND cats) and came to the hotel. The hotel has been wonderful, they even gave us a discount on a room for the night. And the owner wished us well.

We've heard that the fire melted through the electric lines and that electricity will be out for some time. There is also no water and we have no idea when either service will be back up.

But, we're safe. And we're together.

I took one picture before we backed out of the driveway.


This is just the part we could see through the trees.

To all of you on FB, thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot.
Well... it appears I have pneumonia. Waiting on XRay result but he's treating it as such

Please, please, just rest and relax. I know it is hard for someone as driven as you, but if you don't you will regret it. Even if you are feeling better you really should rest some more. You need to give your lungs time to heal. A week at least of rest, and 10 days is better. I am not kidding, and I speak from experience with multiple pneumonias. It might not feel like you are "super sick" but you must rest or it will get worse. Of course your doctor will give all the specific instructions on dealing with it. :)

I'm posting from the hotel the town over. UncleR, me, J and Big C evacuated after the wildfires got within 2 minutes from our house.

I am glad you and your family are safe. I hope your home also remains safe. :hug:
I'm posting from the hotel the town over. UncleR, me, J and Big C evacuated after the wildfires got within 2 minutes from our house. I was driving home from work (about 45 minutes away) and saw a fire in the distance that appeared to be in the direction of our town. As I drove closer, I realized it was IN my town. As I got even closer, I realized it was right near our home. All I wanted to do was to get home to my family. I've never been so happy to drive down my driveway and see my wife.

Glad you're all safe. Wish we could share some of our rain with you. :hug:

Had another TS role through tonight. Still have a possibility of rain for the next two days. :headache:
Some of the water has receded but we are due for more rain today. The one road was opened back up but the water is only about a yard away from the shoulder of the road. :scared:


Well middle school is a success! She loves it, I can't even feel sad her being in middle school already because she is so excited. Speaking of a success, I just got back from a job interview that went really well, they'll let me know next week if I get a second interview. Cross your fingers!

Everything is crossed! Hope you get the job.

DS? I am sure you meant DH so - Safe travels to him and prayers for the single parent time.

Yes....typo. It is DH that is travelling solo and me the single parent to DS. :rolleyes1

Here are some pictures of things I cooked on the Cape this weekend. And here is what I made for dinner last night: cod in a spicy tomato soup:


Princess, thanks for the camera information. As I said I am still learning and right now really prefer my kit lens. I may change my mind with more practice.

Love :lovestruc the food! Your spicy tomato soup inspired me to have a tomato, red pepper and chicken soup for lunch today. :laughing:

I have the Canon 50mm f/1.8 and it does take a little getting used to. Stick with it...its a nice lens. But I do prefer my zoom as well.

And I realised I didn't answer your earlier question. I used both raw and cooked prawn because the raw prawn was coming up to the use-by period in my freezer. I hadn't realised that I needed to use it up...but had already taken the cooked prawn out for the dish. :)

Well... it appears I have pneumonia. Waiting on XRay result but he's treating it as such. This morning, I couldn't walk across the room without stopping to rest bc my breathing was so shallow. I called my asthma doc and they got me in first thing. I was there 2 hrs, got the works, and while my breathing is still not anywhere near what it should be, I'm better. My fever is on and off so I go between sweating and freezing :laughing:

I canceled my retreat for the weekend which made me sad but I'm in no shape to lead anything. DH is picking up all my meds on his way home. He's also picking up dinner - wings and fries.

I slept all afternoon and hope to be doing more of that this weekend.

:scared1: Look after yourself! :hug:

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes for Caili! It was a very small celebration yesterday, since the kids had school, I had work, everyone else had work and Caili had ballet. The real party is Saturday. Dinner tonight was leftover Chinese food for Caili, a burrito for Liam and some of the leftover Chinese food, some fried rice and green beans for me.

Hope the party goes well!

I'm posting from the hotel the town over. UncleR, me, J and Big C evacuated after the wildfires got within 2 minutes from our house. I was driving home from work (about 45 minutes away) and saw a fire in the distance that appeared to be in the direction of our town. As I drove closer, I realized it was IN my town. As I got even closer, I realized it was right near our home. All I wanted to do was to get home to my family. I've never been so happy to drive down my driveway and see my wife.

J was coming home on the bus at the time and the bus company called and said that they were telling them they couldn't get through on the highway. Luckily, they did allow them through. We packed up us, the animals (dogs AND cats) and came to the hotel. The hotel has been wonderful, they even gave us a discount on a room for the night. And the owner wished us well.

