Even though she doesn’t come here anymore, I still say @jevs is wrong for saying Vegemite is gross

I've long wondered, are Vegemite and Marmite the same? Similar? Not at all alike? I've developed a taste for Marmite, but I've never had Vegemite.
It has come to my attention that this pandemic is beginning to wear on people, and the result is a lot of pretty silly bickering over nothing, or sometimes next to nothing.

So, here's your "I WANT TO ARGUE!" thread.

There are some rules:
  • Pick what you want to fight about.
  • Please bring your own nits to pick.
  • Please provide an abundance of hairs to split.
  • Please limit all rants to no more than 18,000 words per post.
  • Please comply with the DIS's prohibitions against personal attacks and argumentative
It's on you, and it's all yours! FLAIL AWAY!

I have a few random ones. Here they are in no particular order:
  • DH better stop walking through the house while he's shout-talking on his conference calls or I will seriously lose my proverbial you-know-what. You have a man-cave for that. STAY IN IT!
  • My next door neighbor who is growing a forest of weeds in his front yard since way before corona virus took hold. They're home every single day. PICK YOUR DANG WEEDS!
  • People who compare training a puppy to raising a child. It's totally different. Raising a kid is way harder.
  • Nosy Neighbor (not Mr Weeds) who admits to spying out her bedroom window into our back yard...and who also asks me every year if the tree in my front yard is dead (it's not, it loses its leaves every winter, that's normal).
  • Self-entitled people who act like the corona virus quarantine advisories don't apply to them. Self-entitled snowflakes. They are not nice people.
  • How I want a tree to go in a particular spot in the yard, but the water won't drain out of the hole. DANG IT! THAT'S WHERE I WANT IT TO GO! BLANKETY BLANK BLANK!!
  • Some people better figure out soon what a 6' perimeter means or I'm going to start bringing a spray bottle with me to fend off the personal space invaders.
  • The lady at work complaining about slow VPN speeds into our corporate network can kiss my butt. The entire world started telecommuting within the last 2 weeks. EVERYBODY is dealing with this, so SHUT YOUR MOUTH ABOUT IT ALREADY! WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, LADY! IT'S NOT JUST YOU!
DH better stop walking through the house while he's shout-talking on his conference calls or I will seriously lose my proverbial you-know-what. You have a man-cave for that. STAY IN IT!
Thank goodness for the office we have! That would drive me bonkers if my husband was walking around like that.

On the downside the office is located on the same floor that I'm on throughout the day. There's been discussion of tv noise to phone conference voice levels going on throughout the days that's for sure :laughing:
How come when a doctor says don't touch your face I then feel the need to touch my face?

If China did such a great job quarantining and controlling the virus why has it spread throughout the world?

Do I still have to pay school taxes if I am teaching my own kids in my own house?

How come all the people complaining about others buying all the toilet paper and water were out themselves attempting to buy toilet paper and water? And if you had gotten there sooner and got your toilet paper and water would you be the ones that people were complaining about who bought up all the toilet paper and water?

Does the virus consider humans a virus?

Will hand sanitizer be a tier 1 fastpass when Disney reopens?

Will their still be people in the ROTR standby line waiting since before the park closed when they reopen (rhetorical)? Please, no serious responses.

Are the meatless options at Cosmic Ray's being tested as a possible vaccine that will kill the virus? If not they should be.
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Oh my -- target rich environment!
The toilet paper end goes under.
It most certainly DOES NOT. The end obviously goes on TOP...just like the end of the paper towels goes either on the top, or on the right side.

I mean, really -- this is just BASIC!
Whipped cream is yucky and so is frosting.
I'm not a big whipped cream fan -- but seriously, frosting is why we eat cake.
I have a few random ones. Here they are in no particular order:
  • DH better stop walking through the house while he's shout-talking on his conference calls or I will seriously lose my proverbial you-know-what. You have a man-cave for that. STAY IN IT!

Mine hasn't done that YET but he does insist on listening to podcasts with the phone speaker on. This is why headphones were invented! Use them!

are you talking about cool whip or aerosol in the can cream....because those are three different ends to themselves.

Both, actually. I like neither!

Oh my -- target rich environment!It most certainly DOES NOT. The end obviously goes on TOP...just like the end of the paper towels goes either on the top, or on the right side.

I mean, really -- this is just BASIC!
I'm not a big whipped cream fan -- but seriously, frosting is why we eat cake.


I actually scrape the frosting off unless it's the thinnest layer...
How come all the people complaining about others buying all the toilet paper and water were out themselves attempting to buy toilet paper and water? And if you had gotten there sooner and got your toilet paper and water would you be the ones that people were complaining about who bought up all the toilet paper and water?
OMG right!?

I've mentioned it on other threads that my mom won't stop bugging me for more toilet paper, she keeps asking for more. Mom asked on the 13, the 17, the 20th (when we did find 1 package of Angel Soft which was the 6 mega roll package=24 regular rolls for and she picked it up that day; I told her I wasn't buying her anymore for a while), the 21st and most recently the 25th. I never thought I would have to lecture a 61 year old on toilet paper buying 🤦‍♀️

This was a conversation on Wednesday (the 25th)



*I blacked out a mild curse word just in case.

It's hard to see but I put an arrow next to my SMH moment because she was complaining about the people who took all the toilet paper and I had told her psychologically many were probably thinking "I don't wan't to run out I know I have some just don't want to run out"..that's exactly her now.
The ONLY thing I'm anxious and worried about is which one of us is getting up in the AM to let the dogs out in the pouring rain.
Honestly people, get a dang grip.

Cool Whip and Miracle Whip are gross. While I accept some in my family may like Cool Whip, I will NEVER let Miracle Whip darken my doorstep.

I think if I had to pick between the two, I'd go LOTR/Hobbit over Harry Potter movies.

But really, I'm just here for the TP arguments. TEAM OVER THE TOP FOR THE WIN.
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I've actually had some guests have the nerve to replace the toilet paper the wrong way ;)
We have a dear friend who throws parties at least once a month. When this mess calms down, I am going to do that in her bathroom! And I'm gonna keep doing it until she figures out it's me!

Thanks for the tip!

ETA: For once, I'm not joking. Can't wait!
THAT'S IT!!!!! We were wondering why the guests never replaced the toilet paper..........
I always appreciate when they do replace it though lol and I replace it at other places...but I do admit I pay attention to the over under for other people's homes so I replace it the way they have it. It just gives me a chuckle when I see it replaced in my own home the under way..that's just wrong :laughing:

***I was using a teasing tone before about the guests having the nerve if that wasn't evident with my wink face :)
If there were ever a meme to represent this thread -- this would be it. Thanks BuckyBama!

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