We've heard that the fire melted through the electric lines and that electricity will be out for some time. There is also no water and we have no idea when either service will be back up.

But, we're safe. And we're together.

I took one picture before we backed out of the driveway.


This is just the part we could see through the trees.

To all of you on FB, thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot.

The countdown is well and truly on for me at work as the project I'm working on is nearly complete.

We (well....I) planned a farewell dinner for the core team members that are still remaining in the wind-down period. The restaurant of choice was The Flower Drum; an institution all by itself in Melbourne...legendary service, superb Cantonese cuisine and an amazing track record for being one of those establishments that has managed to stay at the top of the restaurant tree for well over 30 years now.

Being the main instigator of, what I've dubbed, the Woo Hoo :woohoo: dinner and also being keeper of the purse on the project, we naturally gravitated towards the Chinese equivalent of the degustation menu; complete with wine matching. And the thing about being Chinese? We aren't talking about portion sizes fit for ants here...

I'll let the food do the talking; because all I'd be doing is going WOW! Delicious! for every single thing I ate. It's been close on 24 hours and I'm still in a food coma.

The first Farmed Jade Tiger Abalone, thinly sliced and wok tossed with spring onions. Served with prawn and shrimp sauces.


Second appertizer. South Australian King George Whiting fried in a crispy batter and served with fresh lemon juice and 5 spice powder.


Third appertizer. Quail Sang Choi Bao - minced quail meat cooked together with chinese sausage, ****ake mushroom, bamboo shoots and spring onions; served in a lettuce leaf cup.


First main course or entree. Fresh South Australian Crayfish, wok cooked with house-made chilli XO sauce, served on a bed of egg noodles.


Second main course. Peking Duck!! Not just one....


...but two serves each!


Third main course. Black Angus rib eye beef cooked medium rare, dressed in a black pepper sauce with seasonal vegetables.....


....served with Special Fried Rice.


I didn't hold much hope for dessert. Afterall, the Chinese aren't exactly famous for desserts....and sure enough....we were offered the choice of Deep Fried Ice Cream or Banana Fritters.
None of us could make a choice; so, we got offered one of each.


Surprisingly adequate!

And to go with coffees and teas, the kitchen brought out huge plates of house made Almond Biscuits.


I'd like to go back to sleep now!


ps. I've just realised that the Dis doesn't like that particular type of mushroom!! Can I call it Chitake mushroom?
Haven't read back but wanted to ask for prayers and good thoughts for Goofyluver & Uncle R, they had to evacuate, the wildfires were just minutes away from their home.:sad1:

I just checked in ans saw the pic that Jen posted. stay safe dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am worried about you!

Aimee- please listen to Becky, you are worn out and are so used to that you feel normal. REST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glynis- I really like PW show! I was drooling over the pancakes.

Laura- you have no reason to feel guilty. Between you, your Mom and Becky you have the best fed kids on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess- I want to know how to get a job on your projects!

I chuckle at you football fanatics! I have been watching FB with Buddy for over 30 years. Every week I will ask the same questions and he will explain what just happened. My DH is not known for his patience but in 30 years he has answered the same thing every way from Sunday knowing that in about an hour I will ask it once again sort of. For 30 long years he behaves like each time I am asking for the first time :dance3: Ans he still only drinks lemonade while :happytv:

Okay Ladies, I am officially disjointed and will probable make no sense for a week. Tonight we are entertaining Donny's new IL's. Baked ham, mashed potatoes and :confused3 I will figure it out in a bit.

I asked Anna's Mom to join us at the B&B to finalize the menu. They are serving roasted chicken, stuffed roast pork and stuffed shrimp for their wedding meal so I wanted to avoid that. We are serving chicken Francais, Yankee pot roast, a mixture of roasted potatoes and veggies, mixed green salad with no Spring greens ( Buddy hates them) rolls and butter. Apple Crisp and whipped cream for dessert. No ice cream because the happy couple has added an ice cream bar to their dinner the next day.

My gift to Anna is the night of the rehearsal she and her family and bridal girls will be staying at the B&B. Lorraine will pamper her and make sure that they all get breakfast and will serve them a light lunch when they all meet back from hair, makeup etc.

After tonight I am concentrating on me. I have to get my house in order and me as well, I feel like I am running in circles so i have to settle down.
Warm Snowpeas, Cherry Tomato and Sweet Chilli Sauce

This recipe has been adapted from a warm string bean and cherry tomato salad. It seems to work well with either snowpea or string beans.

My starting ingredients:


  • Snowpeas, about 1/2 kilo (or 1 lb)
  • Cherry tomatoes, 1 punnet
  • Garlic, 1 clove
  • Dressing - 2 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce, 1 tablespoon soya sauce, 1 tablespoon water
  • Oil

In a pan (or wok), heat the oil and quickly toss the garlic and cherry tomatoes.


Add the snowpeas and toss for a minute or so.
NOTE: I had forgotten to par-cook the snowpeas (or string beans). You place the vegetables on a plate and cook in a moderate microwave for about 2 minutes. Because I'd forgotten to do this, I stir fried the snow peas for 3 - 4 minutes; but this resulted in the tomatoes being a little overcooked!


Add the dressing...


...and mix all the ingredients together.


My dish!


This makes a wonderful accompaniment to a meat or fish dish; or a warm salad at a BBQ.

Princess- I want to know how to get a job on your projects!

Okay Ladies, I am officially disjointed and will probable make no sense for a week. Tonight we are entertaining Donny's new IL's. Baked ham, mashed potatoes and :confused3 I will figure it out in a bit.

I asked Anna's Mom to join us at the B&B to finalize the menu. They are serving roasted chicken, stuffed roast pork and stuffed shrimp for their wedding meal so I wanted to avoid that. We are serving chicken Francais, Yankee pot roast, a mixture of roasted potatoes and veggies, mixed green salad with no Spring greens ( Buddy hates them) rolls and butter. Apple Crisp and whipped cream for dessert. No ice cream because the happy couple has added an ice cream bar to their dinner the next day.

My gift to Anna is the night of the rehearsal she and her family and bridal girls will be staying at the B&B. Lorraine will pamper her and make sure that they all get breakfast and will serve them a light lunch when they all meet back from hair, makeup etc.

After tonight I am concentrating on me. I have to get my house in order and me as well, I feel like I am running in circles so i have to settle down.

Have a great time with the wedding....just remember to breathe in and breathe out. Have fun!

And....I'm a very hard task master. But stick to schedule and deliver, you'll do just fine! :thumbsup2
Jen I am sadden but really glad you and Uncle R and all are safe. Praying for relief from the fires I hope you are spared. :hug:

I am getting better, I did finally sleep through the night :worship: I recover slowly cause I can't take antibotics. I have become allergic to so many of them my doc and I thought it would be best to save the them for serious stuff.

Aimee You can do your own breathing treatment. Get yourself to a bathroom and just sit there with the shower going. The steam will loosen you up in a pinch. We had to do that more than once with my brother.
Okay Ladies, I am officially disjointed and will probable make no sense for a week. Tonight we are entertaining Donny's new IL's. Baked ham, mashed potatoes and :confused3 I will figure it out in a bit.

I asked Anna's Mom to join us at the B&B to finalize the menu. They are serving roasted chicken, stuffed roast pork and stuffed shrimp for their wedding meal so I wanted to avoid that. We are serving chicken Francais, Yankee pot roast, a mixture of roasted potatoes and veggies, mixed green salad with no Spring greens ( Buddy hates them) rolls and butter. Apple Crisp and whipped cream for dessert. No ice cream because the happy couple has added an ice cream bar to their dinner the next day.

My gift to Anna is the night of the rehearsal she and her family and bridal girls will be staying at the B&B. Lorraine will pamper her and make sure that they all get breakfast and will serve them a light lunch when they all meet back from hair, makeup etc.

After tonight I am concentrating on me. I have to get my house in order and me as well, I feel like I am running in circles so i have to settle down.

Everything will be great! Just breathe! :hug:

And Princess...those pics from the restaurant look just heavenly!


They're saying that the fire is just about contained. However, it melted through the power lines and that is what (along with no water) is what will prevent us from going home.

We survived the night in the hotel, happily, because we have a home and we're okay.

I'm not going in to work today because of everything so I have an unplanned 3-day weekend.

I'm feeling thankful. And I'm incredibly thankful for all of the good thoughts both here and on FB. So, thank you to you all. :hug:
Jen- So glad your safe and together, but so sorry you are going through this, I can't even begin to imagine. Glad your animals were able to come with you. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

Princess- Love the abalone served in it's shell. We do baked stuffed clams in the shell but thats it. I do hate the sound of the fork touching the shell but it looks amazing. I also love those almond cookies.

Nancy- Hope you get to relax and have a great time!

Becky- Were you in Chatham when you saw the seal. Our water is pretty turned up now (and as you know cold!) because of Irene and Katia, I was wondering if it would bring in "unfinished meals." What did you all do on the cape?

Aimee- REST!!! Your not going to do anybody any good if you stay sick longer than you need to be.

Thamks all for the well wishes on the job. It would be very bittersweet, I really do love my job but there is such a slim chance of it ever becoming year round.

Tonight is the pierogies and keilbasa we didn't have last night, we had meatloaf instead- I needed the leftovers to make sandwiches for lunch. Have a great day all.
Good morning!

Jen - I'm so glad to hear that you and your family are safe! I'm crossing my fingers that the power and water can be restored easily and soon. In the meantime, enjoy your 3 day weekend, and just bask in the feeling of a safe family!

Marilyn - Here's hoping you can stay dry!

Nancy - Just breathe in and out, and things will be fine! Try to enjoy it all, as much as you can, as well!

Aimee - Don't mess around with pneumonia! Please take it easy, and let your body heal!

Janice - I hope you are feeling better soon, too! Rest and heal!

Kathy - I don't get to see PW's show, as we cancelled our cable subscription, but I'm glad you got to see it. I should really see if it can be watched online! I have loved every recipe of hers that I've tried, and these pancakes were delicious! The kids raved about them, and wanted more. I think next time, I'll double the recipe! It was easy to put together, too!

Today is bowling! I'm excited to get to leave and spend some time with grown ups! With Alan in school, it's becoming more and more important for me to find ways to get some "me" time! Thank heaven for bowling!

Dinner tonight is an "end of the summer" barbecue with some couples in our neighborhood. Katie will cook for the kids, and I've been assigned a dessert to bring. I'm thinking some kind of trifle!

Here's the link to the pancake recipe:

Just for the record, I used regular flour instead of cake flour, and they still turned out ok. The lemon fragrance was really pronounced while they were cooking, but the flavor was subtle. It was nice!
We're home and safe. And electric and water are on.

I know we weren't really inconvenienced. Especially because people (literally) across the street/highway lost their homes.

I'm so thankful. And I'm (and I'm speaking for UncleR too) incredibly thankful for all of you and your prayers and good thoughts.

Now for the emotional let-down. :lmao:

Aimee...thinking of you today! :hug:
Jen ~ I am so thankful!!! PTL that you all are ok. The house and such can be replaced - you can't. So glad you are all back in your home and all is ok. As far as prayers you need to know - We are a huge force!! So thankful this morning!! :hug:

Kat ~ I agree, my Daddy taught me early also. We lived in St. Louis when I was young and we had season tickets to Bush Stadium to watch the Cardinals. Those were some of my favorite childhood memories. I actually love to watch all sports. Doug used to say he had the best wife - he would come home in the middle of the day and I would be watching the Cubs play. I love baseball and YES I LOVE the CUBBIES!! Always will too.
So sorry that the Saints lost last night. Doug and I stayed up to watch. It was exciting.

Becky ~ OH how I love you. I would give my eye teeth for a dish of your Linguini, Lobster, clam and cod dish. Those are things I can only dream about .......but oh my it looked sooooooooo good.

Aimee ~ OK we really do need a stern Mother smilie on here. But since we don't just imaging there is one*******. Listen to your Doctor, your body and especially Becky. They are all right. Take care and when you start feeling better take some more care. PLEASE!!!!!

Laura ~ Ethan is really small for his age also. They started him in school at barely 5 (his birthday is in June). I begged them to wait another year but they listened to his Preschool teacher and sent him. They are now so regretting that decision. I am biting my tongue..........trying real hard to not say I told you so. Everyone is head and shoulder above him and I just don't see the maturity. It just makes me sad.

Merle ~ Stay safe my friend. The news just keeps getting worse up there.

Princess ~ Good job on a job well done. Your dinner looked wonderful.

Nan ~ OK lady - you and I are SO much alike, so please listen to me. PLEASE please please slow down. You have everything under control, you know you do. Everthing will be fine, and if not you can laugh at it later. Enjoy this time - because you know if you do - all will be just fine. You will be the judge of the attitude of everyone. ENJOY!!!!! And let everything else just fall away.

Janice ~ Please take care of you my friend. Take it easy and heal.

Robin ~ I so hope the job works out. You so deserve this.

Glynis ~ I so hope bowling is good this morning. Did you get a turkey?? ;)
Thanks so much for the link to the pancakes. I really need to try those.

TGIF, even though this was a short week I am so ready for the weekend.

Doug is on call so can't go into Lincoln for the game and I have decided I am not staying home with him. I have asked Elizabeth to go. Both the boys were going to be gone all weekend so she is going with me. Stephanie and Marty are going and we will be with Matthew. So my life is good!!!

Ethan called last night and asked us (Poppie and Me) to come to school today for Grandparents day. I can't wait - so much fun. He says there is a program and then special acitvities.

WFDT ~ Chicken enchilidias, Sopa, spanish rice and fresh quac.

Make it a great day my friends.
Becky- Were you in Chatham when you saw the seal. Our water is pretty turned up now (and as you know cold!) because of Irene and Katia, I was wondering if it would bring in "unfinished meals." What did you all do on the cape?

We found the seal in Eastham. That's where we stayed. We didn't do too much. We rented a house on the beach and so mostly just alternated between walking on the beach and sitting on the deck looking at the beach :laughing: We did go over to Wellfleet one day and had lunch at the Beachcomber and walked on the beach below it...can't remember the name. It has huge dunes. Oh, and we went to an agricultural fair in Truro. It was a really nice relaxing weekend.

We're home and safe. And electric and water are on.

I am glad you are home and that your utilities are restored.

Nancy, good luck with the big wedding weekend!

Glynis, have fun at bowling! I am a terrible bowler. I think the last time I played I scored a 28 :laughing:

Marilyn, has the flooding gone down yet?

WFD: something with bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. I have a lot of all of those in my house right now.
Marilyn, has the flooding gone down yet?

The lake and river behind my office have gone back down to almost normal levels. So far today the rain has stayed away.

On the news last night they were talking about one of the dams on the Susquehanna River here in MD that has opened almost 50 floodgates and they have had to evacuate several areas below it. They haven't opened that many gates since Hurricane Agnes came through back in the 70's.
I forgot to say on this thread that while the bus driver was driving J home, she got a call saying that her own home had burned. :guilty: And yet, they took the time out to call and reassure me and try to work with us on getting him home. It's enough to humble me forever.

And finally, back to life...for us...

What's for dinner? Capellini pomodoro. At my home. With my family. :hug:
Marilyn – Glad to hear you remain dry, praying the rain stops soon.:hug:

Jen – So happy y’all are home and all is well. Hug The story of the bus driver is very humbling. We had quite a few experiences during Katrina that were very similar.

Aimee – I agree with Becky, please take her advice!!!

Nan – I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend but listen to what has been said…take a breath and enjoy it!!!!

Janice – I’m glad you’re feeling better. That’s tough that you have become allergic to antibiotics.:hug:

Glynis – PW’s show is really unique. Her family is a big part of it, at least in the episode that I saw.

Ellen – I hope y’all enjoyed Grandparents Day!

WFD – Going out, not sure where yet. Still recovering from the loss last night. Our defense is not impressing me at all and that’s not good!
Aimee You can do your own breathing treatment. Get yourself to a bathroom and just sit there with the shower going. The steam will loosen you up in a pinch. We had to do that more than once with my brother.

I have a nebulizer at home... doing it every 4 hours right now. I don't have the energy for a shower :laughing:

We're home and safe. And electric and water are on.

I know we weren't really inconvenienced. Especially because people (literally) across the street/highway lost their homes.

I'm so thankful. And I'm (and I'm speaking for UncleR too) incredibly thankful for all of you and your prayers and good thoughts.

Now for the emotional let-down. :lmao:

So glad y'all are okay! I was thrilled to see on FB this morning that you were back and home with utilities on, to boot! I'm so sorry for all your friends and neighbors that weren't so lucky, though. I hope your community can find ways to rally around those families and help them through this time.

Thanks for the advice, stern talks, and advice. I can finally cough now so things are starting to move more. Still need a break when walking from room to room so I'm attempting to be as stationary as possible.

Princess, love all that food porn! That dinner out looks amazing!

I will be doing no cooking so DH will pick up something for us tonight. Since I was originally going to be at a retreat tonight, we don't have anything on hand to make.
Aimee The stern talks and advice are all given with lots of love. Glad you are listening to your body and resting.:hug:

Jen I am glad you were able to return to your home and all was well. I am sorry your neighbors were not so fortunate. Kuddos to your son bus driver that was so nice to let you know. I am so sorry she suffered in losing her home.It is so easy to say you can replace things but not people. It is hard to handle that when your "things" have memories attached to them.:hug:

Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling much better. This virus has done nothing to my hunger though:rolleyes1 I have done so much snacking and eating. I thought since I was popping advil and tynelol I should be eating right? Right, that what I thought, too! :rotfl2:

I made chicken noodle soup yesterday since I was home. I think we will have round two of that tonight.


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